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FAQs For Chapters

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  • ASHRAE-Hosted Chapter Web sites

    ASHRAE-Hosted Chapter Web sites

    Is there a cost for chapters to use the ASHRAE Web site server? 
    ASHRAE provides hosting for chapter Web sites with limited support at no cost to chapters.

    Where can I get more information to set up a chapter Web site?
    Visit the Communications Committee page to view Best Practices for Chapter Websites and get information on a free chapter website template. In addition, ROB 1.201.010 covers website policies and you can look to the current year’s PAOE Newsletter to see how use your website towards achieving PAOE. Communications Committee offers a free Wix template optional for chapters to use and will soon offer a Wordpress template also. 

    Does ASHRAE provide each chapter participating in the chapter Web site hosting program its own URL? 
    ASHRAE has purchased one domain name for the hosting of chapters’ program. This provides consistency, but also means that the Society does not have to select, register and maintain each individual domain name for chapters (and TCs). The chapter can designate itself anyway it wants before the first dot. Through the chapter hosting service, ASHRAE is not trying to be a commercial service provider. It is simply purchasing space from a service provider and offering that space in subdivided fashion at no cost to chapters and TCs.

    What is the set limit on the size of a host chapter Web site and why can’t the size be increased? 
    The limitation is flexible. Any chapter that needs more should tell us what they need. We have found a size of 30 MB seems to have worked well for chapters using the hosting service so far; however, space can be expanded if needed.

  • Greening Chapter Meetings and Events

    How can Chapters make their meetings and events more sustainable? 
    Society supports efforts to reduce the impact of all meetings and events on the environment and encourages chapters and individuals to take steps toward being more sustainable. An added bonus is that many methods for being sustainable will count toward PAOE points!

    As guidance for chapters that want to “green” their meetings, Society offers the following materials:

    pdf_icon.png  Greening Chapter Meetings provides both an overview of “Green Meetings” and a few examples of ways to implement these types of initiatives.

    ppt.png Greening ASHRAE Meetings and Events is a short PowerPoint that chapters may want to share with their members and that provides ideas for being more sustainable.

  • Does ASHRAE have an advanced search on the Web site? 

    The ASHRAE Web site uses Amazon Elastic search technology. 

  • Society Organizational Chart

    How can I access the Society Organizational Chart located on the Web site? 
    You can access the organizational Society Organization Chart in PDF. It is linked from the ASHRAE Leadership page:

  • CRCs

    Can I register for my region’s CRC online? 
    Yes, Society can collect CRC registrations for the regions using an online process. This benefit is optional to the region so check with the Director and Region Chair (DRC) or the CRC General Chair in your area to see if this is available in your region.

    What chapter positions are reimbursed for transportation to the CRCs?
    Please review Appendix 2B, Section II of the Manual for Chapter Operations on the ASHRAE website. All chapter positions reimbursed for transportation to CRCs are listed in this appendix. Note: the MP and RP chapter chair positions are reimbursed for transportation to the region’s centralized training workshop only. Centralized Training for membership promotion (MP) and research promotion (RP) are normally held in a different location outside of the chapter chair’s region. The Student Activities (SA) chapter chairs are reimbursed for centralized training or attending the SA CRC workshop but are not reimbursed for attendance to both.

    What if I choose to drive to my region’s CRC instead of flying? How is the transportation reimbursement determined?
    If you choose to drive instead of using the airline for travel, ASHRAE will only reimburse the most economical way of travel. In some cases, air transportation may be more economical than driving and ASHRAE will reimburse the fourteen (14) day advance airfare. The following statement is strongly enforced: “All claims should be submitted to ASHRAE’s comptroller within 30 days of the travel date. Claims submitted after 90 days will not be reimbursed.” For more details, please review the ASHRAE Travel Reimbursement Policy located on page two (2) of the ASHRAE Travel Voucher.

  • Chapter Information Questionnaire

    Question: Why can't I find the Chapter Information Questionnaire form?
    Answer: The Chapter Information Questionnaire has changed and is in a new program format. Please click on the following link to access the instructions for the Chapter Information Questionnaire.

