In addition to the Society scholarship program, many ASHRAE chapters award scholarships to students in their local area. If you know the name of your local ASHRAE chapter, please look at the chapter links below to see if your chapter is listed. Otherwise, to find out if a local scholarship program is available in your area, contact the Student Activities Chair of the nearest ASHRAE chapter. If you need assistance with this, contact The ASHRAE Assistant Manager of Student Activities by phone at: (404) 636-8400 or e-mail at:
The Arkansas Chapter awards various scholarships each spring to engineering students at local universities at the discretion of the chapter members. Contact the Student Activities Chair, Forrest Moseley at
Atlanta Chapter
The Chapter subcontracts out its scholarship work to the Georgia Engineering Foundation. This Foundation's sole mission is to provide scholarships to engineering students in Georgia.
Austin Chapter
The Austin, TX ASHRAE Chapter provides 2 Scholarships in the amount of $500
each. ASHRAE student membership is recommended. Monthly meeting dinners are paid for by the local chapter for all student members. Application can be found by visiting
Bluegrass Chapter
The ASHRAE Bluegrass Chapter has a local scholarship program that has been in effect for a few years. The details of our scholarship program can be seen on the chapter website at (click on Bluegrass Scholarship).
Baltimore Chapter
Attention college students! Are you currently an engineering student planning a career in the Baltimore Area? Did you know that ASHRAE would like to invest in your education? Each year, the Baltimore Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers offers scholarships to college students pursuing their Bachelor's Degree in an ASHRAE related field. Among other specific criteria, scholarship eligibility is limited to students residing in, or moving to, the Baltimore Chapter assigned area as a permanent resident (ASHRAE Region III, Chapter 025). Last year the Baltimore Chapter was pleased to awardscholarships ranging from $750 to $1500, to college students successfully competing for these funds.
Boston Chapter
The Cheryl Rossini Future Engineers Scholarship is named in fond memory of Cheryl Rossini, a fixture in the Boston Chapter who held many positions including chapter president, and was the student activities chair for the ASHRAE Boston Chapter for over 10 years. Please visit the ASHRAE Boston Chapter website for more details.
Central Indiana
Currently, there are two scholarships that are awarded annually - the Steven Rosenberg scholarship and the Graham Supple scholarship. Each are in the amount of $1500. See our website for more information.
Central Oklahoma Chapter
Our program was first established in the early 1960's by Society Presidential member William J. Collins, Jr. with a major contribution to establish an endowment at Oklahoma State University in the name of Floyd R. Denham, a deceased chapter member.
Central Pennsylvania Chapter
The Central Pennsylvania Chapter offers 3-4 annual scholarships to current Engineering and Engineering Technology students. Scholarships range up to $1000, and are awarded during the Spring semester. Contact the Central Pennsylvania Chapter Student Activities Chair, Lindsey King, at for the application and more information regarding their scholarships.
Colombia Chapter
Ingeal is funding a Scholarship for Colombia ASHRAE Students. The Scholarship is awarded to a student who needs financial aid and has a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.5 on a scale with a maximum of 5.0. ASHRAE membership is required, participation at chapter level is desired, and students should be studying or have an interest in an HVAC&R industry-related field. For more information please, visit
Connecticut Chapter
Contact the Connecticut Chapter Student Activities Chair, Edward Gutowski, for more information regarding their scholarships at
Dallas Chapter
The Dallas Chapter has two scholarship programs. We offer a scholarship from Chapter funds and also one from the P.N.Vinther Trust. This trust was established in honor of the former Society president P. N. Vinther who was also instrumental in the growth of the HVAC consulting industry in the Dallas area. Last year's scholarship from this source was for approximately $3,000. We have traditionally also paid separate scholarships of $500 to two other students.
Dayton Chapter
The Dayton Chapter offers two $1000 scholarships a year, the Mark Keller Memorial Scholarship and the Dayton Chapter Scholarship. Scholarship applications are due January 31 each year. Please refer to the Dayton ASHRAE website for additional information.
