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  • Free Resources for Everyone

    Resources Free for Everyone

    Design Guidance for Education Facilities: Prioritization for Advanced Indoor Air Quality, Version 2.0

    This document provides guidance to owners, operators, designers, and professional service providers on how to best implement indoor air quality (IAQ) improvements, including risk mitigation strategies, in educational facilities. It will also help facilitate discussion between designers and stakeholders, identify minimum recommendations, and discuss further considerations to improve IAQ and reduce the transmission risk of infectious pathogens and other contaminants of concern. This document will be updated to further align with developing information. It is not intended to replace or supersede other documents, including, but not limited to, other standards such as ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1 or the proposed ASHRAE Standard 241. Instead, this guidance is intended to illustrate principles and practical considerations within the existing framework to mitigate risk. HVAC professionals should use this guidance in conjunction with all relevant bylaws, codes, and standards.

    ASHRAE HVAC&R Global Summit Final Report: The ASHRAE Global HVAC&R Summit – a key element of 2022–2023 ASHRAE President Farooq Mehboob’s vision for his Society year theme, “Securing Our Future” – was designed to create an environment of collaboration and strategic dialogue to address the critical issues of the day, which were determined via the results of an international survey developed and distributed by the ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance (AASA).

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    Healthier Homes During Epidemics

    Preparing your home in advance can help you, your family, and other household members stay physically and mentally healthy during an outbreak. This white paper describes strategies for protecting household members from infection and for isolating those who develop the infectious disease or have a high risk of severe outcomes if they become infected. This paper also describes the supplies you might need, the information you should gather about your home and its heating and cooling systems, and other actions you can take before or during an outbreak to minimize your household’s risk of illness.

    The Strategic Guide to Commissioning

    ENGLISH ASHRAE_BPA Brochure_FNL_6-24-14-1-120x154.jpg

    This guide, a report from the ASHRAE Presidential Ad-Hoc Committee, Building Performance Alliance on Commissioning, serves as a quality-focused, high level strategic commissioning providing stakeholders with a basis for understanding enhanced delivery of new and existing building projects. It describes the value, benefits, and rationale for verifying and documenting that all commissioned systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the Owner's Project Requirements (OPR) for new buildings and/or major renovations, and the Current Facility Requirements (CFR) for existing buildings. This guide is also available in Spanish.

    English  Spanish

    Building Our New Energy Future

    Learn how you too can help Build Our New Energy Future

    If you are a buildings professional, it is highly likely you will experience significant changes in your professional practice during your career. That’s because a rapid evolution is underway in the electricity sector that will also have a significant impact on the buildings sector. As a critical organization for buildings professionals, ASHRAE and its members must take an active role in the ongoing changes that will create this new energy future.

    This document is intended to explain the issues and terminology, as well as the challenges and opportunities, associated with changes underway in the electricity sector that affect buildings professionals.

    ENGLISH  SPANISH  Portuguese

    Publication Catalog

    pdf_icon.png Annual Summer 2024 ASHRAE Publications Catalog

    Free Resources Related to Standards and Codes

    You may preview some of ASHRAE's most popular Standards in a read-only format.
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    A free web application tool for modeling compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010
    90.1 ECB

    Subscribe to ASHRAE List Serves, designed to help you stay on top of news in Standards, Research, and Technology
    ASHRAE List Serves

    New Refrigerants Designations and Safety Classifications - An updated list of available refrigerants, their ASHRAE numbers and safety classifications, developed by UNEP and ASHRAE.
    pdf_icon.png Update on New Refrigerants Designations and Safety Classification

    Free Resources Related to Publications

    ASHRAE has a number of useful publications, free for download
    Free Publications

    Learn more about products promoted in ASHRAE Journal each month
    Reader Service Card

    Free Resources Related to Applications and Software

    ASHRAE has several useful software products, free for download
    Free Software

    Applications from ASHRAE to make your job easier
    Technical APPS

    The ASHRAE 365 app is a useful tool that will not only help you navigate the ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences, but also put the latest information from Headquarters right at your fingertips – 365 days a year.
    ASHRAE 365 APP

    For Consumers

    The Consumer Center assists homeowners and others seeking answers to basic questions regarding heating and air-conditioning as well as indoor air quality and energy efficiency.
    Consumer Center

    For Educators

    As an educator, learn what ASHRAE publications can be used as textbooks
    Educators' Resources

    ASHRAE Tech Hour

    Tech Hour videos bring you the latest technical content presented by some of ASHRAE’s brightest minds. Tech Hour videos are just one hour, worth one PDH, and conveniently available through the ASHRAE 365 app.

    Tech Hour

    Research Tools

    Indexes to ASHRAE Publications
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    ASHRAE Terminology is a comprehensive online glossary of more than 3700 terms and definitions related to the built environment
    ASHRAE Terminology

  • Members Only Free Resources

    Resources Free to Members Only

    Chapter Promotion Supplies

    Use this form to request brochures, greeting cards, stickers, and other ASHRAE Logo materials to help promote your Chapter.

    Chapter Promotion Supplies Request Form

    Membership Promotion Materials

    These materials are available free to you as an ASHRAE member for use in membership promotion. Includes brochures and other materials to help you promote ASHRAE Membership.

    Membership Materials

    ASHRAE Technology Portal

    The ASHRAE Technology Portal is a Membership Resource that requires Member Login for Access.
    Non-ASHRAE members may browse the portal and choose to purchase items. 

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    Tools from CAMEE, free for Members. Available for purchase by non-ASHRAE members for $60 each.
    Engineering Practice Tools

    Commissioning Definitions and Terminology for the Building Industry: A Common Overview

    Commissioning Definitions and Terminology for the Building Industry: A Common Overview is a joint effort between ASHRAE, AiCAAR and CIBSE to standardize terminology related to commissioning. This resource is an important step in improving building performance through improved communication and consistent, globalized terminology to improve collaboration among building technology professionals.
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