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Public Reviews, November 2018

Public Reviews, November 2018

Constructive comments are invited for the following public review drafts, which can be accessed on ASHRAE’s website.

All activity for reviewing and commenting on public review drafts can be accomplished completely online. To obtain a paper copy of any Public Review Draft contact:


Attn: Standards Public Review

1791 Tullie Circle NE

Atlanta, GA 30329-2305

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Paper copies are available for $35/copy if 100 pages or fewer and $45 if more than 100 pages.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2016, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

These drafts are scheduled for a 30-day public review from Nov. 16 to Dec. 16:

1. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum x (Second Public Review Draft)

The exhaust procedure in Standard 62.1-2016 contains requirements in notes. This proposed addendum relocates those requirements to the body of the standard. The performance compliance path is modified to be consistent with the proposed changes to the IAQ Procedure. Table 6.5.2 Airstream or Sources) is added as relocated from Section 5.

2. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum (Second Public Review Draft)

Since the original publication of Standard 62.1, ASHRAE published Standard 188-2015, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems. This proposed addendum requires advising the owner of the basic requirements of ASHRAE Standard 188.

3. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum aa (Second ISC Public Review Draft)

The indoor air quality procedure has a long history going back to the 1981 standard. Weaknesses in the requirements exist for identifying the contaminants of concern, identifying concentration limits and exposure periods, and specifying the percentage of building occupants to be satisfied with perceived IAQ. Although the percentage of building occupants to be satisfied with perceived IAQ may be specified, and the standard requires that it be measured; this measurement usually would take place after occupancy so is often ignored or omitted. This proposed addendum adds requirements for designing to specific targets. The target design compounds and mixtures are specifically identified.

4. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum ae (First Public Review Draft)

This proposed addendum adds a maximum indoor air dewpoint in mechanically cooled buildings. The 60°F (15°C) indoor air dewpoint limit avoids the microbial growth problems frequently observed when humid outdoor air infiltrates into buildings. Humidity-related requirements of earlier versions of 62.1 were intended to address both mold growth and comfort concerns by limiting indoor humidity to 65%RH but did not explicitly extend to unoccupied hours when microbial growth often accelerates. Also, the earlier versions did not establish a coincident dry bulb temperature or limit the mass of water vapor available for surface absorption during periods when cooling is intermittent to conserve energy.

5. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum af (First Public Review Draft)

The 2018 FGI (Facilities Guidelines Institute) guideline requires certain outpatient spaces to meet local ventilation codes and not ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170: Neither one of the two mechanical model codes (IMC and UMC) has ventilation rates for these spaces. The IMC and UMC use ASHRAE Standard 62.1 as basis for their ventilation table. This proposed addendum adds ventilation rates for those spaces in order to bridge the gap with ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170.  It was developed in consultation with FGI in order to understand the activity in each space.

6. BSR/ASHRAE Addendum ab (Second ISC Public Review Draft)

Indoor CO2 has had a prominent place in discussions of ventilation and IAQ for many years. The relevant issues include the impacts of CO2 on building occupants, the use of CO2 to control outdoor air ventilation rates, CO2 monitoring as an indicator of general IAQ conditions and the use of indoor CO2 to estimate building ventilation rates. This proposed addendum adds a new Normative Appendix D, Estimation of Steady-State Indoor CO2 Concentrations Based on Per Person Ventilation Rates and Occupant Characteristics. The purpose is to describe the estimation of steady-state indoor carbon dioxide concentrations for a given per person outdoor air ventilation rate.

7.    BSR/ASHRAE Addendum ac (Second Public Review Draft)

Informative Appendix C (Summary of Selected Air Quality Guidelines) in 62.1-2016 was deleted in a previous addendum. This proposed addendum adds a new Informative Appendix C with content supportive of changes to the Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP).

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1- 2016, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings

These drafts are scheduled for a 30-day public review from Nov. 16 to Dec. 16:

1. 3rd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum y 

In response to comments from the second public review, the word “commonly” was removed from this proposed addendum since it is subject to interpretation.

2. 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum al

This addendum proposes changes clarify the modeling rules in section G3.1.1(c) to ensure that the intent of this section is met.

3. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bc 

The addendum proposes implementation of condensing boilers for new construction to achieve condensing-level efficiency (i.e., 90% Et) for large boiler systems (i.e., between 1 million and 10 million Btuh), where the proper design considerations are included so that the condensing boilers will operate properly. To ensure condensing occurs, requirements are added to ensure boiler entering water temperature is designed to be low and able to be maintained low by minimizing recirculation of hot water supply into the return.

4. 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bf 

The following addendum represents further modifications to Addendum “bf” as a result of a public comment, and further coordination with existing portions of the section on vestibules. The primary change is relocating revolving doors from an exception (since by exception they are permitted in lieu of vestibule currently) to one of two requirements (a choice).

5. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bh 

Addendum Q reorganized the air leakage requirements, including moving the fenestration and door air leakage requirements from to a new section and table However, Addendum Q accidentally did not delete the last item in Section, and inadvertently left out one item related to high speed doors from Table This addendum simply corrects these two oversights. There are no changes to technical requirements.

6. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bi 

The addendum updates the reference year for Standard 140 in Sections 11 and 12 as well as Appendix C and G.

7. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bj 

This addendum adds tables to the list of products that are exempt from meeting the requirements of section 6.5.6 - Heat Rejection Equipment.

8. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bk

Currently, the proposed designs with on-site electricity generation systems often mistakenly model the baseline as having all electricity purchased from grid. The addendum clarifies that such projects must model the same electricity generation system in the baseline and proposed design and is aligned with the interpretation IC 90.1-2013-16 OF ANSI/ ASHRAE/IES STANDARD 90.1-2013 form January 21, 2018. The proposed designs utilizing cogeneration or combined heat and power systems (CHP) can get credit for recovering waste heat as allowed by and G2.4.1.

9. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bp 

This addendum adds a new table F-5 to specify DOE covered residential water boiler efficiency requirements similar what was done for other regulated products. In table 6.8.1-6 notes have been added to indicate that products that fall under the requirements for DOE regulated products the efficiency levels only apply to products applied outside the US.

10. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bq

In response to a consensus proposal from ASHRAE TC8.6 Subcommittee on Standards and Codes, Table 6.8.1-7 has been updated for the 2019 Edition.

11. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bt 

This addendum updates the Building Performance Factors (BPFs) that are used for compliance with Appendix G.

12. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bu 

This addendum revises the appendix g baseline requirements.

13. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bv 

The purpose of this addendum is to allow designers the option to use ASHRAE Standard 90.4 requirements instead of ASHRAE 90.1 requirements in computer rooms that have an IT equipment load larger than 10 kW. A computer room that has such a load is the same as the defined term “data center” in 90.4.

These drafts are scheduled for a 45-day public review from Nov. 16 to Dec. 31:

1. 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum an 

This ISC updates pump definitions and requirements in Addendum an based on public review comments received during the first public review. The changes improve the language in the addendum.

2. 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum aw

Addendum AW is a comprehensive revision to the fenestration prescriptive criteria in Tables 5.5-0 through 5.5-8. This 2nd public review ISC to Addendum AW makes corrections in response to comments received on the first public review.

3. 2nd Public Review ISC of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bb 

This addendum revises LPD values. In response to comments received during the first public review, revisions were made to the model. Because of this a number of values changed. A typo resulting in an incorrect value for audience seating area - performance arts theater was corrected and the space type, audience seating area – convention center was removed as it was deemed to be unused.

4. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bd 

This addendum adds minimum efficiency requirements for heating chiller packages.

5. 2nd Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum be 

This addendum updates the efficiency requirements for Computer Room air conditioners as listed in table 6.8.1-11 and adds a new table 6.8.1-19.

6. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bl

This addendum updates table 6.8.1-1 Electrically Operated Unitary Air Conditioners and Condensing Units— Minimum Efficiency Requirements.

7. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bm 

This addendum updates table 6.8.1-2 Electrically Operated Air Cooled Unitary Heat Pumps—Minimum Efficiency Requirements.

8. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bn 

This addendum updates the table 6.8.1-4 Electrically Operated Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners, Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps, Single-Package Vertical Air Conditioners, Single-Package Vertical Heat Pumps, Room Air Conditioners, and Room Air Conditioner Heat Pumps— Minimum Efficiency Requirements.

9. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bo 

This addendum adds table F-4 and modifies Table 6.8.1-5 Warm-Air Furnaces and Combination Warm-Air Furnaces/ Air-Conditioning Units, Warm-Air Duct Furnaces, and Unit Heaters—Minimum Efficiency Requirements.  

10. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum br

 New DOE refrigeration minimum efficiency requirements went into effect on March 27, 2017 and this addendum updates the requirements in table 6.8.1-12 and 6.8.1-13 to align with the DOE requirements.

11. 1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum bs 

This addendum updates table F-2 to reflect the new water heater requirements that were adopted by DOE for residential water heaters effective December 2015.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.4-2016, Energy Standard for Data Centers

The following is scheduled for a 30-day public review from Nov. 16 to Dec. 16:

1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Addendum e 

This addendum revises the definition of computer room and data center to be consistent with changes occurring in ASHRAE Standard 90.1.

BSR/ASHRAE Standard 150- 2000R, Method of Testing the Performance of Cool Storage Systems 

The following is under a 45-day public review from Nov. 9 to Dec. 24:

1st Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Standard 150- 2000R, Method of Testing the Performance of Cool Storage Systems

ASHRAE Standard 150-2000R prescribes a uniform set of testing procedures for determining the cooling capacities and efficiencies of cool storage systems.

BSR/ASHRAE Standard 212P, Method of Test for Determining Energy Performance and Water-Use Efficiency of Add-On Evaporative Pre-Coolers for Unitary Air Conditioning Equipment

The following is under a 45-day public review from Nov. 9 to Dec. 24:

2nd ISC Public Review of BSR/ASHRAE Standard 212P, Method of Test for Determining Energy Performance and Water-Use Efficiency of Add-On Evaporative Pre-Coolers for Unitary Air Conditioning Equipment

The purpose of ASHRAE Standard 212P is to provide test methods for gathering performance data for use in calculating the energy savings potential and water-use performance of add-on evaporative pre-coolers for condenser inlet air of air-cooled, direct expansion unitary air conditioning equipment. 

ASHRAE Guideline 12- 2000R, Managing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems

The following is under a 45-day public review from Nov. 2 to Dec. 17:

3rd ISC Public Review of ASHRAE Guideline 12- 2000R, Managing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems

This independent substantive change to the previous public review draft reflects input from comments received during the second public review.