Detroit Chapter
In honor of Joseph B. Oliveri, a 1959-1960 Co-President of the Michigan Chapter of ASHRAE, the scholarship is offered to chapter area students of mechanical engineering and architecture.
East Texas Chapter
Contact the East Texas Chapter Student Activities Chair, Nelson Fumo, for more information regarding their scholarships at (903) 581-3332.
El Paso Chapter -
The El Paso, TX ASHRAE Chapter provides two scholarships per year in the amount of $500 each. Please contact the student activities chair, Ryan Green at
Florida West Coast Chapter
We typically award 6-10 scholarships every year to USF students. These scholarships range from $250 to $1,000 based on leadership and membership activities in the USF Student Branch of ASHRAE as well as with the local chapter. We are proud to support the future of our industry and are continuously pushing to offer more. With out our future engineers, we have no future in engineering.
Golden Gate Chapter
We have two Scholarship Funds. One is the Eric Thor Andresen Scholarship, funded by Eric’s parents. The web page on this Scholarship has a link to the “Memorandum of Understanding” which set up the Scholarship fund. The other is the Don Bryant Scholarship. See the web page on this scholarship, and click on Scholarships and Awards.
Granite State Chapter
We currently have two active student chapters, one is affiliated with a university, and the other is affiliated with a community college. Our past history has been to award one scholarship per institution per year. The selection of the candidate is based on a recommendation by each student chapter's advisor.
Hampton Roads Chapter
HRC ASHRAE is pleased to announce the establishment of the Daniel C. Pettway Scholarship at Tidewater Community College, Hampton Roads VA.
Details are available for download
Houston Chapter
The Houston Chapter awards at least one $500 scholarship per year in the spring. Multiple scholarships may be awarded as funds are available. In the past, we have awarded between 3 and 6 scholarships and the final number and amount will be determined after all applications are received. Contact the student activities chair at
Idaho Chapter
Details and our scholarship Application Form for our local $750 scholarship to Boise State University can be found on our website.
Iowa Chapter
The Iowa Chapter has been awarding two annual student scholarships for several years. We have an application form that each student applicant must complete. The award is determined by a panel from the Student Activities Committee. We use three (3) main determining factors: financial need, ASHRAE related study emphasis, and desire to stay in HVAC field of work.
Kansas City Chapter
We award three (3) college scholarships – one (1) for $3000 and two (2) for $1000. We also have two (2) $500 scholarships for high school seniors entering into college. For more information please visit:
Madison Chapter
The Gustus L. Larson Scholarship Awards program was started in 1956 to honor the memory of Professor Gustus L. Larson. Professor Larson was long active in ASHAE and served as President in 1936. He was Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department. at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) from 1920 to 1951. He passed away in 1953. We fund $4,000 to $5,000 per year in scholarships to mechanical engineering students. Our criteria is summarized in a poster that we send out every year.
Malaysia Chapter
Malaysia Chapter has officially launched the ASHRAE Malaysia Chapter Scholarship. Established by a financial donation by one of the Past Presidents of ASHRAE Malaysia. The goal is to provide financial support to deserving students to pursue undergraduate degree in Engineering. Under this Scholarship, ASHRAE Malaysia Student Branch Members can apply for a scholarship with the value of USD 1,500 per year (approximate RM6,000 per year). If you are interested, please drop an email to
Manitoba Chapter
The Manitoba Chapter funds a $500 bursary for students at the local Community College and a $500 bursary for undergraduate students at the local University of Manitoba. We require a minimum scholastic level and then allocate based on need.
Memphis Chapter
Each spring, the ASHRAE Memphis Chapter awards $250 Outstanding Junior scholarships to an engineering student from both University of Memphis and Christian Brothers University. The recipients are selected by the staff at each respective university. Contact Russ Fletcher with the Chapter at:
Mississippi Valley Chapter
The ASHRAE Mississippi Valley Chapter awards an annual $1,000 scholarship to one high school senior, college undergraduate, or technical school student interested in pursuing a career in a field related to ASHRAE. For more information please visit
Monterrey Chapter
We have an excellent scholarship program with one of the local trade schools. We provide 20 scholarships every 6 months. These scholarships are paid by our members.
