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Chapter Scholarship Guidelines

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1. Preface
Your ASHRAE Chapter Scholarship Program should be designed to encourage HVAC engineering education through the granting of scholarships.

2. General Guidelines

2.1 All scholarships awarded by the chapter should satisfy one of the following requirements:

  1. The recipient should be in full-time attendance as an undergraduate at a post secondary educational institution.
  2. The recipient should be a graduate student at a recognized university.

2.2 The following information should be made available to all Chapter members:

  1. Name of scholarship
  2. Amount and number of scholarships
  3. Participating institution(s)
  4. Criteria for selection of recipients
  5. Names of scholarship committee members

2.3 A scholarship committee of at least three members of the chapter should be appointed by the chapter to evaluate the scholastic potential of all candidates. If the scholarship is tied to a specific college or university, a member appointed by the institution should also be involved in the selection process.

2.4 The number of scholarships, the amount to be paid to each scholarship recipient, and the frequency of scholarships should be the sole responsibility of the chapter. All scholarships should be awarded in the order recommended by the scholarship committee.

2.5 The scholarship committee should receive funds for said scholarships, and disbursements should be made only upon vote of the chapter members.

2.6 Any public announcement regarding the promotion or the recipient of a scholarship should be made only by the chapter.

2.7 Criteria, procedures, and funding of new scholarships should be reviewed and approved by the scholarship committee and the chapter’s board of governors.

3. Operating Rules

3.1 Control and Funding

3.1.1 Overall control and guidance for the scholarship program, particularly policy and finances, should be the responsibility of the chapter’s board of governors. However, the board may delegate the operation and administration of the program as specified herein.

3.1.2 Each scholarship should be funded separately, and, whenever unspecified funds are made available to the chapter, the scholarship committee, once a year, should recommend action regarding the use of these unspecified funds to the chapter’s board of governors.

3.1.3 A continuous effort should be made by the chapter to obtain contributions from any and all sources available, in order to increase all scholarship funds. Funds for scholarships may be solicited from businesses. Member assessments, special fundraising events, or voluntary contributions may be a source of funds.

3.1.4 All funds for scholarships should be invested separately from other chapter funds and be deposited in an interest bearing account. Separate accounting records should be maintained for each scholarship fund.

3.1.5 Funds for scholarships should be used only for the scholarships for which they are specified, and contributions, regardless of source, should be credited to the fund specified. If a contribution is not specified, it can become part of an unspecified scholarship fund. Recommended use of unspecified scholarship funds should be developed by the scholarship committee and submitted to the chapter’s board of governors for action.

3.2 Non-Discriminatory Basis of Selection

3.2.1 The selection of candidates for scholarships should be on an objective and non-discriminatory basis. This requires that the group from which the candidates are selected must be chosen on the basis of criteria reasonably related to the purpose of the scholarship.

3.2.2 In establishing a purpose for a scholarship, the scholarship committee should place reasonable restrictions on the course of study for which the grant is available, such as engineering or HVAC curriculum.

3.3 Organization and Responsibility

3.3.1 The scholarship committee should periodically review all scholarships awarded in accordance with the supervisory procedures outlined under item 3.3.2.

3.3.2 The scholarship committee should establish appropriate procedures to keep and maintain adequate records and case histories for each scholarship recipient including, but not limited to the following:

    1. Name and address of scholarship recipient
    2. Amount of scholarship awarded
    3. Period over which the scholarship is to be distributed to recipient
    4. Criteria used to select the recipient
    5. Purpose of the scholarship
    6. Restrictions, if any, placed upon the scholarship
    7. Methods used to publicize the availability of the scholarship
    8. Original application of the candidate
    9. Recommendation and action taken on the application by the scholarship committee

3.3.3 The scholarship committee should have responsibility for ongoing contribution solicitation programs. New ideas for fundraising projects should be subject to approval by the chapter’s board of governors.

3.3.4 An annual report of all scholarship activities should be prepared by the scholarship committee. This report should be distributed to the chapter’s board of governors.

3.4 Expenses for Scholarship Program

3.4.1 All charges for mail, design and printing of forms, and other direct expenses for operation of the program may be made to the appropriate scholarship fund account.

3.4.2 All expenses incurred for fundraising and promotion of the chapter scholarship program may be charged to the scholarship funds, proportional to the fund balances at the beginning of the fiscal year.

3.4.3 Expenses incurred by the scholarship committee may be charged to the scholarship funds, proportional to the fund balances at the beginning of the fiscal year.

3.5 Appendices

3.5.1 Sample 'Letter of Intent' (Appendix A)

Appendix A
Letter of Intent
Chapter Scholarship Funds

A Letter of Intent should be sent to the designated college or university to officially establish the scholarship. A sample letter follows:

A. University

B. Address

C. Attention: Mr.

Dear Mr.

The Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. would like to make available to your university funds for scholarships for deserving students for the benefit of education and the general public.

It is our hope and desire to provide scholarships in the sum of each for this purpose. We desire to donate these scholarships in the name of the Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., but with the distinct understanding that this project is solely that of the members of said chapter, and not for the chapter as such, and does not involve any liability or obligation on the part of the Society or of the chapter. The Bylaws of the Society provides that no chapter of the Society shall act for the Society, or subject the Society to any financial or other obligation.

1. The recipients of the scholarships shall be such students as are selected by a committee composed of three members appointed by the chapter and one member appointed by you, and shall have such qualifications as the committee may from time to time determine.

2. The scholarship shall be called 'Scholarships of the Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.'

3. The funds collected and received for said scholarships shall be held by the chapter and disbursements shall be made only upon vote of the members of the chapter at any regular meeting. All rules and regulations regarding the procedures to be adopted in connection with said scholarships shall be determined by the scholarship committee subject to approval by the members of the chapter at any regular meeting

If this understanding meets with your approval, kindly sign the enclosed duplicate original of this letter and return to us.


Authorized Representative of Chapter

University of ___________________________________

Authorized Signature Date
