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Indexes to Past Years of ASHRAE Journals

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  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2019

    Air-Cooled Condensing Units

    Installation Precautions for Split System Air-Cooled Condensing Units.
    George Games, P.E. P.38. January

    Air Conditioning

    Desiccant Dehumidification Process for Energy Efficient Air
    Thomas B. Cremonte; Jonathan Maisonneuve, Ph.D. P.46. August.

    Eliminating Overcooling Discomfort While Saving Energy.
    Gwelen Paliaga, P.E.; Hui Zhang, Ph.D.; Tyler Hoyt; Edward Arens, Ph.D. P.14. April.


    Dynamics of Unidirectional Airflow.
    Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. P.20. June.

    ASHRAE 125th Anniversary

    Evolution of Thermal Energy Storage for Cooling Applications.
    Bruce B. Lindsay, P.E.; John S. Andrepont; Contributors: Chuck Dorgan, Ph.D.; Mark MacCracken; Larry Markel; Douglas Reindl, Ph.D., P.E.; Peter Turnbull; Verle Williams; Coordinator: Geoff Bares. P.42. October.

    The Golden Age of Cooling: Historic Theaters and Their Impact on Air Conditioning Today.
    Roger Chang, P.E. P.44. December.

    History of Cleanrooms.
    Philip Naughton. P.38. November.

    How HVAC&R Changed the World.
    Bernard A. Nagengast. P.34. September


    Operation & Maintenance For Condensing Boilers.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.36. October.

    Building Sciences

    Compartmentalization, Distribution and Balance.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.50. July.

    Double Play.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.62. April.

    Drain the Rain, On the Plane. The Drainage Plane.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.60. August.

    How Changing Filters Led to Condensation and Mold Problems.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.50. January.

    Keeping the Water Out of Basements.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.62. March.

    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.70. October.

    Up in Smoke.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.72. November.

    Chiller Plants

    Saving Energy: Improving the Performance of Steam Turbine Chiller Plants.
    Charles C. Copeland, P.E. P.20. August.


    Simulation of Radiant Cooling Systems in Cleanroom Applications.
    Mohamed Al Beltagy, P.E.; Mohamed El Morsi, Ph.D., Ahmed El Baz, Ph.D., Ahmed El Assy, Ph.D. P.55.

    Combined Heating and Cooling

    Combined Cooling and Heating System Performance in Hot and Humid Climates.
    Youssef Riachi, Ph.D.; Marc Madi. P.30. August.

    Hybrid CHP Systems Integrate Renewable Energy, Carbon Goals and Resiliency.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.38. December.

    Cooling Coils

    Selecting Cooling Coils for Maximized Energy Efficiency.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.52. February.

    Commercial Ice Makers

    Simulation of Efficiency Improvements to an Automatic Commercial Ice Maker.
    Haithem Murgham, Ph.D.; David Myszka, Ph.D., P.E.; Kyaw Wynn. P.36. May.


    Building Automation Systems: Addressing the Cybersecurity Threat.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.28. July.


    Remote Fire and Smoke Damper Testing Methods.
    Larry Felker. P.18. May.

    Data Centers

    Alternative Water Cooling Sources For Data Centers.
    John Peterson, P.E. P.24. November.

    Designing Data Center Waterside Economizers, Pt. 2.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Frank T. Morrison. P.57. January.

    Designing Data Center Waterside Economizers, Part 3.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Frank T. Morrison. P.78. March.

    Efficient Cooling and Heat Recovery with VRF Systems in Embedded Data Centers.
    Micah Sweeney; Mukesh Khattar, Ph.D.; Ron Domitrovic, Ph.D. P.42. February.

    Evolution of Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools.
    Dustin W. Demetriou, Ph.D.; Andrew Calder. P.52. June.

    Liquid-Cooling Trends in Data Centers.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Frank T. Morrison. P.56. July.

    Moderating the Impact of Integrating Water-Cooled Servers Into Data Centers.
    Roger Schmidt, Ph.D.; Mark Steinke, Ph.D.; Austin Shelnutt. P.20. July.

