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HVAC Cold Climate Conference 2023

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HVAC Cold Climate Conference 2023

March 6-8, 2023
Marriott Anchorage Downtown, Anchorage, Alaska

View Papers for the conference


Conference Program & Schedule    |     CONFERENCE FLYER

Unique Challenges & Solutions for Climate Change in Cold & Arctic Communities 

The goal of this International conference is for Built Environment engineers, practitioners, researchers, scientists, owners and government officials working in Cold Climate regions to share recent solutions and advancements addressing changes in climate; while experiencing the warmth, hospitality and culture of Alaska.

“ Net-zero energy and sustainability goals pose special challenges for cold climates, climates with large swings in temperature and where ever-changing climate and shifting weather patterns result in colder temperatures in areas where winters are typically mild. Harmonizing human comfort with the climatic realities of these environments is a balancing act, and strategic design is key to building, commissioning and operating efficient and long-lasting cold-climate structures. ” 

   - Erich Binder, conference chair.

Arctic Mini Conference: Fairbanks, AK March 9-10, 2023

  • Technical Program
  • Registration

    Early Bird Registration Rates Extended Until January 20th!


    Early Bird: (September 29, 2022 – January 20, 2023)


    Member $  590.00
    Non Member $  640.00


       Regular Registration: (January 21, 2023)



    $  640.00

       Non Member

    $  690.00






    $  325.00


    $  425.00

       Additional Registration Required


      Anchorage City Tour (Sunday, March 5)

    $  45.00pp

      Arctic Mini Conference (Fairbanks, AK, March 9-10)

    $  100.00

    In-Person Attendees will receive the following:

    • On-site Access to Technical Program from March 6-8, 2023.
    • Interactive Conference App: ASHRAE 365
    • Download access to all conference papers
    • Welcome Reception
    • Breakfast, Lunch and Coffee Breaks Monday and Tuesday
    • Breakfast and AM Coffee Break Wednesday
  • Pre-Conference Courses

    Course: ASHRAE Cold-Climate Buildings Design Guide

    • Date: Friday, March 3, 2023
    • Location: Marriott Downtown Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska
    • Course Length: 3 hours (8am – 11am)
    • Cost: $99

    This course is based on the new ASHRAE Cold-Climate Buildings Design Guide, which enables engineers to develop design strategies and solutions that can be successfully applied in cold climates. There are several special considerations for cold climates: remoteness, HVAC function (the need for maintenance, repairs, etc.), fuels, high energy use, low humidity, freeze protection, and more.

    Net zero energy and sustainability goals also pose special challenges for engineers in cold climates. Net zero energy can be especially difficult in an environment that requires large amounts of heating energy. Sustainability is tough to plan in the face of a delicate and shifting landscape; plans may be affected by climate change and other man-made influences.

    This course focuses onto applications in cold climates and deals with the specific issues relevant to this climate. The material covers health and safety in cold climates and how to achieve energy-efficient and net zero design in these environments. Also discussed are passive systems and applications (such as natural ventilation in places where external air is subzero) and hybrid passive and mechanical heating and ventilation applications.

    Course Instructor: Frank Mills, C.Eng., Member ASHRAE

    Publication: Registration includes a complementary Cold-Climate Buildings Design Guide, 2nd Edition book.

    Register Here

  • Keynote Speakers

    Building Demand Response for Smart Energy System Flexibility

    Optimization of energy systems often focuses on the grid side and does not integrate building systems, which limits the optimization and flexibility opportunities considerably leaving an untapped potential. The ongoing digital transition brings the possibility of real-time energy resource management to building owners/managers and energy system operators making it possible to tap into it. This presentation focuses on the demand response potential of buildings and HVAC systems and how this can be for the benefit of smart energy system flexibility and optimization.

    Bio: Per Heiselberg is Professor and Deputy Head of Department for Research at the Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University, Denmark.

    His research and teaching subjects are within architectural engineering and are focused on: Building energy-efficiency, Design and operation of near and net zero energy buildings, Buildings role as “prosumers” in a future smart energy system as well as on Ventilation and air flow in buildings. He has published more than 600 publications on these subjects.

