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New TOC Release for STBE -- Vol. 31, Issue 2, February 2025
STBE is ASHRAE’s archival research publication offering comprehensive reporting of original research in science and technology related to the stationary and mobile built environment, including indoor environmental quality, thermodynamic and energy system dynamics, materials properties, refrigerants, renewable and traditional energy systems and related processes and concepts, integrated built environmental system design approaches and tools, simulation approaches and algorithms, building enclosure assemblies, and systems for minimizing and regulating space heating and cooling modes. The journal also features review articles that critically assess existing literature and point out future research directions.
Science and Technology for the Built Environment accepts for publication only works reporting on research that is original and of lasting value. This journal is published by Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of ASHRAE and included in the Web of Science® and Current Contents Connect®
databases. Science and Technology for the Built Environment is available online and as a printed volume.
ASHRAE members’ access to STBE will benefit firms, contractors, and other researchers through increased research transparency and access to cutting-edge technical information and case studies.
Subscriptions are Available in Print and Online Formats
ASHRAE offers free online access and reduced print subscription rates to ASHRAE members. Institutional and nonmember subscriptions can be obtained through Taylor & Francis.
Print Subscribers Receive:
- Access to all 10 issues published online, plus semiannual print editions (June and December).
- Unlimited online access to the downloadable version of the current issue.
- Online access to all previous issues, dating back to the journal's inception in 1995.
Online Subscribers Receive:
- Unlimited online access to the downloadable version of the current issue.
- Online access to all previous issues, dating back to the journal's inception in 1995.
Member Access: Science and Technology for the Built Environment
Members: you must be logged in as a member on to gain access.
Print-only subscriptions are available to members for $60 a year.
Or contact ASHRAE Customer Service for a print subscription:
(800) 527-4723 (U.S. and Canada)
(404) 636-8400 (Worldwide)
Nonmember Access: Science and Technology for the Built Environment
Nonmembers: Subscribe to STBE by clicking below.
Nonmember Subscription