    Displacement Power Factor Correction

    Displacement Power Factor Correction: Additional Electric Power Capacity Without On-Site Generation.
    Bass Abushakra, Ph.D. P.26. October.


    Developing Field Competence: The U.S. Air Force's Approach to HVAC Education.
    Miles Ryan, P.E.; Joshua Dill, P.E. P.26. May.

    Engineer's Notebook

    An Engineering Approach To Evaluating Energy Technology.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.60. October.

    Design Considerations for Underground Hot Water Piping.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.45. July.

    Fire/Smoke Damper Applications.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.54. August.

    Heat Recovery

    Chillers In Campus Chilled Water Distribution Systems.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.68. November.

    HDPE Pipe for Corrosion- And Leak-Free Operation.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.70. March.

    Selecting and Specifying Airflow Measurement.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.74. May.

    Selecting and Specifying Pipe Flow Meters. Stephen W. Duda,
    P.E. P.62. September.

    Value Based HVAC Equipment Selection.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.54. December.

    Weather Data Analysis.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.66. June.

    When N+1 Just Isn't Enough.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.44. January.


    Formulas for Cooling With Exhaust Fans.
    Mirza M. Shah, Ph.D., P.E. P.34. November.

    Selecting Industrial Fans.
    Marcel Kamutzki, P.E. P.124 December.

    Health Applications

    Hospital Operating Rooms: Conditioning for the Environment of
    Critical Care.
    David Schurk. P.16. October.

    Improved Ventilation System for Removal of Airborne Contamination
    in Airborne Infectious Isolation Rooms.
    Jinkyun Cho, Ph.D.; Kyunghun Woo; Byungseon S. Kim, Ph.D. P.8. February.

    Thermal Comfort in Health-Care Settings.
    Rodrigo Mora, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Michael Meteyer, P.E. P.10. July.

    Heat Recovery Chiller

    Dedicated Heat Recovery Virtual Chiller Provides Savings for
    Michael Reed; Wade Robinson; Norm Hawes. P.32. January.


    ALDREN—TAIL Index For Rating IEQ.
    Pawel Wargocki, Ph.D.; Corinne Mandin, Ph.D.; Wenjuan Wei, Ph.D. P.66. December.

    A Case for Controllability.
    Peter Alspach, P.E. P.82. May.

    Designing for Airborne Infection Control.
    Jovan Pantelic, Ph.D. P.64. July.

    Do Indoor CO2 Levels Directly Affect Perceived Air Quality,
    Health, or Work Performance?
    William Fisk; Pawel Wargocki, Ph.D.; Xiaojing Zhang. P.70. September.

    Human Performance and Productivity in Buildings.
    Anja Jamrozik, Ph.D.; Nicholas Clements, Ph.D. P.73. June.

    IAQ 2020 Conference Preview: IEQ Performance Approaches.
    William P. Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E. P.76. October.

    Identifying the Knowledge Gaps for IEQ.
    Julie Godefroy. P.78. September.

    Measuring Building Moisture to Thwart Mold Growth.
    Rachel I. Adams; Mark J. Mendell. P.58. February.

    Opportunities for Connected Devices to Improve IEQ.
    Chuan He, Ph.D.; Carolyn B. Swope; Jie Zhao, Ph.D. P.81. September.

    Proposed Metrics for IAQ In Low-Energy Residential Buildings.
    Marc Abadie, Ph.D.; Pawel Wargocki, Ph.D.; Carsten Rode, Ph.D.; Jensen Zhang, Ph.D. P.62. January.

    Residential Filtration.
    Jeffrey Siegel, Ph.D. P.76. November.


    Reducing Legionnaires' Disease Risk: Implementing a Water Safety Management Plan.
    Patsy Root. P.88. March.


    Can Current Zone Selections Provide Occupant Comfort.
    Peter Simmonds; Tom Hartman. P.14. January

    Occupant Health & Well-Being in Green Buildings.
    Dusan Licina, Ph.D.; Seema Bhangar, Ph.D.; Chris Pyke, Ph.D. P.74. April.

