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Board of Directors Approve Budgets, Capital Campaign and More During Annual Conference

Board of Directors Approve Budgets, Capital Campaign and More During Annual Conference

From eSociety, August 2018

The ASHRAE Board of Directors met twice during the 2018 ASHRAE Annual Conference in Houston to discuss and vote on matters pertaining to budgets, scholarships, future conferences and nominating processes, among other topics.

The board took the following actions during its June 24 and 27 meetings:


    • Updating the Strategic Plan Rule of the Board to be as follows:

    “ ASHRAE’s mission calls for the Society “To advance the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world”. Moreover, ASHRAE’s vision states, “ASHRAE will be the global leader, the foremost source of technical and educational information, and the primary provider of opportunity for professional growth in the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating”. To accomplish ASHRAE’s mission and vision it is necessary for ASHRAE to be guided by a strategic plan. The activities necessary to produce ASHRAE’s long range plan and strategic plan are the responsibility of the Planning Committee, as found in the ROB. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed and monitored by the Planning Committee on a continuous basis by annually incorporating feedback from councils, standing committees, technical committees, standards project committees, members, allied societies, and governmental organizations, as found in the ROB. Monitoring and reviewing the progress of councils and committees in achieving the goals found in the Strategic Plan assures the strategic plan is kept relevant and current. Where necessary, the Planning Committee will make recommendations for changes and revisions, as found in the ROB.”

    • The Code of Ethics Enforcement Procedures Task Group’s request that changes to the Rules of the Board be made incorporating the changes to Ethics Enforcement that add a balanced and transparent process that is fair to all involved.
    • The Rules of the Board (ROB) 2.406.002, Membership, to be revised as follows:
      • one past member of the Standards Committee.
      • one past member of the Research Administration Committee (Research Liaison for 2.0,4.0,or 5.0).
      • one past chair of a technical committee involved in environmental health or indoor air quality issues.
      • one member from outside the U.S. and Canada.
      • two health professionals (such as an industrial hygienist, physician, an epidemiologist or a public health official).
      • one past Society officer who has recently served in that capacity.
      • 2.406.002.1 Composition
        The members of this committee are as follows:
        A. Maximum of 15 voting members, including a chair and vice chair;
        B. Voting members shall include at least:

    *Previously, the committee had to have a physician and another health professional, such as an industrial hygienist, an epidemiologist or a public health official. Now, the committee has to have at least two health professionals, who might not be physicians. The board added “at least” to the Rule of the Board.


    • The 2018-2019 draft budget of the general fund, inclusive of council budgets, that shows a total deficit of $13,400. The original motion showed a deficit of $63,400 but the motion was amended and the Board Opportunity Fund was reduced by $50,000.
    • The 2018-19 draft budget for the Research Fund showing total revenues and expenses of $5,697,000.
    • A discretionary capital expenditure budget of $200,000 for fiscal year 2018-19.
    • King and Spalding be retained as ASHRAE legal counsel for fiscal year 2018-2019.
    • Oakbridge Partners, Ltd. be approved as ASHRAE investment advisor for fiscal year 2018-2019.
    • Jones and Kolb be approved as ASHRAE Certified Public Accountant for fiscal year 2018-2019.
    • the appropriate and required bank resolutions be approved for institutions in which ASHRAE funds are deposited as executed by officers for 2018-2019.

    • A motion that there shall be no more than three Board of Director elected members (total of voting and non-voting members) who have a membership grade of Presidential Member, in addition to the chair and vice chair on the Nominating Committee.
    • Waiving the ASHRAE Associate Society Alliance (AASA) Rule of the Board for qualifications for Society year 2018-2019. The qualifications are:
      • The chair of the Alliance shall have been a member of the ASHRAE Board of Directors with international experience and be appointed by the ASHRAE Society President.  
      • The vice chair of the Alliance shall be appointed by the president.
      • The AASA chair shall be an ASHRAE Member.

    *Previously, the qualifications were: the chair of the AASA shall have been a member of the ASHRAE Board of Directors with international experience and be appointed by the ASHRAE Society President; the vice chair of the Alliance shall be appointed by the president from within the Executive Committee; and the ASHRAE Society immediate past president shall be a member.

    • Allowing one additional director to serve on Members Council for Society Year 2018- 2019. The members of this council are as follows:
      • Chair, president elect, vice chair, treasurer,
      • Voting members: chair, vice chair, up to six directors and the Region
        Members Council Representative (RMCR) from each region.
      • Non-Voting Members:  Chair of each committee reporting to this council.

    *Previously, up to five directors and the RMCR from each region could serve on the council.

    • Having 12 voting members instead of 11 voting members on the Honors and Awards Committee for this Society year.
    • Changing the name of the GGAC committee from the “Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee” to the “Government Affairs Committee.”
    • Presidential appointments be approved for the 2018-19 Society year:
        • Standing Committees
        • Intersociety and Miscellaneous Appointments
        • Board Subcommittees for Nominations
        • Ad Hoc Committees

    • The ASHRAE Units Policy and the following changes for the Society Year 2018-2019, going forward:
      • The Publishing and Education Council shall review formats to be used in ASHRAE publications as needed and/or referred for consideration from members and committees, and shall establish any changes in the approved formats.
      • The Publishing and Education Council shall consider this Units Policy as needed and/or referred for consideration by council, committee or other groups and recommend to the Board of Directors the formats to be used in ASHRAE publications.

