ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1989 Errata (various dates)
Errata for ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1989 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
LTSGTD Version 2.4.2, July 1997, Lighting Compliance Calculation Program and ENVSTD Version 2.4, March 1996, Envelope System Performance Compliance Calculation Program Software (zip file)
Errata Sheet for Fourth Printing G.G. 3/94 and All Earlier Editions (September 16, 1994) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for Reprint C.G. 8-92 and All Earlier Editions (October 8, 1992) (PDF)
Errata Sheet #2 for First and Second Printing 1-90 Reprint 7-90 (May 8, 1991) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for First and Second Printing 1-90 Reprint 7-90 (November 11, 1990) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for first printing 1/90 (September 7, 1990) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata sheets for ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applilcable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for I-P edition Reprint 86240 9/03 and All Earlier Editions, including PC 6/02 and PC 10/02 (December 6, 2004) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for I-P edition Reprint 86240 PC 2/02 and All Earlier Editions (May 21, 2002) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for I-P edition First GG 1/00 and Second GG 1/01 Printing (December 15, 2001) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata sheets for ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applilcable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for SI edition Reprint GG1/01 and All Earlier Editions (March 23, 2007) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for SI edition First GG 1/00 and Second GG 1/01 Printing (May 21, 2002) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). Standard 90.1-2001 was first printed November 2001 and had no identifying marking on the outside back cover (blank). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet – Reprint 86245 PC 12/03 and all Previous Editions (December 6, 2004) (PDF)
Errata Sheet - Reprint 86245 PC 2/03 and all Previous Editions (November 10, 2003) (PDF)
Errata Sheet - Reprint 86245 PC 2/03 and all Previous Editions (May 8, 2003) - IP version (PDF)
Errata Sheet for I-P Edition for First Printing and Reprint 86245 PC 2/02 (November 15, 2002) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for I-P Edition First Printing and Reprint 86245 PC 2/02 (May 21, 2002) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for I-P Edition First Printing and Reprint 86245 PC 2/02 (February 15, 2002) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2001 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). Standard 90.1-2001 was first printed November 2001 and had no identifying marking on the outside back cover (blank). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet – Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 and all Previous Editions (March 23, 2007) (PDF)
First Printing and Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 (November 10, 2003) (PDF)
Errata - First Printing and Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 (May 8, 2003) - SI version (PDF)
Errata Sheet for SI Edition for First Printing and Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 (November 15, 2002) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for SI Edition First Printing and Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 (May 21, 2002) (PDF)
Errata Sheet for SI Edition First Printing and Reprint 86247 PC 2/02 (February 15, 2002) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2004 was first printed December 2004 and the SI edition in January 2005. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86243 PC 12/04', Reprint '86243 PC 3/05', Reprint '86243 1/06', and Reprint '86243 2/09' (August 27, 2009) (PDF)
2006 Supplement to ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 Errata
(Supplement includes ASHRAE/IESNA Addenda a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, x, and ak to 90.1-2004)
Errata Sheet for First Printing 'PC 5/06' (August 21, 2008) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2004 was first printed December 2004 and the SI edition in January 2005. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86248 PC 1/05' (August 27, 2009) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2007 was first printed December 2007. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86147 PC 12/07', reprint '86147 PC 11/08', reprint '86147 10/09', reprint '86147 05/10', and reprint ‘86147 03/11’. (March 8, 2018) (PDF)
2008 Supplement to ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Errata
(Supplement includes ASHRAE/IESNA Addenda a, b, c, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, s, t, u, w, y, ad, and aw to 90.1-2007)
Errata Sheet for First Printing '02/09' (March 16, 2009) (PDF)
Addendum r to ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Errata
Errata Sheet for Addendum r to 90.1-2007 (August 26, 2010) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The SI edition of Standard 90.1-2007 was first printed December 2008. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86149 PC 12/08' (March 8, 2018) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 are available here to download. Various errata sheets may be available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2010 was first printed October 2010. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86267 10/10', Second Printing ‘86267 6/11’, Third Printing ‘86267 7/12’, and Fourth Printing ‘86267 8/13’. (March 18, 2019) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The SI edition of Standard 90.1-2010 was first printed April 2011. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86269 4/11', Second Printing ‘86269 8/11’, Third Printing ‘3/12’, and Fourth Printing ‘10/13’. (March 17, 2025) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 are available here to download. Various errata sheets may be available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2013 was first printed October 2013. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86273 10/13' and Second Printing ‘86273 12/13’ and Third Printing ‘86273 3/16’. (June 15, 2023) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The SI edition of Standard 90.1-2013 was first printed October 2013. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86275 10/13’ and Second Printing ‘86275 1/15’. (March 17, 2015) (PDF)
2015 Supplement to ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 (I-P and SI) Errata
Errata Sheet for First Printing '8/15'. (December 3, 2015) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2016 was first printed October 2016. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86274 10/16’. (June 15, 2023) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The SI edition of Standard 90.1-2016 was first printed October 2016. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
More than one errata sheet may be required for a specific document. Please review the entire list related to the applicable document and download all that apply.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86276 10/16’. (March 17, 2025) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The I-P edition of Standard 90.1-2019 was first printed October 2019. The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86270 10/19’, Second Printing ‘86270 3/20’. (February 15, 2024) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019 are available here to download. Various errata sheets are available and are applicable depending on the edition (I-P or SI) and when the document was printed. The outside back cover of the standard identifies the printing date and applicable errata sheet(s). The date in parenthesis identifies when the errata sheet was published.
Errata Sheet for First Printing '86272 1/20’. (March 17, 2025) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2022 Errata (I-P Edition)
Errata Sheet for First Printing ‘86327 12/22’. (March 17, 2025) (PDF)
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2022 Errata (SI Edition)
Errata Sheet for First Printing ‘86329 12/22’. (March 17, 2025) (PDF)