    Occupant Modeling

    Advancing Occupant Modeling for Building Design & Code Compliance, Part 1.
    William O'Brien, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Sara Gilani, Ph.D.; Mohamed Ouf, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.22. February.

    Advancing Occupant Modeling For Building Design and Code Compliance, Part 2.
    Mohamed Ouf, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Sara Gilani, Ph.D.; William O'Brien, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.28. March.

    Advancing Occupant Modeling For Building Design and Code Compliance, Part 3.
    Sara Gilani, Ph.D.; William O'Brien, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Mohamed Ouf, Ph.D., .Eng. P.30. April.

    Process Energy Index

    Process Energy Index: A Metric To Characterize Commercial Building Process Loads, Energy Use.
    Roger Chang, P.E.; Drury B. Crawley, Ph.D. P.12. November.

    Power Grid

    Integrating with the Power Grid of Tomorrow. Sheila J. Hayter, P.E., Presidential Member ASHRAE; Andy Walker, P.E. P.60. December.


    Progress Report on Alternative Refrigerants.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.38. February

    Refrigeration on a Budget.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.84. September.

    Working at the Extremes.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.73. April.


    A Design for Life.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.72. June.

    Achieving Resiliency in the Cold Chain: Strategies to Maintain Food Safety.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.50. September.

    Be More Specific: Part 1.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.37. July.

    Be More Specific: Part 2.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.62. August.

    The Big Easy.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.85. May.

    Home of the Refrigerator.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.92. March.

    Icing the President.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.69. October.

    Life in the Fast Lane.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.56. January.

    Safety Shortcomings.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.62. February.

    Still Frozen: Part Three.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.65. December.

    The Frozen Water Trade: Part 2.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.79. November.


    Persistence in Energy Savings From Retro-Commissioning Measures.
    Saranya Gunasingh; Scott Hackel; Xiaohui Zhou P.E., Ph.D. P.12. December.

    Residential Applications

    Evolving Applications of Aerosol Sealant. Lena Burkett. P.30. February.

    New Guidance for Residential Air Cleaners.
    Lew Harriman; Brent Stephens, Ph.D,; Terry Brennan. P.14. September.

    Solar Cooling

    Breaking Down Barriers To Expand Solar Cooling Applications.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.42. August.


    ASHRAE Standard 209: Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings.
    Scott West; Demba Ndiaye, Ph.D. P.20. December.

    What's New in ASHRAE Standard 15.
    Rusty Tharp. P.40. June.


    Moving Into Green Healthy Housing.
    David E. Jacobs; Jonathan Wilson; Sherry L. Dixon, Ph.D.; Jill Breysse. P.66. January.

    Planning for Failure: End-of-Life Strategies for HVAC Systems.
    Michael Deru, Ph.D.; Grant Wheeler. P.28. December.

    Technology Awards

    Church Transforms to Neighborhood School.
    Morgan Heater, P.E.; Stephanie Baker. P.46. March.

    Heat Recovery Saves Energy at Funeral Home.
    Martin Roy, P.Eng.; Lianne Cockerton, P.Eng. P.42. April.

    Heating System Key to Health Center Efficiency.
    Daniel Robert, P.Eng.; Stanley Katz; Simon Kattoura, P.Eng. P.44. June.

    Library Design Delivers Flexibility, Energy Savings.
    Sarah Berseth. P.32. July.

    Loft Complex Saves by Optimizing Hydronics.
    Daniel Robert, P.Eng.; Stanley Katz; Simon Kattoura, P.Eng. P.48. April.

    More Outdoor Air, Less Energy for HQ.
    Steve Gross; Hormoz Janssens; Shawn MacLean, P.E. P.60. June.

    Renovation Extends Building Life 100 Years.
    Eric Solrain, P.E.; Tyler Bradshaw, P.E.; Marsha Maytum; Gwen Fuertes.
    P.54. September.

    School Design Exceeds Net Zero Energy Goals.
    Michael P. Sherren, P.E. P.64. May.