Northern Alberta Chapter
We have two post-secondary schools in the area: a college and a university. We solicit applications from the final year of the program in each school, asking the applicants to demonstrate their need and interest in the HVAC industry. In consultation with each school's student advisor, one person from each school is selected to receive $500.00 from our Chapter, to be used at their discretion.
Northern Nevada Chapter
We provide two scholarships each year, one for students at University of Nevada, Reno, the other for students at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), Reno. Go to and under 'Scholarship Search by Name' type in ASHRAE. Call them at 784-4666 #3 for further details.
Northeast Chapter
The Northeast Chapter of ASHRAE typically awards two $500.00 scholarships to applicants per the following requirements: The applicant must be 1) enrolled in a current program relating to the HVAC industry, 2) a graduate student or an undergraduate student and 3) attending school or have a permanent address in the Capital Region of New York (Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Saratoga). A panel of members from the Northeast Chapter of ASHRAE will choose scholarship recipients. Please check the Northeast Chapter website ( for more information.
Northwest Arkansas Chapter
The Northwest Arkansas Chapter of ASHRAE announces the ASHRAE NWA Donald and Richard Rheem Scholarship. This was established this year through the generosity of Rheem and is intended to move forward as an annually awarded scholarship. This scholarship program will award one (1) $10,000 scholarship to an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in a Discipline of engineering related to Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning with an intention to pursue a career in the same field. Award is limited to students currently enrolled in a school registered with this scholarship program. This scholarship is a one-time award to the selected winner each year.
NB/PEI Chapter
We offer 7 scholarships to local students. Details are as follows:
One (1) chapter scholarship is awarded to a high school graduate who is the son or daughter of a Chapter Member in good standing and who is enrolled in a University or Community College program. The amount is $500 and is based on academic standing. The chapter administers the scholarship.
Six (6) scholarships are administered by local universities (University of New Brunswick, Universite de Moncton, NBCC Saint John, CCNB-Edmundston, and Holland College). Every year, the universities award a scholarship in variable amounts.
Full details, including selection criteria and the application process for each of these scholarships can be found in this document from the NB/PEI Chapter website:
Orange Empire Chapter
We have four (4) - $300 scholarships. We ask the students to write an essay on the following: “Describe one of your school projects or lessons learned that relates to the field of HVAC&R.” We evaluate the applications and give awards in April of each year at our April Chapter meeting. We give the winners a check, a certificate of Congratulations, and an old ASHRAE handbook (donated by the chapter members).
Ottawa Chapter
Available to a qualified undergraduate mechanical, architectural, sustainbaility, or building science enginering or engineering technology student enrolled full-time at a post-secondary educatioal institution within the ASHRAE Ottawa Valley Chapter or Canada's National Capital Region, including the following:
- Carleton University
- University of Ottawa
- Algonquin College
- Cegep de L’Outaouais
Puget Sound Chapter
We are currently offering two scholarships for students in the Puget Sound region of Washington state. Please contact our Student Activities chair at for more information.
Richmond Chapter
The ASHRAE Richmond Chapter offers the Frederick Weiss and Robert Blue Memorial Scholarships. Please see our website for more information. The scholarships range from $1,000 to $4,000 and are available at the discretion of the Chapter.
Frederick Weiss was an active member of the Richmond Chapter throughout his professional career as a manufacturer’s representative. Fred served as a Regional Chairman and was an active at the National level, as well. Robert Blue was loyally serving the Richmond Chapter as Secretary at the time of his death in 1998. The scholarship is open to all until his only daughter enrolls in college. At that time, she will automatically be the recipient of the award.