    He is a member of the Danish Council on Climate Change (, that develops energy and climate change policy recommendations for the Danish Government to realize a cost-effective transition to a low carbon society in 2050.
    He has been involved in more than 20 EU and IEA research projects related to building energy efficiency in the past 30 years.

    Update on ASHRAE Task Force For Building Decarbonization

    Bio: M. Ginger Scoggins, PE, CxA, CEM, LEED AP is the President of Engineered Designs, Inc., a full-service plumbing, HVAC, and electrical design firm in Raleigh, NC. She is a licensed mechanical engineer with 30 years of experience in the design and construction of a variety of building types and is also a certified Commissioning Agent.

    The European Way to Zero Emission Buildings Without Sacrificing Indoor Environmental Quality

    The EU has set a goal for all new buildings by 2030 to be zero carbon emission buildings, and that by 2050, all buildings will be zero emission. This is a change from the earlier focus on near zero energy buildings. The driver is several directives from the EU-commission that must be implemented in national regulation. The most important is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPB-D), that is being revised and republished in spring 2023. The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is not directly dealt with in the directives; but it is referred to national regulations regarding IEQ. The package of standards that can be used for evaluating the energy performance do, however, include a standard dealing with IEQ (thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting, acoustic), which must be used for input to the energy calculations. Increase in energy renovations are essential to meet these goals. A “renovation passport” for buildings will be made for buildings, that include a renovation plan and possible improvements of IEQ.

    Bio: Bjarne Olesen, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, was ASHRAE’s President for the 2017-2018 term. Olesen has previously served on the Board of Directors as Treasurer, Vice President and Director-at-Large.

    In addition to his time served on the Board of Directors, Olesen has been a part of many technical committees and been a Coordinating Officer of various committees, most recently: Conferences and Expositions Committee, Chapter Technology Transfer Committee, Honors and Awards Committee, Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee, Membership Promotion Committee, Research Promotion Committee, Student Activities Committee and Young Engineers in ASHRAE Committee.
    For his efforts and dedication to ASHRAE, Olesen is the recipient of the Lou Flagg Historical Award, Fellow Award, Exceptional Service Award and Distinguished Service Award.

    Olesen earned his Ph.D. in Heating and Air Conditioning in 1975 and Master of Science in Civil Engineering in 1972 – both degrees obtained from the Technical University of Denmark.

  • Thank you to our Sponsors

    Thank you to the Sponsors of the ASHRAE and SCANVAC HVAC Cold Climate Conference 2023!

    Gold Level Sponsors


    Silver Level Sponsors



    Zinc Level Sponsors




    Jade Level Sponsors






    Copper Level Sponsors


  • Sponsorships

    The conference organizers are pleased to offer several sponsorship opportunities to engage industry participation. The sponsorship offsets conferences expenses and provides access to seasoned practitioners and principals responsible for managing modeling services.

    All sponsors will have their company logo and name on the event flyer, the conference web site and recognition during the conference. A summary of the specific benefits of each sponsorship level is included. If you have questions or are interesting in being a sponsor, please contact Staci Loeffler


  • Arctic Mini-Conference

    SUGGESTED TRAVEL TO FAIRBANKS  Arctic Mini Conference Draft Agenda

    March 9-10, 2023

    For an additional $100 registration fee*, conference attendees can register to attend an immersive experience in Fairbanks, Alaska the day after the conference.

    *Please note travel from Anchorage to Fairbanks and hotel accommodations at the Chena Hot Springs Resort is the responsibility of the attendee.

    **Important Note: Foreign nationals will need to provide extra paperwork and a photo of their passport, 2 months before the trip to Fairbanks. Please email for more information on how to submit these documents.