    Shared Facility Helps Technology Grow.
    David Meyer, P.E.; Jaimee Wilson, Ph.D., P.E.; Alfred Rodgers. P.54. March.

    Sports Complex Saves Big With Retrofit.
    Maurice Landry, Eng.; Dominic Desjardins, Eng.; Olivier Matte, Eng. P.38. July.

    Transforming an Occupied Office Into a Zero Energy Building.
    Hiroaki Takai; Koji Tanaka; Kazuki Wada; Hiroki Kawakami. P.56. May.

    Thermal Comfort

    Optimizing Thermal Comfort & Energy Costs.
    Tom Lawrence, Ph.D.; Sama Aghniaey. P.66. August.

    Thermal Comfort in Health-Care Settings.
    Rodrigo Mora, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Michael Meteyer, P.E. P.10. July.


    Overcoming Common Pitfalls, Challenges: Sizing, Selecting Valves.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.68. April.

    Pressure Sustaining Valves.
    Hui Chen, P.E.; James Riley; Amy Chen; Les Williams; Wyatt Hahn; Robert Henry, P.E. P.24. September.

    Variable Air Volume

    VAV System Duct Main Design.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.54. April.

    Water–Energy Nexus

    A Balanced System Approach to the Water-Energy Nexus.
    James Poole, P.E.; Mark Lessans. P.24. January.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2018

    Active Chilled Beams

    4-Pipe VAV vs. Active Chilled Beams for Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.57. December.

    Air Distribution

    New Federal Regulations for Ceiling Fans: What You Need to Know.
    Michael Ivanovich; Christian Taber. P.42. January.

    Simpler Duct Systems.
    George Games, P.E. P.24. August.

    Air-Handling Units

    Blow-Through vs. Draw-Through: AHUs.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.48. January.

    Designing Mega-AHUs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.50. April.


    Best Practices for Condensing Boiler.
    Catie VanWormer, P.E.; David Grassl, P.E. P.18. September.

    Design Tips to Avoid Boiler Short-Cycling.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.54. July.

    Building Sciences

    Avoiding Mass Failures.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.62. May

    De-Icing Ice Dams.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.68. September.

    The Coming Stucco-Pocalypse.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.54. January.

    This Bud's For You: Marijuana Grow Rooms & Commercial Grow
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.72. June.

    Joints and Corners and Penetrations.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.58. February.

    Punched Openings.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.80. March.

    Tuscan Villas.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.68. November.


    For Better Performance—Measure Against the Best.
    Cathy Cecere P.44. May.

    Preparing for Gen Z in the Engineering Workplace.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.56. November.


    Avoiding Centrifugal Chiller Surge.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.60. November.

    Chiller Selection

    Impact of Water Utility Rates on Chiller Selection.
    Judith M. Peters, P.E. P.36. June.


    Cleanroom Airlock Performance and Beyond.
    Wei Sun, P.E. P.64. February.


    Life-Cycle Climate Performance Metrics & Room AC Carbon Footprint.
    Stephen O. Andersen; James Wolf; Yunho Hwang, Ph.D.; Jiazhen Ling. P.24. November.

    Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Building Energy Use.
    Arfa N. Aijazi; Gail S. Brager, Ph.D. P.24. October.


    Commissioning an Existing Heat Recovery Chiller System.
    Lei Wang, Ph.D., P.E.; Yasuko Sakurai, Dr.Eng.; Steven J. Bowman; David E. Claridge, Ph.D., P.E., PCC. P.44. December.

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

    CFD Analysis of Hospital Operating Room Ventilation Systems, Part 1: Analysis of Air Change Rates.
    Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. P.14. May.

    CFD Analysis of Hospital Operating Room Ventilation Systems Part 2: Analyses of HVAC Configurations.
    Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. P.16. June.

    Leveraging CFD to Boost HVAC System Engineering.
    Chait Johar P.68. July.

    Optimizing Cooling Performance of a Data Center: Using CFD Simulation and Measurements.
    Amir Radmehr, Ph.D.; John Fitzpatrick; Kailash Karki, Ph.D. P.22. July.


