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2021 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference

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2021 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference

November 10-12, 2021 | The Curtis Hotel, Denver, CO

NEW! Hybrid Format



ASHRAE will host its first hybrid conference for the annual Building Performance Analysis Conference November 10-12 in Denver, CO. Practitioners, vendors, researchers, utility and government officials, and owners will address the practices of energy modeling and building performance simulation using existing simulation tools, software development, and future simulation research and applications.

The anticipated conference program consists of Keynote Speakers, Invited Speakers, a Call for Presentations and the seventh ASHRAE LowDown Showdown. Special panels may be offered by industry leaders and organizations.

Conference attendees will have the option to gather in-person under CDC, hotel and ASHRAE Covid-19 safety restrictions and guidelines, or attend the conference live via a virtual platform. The virtual format will include a mixture of live and on-demand technical and interactive sessions.  

“ The past year has brought forward new challenges for the design and operation of new and existing buildings, in particular challenges related to the health and well being of occupants,” says John Bynum, conference chair. “Additionally, interest in embodied energy and operational emissions continues to grow across the industry due to regulatory and other drivers. This conference will provide an opportunity for building professionals across disciplines to share and learn about these topics and many others as we continue to work towards a better built environment. 

Thank you to our Sponsors

  • Technical Program

    The theme for the conference is “Design and Operation for Resilient and Healthy Buildings”.

    Building performance analysis professionals and practitioners were invited to submit proposals for individual presentations, panels or seminars that cover a broad range of topics addressing the needs of the building performance analysis community.


  • Commitment to Care

    2021 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference November 10-12 | Denver, CO.

    The 2021 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference in Denver will mark Society’s first in-person event since the COVID-19 pandemic. ASHRAE is committed to the health and safety of our members and conference attendees. ASHRAE is closely monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention for both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, the World Health Organization, and local health agencies regarding travel and events. ASHRAE’s Commitment to Care may evolve as the BPA Conference approaches and guidance and local restrictions change.

    In Advance of the Conference

    • When registering online for the conference, attendees will be asked to “accept” ASHRAE’s liability waiver.
    • Everyone attending the conference will need to register for the conference.
    • It is recommended that attendees either be fully vaccinated or receive a negative Covid-19 antigen test within 72 hours of departing for the conference.
    • Continue to check for updates in the “Health and Safety” section.

    At the Conference

    • Masks are required indoors, during sessions, meetings or any conference gathering.
    • Disposable masks will be available for attendees at the conference registration desk.
    • ASHRAE staff will set up a contact-less on-site registration process for obtaining your conference badge.
    • Color-coded lanyards will be available for attendees to add to their name badge to communicate their level of comfort regarding physical distance preferences.
      • Red: Please keep your distance
      • Yellow: Elbow/fist bumps are ok
      • Green: Handshakes/hugs are welcome
    • Meeting rooms will be set to allow some physical distancing for those who choose it.
    • Appropriate signage and floor decals to reinforce safety reminders.
    • Hand sanitizer stations will be positioned throughout the meeting space.
    • An on-site medical desk will be available with rapid antigen tests for attendees who may feel ill or require a negative test for return travel.
    • Attendees should complete a daily health screening questionnaire before entering the first session/meeting of each day.
    • The conference hotel is 5 Star Certified. Find more information on the hotel’s clean initiative here.

    After the Conference

    • If an attendee tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of leaving the conference, the attendee must notify ASHRAE staff immediately.
    • ASHRAE will communicate to attendees if needed up until 14 days after the last day of the conference.


    Last Update: Aug 16, 2021

  • LowDown Showdown

    The goal of the LowDown Showdown modeling competition is to engage participants in a collaborative and fun learning experience that explores new advances in building science, modeling and technology. Teams are comprised of building analysts, designers, architects, engineers and other participants. Teams will be responsible for creating the architectural design and a performance analysis model based on model building data. The teams may use any software or a combination of software to complete their projects.

    Each team will create and submit a poster of their building design, complete the performance analysis model and results spreadsheet and write a one-page narrative on project workflow. Teams will present their projects at the BPAC conference and be judged by a panel of industry experts who will select the winners. Teams will be judged on eight categories: Creativity, Innovative Approaches, Sustainability/Durability, Energy Use, Indoor Environmental Quality, Workflow, Teamwork and Presentation.

     For more details on the 2021 LowDown Showdown click here!

  • Pre-Conference Panels

    Pre-Conference Panels

    Two live virtual panels have been scheduled for Tuesday, November 9th, starting at 10:30 am (MT). Attendees must be registered for the conference to attend.

    Date: Tuesday, November 9
    Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

    Energy modeling, increasingly used for code and beyond-code compliance using rulesets like ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Performance Rating Method (Appendix-G), is complex, error-prone and currently requires manual verification. This seminar discusses ASHRAE Standard 229P, which will establish a BEM tool and ruleset independent framework to automatically verify the implementation of modeling rulesets. The Standard will facilitate the automation of submittal reviews and improve the consistency of compliance outcomes thereby reducing the burden on rating authorities and jurisdictions that adopt performance-based codes. Initially, Standard 229P will focus on Appendix-G, but can be easily adapted for other rulesets (ie: RESNET-HERS, CA-ACM).

