ASHRAE’s Honors and Awards program recognizes the dedicated ASHRAE Members who give freely of their time and expertise to fulfill the Society’s mission of advancing the arts and sciences of HVAC&R to serve humanity and provide a sustainable world. Our award recipients exemplify the best in engineering and technology by continually bringing credit to the profession and the Society.
ASHRAE is proud of the many contributions its men and women have made on behalf of the Society and to our industry. We encourage you to help us recognize those members who deserve to be thanked by nominating them for an appropriate award.
Members Recognized at the 2024 Annual Conference in Indianapolis (June 2024)

Download the above flowchart for a quick overview of the different awards
ASHRAE's awards fall into one of six categories:
Personal Honors | Personal Awards for General Society Activities | Personal Awards for Specific Society Activities | Paper Awards | Society Awards to Groups or Chapters | Chapter and Regional Awards
Nominations for Personal Honors and Personal Awards for General Society Activities may be made by chapters, regions, committees or individual ASHRAE members. Nominations for Personal Awards for Specific Society Activities and Society Awards to Groups or Chapters are made by the committee which sponsors the award. Recommendations for Paper Awards are made by the Society Program Committee. Nominations for Regional Awards are made by the delegate from a candidate’s chapter at the Chapters Regional Conference (CRC).
Nomination deadlines can be found by clicking on the award below for more information.
All nominations and inquiries should be directed to:
Rhiannon Masterson, Honors and Awards Committee Staff Liaison | 678-539-1128 |
Chapter and Region Resources
Honors and Awards Program PowerPoint Presentation
Click for details on each award below:
Personal Honors
Personal Awards for General Society Activities
Paper Awards
Personal Awards for Specific Society Activities
Society Awards to Groups or Chapters
Chapter and Regional Awards
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ASHRAE Biographical Record Update
Nominations for most Society Honors and Awards require a current ASHRAE Biographical Record. You can create or update your ASHRAE Biographical Record and contact information using your member login.
If you do not have an ASHRAE ID, are not applying for ASHRAE membership, and are applying for a Society award that requires an current ASHRAE Biographical Record, you must set up an e-mail login and password. You may also use this link if you already have an ASHRAE ID as a non-member, but have no record of your ASHRAE ID.
Additional Honors and Awards Resources
Honors and Awards MOP
Honors and Awards Reference Manual
Approved H&A Minutes – 2024 Annual Conference (Indianapolis)
ASHRAE Honors and Awards Committee Reports Access
Please contact Rhiannon Masterson for H&A Committee reports.
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