In-Depth Smoke Control Guidance in a Single Resource
Published in cooperation with International Code Council (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), ASHRAE’s Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering, Second Edition, is the most exhaustive and complete treatment of smoke control and related topics in the United States. This handbook is essential for practicing engineers designing smoke control systems or conducting related analyses because it collects all of the necessary information into a single resource of smoke control knowledge. It is written so that engineers can go directly to the material needed for a particular project — there is no need to read this handbook from beginning to end. And because it includes both Inch-Pound and Système International units, this handbook can be used by a wide audience.
This book provides authoritative, comprehensive guidance on smoke control practice, incorporating the latest research and current engineering approaches. With more than 700 pages of in-depth guidance, the handbook describes smoke control technology, including fundamental concepts, smoke control systems, and methods of analysis, and contains the information needed for the analysis of design fires, including considerations of sprinklers, shielded fires, and transient fuels. Systems discussed in the handbook include those for stairwell pressurization, elevator pressurization, zoned smoke control, and atrium smoke control. Also covered are controls, fire and smoke control in transport tunnels, and full-scale fire testing. And there are simplified instructions, with examples, for CONTAM and CFAST. As with the first edition, this handbook also provides many example calculations to help designers prevent smoke damage.
This second edition incorporates considerable new information based on research that has been conducted and engineering experience that has been gained since the first edition was published in 2012. Such new information includes the mechanisms of smoke control, a discussion of smoke control in tall buildings, and smoke control system reliability. This edition also follows the principles of the balanced approach to fire protection, consisting of detection, suppression, and occupant protection. With the balanced approach, if one or more fire safety features fail, other features will continue to provide a level of protection.
Chapters of note in this new edition include the following:
- Chapter 5, “Fire Development and Design Fires,” which explains how materials burn during a building fire, providing information necessary for analyzing the design fire for an atrium smoke control system
- Chapter 9, “Basics of Passive and Pressurization Systems,” which provides information about passive systems that rely only on barriers and about pressurization systems that rely on smoke control system fans in addition to barriers
- Chapter 16, “Equations for Steady Atrium Smoke Exhaust,” which includes even more example calculations of atrium smoke control systems
- Chapter 23, “Full-Scale Fire Testing,” which provides information about full-scale fire testing of smoke control systems and other kinds of fire tests that have been conducted in laboratories around the world
- Chapter 25, “Wind Effects,” which provides important information that can minimize the potential adverse impacts of wind on the performance of smoke control systems
This handbook also provides the following data and tools for free download:
- PDFs of climatic design data for most weather stations around the world, which engineers can use for smoke control design and that allows then to produce wind roses for the stations of their choice
- AtriumCalc, which is a Microsoft® Excel® application developed for analysis of atrium smoke control systems that lets engineers quickly perform the complicated smoke control calculations within the handbook. Preview of AtriumCalc Software
NFPA linked with permission from the National Fire Protection Association® copyright 2024, NFPA
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