Any student from Richmond area who is enrolled or will be enrolled in an engineering, science, or mathematics degree program at a technical, 2-year, or 4-year institution is eligible to apply for the scholarship. Applicants must demonstrate a need for financial assistance to complete his/her education with a preference given to applicants who aspire to work in the field of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning. Students who have a parent that belongs to ASHRAE will also be given consideration.
Application form: may be obtained from the ASHRAE Richmond Chapter Student Activities Chairman, Thomas Weingertner at 804.916.1373, email:, and/or Street Address: 2820 Ackley Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23228.
Rocky Mountain Chapter
The Rocky Mountain Chapter of ASHRAE has a Scholarship Fund established to which we contribute proceeds from our annual golf tournament. We award four $1,000.00 scholarships annually in November at our fall Student Night. These scholarships go to students from area Universities who demonstrate an interest in HVAC, financial need, “smarts”, and good communication skills. We deduct from their score if we feel they will not be staying in our area after graduation. Please contact the Rocky Mountain Chapter Student Activities Chair, Kevin Ainsworth, for more information regarding their scholarships at
Sacramento Valley Chapter
The Sacramento Valley Chapter of ASHRAE offers scholarships for local students in the Sacramento-Valley area planning to pursue a career in HVAC. These are awarded annually and are funded by the local chapter.
San Jose Chapter
We have a local scholarship that we established upon the death of one of our prominent members. We use funds from our general treasury to fund the scholarship and we advertise it at local universities.
Sierra Delta Chapter
At the present time we do not have an annual Scholarship that is presented by the Sierra Delta Chapter. We contribute a sum of money that is approved by the membership to the local SJEC (San Joaquin Engineers Council) who combine all the contributions and present Scholarships of various sums to the local High School students at their annual awards dinner
Southern California Chapter
The Southern California Chapter offers three types of scholarship opportunities (Scholarship for Community Colleges, Scholarship for High School Seniors, and Scholarship for 4yr Engr College/Unveristy). The details of each scholarship program can be seen on the chapter website. The deadline to apply is March 31st.
St. Louis Chapter
Our local scholarship program has been in place for over 20 years. Regular scholarships are given annually to students interested in ASHRAE related careers from regional universities and technical schools. In addition, a recent bequeath funded another scholarship, stipulated to be given to students in non-local universities who are interested in an ASHRAE related career in the local area.
Tennessee Valley Chapter
Contact the Tennessee Valley Chapter Student Activities Chair, Dr. Prakash Damshala, for more information regarding their scholarships at
Toledo Chapter Our chapter has awarded college scholarships for about eight years. Our guidelines indicate that we award at least one $1,000 scholarship to a high school senior that is enrolling in a program of Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Technology at an institution in northwestern Ohio. We have, on two occasions, awarded two scholarships of the same value in a given year, based on availability of funds and candidates. Contact the Toledo Chapter Student Activities Chair, Michael Green, for more information regarding this scholarship at
Tucson Chapter
The Tucson, AZ ASHRAE Chapter provides Three Scholarships in the amount of $500 each. This year applications are due April 1st, 2013. ASHRAE student membership is recommended. Monthly meeting lunches are paid for by the local chapter for all student members. Scholarship winners will be announced at the ASHRAE Tucson Chapter Summer Social on Friday June 7th, 2013. Application can be found by visiting
Twin Tiers Chapter
The Twin Tiers Chapter awards the H.O. Ward Scholarship Annually to three students in the following amounts: (1) $1,000 and (2) $500. The scholarship application is open to high school and college students with an HVAC interest, who are ASHRAE student members or relatives of member of the Twin Tiers Chapter. Applications are due Mach 15. More information and the application can be found on our website:
Utah Chapter
The Utah Chapter awards two (2) - $1,000.00 scholarships per year to engineering students who show an interest in a career in HVAC.
Washington DC Chapter
NCCASHRAE has 4 scholarships that we award annually: two (2) - $1,000, and two (2) - $500 scholarships.