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September, Greece: IAQ 2020

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September, Greece: IAQ 2020

Authorities, Practitioners to Network at IAQ in Athens, Greece
Sponsorship opportunities available

 From European Update, Winter 2020

ASHRAE members and others who work to improve indoor environmental quality will have the opportunity to interact with the field’s leading authorities in Athens, Greece, 14-15 September.  The Hellenic Chapter will host ASHRAE IAQ 2020 under the theme, “Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Performance Approaches–Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ.” 

The conference, organized with Air infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC), takes place with the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conferences, creating a mega indoor environment event.

Organizers report near 320 abstracts are being reviewed for acceptance.  In addition to papers sessions, there will be workshops on conference themes.

Participation by practitioners along with researchers have given the ASHRAE Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) series an application focus. 

“What is unique about ASHRAE IAQ conferences is their more topical and applied focus when contrasted to other IAQ conferences and events,” said Steering Committee Co-Chair William Bahnfleth, ASHRAE Presidential Member and Professor of Architectural Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University.

This year, the conference will expand from its traditional IAQ focus to more broadly embrace IEQ topics. IEQ includes air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, and illumination and their interactions.  The conference’s focus highlights performance approaches including the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement them.

ASHRAE member registration fees will be available. 

Conference Topics include:

  • Health and Well-being: Appropriate technical and operational definitions
  • Performance Metrics: For all aspects of IEQ
  • Interactions: Interactions between IEQ parameters
  • Occupant Behavior: How behavior impacts IEQ and how IEQ impacts behavior—psychological dimensions of IEQ
  • Smart Sensors and Big Data: Sensor properties, data management, cybersecurity, applications
  • Smart Controls: Equipment properties, commissioning, equivalence
  • Resilience and IEQ: Responding to climate change and disasters
  • Ventilation: Mechanical, passive, natural and hybrid systems
  • Air Tightness: Trends, methods and impacts
  • Thermal Comfort: Dynamic approaches, health impacts and trends
  • Policy and Standards: Trends, impacts, implications

The list of world-renowned keynote speakers who will present and interact at IAQ 2020 can be found at /conferences/topical-conferences/indoor-environmental-quality-performance-approaches.

Registration will open at the site in March.  The full program will be posted later in the spring.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship packages to create brand awareness and demonstrate thought leadership to this global assembly of IEQ decision makers are available.  Sponsors will benefit from exposure on site to attendees and to the wider group of engineers and researchers associated with ASHRAE and AIVC who will receive notices about the conference through various promotions and through access to conference technical documentation. To inquire about sponsorship, contact
