ASHRAE Sells Out First European-Specific HVAC Design Training
From eSociety, February 2019
The ASHRAE’s first of two HVAC Design training courses tailored to the European market has sold out.
The course, HVAC Design: Level I—Essentials (European Edition), is scheduled for March 6 to 8 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Portugal and Spain ASHRAE chapters arranged the sold out training.
While the fundamentals of good design practice are universal, the course has been adapted to meet the specific needs of European designers, whether they practice only in Europe or in areas where U.S. standards are also applied.
To tailor the class to the European market, the course has been converted to SI units; references to European regulations have been added; and two European instructors trained to instruct the course.
The course is next scheduled for May in Madrid.
Interested European ASHRAE chapters interested in the training should contact Steve Comstock. To learn of future European trainings, contact the ASHRAE Learning Institute.