    *Previously, the BOD had to review the Units Policy annually.


    • Forming a new Standard Project Committee’s title, purpose and scope.
      • TITLE: Methods for Performance Testing Centrifugal Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units
      • PURPOSE: This standard provides methods of testing for the performance rating of centrifugal refrigerant compressors and condensing units.
      • SCOPE: This standard applies to centrifugal refrigerant compressors and condensing units utilizing any refrigerants. This standard applies to single and multi-stage compressors with or without means of intermediate cooling.
    • ASHRAE as a co-sponsor to the new Standard Project Committee BSR/ASABE EP653 -201x, Recommended Practice for Heating, Ventilation and  Air Conditioning (HVAC) Products Used in Indoor Plant Growth and Development, with ASABE as the lead organization.

    The following publications, approved from Technology Council:

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum c (deletes Informative Appendix C, Summary of Selected Air Quality Guidelines) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum o (adds mandatory requirements for the redesignation of air class) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum r (clarifies the requirements for exhaust outlets and outdoor air intakes) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum u (provides a compliance checklist) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           that BSR/ASHRAE Addendum e (balanced ventilation terminology) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2016, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum k (hotel/motel HVAC guest room controls) to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum q (clarifies the requirements for testing and balancing of HVAC systems) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum v (adds requirements for alternate calculation methods for minimum separation distances for exhaust outlets and outdoor air intakes) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

    •           BSR/ASHRAE Addendum a (adds requirements for unvented space heaters) to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2016, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings.


    • Allowing the Board of Trustees of the Foundation to recommend candidates to serve on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees to the president elect. The candidates will be separated by corporate and member positions. Corporate positions shall be elected individually with an ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ vote by the BOD.  Member positions shall be in priority order. The number of corporate positions and member positions that are open will be furnished to staff by the BOT based upon the number of members they have approved and as shown in their MOP.  Three alternates will be selected for member positions.  Alternates will be used to fill positions if an elected individual declines or cannot serve due to conflicts. The motion includes other changes to the Rule of the Board including filling vacancies.

    *Previously, the president elect would recommend the candidates, and all the candidates would be ranked in priority order. The candidates were not separated by corporate and member positions.


    • Submitting to membership a proposed revision to the ASHRAE Bylaws regarding nominations. Nominations may be made in writing by no less than 1% of ASHRAE members in good standing.  The minimum number of members required shall be based on the membership roster of the first day of that Society year.  No more than 10% of the minimum number of signatures required shall be from one chapter and no more than 30% of the minimum number of signatures required shall be from one region.

    * Previously, a nomination could be made by a petition signed by just 50 members in good standing.  Remove background checks from the Nominating Committee Rule of the Board.


    • Submitting to membership a proposed revision to the ASHRAE Bylaw regarding Society-approved years of experience. One year of credit maximum would be allowed for ASHRAE Certified Professional credential(s).

    • Initiate the Indoor Carbon Dioxide Position Document that provides ASHRAE’s position on the role that carbon dioxide plays in ventilation and indoor air quality including standards, guidelines and control techniques. The document’s scope is to delineate at what levels CO2 is a contaminant of concern, when it can be used as an indicator of acceptable indoor air quality or productivity and how it can be used in ventilation and IAQ control systems.
    • Revise changes to the title, purpose and scope of the Resiliency in the Built Environment Position Document. The changes urge ASHRAE to work with other organizations on this issue and to identify design and operation resiliency strategies for building infrastructure and associated systems.
      • To describe what CIBSE and ASHRAE will do to address challenges to creating a resilient built environment with both changing climate and natural/human-induced disaster events
      • To identify design and operational strategies for resilient built environment infrastructure and associated systems
      • Existing and new buildings
      • All building systems (comfort, lighting, air quality, envelope, etc.) that impact the ability of building occupants to continue to use the building for its intended purposes when specific outside events or changing conditions over time impact the ability of those systems to perform.  
      • Interaction of building systems with external infrastructure (water, power, etc.), focusing on the potential for external systems to stop operating.
      • Describe need for methodologies to determine acceptable levels of damage/down time for building systems subject to specific outside events.
      • Describe the relationship between resilience and sustainability.
      • Recommendations for interaction of ASHRAE & CIBSE with other organizations and governmental agencies for supporting resilient built environments.
      • Title: Resiliency in the Built Environment
      • Purpose:
      • Scope:
    • The revised Climate Change Position Document.
    • The revised Refrigerants and their Responsible Use Position Document.


    • The Gordon V. R. Holness Engineering Technology Scholarship for $5,000.
    • The ASHRAE Houston Chapter Scholarship for $3,000.

    • Holding the 2021 Conference at the Palmer House hotel in Chicago.

    • $300,000 over the next two Society years for support of the pending bricks-and-mortar capital campaign to fund ASHRAE’s new headquarters.
    • Engaging the services of Sinclair, Townes & Company as the Campaign Consultant for the pending Capital Campaign, with the planning and implementation to span about 15 months.