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Presidential Award Of Excellence (PAOE)

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The ASHRAE Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE) is a society-wide point system to track and reward chapter achievements.

Each year, the Society President establishes the point-earning activities. In this way, chapters are mobilized to work toward common Society goals. Chapters enter points they earn in our online system, and earn awards at the Region and Society level for their achievements and commitment to excellence.

Read more about the history and purpose of PAOE in this 1970 ASHRAE Journal article from former ASHRAE President Frank H. Bridgers.

PAOE History and Purpose

Presidential Award of Excellence Newsletter

The PAOE Newsletter is a PDF detailing all the activities and point values. Chapter leaders should use the PAOE Newsletter as a reference.


PAOE Award Requirements are defined in the PAOE Newsletter. The PAOE awards include:

If you have questions about the interpretation of PAOE points or what qualifies, contact your Regional Vice Chair (RVC) or email

Entering PAOE Points

When to enter PAOE Points

PAOE points should be entered throughout the year, as activities occur. The deadline for PAOE points to qualify for Society PAOE awards is July 15th for points in the preceding year. Regions with Spring Chapter Regional Conferences (CRCs) may require points for the current year to be entered ahead of the CRC event. Contact your Director and Regional Chair (DRC) for more information.

PAOE Training

ppt.png Download the presentation

>> Watch the PAOE Training webinar hosted by ASHRAE Staff on January 30, 2024. Topics covered include:

  • What is PAOE?
  • Minimum and PAR points
  • PAOE Awards
  • PAOE Categories
  • Instructions on How to Enter Points
  • When to Enter Points
  • Automations
  • Addressing live participant’s questions! (Most Valuable)

Who Has Access to Enter PAOE Points?

The following authorized chapter officer and committee positions has access to enter PAOE points:

Chapter Officer Positions

Regional Officer Positions

  • President
  • MP Chair
  • DRC
  • RVC – CTTC
  • President Elect
  • SAC Chair
  • RMCR
  • RVC – GAC
  • CTTC Chair
  • YEA Chair
  • Communications
  • RVC – MP
  • Communications
  • Webmaster
  • Historian
  • RVC – SAC
  • GAC Chair
  • Newsletter Editor


  • RVC - YEA
  • Historian
  • Administrator



  • RP Points are entered by RP Staff
  • RP points are entered by RP staff

How to Enter PAOE Points:

Make sure you are logged in and head to the My Chapter page and click on the blue trophy icon.

If you have trouble with the link, here are step by step directions:

  1. Login to
  2. In the main menu, hover on the dark blue Communities tab and select Chapter Reports, PAOE, CIQ.
  3. Click on the blue trophy icon to access PAOE point entry

Use the dropdown arrows to access specific point entries and the plus-sign icon to enter points. Make sure to enter a note to add details about your point entry! It can be useful when reviewing entered points at a future date.

Step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the point entry tool are below:

How to Enter PAOE Points in the Online Point Entry Tool

Watch this quick video from ASHRAE Member and Distinguished Lecturer Pam Duffy to learn how to enter PAOE points for ASHRAE in clear and simple steps.

Who Decides on PAOE Points?

Each year, a PAOE Committee is established to make recommendations on changes to the Presidential Award of Excellence program, including activities, point values, minimums/maximums, and awards. The PAOE Committee is a subcommittee of the Members Council.

Per the Manual of Operating Procedures for the Members Council, the PAOE subcommittee includes one member from each grassroots committee. The PAOE subcommittee also reviews motions from the membership and makes recommendations on these motions to the President-Elect and Members Council.

Ultimately, the President-Elect makes the final decision on the PAOE program for the society year in which they will be President. The result of this work is the PAOE Newsletter.

Questions on PAOE

If you have questions about the PAOE program, contact your Director and Regional Chair (DRC), Regional Vice Chair (RVC), or email
