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2024 CIDCO Showdown

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Welcome to the first ever ASHRAE CIDCO Showdown, a highlight of the Conference for Integrated Design, Construction & Operation (CIDCO).  For its inaugural year, CIDCO will be held in conjunction with the annual ASHRAE conference in Indianapolis in June 2024. 

The CIDCO Showdown offers participants the opportunity to compete on teams using BIM tools, processes and strategies to design, construct and operate the competition’s proposed model building.

Sign Up Form The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Overview | Design Requirements | Submission Deliverables | Building Details


Teams will compete to design a mixed use, multilevel medium-sized office building located at 8710 Hague Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256. All major building systems are to be designed, including the building enclosure, HVAC, refrigeration, lighting, water heating, plug loads, and any on-site renewable energy systems. The competition emphasizes creativity, teamwork, and an integrated BIM design process to achieve a holistic design that purposefully considers all spatial, environmental, and human factors.


Design Requirements

The building design should meet the following requirements:

  1. The building floor area should be 50,000 ft2
  2. Ten percent (10%) of the floor area should be used for retail, 10% should support a full-service restaurant, and the remaining square footage is for the offices and support functions.
  3. Source energy use intensity (EUI) to < 100 kBtu/ft2-yr.
  4. Net-zero or net-positive whole-life carbon emissions over a 50-year building lifetime for all life-cycle stages (A1-D) as specified in EN 15978.
  5. Construction time from breaking ground to construction completion < 18 months.

In addition to any analyses required to support the quantitative design metrics above, competition entries should also include the following:

  1. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) analyses: Demonstrate that the project will provide thermal, visual, and acoustical comfort appropriate to the proposed space typologies informed by current versions of Green Globes or LEED standards for new construction.  Consider enhanced IEQ Strategies found in the WELL standard. 
  2. Lighting analyses: Demonstrate design strategies for maximizing the usage of local daylighting through a daylight study, solar shadow study or similar. 
  3. Design for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): Demonstrate strategies for IAQ best practices including considerations outlined in ASHRAE’s Indoor Air Quality Guide.
  4. Clash detection: Demonstrate the use of clash detection within the BIM model to verify building systems do not interfere and showcase design changes made to resolve any interference.
  5. Project scheduling analysis: Demonstrate the use of project scheduling to show the project meets the required construction timeframe. Include any design or construction optimizations that reduce construction time and cost. 4D BIM simulation is encouraged.
  6. Construction cost analysis: Provide an analysis for construction cost at the early design phase, and then a final cost estimate for the completed project, explaining any major changes.  Emphasize cost effective design and construction.
  7. Life cycle cost analysis: Provide a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for operation and maintenance costs over a 50-year building lifetime (including end of life costs).
  8. Operating plan: Describe strategies for building operations including the use of a building management system (BMS), to reduce costs while maintaining safe and comfortable conditions.  

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Submission Deliverables

Submission deliverables should showcase the building design, design strategy, building performance, major design challenges and how they were overcome, and any supporting evidence to provide confidence that design requirements have been met. Demonstration of a holistic design will be made through the following team deliverables.

  1. Project Plan (due April 15): Teams will submit a two-page narrative midway through the competition summarizing their design approach, status, and estimated metrics.
  2. Final report (due June 21): The final report should not exceed 4 pages, single spaced with 11 point font. At a minimum, it should contain the following sections:
    1. Executive summary (maximum ½ page)
    2. Design, construction, and operation strategies
    3. Results achieved including final metrics
  3. Video (Optional) (due June 21): The video should not exceed 90 seconds and should focus on the process used to achieve the final design.
  4. Teams will also prepare the following items for presentation at the 2024 CIDCO conference (due June 24).
    1. Poster: Showcase the final design, design strategies, and building performance.
    2. Slide presentation: Teams should prepare an open 15 minute presentation for a judging panel summarizing the competition entry. The presentation may optionally include the 60 second video.

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Building Details

  • Location: The model building is to be located at 8710 Hague Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256.
    • The site is located in the Northeast Area of Indianapolis, Indiana, with coordinates 39.92259 N, -86.02100 W. You can locate the lot on Google Maps using 8710 Hague Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46256.
    • The lot size is approximately 1400 ft (North-South side) x 1000 ft (East-West side) with a pond that is around 750 ft x 1000 ft. It’s north and west sides are commercial areas loaded with local business, chain restaurants, and a Walmart supermarket. Its south and east sides are surrounded by residential areas.
    • The design team shall assume the lot is leveled with no existing structure, and all civil work is completed on this site and can accommodate any designs.
  • Energy use requirement was determined as a 80% knockdown from the floor area weighted average of 2022 ASHRAE 90.1 source EUI:
      • MedOffice: 70.4 kBtu/ft2-yr
      • RetailStandAlone: 87.9 kBtu/ft2-yr
      • RestaurantSitDown: 600.0 kBtu/ft2-yr
      • Floor area weighted: 125.11 kBtu/ft2-yr

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