    Occupant Modeling for Code Compliance and Incentive Programs.
    Mohamed Ouf, Ph.D.; William O'Brien, Ph.D., P.Eng. P.32. February.

    Cooling Towers

    Data Centers, Cooling Towers & Thermal Storage.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.64. June.


    Building Management in the Cybersecurity Age.
    Scott Smith P.84. November.

    Data Centers

    ASHRAE IT Power Trends, Part 1.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Jeff Jaworski. P.62. July.

    ASHRAE IT Power Trends, Part 2.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E. P.76. September.

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers, Part 6: Timeless Best Practices.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Jeff Jaworski. P.88. March.

    Data Center Controls Reliability.
    Jeff Stein, P.E.; Brandon Gill, P.E. P.12. October.

    Data Centers, Cooling Towers & Thermal Storage.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.64. June.

    Designing Data Center Water-Side Economizers for Cold Climates, Part 1.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Frank T. Morrison. P.74. November.

    Fog Computing: Part One.
    Donald L. Beaty, P.E.; David Quirk, P.E.; Jeff Jaworski. P.68. January.

    N+1 HVAC for IT Closets and Server Rooms.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.56. May.

    Optimizing Cooling Performance of a Data Center: Using CFD Simulation and Measurements.
    Amir Radmehr, Ph.D.; John Fitzpatrick; Kailash Karki, Ph.D. P.22. July.


    Life-Cycle Cost for DOAS With VAV.
    Brandon Frink. P.26. April.

    Common Pitfalls in Design and Operation of a DOAS.
    John Murphy. P.10. September.

    Ducted Mini-Splits

    New Research from PNNL/NREL: Are Ducted Mini-Splits Worth It?
    C.E. Metzger; J. Zhang, Ph.D.; J. Maguire; J. Winkler. P.22. February.

    Engineer's Notebook

    4-Pipe VAV vs. Active Chilled Beams for Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.57. December.

    Avoiding Centrifugal Chiller Surge.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.60. November.

    Blow-Through vs. Draw-Through: AHUs.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.48. January.

    Data Centers, Cooling Towers & Thermal Storage.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.64. June.

    Designing Mega-AHUs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.50. April.

    Designing Pipe Insulation Systems.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.74. March.

    Design Tips to Avoid Boiler Short-Cycling.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.54. July.

    HVAC Systems for Hyper-Efficient Buildings.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.52. February.

    Grid Coordination for Net Zero Energy Projects.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.60. October.

    Making VAV Great Again.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.64. August.

    N+1 HVAC for IT Closets and Server Rooms.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.56. May.

    Pitfalls of Single-Fan Dual-Duct Systems in Humid Climates.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.60. September.


    Digging Deep: Propelling St. Patrick's Cathedral Forward.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.54. August.

    Heat Recovery Chiller

    Commissioning an Existing Heat Recovery Chiller System.
    Lei Wang, Ph.D., P.E.; Yasuko Sakurai, Dr.Eng.; Steven J. Bowman; David E. Claridge, Ph.D., P.E., PCC. P.44. December.

    HVAC Applications

    Leveraging CFD to Boost HVAC System Engineering.
    Chait Johar P.68. July.

    Building Management in the Cybersecurity Age.
    Scott Smith P.84. November.

    HVAC Systems

    HVAC Systems for Hyper-Efficient Buildings.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.52. February.


    Attached Garages & IAQ.
    Zachary Merrin. P.60. July.

    Balancing Energy and IAQ: NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility.
    Lisa Ng, Ph.D.; Dustin Poppendieck; W. Stuart Dols; Brian P. Dougherty; Steven J. Emmerich. P.12. April.

    Changes in IAQ Caused by Corona Discharge Air Cleaner.
    Todd Crawford; Patricia Fritz; Thomas Wainman P.64. December.

    Cleanroom Airlock Performance and Beyond.
    Wei Sun, P.E. P.64. February.

    History of Filtration and Air Cleaning.
    H.E. Barney Burroughs. P.80. November.

