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Papers and Programs for ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences

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Programs | Technical Papers | Conference Papers | Extended Abstracts | Call for Papers | Call for Reviewers | Technical Program Session Chairs | Call for Topical Conference and Track Suggestions | Commercialism Policy | The SI Guide | ASHRAE's Publishing Ethics | Citation and Abstract Services


Programs, such as seminars, forums, workshops, panels and debates, to be presented at ASHRAE's Winter and Annual Conferences will be posted on each conference's Web page. Visit the ASHRAE Conferences page for links to future ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences. The conference Web pages provide the dates for program submission as well as the final, selected program.

Conference Paper Sessions. These sessions present papers on current applications or procedures, as well as papers reporting on research in process. These papers differ from technical papers in that they are shorter in length and undergo a much less stringent peer review.

Debates. Debates highlight hot-button issues. Experts, either on teams or as individuals, present different sides of an issue in debate format.  Each participant presents evidence for or against a specific statement or question such as ‘Is Sustainability Really Sustainable?”

Extended Abstract Sessions.  These sessions present extended abstracts on research in progress, applications, case studies, and other topics in HVAC&R technical areas.  They are intended to be preliminary research results that will eventually be expanded into full papers. Extended abstracts may be presented in Conference Paper Sessions with papers on a similar topic.

Forums. Forums are “off-the-record” discussions held to promote a free exchange of ideas. Reporting of forums is limited to allow individuals to speak confidentially without concern of criticism. There are no papers attached to these forums.

Panels. Panel discussions can feature a broad range of subjects and explore different perspectives on issues in the industry. A panel may feature discussions about integrated project delivery among designers, builders and facility management professionals.

Seminars. Seminars feature presentations on subjects of current interest. Papers are not available from the Society; however, seminar PowerPoint presentations with audio descriptions of the presentations are posted online.

Technical Paper Sessions. These sessions present papers on current applications or procedures, as well as papers resulting from research on fundamental concepts and basic theory.

Workshops. Workshops enable technical committees and other ASHRAE committees to provide a series of short presentations on a topic requiring specific expertise. These short presentations are provided with an increased emphasis on audience participation and training in a specific set of skills.

Technical Papers

Technical Papers are presented by authors at ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences. Technical Papers submitted for review must be both technically accurate and clearly written. Technical Papers undergo a rigorous double-blind review and must be approved by three reviewers knowledgeable in the subject matter. Presentation is by poster or orally, if grouped into a session with related papers. Technical Papers can be up to 30 double-spaced manuscript pages in length, including tables and charts, and a maximum of 12 figures (not counted in the page count).

Accepted Technical Papers are available as hard-copy preprints in the bookstore during the conference.  The Technical Papers must be presented at the conference in order to be assigned a DOI and published in ASHRAE Transactions, where they will be included with questions and answers (if any).  ASHRAE Transactions is cited in the Clarivate Analytics (previously the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters) Web of Knowledge Index of Scientific & Technical Proceedings, Index to Scientific Books and Current Contents Proceedings: Engineering, Technology, Applied Physics. Technical papers are also cited in SciVerse Scopus and COMPENDEX. Technical Papers are also available individually in the ASHRAE bookstore and as part of the Papers collection via subscription to ASHRAE Technology Portal.

AUTHORS:  When writing your Technical Paper manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.

Submit your Technical Paper manuscript for peer review on Manuscript Central

Learn more about ASHRAE Transactions and Technical Papers and obtain copies from previous conferences

Conference Papers

Conference Papers are shorter than Technical Papers, undergo a less stringent review and can be prepared closer to the conferences. Unlike Technical Papers, abstracts of Conference Papers are submitted first for review. Upon acceptance, papers are due three months after abstract acceptance, undergo a single-blind review (the author(s) names are included in the paper; however, reviewers remain anonymous), and must be approved by two reviewers.

Upon approval, papers are scheduled for oral presentation. Conference Papers can be no more than 8 single-spaced pages in length total (includes text, tables, figures, etc.). This page count does not include references. Papers are prepared using a template and are submitted in final, ready to publish, PDF format.