    The group rate at the Chena Hot Springs Resort is $149/night + tax. For additional information on how to make reservations please email

    • Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC): Attendees will be bussed from the airport for a brief workshop, tour, and lunch at the CCHRC. CCHRC is a part of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and is a leading organization in research and testing of building technologies in cold climates (
    • Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Permafrost Research Tunnel: Walk 45,000 years into the past to view ice lenses and actual remains of animals and plants preserved by the cold. This is a unique experience as the tunnel is not open to the public and requires special approval from the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Organizing committee member, Dr. Alexander Zhivov, has received initial clearance for this visit.
    • Chena Hot Springs Resort: After the tour of the tunnel, attendees will be bussed to the World-Famous Chena Hot Springs Resort.  Enjoy a tour of their geothermal driven tri-generation system and Aurora Ice Museum.  Relax that evening soaking in the natural hot springs.  This location is known for its Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights shows in the winter.  
    • Full Day of Technical Sessions: The next morning starts a full day of additional technical presentations held at the Resort.  Sessions will include workshops on the to-be-published ASHRAE Guide for Resilient Thermal Energy Systems Design in Cold and Arctic Climates and additional paper presentations. This part of the technical session will be supported by CCHRC, University of Alaska Fairbanks staff, and local engineering firms.  At the end of that day, attendees can either go back to the airport to travel home or continue their Alaskan adventures.


  • Hotel and Travel

    Hotel Reservations

    The HVAC Cold Climate Conference will take place March 6-8, 2023 at the Marriott Anchorage Downtown, Anchorage, Alaska located at 820 W 7th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501.

    • Book by Sunday, February 5, 2023 to receive the discounted group rate of $169 + tax per night

    Book your group rate for ASHRAE 2023 Cold Climate

    Alaska Airlines is pleased to confirm a 7% discount rate code for Alaska Airlines:

    Meeting Name: Cold Climate Conference
    Meeting Fare Code: ECME578
    Departure City(s): Any Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air US, Canadian, Mexican or Central America city
    Meeting City: Anchorage or Fairbanks, Alaska
    Not Included: Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
    Beginning Travel Date: March 2, 2023
    Last Travel Date: March 16, 2023
    Blackout Dates: March 9 - 12, 2023

    Visa Letter

    Click the button below to fill out the form and have a visa letter generated for you.

    VISA Letter

    Processing times for visa applications vary depending on the visa office and the time of the year.  Participants are encouraged to check the processing times calculator for guidance, but generally we recommend applying approximately 12 weeks in advance of their departure date to ensure they receive the visa in time for the start of the event.

  • Conference Attendee Visitors Guide

    By clicking on the link below you will find a list of restaurants and activities to enjoy during your stay in Anchorage. You will also find tips and recommendations you may find helpful prepared by the ASHRAE Alaska Chapter.


  • Activities / Tours

    Alyeska and Wildlife Conservation Center Excursion | Sunday, March 5, 2023, 10am – 4pm  |  $45pp

    Enjoy a day filled with one of a kind Alaskan adventures, with a sightseeing tour through downtown Anchorage to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center and then ride the Alyeska Ariel Tram to the top of Mt. Alyeska. Tour guest will be able to get lunch on their own at the top of Mt. Alyeska.


    Curling Event | Monday, March 6, 2023, 5:30pm – 9pm  |  $45pp

    Experience a true cold climates sport, Curling! This conference event is open to all (experience not required).  The evening will include dinner and a chance to experience on-ice time with a coach at the local Anchorage Curling Club, followed by a match or two from some of our own Cold Climates Conference attendees. Cash bar available on site. Transportation is not provided, group share rides will be coordinated for registered attendees.   


    YEA Escape Room Event | Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 6pm – 7pm  |  FREE for YEA Members (Registration Requires)

    Join both local and visiting YEA members for an Escape Room experience!
    We will follow this up with an informal Pub Crawl open to all.

    Register Here

  • Steering Committee

    Erich Binder, Chair
    Bill Dean, Scientific Committee Chair
    Risto Kosonen, SCANVAC Representative
    Siru Lonnqvist, SCANVAC Representative
    Bjarne Olesen, ASHRAE Society Past President
    Eileen Jensen, ASHRAE Region XI DRC
    Tracy McKeon, Organizing Committee Co-Chair
    Craig Fredeen, Organizing Committee Co-Chair
    Mak Kampen, ASHRAE Alaska Chapter
    Nathan Zeigler, ASHRAE Alaska Chapter
    Marianna Vallejo, ASHRAE CEC Representative