    Question: Can the years be extended for the chapter positions? (For example, could a current one-year term be extended to read as a two or three year term?)
    Answer: No, the chapter positions are always entered as a one-year term; each chapter position should not go beyond a one-year Society term. The new program will automatically assign the dates to the chapter positions. The following chapter positions are automatically assigned as the chapter administrator: Chapter President, Membership Promotion and Research Promotion chairs. The assigned chapter administrator will have an end date of July 31. This date will allow the chapter past president, MP and RP chairs to access to the chapter's database after June 30, after their terms end.

    Question: When mistakes are made on the new Chapter Information Questionnaire (CIQ), how are they corrected?
    Answer: Chapters can only add to the CIQ, not delete. All mistakes or corrections should be sent to the email address. Headquarters will make the corrections for you and you will be notified after this is done.

    Question: What is the deadline date for submitting the online CIQ?
    Answer: The deadline date is 60 days before the region's CRC.

    Question: Can I serve as chair on a chapter committee if I am Affiliate grade or Student grade?
    Answer: No, because the Affiliate grade and Student grade do not have voting privileges and cannot be appointed to chair a committee. They can however, volunteer to work on the committee itself. You must be a member in good standing with the grade of Member or Associate to serve as a chapter officer or committee chair. The exception to this rule is that Affiliate grade members can serve as YEA Chapter Chairs starting July 1, 2015.

    Question: The chapter meeting date information used to be on the old CIQ form and is no longer available, where can I enter this information?
    Answer: This information is now located on the ASHRAE website and the instructions to enter chapter meeting dates and locations are included with the CIQ instructions. To view your chapter’s meeting schedule entered by the chapter click here.

  • PAOE

    Why doesn’t my password work when I try to enter PAOE points? 
    Make sure that you have entered your correct ASHRAE membership ID and PIN, then enter your chapter’s logon and password. Both are case sensitive with no spacing and the last three characters of the password are numeric.

    Question: Where can I find my chapter’s logon and password?
    Answer: The chapter logon and password will be sent to the Chapter Presidents each year. If your Chapter President does not have the chapter’s logon and password, send an email to with the request.

    Question: Why is the Chapter Operations category missing for my chapter but not all chapters in my region?
    Answer: The Chapter Operations category is tied to the CIQ. If your CIQ has not been submitted by the PAOE deadline date, you will not be able to enter PAOE points in Chapter Operations. Your DRC may make an exception for your chapter, in which case the DRC must be notified by the chapter who then notifies staff at headquarters to make the category available.

  • Site Maps

    Why isn’t there a site map on the Web site? 
    ASHRAE does have a site map. The link for it is located in the page footer which is at the bottom of all pages on the site:

    Why isn’t there a site map for the Manual for Chapter Operations? 
    In a sense, the Manual for Chapter Operations has its own site map by using the bookmark tabs. When you open the manual all of the contents are displayed on the left side of the screen with a description of the sections and appendices and each are linked to the manual. You can also do a search in the manual by keyword and all sections will be displayed anywhere the keyword is located in the manual.

  • Chapters/Regions Proposals to Develop Standards and Guidelines

    How do I submit a proposal to develop Standards and Guidelines?
    Many chapters do not know that anyone, including chapters may submit a proposed title, purpose and scope for a standard or guideline. Proposals submitted through CRC motions are OK but the more direct way is to submit a proposal through the Procedures Administrator ( at headquarters. Completing the form for the proposed title, purpose and scope of the standard or guideline will ensure that your proposal will go on the Standards Committee agenda at their next meeting which speeds up the process. You will no longer have to submit a CRC motion or wait until your next CRC to do this. Form for Proposing a Standard or Guideline - (June 2015) (Word Document).

  • Deceased Members

    How do I have deceased members removed from our chapter roster?
    The following procedures are used to notify Society headquarters of the death of chapter members. Before any names can be removed from the rolls, Society must have some notification of the death, such as the following: email or call from a chapter officer or membership promotion chair; newspaper obituary; written notification from family member; returned mailing indicating “addressee deceased;” or copy of death certificate.

  • Electronic Chapter Meetings

    Question: What is an electronic meeting?
    Answer: ASHRAE members can meet by phone or web conference instead of traveling to a destination. ASHRAE can assist chapters and regions with an electronic meeting. An electronic meeting can be used for regular chapter meetings, BOG meetings or web conferencing.

    Question: Who do I contact for an electronic meeting?
    Chapter or BOG meetings –
    Membership Promotion –
    Student Activities –
    Chapter Technology Transfer –
    Research Promotion –