    IEQ-Global Alliance: An Update.
    Donald M. Weekes, CIH. P.82. June.

    IEQ in Green Buildings.
    Andrew K. Persily, Ph.D. P.72. August.

    Introduction to Indoor Environmental Quality.
    Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.); Glenn Hourahan, P.E. P.64. April.

    IoT Tools for Assessing Building Operation.
    Jovan Pantelic; Tom Webster; David Heinzerling; Gwelen Paliaga. P.73. July.

    LEED's Performance-Based IAQ Pilot Credit. Elliott Horner, Ph.D.; Marwa Zaatari, Ph.D. P.94. March.

    Optimizing Cooling Performance of a Data Center: Using CFD Simulation and Measurements.
    Amir Radmehr, Ph.D.; John Fitzpatrick; Kailash Karki, Ph.D. P.22. July.

    Six Reasons Why Commercial Buildings Operate Without Adequate Ventilation.
    Marwa Zaatari, Ph.D. P.62. January.

    Thermal Environment, IAQ and Sleep.
    Pawel Wargocki, Ph.D.; Li Lan, Ph.D.; Zhiwei Lian, Ph.D.; David P. Wyon, Ph.D. P.60. April.

    Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Urban Building Design.
    Elliott T. Gall, Ph.D.; Linda George, Ph.D. P.80. September.

    Use With Adequate Ventilation?
    Francis J. Offermann; Mark Nicas. P.70. May.

    Internet of Things

    IoT Tools for Assessing Building Operation.
    Jovan Pantelic; Tom Webster; David Heinzerling; Gwelen Paliaga. P.73. July.

    Kitchen Ventilation

    Comparing Wall-Mounted and Single Island Hoods.
    Toshiya Iwamatsu, Ph.D.; Wataru Urabe. P.36. November.


    4-Pipe VAV vs. Active Chilled Beams for Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.57. December.

    Net Positive/Net Zero

    Balancing Energy and IAQ: NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility.
    Lisa Ng, Ph.D.; Dustin Poppendieck; W. Stuart Dols; Brian P. Dougherty; Steven J. Emmerich. P.12. April.

    Grid Coordination for Net Zero Energy Projects.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.60. October.

    Next Generation of School Design & Operation: AEDG K–12.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Ph.D., P.E.; Shanti D. Pless. P.30. January.

    Outside Air Economizers

    Do OA Economizers Make 'Cents' in Hospitals?
    Daniel Koenigshofer, P.E.; and John Roberts, P.E. P.12. November.

    Pipe Insulation

    Designing Pipe Insulation Systems.
    Kent W. Peterson, P.E. P.74. March.


    HVAC and Compounding Pharmacies: Design Requirements.
    Steven M. Spellman, P.E. P.28. May.

    Plug Loads

    Plug Load Design Factors: ASHRAE RP-1742.
    Omer Sarfraz; Christian K. Bach; Christopher K. Wilkins, P.E. P.14. January.

    Presidential Address

    Presidential Address: Building Our New Energy Future.
    Sheila J. Hayter, P.E. P.16. August.


    Flammable Refrigerant Charge Limits: Can or Should These Limits Be Higher?
    Ahmad Abu-Heiba; Viral Patel; Van Baxter, P.E.; Omar Abdelaziz, Ph.D.; Ahmed Elatar P.40. July.

    Haloolefins Refrigerants.
    Steve Kujak; Elyse Sorenson. P.28. June.

    Life-Cycle Climate Performance Metrics & Room AC Carbon Footprint.
    Stephen O. Andersen; James Wolf; Yunho Hwang, Ph.D.; Jiazhen Ling. P.24. November.

    Adopting Alternative Refrigerants: Conversion Challenges and Applications.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.48. February.


    Prospects of Powering a Refrigerated Warehouse With Renewable Energy.
    Douglas Reindl, Ph.D., P.E.; Marc Claas; Jake Denison, P.10. February.

    Refrigeration Applications

    Anyone for Entropy?
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.84. May.

    Born With a Silver Spanner in Her Hand.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.68. December.

