An ASHRAE research project has updated the “Climatic Design Information” chapter of the 2017 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. The updated weather data will also update ASHRAE Standard 169, Climatic Data for Building Design Standards. There are now a total of 8,118 locations now worldwide, a 26% increase compared to the 2013 handbook. Reported elements now include monthly-average wind speed, wet-bulb temperature return periods, and monthly-average daily all-sky global horizontal solar radiation. Additionally, the research includes a temperature trend analysis. A technical paper on this project was published in ASHRAE Transactions (Vol. 123 (2), LB-17-007) and is now available.
1699-RP, Update Climatic Design Data in Chapter F14 of the 2017 Handbook of Fundamentals, was sponsored by TC 4.2, Climatic Information. The principal investigator was Dr. Michael Roth with Klimatt Consulting & Innovations Inc.
Poorly designed vertical risers are known to account for significant energy losses in blast freezers and air cooling units that use ammonia liquid overfeed systems with two-phase return flow from the evaporators. An ASHRAE research project undertook an experimental effort to measure pressure drop and visualize flow of two-phase anhydrous ammonia in these vertical risers to improve design. The primary objective of the research was to identify the superficial gas flow (velocity) at which the minimum pressure drop is observed and to document conditions under which liquid floodback occurred in the riser. The results of the research will make it possible to lower energy losses and help ensure safe and stable operation of evaporators and freezers. A technical paper has been submitted for future publication in ASHRAE Transactions.
1327-RP, Flow Pattern and Pressure Drop Determination for Two-Phase Ammonia Flow in Various Pipes, was sponsored by TC 10.3, Refrigerant Piping, Controls, and Accessories. The principal investigator was Mr. Lars Reinholdt, with Danish Technological Institute.
UVC light is being used to kill microbes in the air and on the surfaces of coils/drain pans in HVAC systems and food processing equipment. Because many materials present in these applications may be exposed to the UVC light (due to poor shielding or design), there is the potential for material degradation leading to component failure, and possibly, total system malfunction. An ASHRAE research project explored this issue to measure and predict the expected degradation of various materials exposed to UVC light. A technical paper has been submitted for publication in a future edition of the ASHRAE Science and Technology for the Built Environment.
1724-RP, Study the HVAC System Photodegredation Caused by the Low Level UVC Light Irradiance Used for Coil Maintenance and Air Stream Disinfection, was sponsored by TC 2.9, Ultraviolet Air and Surface Treatment. The principal investigator was Mr. Robert Kaufman with the University of Dayton.
The final reports for these projects are available for free to ASHRAE members at www.technologyportal.ashrae.org. ASHRAE Transactions papers are available for $5 to ASHRAE members at www.ashrae.org/bookstore.