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Standards 62.1 & 62.2

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The Standards for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality

ANSI/ASHRAE Standards 62.1 and 62.2 are the recognized standards for ventilation system design and acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ). Expanded and revised for 2022, both standards specify minimum ventilation rates and other measures in order to minimize adverse health effects for occupants.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality


Standard 62.1 specifies minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality (IAQ) that’s acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects. The standard provides procedures and methods for meeting minimum ventilation and IAQ requirements to engineers, design professionals, owners, and jurisdictional authorities where model codes have been adopted.

Since its original publication, Standard 62.1 has been revised and enhanced in ways that make it more than an air treatment and ventilation standard. To signify that indoor air quality goes beyond minimum ventilation requirements—and in recognition of those aspects of building systems (equipment, filtration, controls, and more) that contribute to acceptable IAQ—the title of the standard has been updated to “Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.”

New in the 2022 edition of the standard are changes that represent years of research, statistical evidence, and improved building systems and technologies:

  • Reorganized Section 5, “Systems and Equipment,” to better reflect the path of airflow and illustrate how buildings, systems, and equipment are related
  • Continued focus on IAQ, including improvements to the IAQ Procedure, setting maximum dew-point temperatures in mechanically cooled buildings and required exhaust air separation distances
  • Relocated health-care-related spaces in the scope of ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170 to a new normative appendix
  • Updated definitions, clarified air density adjustments, and removal of items related to transient occupancies that now fall under Standard 62.2
  • New title that reflects how indoor air quality (IAQ )goes beyond minimum ventilation requirements


Superseded Editions of 62.1

Looking for previous revisions?
ASHRAE offers superseded editions of Standard 62.1 and User's Manuals in the ASHRAE Bookstore. Find previous editions in the 'Document History' section of the 62.1-2019 product page. 


ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2022 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings


Standard 62.2, ASHRAE’S consensus residential ventilation and IAQ standard for dwelling units with nontransient occupants, has been updated for 2022. The standard describes the minimum requirements to achieve acceptable IAQ via dwelling-unit ventilation, local mechanical exhaust, and source control.

Changes in the revised edition include reorganization and clarification of existing provisions, more stringent compartmentalization requirements for attached dwelling units, and a new requirement for supply or balanced dwelling-unit mechanical ventilation systems for attached dwelling units on enclosed corridors.


Related Courses

Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Applications: Best Practices

Air-to-Air Heat Recovery Fundamentals and Applications (MENA)

Complying with the Requirements of Standard 62.1-2016

Designing for IAQ: Complying with Standard 62.1 (MENA)

Fundamental Requirements of Standard 62.1-2016

Operations & Maintenance of High-Performance Buildings – 6 hours

Optimizing Indoor Environment: Increasing Building Value – 6 hours

Indoor Air Quality Guide


ASHRAE's Indoor Air Quality Guide: Best Practices for Design, Construction and Commissioning is designed for  architects, design engineers, contractors, commissioning agents, and all other professionals concerned with IAQ.   This comprehensive publication provides both summary and detailed guidance in the form of a printed book and   accompanying CD. 

The complete text may purchased from the ASHRAE Bookstore, or downloaded for free.

