ASHRAE Releases Reaffirmations of Standards 26 and 28
From eSociety, March 2020
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 26-2010 (RA 2020), Mechanical Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations Aboard Ship, provides the minimum general requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection and maintenance of mechanical refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment aboard ship to permit the safe, efficient and reliable operation of such systems.
The 2020 reaffirmation of the standard contains no substantive changes.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 28-1996 (RA 2020), Methods of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes, provides uniform methods for laboratory testing of the flow capacity of refrigerant capillary tubes.
The 2020 reaffirmation contains no substantive changes to the standard.