    From Journalist to Ice Maker.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.72. October.

    Ghost Fruit.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.83. November.

    Keep Standards Simple.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.84. September.

    Let's Get Critical.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.68. January.

    Oops, I Did It Again.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.82. August.

    Problem Solved.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.98. March.

    Talkin' 'Bout My Generation.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.70. February.

    The Weirdness of Water.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.68. April.

    Think the Unthinkable.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.59. July.

    'Where No Man Has Gone Before'.
    Andy Pearson, Ph.D., C.Eng. P.80. June.

    Residential Applications

    ASHRAE Residential Standards: The New 90.2.
    Theresa A. Weston P.68. October.

    Attached Garages & IAQ.
    Zachary Merrin. P.60. July.

    Introduction to Indoor Environmental Quality.
    Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.); Glenn Hourahan, P.E. P.64. April.

    Tiny Houses, Big HVAC?: Loads and Energy.
    Brian A. Rock, Ph.D., P.E. P.20. January.


    Next Generation of School Design & Operation: AEDG K–12.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Ph.D., P.E.; Shanti D. Pless. P.30. January.

    Paving a Path for Zero Energy Schools.
    Ray Beaufait, P.E. P.36. May.

    Single-Fan Dual-Duct

    Pitfalls of Single-Fan Dual-Duct Systems in Humid Climates.
    Stephen W. Duda, P.E. P.60. September.

    Technology Awards

    A New Approach to Museum HVAC Design.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E.; David Heinzerling, P.E. P.34. August.

    Engagement and Buy-In for Energy Savings.
    Michael Fullerton, P.E. P.32. July.

    Expo Upgrades with Performance Contract.
    Matt Branham, P.E. P.50. October.

    Five Hospitals, One Goal: Maximum Energy Savings.
    Olivier Matte, Eng.; Patrick Ouellet, Eng. P.54. June.

    Heritage Hall: A Journey From Worst To Best Energy Efficiency.
    Jonathan Rumohr, P.E. P.40. March.

    Historic Law School Stays Cutting Edge.
    Brian Coffield, P.E.; Cindy Cogil, P.E. P.50. September.

    Holistic Design Approach for Energy Efficiency.
    Devin Cheek, P.E. P.44. June.

    Improvements Keep Macau Resort Efficient.
    Syed Mubarak Abdul Razaak; Paul Mikii Abuel. P.44. November.

    Innovative Strategies for Ice Hockey Rink.
    Samuel Paradis, P.Eng.; Yves St-Georges, P.Eng. P.34. April.

    Modeling During Design Helps Energy Efficiency.
    Roland Charneux, P.E.; Daniel Picard, P.E. P.44. August.

    NREL: Planning for Enhanced Energy Recovery.
    Robert Thompson, P.E. P.58. March.

    Passive Strategies Drive Library Design.
    Lianne Cockerton, P. Eng.; Martin Roy, P. Eng. P.48. May.

    Paving a Path for Zero Energy Schools.
    Ray Beaufait, P.E. P.36. May.

    Retrofit Breathes Life Into Campus Landmark.
    Stet Sanborn, AIA; Dawn Pillsbury. P.42. September.

    Site Blends Sustainability, Function With Aesthetics.
    Chris Deal, P.Eng.; Mark Hersch, P.Eng. P.48. July.

    Upgrading for Extreme Efficiency.
    Hsu-Cheng Chiang, Ph.D.; Hao-Chuan Lee; Ming-Shan Jeng, Ph.D. P.42. April.


    NIST's Testbed for Optimizing Building System Performance.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.54. December.

    Thermal Comfort

    Sunlight and Indoor Thermal Comfort: Updates to Standard 55.
    Edward Arens, Ph.D.; David Heinzerling, P.E.; Gwelen Paliaga, P.E. P.12. July.

    Prioritizing Thermal Comfort For Homes.
    Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.); Rodrigo Mora, Ph.D. P.28. September.

    Thermal Comfort and Energy Analyses of a Window Retrofit with Dynamic Glazing.
    Rodrigo Mora, Ph.D., P.Eng.; Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.), P.32. December.

