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2023 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference

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2023 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference

Holistic Building Analysis: Linking Operational Energy, Embodied Carbon and Comfort

September 11-13, 2023 | Austin, Texas

Technical Program


Important Know Before You Go:  In-Person Attendees

ASHRAE will host the annual Building Performance Analysis Conference September 11-13, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Austin, in Austin, Texas. This will be the tenth consecutive ASHRAE modeling conference and 12th overall. Designers, Architects, Consulting Engineers, Building Owners, Principals of Firms, Researchers, Utility Providers, Policy Experts, Contractors and Facility Managers will address the practices of energy modeling and building performance simulation using existing simulation tools, software development and future simulation research and applications.

The technical program will consist of keynote speakers, invited speakers, a call for presentations and the ninth ASHRAE LowDown Showdown.

The theme of the conference is: Holistic Building Analysis: Linking Operational Energy, Embodied Carbon and Comfort.

The technical program will address topics such as:

  • Approaches to Modeling Future Weather, Climate and Extreme Events
  • Modeling Advances - Tools and Workflows
  • Modeling for Carbon and Embodied Energy
  • Occupant Health, Wellbeing and Comfort
  • Modeling Existing Buildings
  • Thermal and hygrothermal (envelope) modeling
  • Lighting and Daylighting
  • Resilience
  • Intelligent Building Operations - Grid Interactions and Distributed Energy Resources
  • CFD Applications for Architectural Decision Making
  • Urban and Community Scale Modeling
  • Intelligent Building Operations - Efficiencies and Load Management
  • Energy Equality, Access and Justice

  • Keynote Speakers
  • Registration

    Early Bird Registration: (May 10th – Aug 4th) Rate
    Member $  675.00
    Non Member $  725.00
    Regular Registration: (Starts Aug 5th) Rate
    Member $  725.00
    Non Member $  775.00
    Other Registration:  Rate
    Speaker  $  450.00
    Student $  350.00
    One Day (Available Onsite Only, Does not include post conference access to session recordings) $  320.00

     In-person Attendees will receive the following:

    • On-site Access to Technical Program from September 11-13, 2023.
    • Interactive Conference App: ASHRAE 365
    • Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, September 10, 2023
    • Breakfast, Lunch and Coffee Breaks on Monday, September 11th
    • Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee Breaks and the LowDown Showdown Closing Reception on Tuesday, September 12th
    • Breakfast, Morning Coffee Break on Wednesday, September 13th
    • 12 month access to ALL recordings of conference sessions including Keynote Presentations

    Virtual  Attendees will receive the following:

    • Interactive Conference App: ASHRAE 365
    • Access to the Virtual Conference page for 12 months post-Conference. The Virtual Conference includes access to:
        • Recordings of all sessions within 24 hours of in-person session.
  • Call for Presentations

    A call for presentations is now open for the 2023 Building Performance Analysis Conference.

     “This year the conference theme is intended to highlight the need for a holistic approach to adequately address multiple challenges in building analysis from carbon to comfort,” says John Bynum, conference chair. “A variety of topics relevant to a holistic approach to building analysis at all lifecycle stages have been identified as well as other specific topics of interest such as resilience, CFD, urban scale modelling and energy equity. The committee is looking forward to receiving submissions across the variety of topics listed.”

     Building performance professionals and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for individual presentations between 10-25 minutes in length or 60-90 minute panel or seminar sessions. Proposals can cover a broad range of topics addressing the needs of the building performance analysis community. Creative and interactive presentation formats are strongly encouraged.

    • Individual presentations: On projects, research, or career/business development topics. (10-25 min)
    • Panel: 3-4 industry experts, including one moderator, on a current topic of interest or team case study. (60-90 min)
    • Seminar: 1-4 speakers and session Chair, on one of the conference topics. (60-90 min)

     Topics include:

    • Approaches to Modeling Future Weather, Climate and Extreme Events
    • Modeling Advances - Tools and Workflows
    • Modeling for Carbon and Embodied Energy
    • Occupant Health, Wellbeing and Comfort
    • Modeling Existing Buildings
    • Thermal and hygrothermal (envelope) modeling
    • Lighting and Daylighting
    • Resilience
    • Intelligent Building Operations: Grid Interactions and Distributed Energy Resources
    • CFD Applications for Architectural Decision Making
    • Urban and Community Scale Modeling
    • Intelligent Building Operations: Efficiencies and Load Management
    • Energy Equality, Access and Justice

  • LowDown Showdown

    Sign up NOW for this year’s ASHRAE LowDown Showdown (LDSd) which will take place at the 2023 Building Performance Analysis Conference.

    >> For more details visit the 2023 LowDown Showdown page here.

  • Thank You to Our Sponsors

    Thank you to the following sponsors of the 2023 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference!


    Platinum Level 




      Silver Level    




    Bronze Level 

  • Hotel & Travel

    The 2023 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference will take place at The Hyatt Regency Austin located at 208 Barton Springs Rd. Austin, TX 78704, September 11-13, 2023.

    • Book by August 21, 2023 to receive the discounted group rate of $269 + tax per night.

    Book Now

    Visa Letter

    Click the button below to fill out the form and have a visa letter generated for you.


    Processing times for visa applications vary depending on the visa office and the time of the year.  Participants are encouraged to check the processing times calculator for guidance, but generally we recommend applying approximately 12 weeks in advance of their departure date to ensure they receive the visa in time for the start of the event.

  • Steering Committee

    John Bynum Chair Aaron Boranian Vice Chair
    Susan Collins Ranojoy Dutta Walter Grondzik
    Nasim Mirian Nicole Peterson 2023 Steering Committee
  • Sponsorship

    The conference organizers are pleased to offer several sponsorship opportunities to engage industry participation. All sponsors will have their company logo and name on the event flyer, the conference web site and recognition during the conference. A summary of the specific benefits of each sponsorship level is included. If you have questions or are interesting in being a sponsor, please contact Staci Loeffler

    Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Health & Safety

    Commitment to Care: ASHRAE is committed to the health and safety of our members and conference attendees. ASHRAE is closely monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionWorld Health Organization and local health agencies. ASHRAE’s Commitment to Care may evolve as the conference approaches and guidance and local restrictions change.

     In Advance of the Conference

    • Attendees must “accept” ASHRAE’s liability waiver when registering for the conference.
    • Everyone attending the conference is required to register for the conference for safety purposes.
    • For entry into the conference: It is recommended that attendees are fully vaccinated. Proof will not be required to enter the conference.

     At the Conference

    • Masks may be worn at the individual’s discretion. Masks are not required inside the conference hotels but are strongly encouraged.
    • Hand sanitizing stations will be positioned throughout the meeting space.
    • If symptoms develop, attendees should NOT attend sessions and few recorded sessions post-conference.
    • If an attendee tests positive while at the conference, he or she may quarantine at the conference hotel at their own expense and should report the positive test to ASHRAE staff.

     After the Conference

    • If an attendee tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of leaving the conference, the attendee should notify ASHRAE staff immediately.
    • ASHRAE will communicate to attendees, if needed, up to 14 days after the last day of the conference.

    Additional Travel Resources
