ASHRAE is organizing its first International Building Decarbonization Conference. The conference is being organized by ASHRAE’s Task Force for Building Decarbonization and the Hellenic Chapter.
The conference intends to be an information and idea exchange, between stakeholders in the built environment industry, concerning the timely and important topic of reducing carbon emissions from buildings. A primary goal of the conference is to bridge North America and Europe collaboration in decarbonization efforts.
Conference Topics
The Conference will present the state-of-the-art in building design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance as well as emerging new technologies and materials. The conference topics include:
- Climate Change and the Built Environment
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- Pathways to Zero Carbon Buildings
- Building Renovation. Effects on Decarbonization
- Reducing the Carbon Balance of the Building in its Operations
- IEQ and its Impact on Decarbonization
- Reducing Energy Demand While Maintaining IEQ and Functionality
- Reducing Carbon Emissions During the Construction of a Building
- Reducing the Embodied and End-of-Life Carbon of the Structural, Envelope and System Materials Incorporated into the Buildings
- Refrigerants and their Effect on Building Decarbonization
- Effect of Building Electrification on Decarbonization
- Decarbonization and the Health Care Sector
- CO2 Sequestration – Case studies
- Decarbonization initiatives in cities and countries
Special Sessions
- Balancing Decarbonization, IEQ & Energy Efficiency Requirements
- Moving too Fast or too Slow Towards Decarbonization?
- The Future of Refrigerants
- Buildings & Infrastructure
- Decarbonization State around the World
- Planning for Tomorrow
- Data Centers and the Race to Zero: Holistic Strategies to Reach Net-Zero by 2030
Paper Sessions
Keynote Speakers:
- Ginger Scoggins | PE, LEED AP, CEM, CxA, FASHRAE, ASHRAE President-Elect 2022-2023
- Kent Peterson | PE, FASHRAE, ASHRAE President 2007-2008
- Thomas Phoenix | Task-Force Co Chair, P.E., LEED AP, FASHRAE, ASHRAE President 2014-2015
- Donald Colliver | Task-Force Co Chair, Ph.D. P.E., Professor, University of Kentucky, FASHRAE, ASHRAE President 2002-2003