Membership Advancements
From eSociety, December 2019
The following members were approved for advancement to Member grade during November 2019:
Name, Chapter
Kris S. Zimmerman, Houston
Jeffery N. Bolander, Houston
Sai Brindha Kapalayam VS, Houston
Jeremy Chase Williamson, Houston
John M. Maupin, P.E., Houston
Bryan Clark, Houston
Burhan Jeelani Kashtwari, ASHRAE Falcon
Ross Diederich, P.E., Northeast Wisconsin
Gregory T. Jeffus, Houston
Rajeev Kamal, Ph.D., Houston
Wendy W. Wang, Golden Gate
Paride Morello, Toronto
Robert R. Bacon, Philadelphia
Kyle G. Cranston, Houston
Ransom D. Hamrick, San Diego
Napa Ravi Kumar, Chennai
Amer Rabah, Toronto
Rebecca Louise Neill, Region XIV-Other
The requirements are that a Member have the equivalent of 12 Society-approved years of experience composed of an approved combination of:
To advance from Associate to Member, you must update your ASHRAE bio online, and notify you have an updated bio and wish to be considered for grade advancement.
Tips for updating bios:
- Log into by selecting ‘Join or Login’ in the upper right corner. Enter your email and password and select ‘Sign In’.
- Select ‘My Account’ in the upper right corner of the homepage.
- Select the ‘Biographical Information’ tab along the top tab options. Add all educational degrees, work history, and relevant professional licenses.
- Confirm that your contact information is current by selecting ‘Contact Info.’