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Get the Most of Your ASHRAE Membership: Become a Volunteer!

ASHRAE looks to leaders like you to help us develop the technology that enables high performance for the life of buildings and systems. We depend on your practical experience and knowledge base to help us become better prepared and more marketable for the growing industry. Becoming involved with ASHRAE provides you with a single resource for keeping up with technical advances in the industry. By joining, you gain direct access to new technology; universally recognized technical information; and you influence the direction of the built environment. Below are a few ways in which you can get more involved with ASHRAE.



Technical Committees

As a technical committee member, you assist in planning programs for meetings, writing and reviewing Handbook chapters and assisting in developing research projects to improve equipment and system performance. ASHRAE has more than 200 committees addressing a range of built environment disciplines.



Standards Committees

As a standard project committee member, you help write the Society’s standards and guidelines, which establish recommended design and operating practices embraced by the built environment community. ASHRAE currently publishes more than 100 standards and guidelines.



Standing Committees

ASHRAE has more than 30 standing committees, which aid in operation of the ASHRAE activities at the Society level, such as development of educational courses, approval of research projects and planning of student activities. Volunteers who serve on standing committees must first be nominated.


The First Step – Your ASHRAE Bio


An updated bio is required for membership on ASHRAE committees.  Membership is not required to serve on committees, although membership is encouraged. You can update your bio here.

Society-level Nominations


We are actively soliciting your help in nominating individuals for various leadership positions in ASHRAE. Please follow the links below to view 1) job descriptions for committee members and 2) the positions for which nominations are being solicited and to make your nomination. You may nominate yourself or others.

Go to Committee Job Descriptions

Go to Nominations Site

Chapter Level Participation


With more than 199 chapters around the world, volunteering at the chapter level is one of the easiest ways to take part in ASHRAE. Volunteering at the chapter level helps you develop a better understanding of how the Society functions and how to receive the most benefit from your membership while contributing to the growth of ASHRAE. For more information on how to volunteer at the chapter level, contact Tammy Catchings, ASHRAE manager of region activities, at

Commenting and Writing Opportunities


Volunteerism within ASHRAE is not limited to service on a committee. ASHRAE also provides means for membership involvement by allowing members and others to comment on its publications, Handbook and proposed standards or to submit articles for ASHRAE Journal.

  • Publications

    ASHRAE has more than 300 publications, written to present the most current and useful information possible. If you would like to comment on existing publications, recommend changes to existing publications or propose a new publication, visit here.

  • ASHRAE Handbook

    The four-volume ASHRAE Handbook series presents fundamental engineering data, explains new advances in equipment and covers application of new technologies to solve design and operating problems. To comment on a Handbook chapter, visit here.

  • Standards

    ASHRAE standards serve as the basis of testing and design practice around the world. Proposed standards and addendum to standards are periodically open for public comment. For more information, visit here.

  • ASHRAE Journal

    ASHRAE Journal seeks and publishes application-oriented articles of interest to the membership. For more information on submitting an article, visit here.

Volunteer Resources

Already a volunteer and looking for resources? Access the Volunteer Resources page for information on items such as volunteer travel reimbursement, Presidential Award of Excellence (PAOE), chapter training, and ordering chapter supplies.