    1. Overview of ASHRAE Standard 229P
          Supriya Goel, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    2. Development of RMR
          Jason Glazer, P.E., BEMP, Member, GARD Analytics, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL
    3. Development of RMR Tests
          Maria Karpman, BEMP, Member, Karpman Consulting, Glastonbury, CT
    4. Development of RCT
          James McNeill, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    5. Performance Based Codes
          Michael Rosenberg, Fellow ASHRAE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    Date: Tuesday, November 9
    Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

    Data exchange mechanisms, such as gbXML, BDE, RMR, and BuildingSync define data schemas for representing building data for specific purposes. The schemas allow data to be easily exchanged between users and software. The schemas facilitate the use of multiple analytical tools and minimize manual effort involved in mapping and transforming data across multiple tools and workflows. This panel introduces these schemas, discuss use-cases, and highlight efforts to improve data exchange. A moderated discussion addresses the merits and challenges associated with data exchange mechanisms and how these can streamline the workflow of design, analysis, code compliance, and energy audits.

    1. Data Exchange for Design Using Gbxml
          Stephen Roth, P.E., Member, Carmel Software Corporation, San Rafael, CA
    2. Overview of Building Data Exchange
          Sagar Rao, Member, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., Madison, WI
    3. Ruleset Model Report for Compliance Reporting and Verification
          Jason Glazer, P.E., BEMP, Member, GARD Analytics, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL
    4. Buildingsync Schema for Audit Data
          Nicholas Long, P.E., Member, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United States of America, Golden, CO

  • Unmet Hours LIVE!

    This year’s Building Performance Analysis Conference includes a unique conference event format -- Unmet Hours LIVE! In this session, each participant is first given time to think of a challenge they are facing. Then, participants are divided into groups and each person takes turns to present their problem and have it brainstormed by the group. This allows participants to seek out as well as provide peer-supported advice on solving each other's challenges. This is the same intent as -- the question-answer forum for building energy simulations -- but offered in a live, interactive, and dynamic format for conference attendees.

    Whether you're planning on attending the 2021 BPAC in-person or virtually, I would greatly appreciate it if people would fill out a survey to provide feedback on two things:

    1. Topics of interest
    2. If attendees plan on participating in-person or via webinar

    In the conference program, this event is Seminar 6 taking place from 10:30 AM - 12 PM on Thursday, November 11.

  • Keynote Speakers
  • Steering Committee

    John Bynum - Chair
    Aaron Boranian – Vice-Chair
    Annie Marston
    Lauren Wallace
    Supriya Goel
    Walter Grondzik
    Alex Rempel

  • Important Dates

     Upcoming Deadlines:

    September 27, 2021: Final Presentations Due

  • Registration

    Registration Type:

    Early Bird – Opens July 12th Rate
    Member $  675.00
    Non Member $  725.00
    Virtual $  225.00
    Registration – Opens August 30th Rate
    Member $  725.00
    Non Member $  775.00
    Virtual $  285.00
    Other Rate
    Student $  300.00
    Speaker $  450.00

    Your registration includes the following:

    • Evening Reception 
    • Light Breakfast, lunch and breaks on Wednesday, November 10
    • Light Breakfast, lunch, breaks and a reception on Thursday, November 11
    • Light Breakfast and break on Friday, November 12
  • Sponsorship Packages

    The conference organizers are pleased to offer several sponsorship opportunities to engage industry participation. The sponsorship offsets conferences expenses and provides access to seasoned practitioners and principals responsible for managing modeling services.

    All sponsors will have their company logo and name on the event flyer, the conference web site and recognition during the conference. A summary of the specific benefits of each sponsorship level is included. If you have questions or are interesting in being a sponsor, please contact Staci Loeffler

    Sponsorship Packages

  • Venue / Travel

    The headquarter hotel will be the Curtis Hotel in Downtown Denver. It’s located at 1405 Curtis Denver Street, Denver, Colorado, 80202.

    We have a negotiated rate of $179 + tax. To book at the ASHRAE rate, click the button:

    Book Now

    >> 2021 Building Performance Analysis Conference Invitation Request Form

  • Pre-Conference Courses

    On Tuesday, November 9, software companies and educators are conducting full-day or half-day workshops at The Curtis DoubleTree prior to the start of the conference. You can register for these pre-conference workshops through online registration once it has launched. Pre-conference workshops have limited seating.

    Separate registration is required. These workshops and course are not included with the conference and will not be included in the virtual conference.

    ASHRAE 90.1 – 2016 Compliance Modeling with IESVE
    Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021 
    Start Time:
    1 p.m.
    End Time:
    5 p.m.
    Matthew Duffy

    This half day workshop will cover the ASHRAE 90.1 – 2016 Compliance modeling process in IESVE. IESVE is a whole building simulation software with 3D load calculations and HVAC equipment sizing. The course will inform and guide the users through the process using the IESVE Navigator doe workflow efficiency. A full training version of the software will be provided free to the attendees. No prior IESVE experience or knowledge required.

     If your company is interested in hosting a pre-conference workshop please contact Staci Loeffler at Due to limited availability, space is available on a first-reserved basis.

    >> For more information about hosting a pre-conference workshop click here.
