2024 Setty Family Foundation
Applied Engineering Challenge
Introduction | Scope | Constraints | Judging | Submission | Timeline | Prizes
Questions? Submit them here
Jurisdictions globally are confronting climate change and recognizing that building decarbonization is a significant component of their efforts. The worldwide building sector accounts for about 40% of energy-related carbon emissions, and the global building stock is predicted to double by the year 2060. The carbon emissions related to building sector include both energy related emissions for building operations and building construction.
Buildings remain a key sector that lacks sufficient climate change mitigation policies.
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Design a new or modify a system using components from an existing HVAC unit that is at the end of its useful life to create an energy efficiency retrofits or recycled product.
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Designs should be geared towards building decarbonization to help reduce indoor and outdoor air pollution, saving energy, recycling and/or reuse and eliminating GHG emissions.
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This project is intended to challenge not only design and engineering skills, but also your ability to diagnose and correct both common and complex issues.
Projects shall be evaluated, at a minimum, according to the following criteria. For items not covered specifically below, judging will be based on the merits of the proposal and documentation presented as justifications. Teams are urged to use their creativity, but like most real-life situations, the proposed solutions must adhere to industry approved engineering guidelines, utilize currently available technology, be financially feasible, and be deployable from concept through construction within a reasonable timeframe.
- Depth and breadth of solutions considered
- Provide an estimation of carbon emission reduction related to the final energy efficient retrofit or recycled product.
- Creativity and innovation of the proposed solution
- Quality of the reporting methods used for occupants and building operators
- Use of ASHRAE Standards and other relevant related materials
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Teams must consist of two to six students with each team member's name and school affiliation listed on the title page of the submission. Teams can consult industry professionals, such as local ASHRAE chapter members, or faculty advisors for mentorship and advice. However, all work, calculations, drawings, etc. that are presented in the final submission shall be generated exclusively by team members.
Entries must be submitted electronically by May 4, 2024 by uploading the entry to the ASHRAE Society FTP site established for this purpose. Only teams who register will receive the FTP site information, so please register at least 30 days prior to this date to allow for processing. The submission must be limited to a 25-page maximum technical report. The document must be formatted to 8.5 x 11 inch paper with margins of 1 inch, a font size of 11 points using either Arial or Times New Roman, and a line spacing not less than the Microsoft Word standard of 1.15. All documents must be delivered in PDF format and should be clearly readable in black and white print.
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What is the Evaluation Time Schedule?
There will be three levels of evaluation. Evaluators at all levels will judge the design project reports, not only for content, but also for compliance with the competition rules.
May 4, 2024
Entries must be submitted electronically by this date by uploading the entry to the ASHRAE Society FTP site established for this purpose. Only teams who register will get the FTP site information emailed to them, so please register at least 30 days prior to this date to allow for processing. Late submissions will not be accepted so all teams must have their submission uploaded by 11:59pm EST on May 4, 2024.
Only ASHRAE chapters with registered teams will have the FTP site emailed to them as well.
Teams that do not have a local chapter are required to adhere to this same deadline. Your entry will be evaluated by the closest chapter to your school or your Regional Vice-Chair (RVC) for Student Activities.
May 18, 2024
Deadline for local ASHRAE Chapters to forward their selection of the best entry in each category to the Student Activities Regional Vice Chair (RVC). Chapters are to download the necessary entries from the ASHRAE FTP site for local judging. FTP site information is only distributed to those chapters that have teams registered to participate in the competition.
Once your selection is made simply email the names of the winning entries to your RVC with a copy to by the deadline above.
If applicable, chapters should ALSO nominate a "rising star" as well. The Rising Star must be a school that does not qualify for the regional or Society competition, but is a quality entry and the school has not had a winning entry in the previous three years.
June 8, 2024
Deadline for local ASHRAE Student Activities Regional Vice Chairs to forward their selection of the best entry in each category to ASHRAE Headquarters for Society judging. Regional Vice Chairs are to download the necessary entries in your region from the ASHRAE FTP site for judging.
Once your selection is made simply email the names of the entries to by the deadline above.
All entries that pass regional judging will be submitted to the Society judging committee for final judging.
If applicable, Regional Vice Chairs can nominate a "rising star" as well. The Rising Star must be a school that does not qualify for the Society competition, but is a quality entry and the school has not had a winning entry in the previous three years.
June 21, 2024
Society level competition under the direction of the Student Activities Design Competition Subcommittee will complete evaluation of Society level entries, and will select first, second, and third place winners in each category. In order to encourage additional schools to participate in the competition, a "Rising Star" winner will be chosen within each category from among those schools that have not had a winning entry in the previous three years.
Please Note: The Society level of the competition is conducted during a closed subcommittee session and therefore, team members and/or faculty advisors, or other persons outside of the Student Activities Committee, may not attend. Any violation of this notice can result in a team's disqualification from the competition.
Monday August 1, 2024
Winners announced
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Awards will be presented to the winners at the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting to be held in Orlando, Florida United States of America as follows:
- 1st place
- 2nd place
- 3rd place
- Rising Star
In conjunction with the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, members of the winning teams will be invited to meet with ASHRAE’s Executive Committee.
First Place: $5,000 prize plus the entire team will receive free transportation and two nights’ lodging for (capped at $5,000) to attend the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting where the award will be presented at the ASHRAE Plenary. A 24 x 36 inch ARCH D, or ISO A1 poster is required for display at the ASHRAE Student Program.
Second Place: One representative from the team will receive free transportation, two nights' lodging at the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting where the award will be presented at the ASHRAE Student Program. A 24 x 36 inch ARCH D, or ISO A1 poster is required for display at the ASHRAE Student Program.
Third Place: One representative from the team will receive free transportation, two nights’ lodging at the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting where the award will be presented at the ASHRAE Student Program. A 24 x 36 inch ARCH D, or ISO A1 poster is required for display at the ASHRAE Student Program.
Rising Star: One representative from the team will receive free transportation and two nights lodging for attendance at the 2025 ASHRAE Winter Meeting where the award will be presented at the ASHRAE Student Program. A 24 x 36 inch ARCH D, or ISO A1 poster is required for display at the ASHRAE Student Program.
>> View the listing of past winners
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