The Conference Paper format is used for the Society's Winter and Annual Conferences as well as at ASHRAE topical conferences. Accepted Conference Papers for the Winter and Annual Conferences are available as hard-copy preprints in the bookstore during the conference. Conference Papers are available individually in the ASHRAE bookstore and, as of the 2019 Winter Conference, published in published in ASHRAE Transactions. Published Conference Papers are also assigned DOIs. Conference Papers are also available as part of the Papers collection via subscription to ASHRAE Technology Portal.

Accepted conference papers for topical conferences are published in the conference proceedings and distributed at the start of the conference; they are also available individually in the ASHRAE bookstore and are assigned DOIs. Accepted conference papers abstracts are reviewed for a possible topical issue of ASHRAE's journal of archival research, Science and Technology for the Built Environment.

pdf_icon.png See a formatted conference paper sample here.

word_icon.png  Download the conference paper template here.

AUTHORS:  When writing your Conference Paper manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.

Submit your Conference Paper manuscript for peer review using the link provided on the conference’s Web page.

Learn more about Conference Papers and obtain copies from previous conferences

Extended Abstracts

Extended Abstracts report on research in progress, applications, case studies, and other topics in HVAC&R technical areas and are presented by authors as part of the Research Track at ASHRAE Annual Conferences. Extended Abstracts are intended to be preliminary research results that will eventually be expanded into full papers. Extended Abstracts undergo single-blind review by two reviewers to ensure high quality of content. An abstract must be accepted by two reviewers to be approved for a conference.

Accepted Extended Abstracts are available individually in the ASHRAE bookstore and, as of the 2019 Winter Conference, published in ASHRAE Transactions. Extended Abstracts are also available as part of the Papers collection via subscription to ASHRAE Technology Portal.

AUTHORS:  When writing your Extended Abstract manuscript, please follow the guidelines in the ASHRAE Authors Manual.
Submit your Extended Abstract manuscript for peer review   using the link provided on the conference’s Web page.

Call for Papers

Calls for papers will be posted on each conference's Web page. Visit the ASHRAE Conferences page for links to future ASHRAE Winter and Annual Conferences. 

Call for Reviewers

Wish you could get more involved in the Society but don't know how?  Consider volunteering to review Conference Papers and Technical Papers submitted to ASHRAE for publication.

Reviewers are selected based on their technical background and technical interests.  Our goal is to publish only papers that are of high professional and scientific quality and that have permanent reference value for our readership. The peer review process is critical to achieving this goal.  Volunteer reviewers are expected to contribute valuable feedback that assists the ASHRAE Conferences and Expositions Committee (CEC) in determining acceptance for publication.

Please submit your interest in assisting with the peer review process by entering your information here

Technical Program Session Chairs

If you are interested in serving as a session chair in the technical program, please click here to submit your interest.  As a session chair, your responsibilities include:

Introducing the speakers that are presenting in your session.

Communicating with speakers to make sure that the presentation lengths are prepared within the time allotted – please see the guidelines below.

Meeting with speakers onsite in the Speaker’s Lounge 30 minutes prior to the start of your session to review introductions and logistics for the session.

For more information on Technical Program Session Chairs, please click here.

Call for Topical Conference and Track Suggestions

The Conferences and Expositions Committee (CEC) oversees ASHRAE's Annual and Winter Conferences and other topical conferences and expositions globally. The CEC continually works to improve the conference experience for all attendees. To help keep a "pulse" on the technical issues facing professionals in the HVAC&R marketplace, the CEC seeks ideas for tracks within its Annual, Winter and Topical Conferences. Click the button below to submit a suggestion:


Commercialism Policy

pdf_icon.png Commercialism Policy

The SI Guide


pdf_icon.png  The ASHRAE SI Guide

ASHRAE's Publishing Ethics

word_icon.png  ASHRAE's Publishing Ethics 

Citation and Abstract Services

ASHRAE Journal - Citation and Abstract Services

ASHRAE Standards - Citation and Abstract Services

ASHRAE Transactions - Citation and Abstract Services

ASHRAE Conference Papers - Citation and Abstract Services

Science and Technology for the Built Environment - Citation and Abstract Services