    Thermal Comfort: Designing for People.
    Rodrigo Mora, Ph.D.; Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) P.40. February.

    Thermal Comfort in Heated-and-Ventilated-Only Warehouses.
    Christian Taber; Donald Colliver, Ph.D., P.E., P.12. December.

    Thermal Environment, IAQ and Sleep.
    Pawel Wargocki, Ph.D.; Li Lan, Ph.D.; Zhiwei Lian, Ph.D.; David P. Wyon, Ph.D. P.60. April.

    Thermal Storage

    Pressure Control Issue with TES on Large Campus Chilled Water Loop.
    Hui Chen, P.E.; Amy Chen; Wyatt Hahn; James Riley; Les Williams; Robert Henry, P.E. P.68. March.

    Data Centers, Cooling Towers & Thermal Storage.
    Daniel H. Nall, P.E. P.64. June.

    Thermal Zoning

    Thermal Zoning for HVAC Design.
    Brian A. Rock, Ph.D., P.E., P.20. December.

    Variable Air Volume

    4-Pipe VAV vs. Active Chilled Beams for Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.57. December.

    Life-Cycle Cost for DOAS With VAV.
    Brandon Frink. P.26. April.

    Making VAV Great Again.
    Steven T. Taylor, P.E. P.64. August.


    Thermal Comfort in Heated-and-Ventilated-Only Warehouses.
    Christian Taber; Donald Colliver, Ph.D., P.E., P.12. December.

    Water Heat Pump System

    Resource Center Surface Water Heat Pump System.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Ph.D.; Barbara McCrary, P.E.; Wesley Sherer, P.E. P.20. April.

    Walk-In Coolers

    Visualizing and Quantifying Transient Air Infiltration/Exfiltration in Walk-In Coolers.
    Ramin Faramarzi, P.E.; Homayun K. Navaz; Kristina Kamensky. P.48. March.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2017

    pdf_icon.png 2017 ASHRAE Journal Article Index

    Air Distribution

    Indoor Air Stratification in Warm Air Supply Systems.
    Aleksejs Prozuments, Anatolijs Borodinecs. P.54. November.

    Air Conditioning

    Cooling Season Demand Response and the Real World.
    Sama Aghniaey, Tom Lawrence. P.68. April.

    Mission Critical Cooling.
    Seemant Sharma, Mukul Anand. P.26. October.

    Split System Condensing Units.
    George Games. P.88. June.

    Airside Economizing

    An Alternate Take on Airside Economizing.
    James Larson. P.36. April.


    Implementing a BACnet Network.
    Tom Leach. P.40. March

    Building Automation Systems

    BAS Control of VAV Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.54. April..

    Building Pressure

    Building Static Pressure in Cold Climates.
    Robin J. Rader. P.30. February.

    Building Sciences

    Blue Hawaii.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.88. March.

    Damage Function Stress Relief.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.70. May.

    Hybrid Attics and Hybrid Walls.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.62. October.

    Inward Drive–Outward Drying.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.76. May.

    It's All Relative: Magic and Mystery of the Water Molecule.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.68. September.

    Rain Screens, Claddings, and Continuous Insulation.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.70. August.

    Rebuilding Houston: 'Wash and Wear' Buildings.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.70. November.

    They All Laughed...
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.56. January.


    Using Profits to Attract, Keep the Best Employees.
    Cathy Cecere. P.48. April.


    Using Low-Load Chillers to Improve System Efficiency.
    Schwedler. P.14. February.

    Clean Rooms

    Air Change Rate Analysis for a Minienvironment Cleanroom.
    Kishor Khankari. P.38. August.


    Understanding Code Development, Adoption, Appeals.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.50. October.


    A Conversation on Commissioning: A Roundtable.
    Ross D. Montgomery, Gerald J. Kettler, Walter Grondzik, Ole
    Teisen, Evan Mills, Bruce Pitts, Ryan M. Colker, Reid Hart.
    P.30. November.

    Why OPRs are Vital to Code-Mandated Cx.
    Lee Riback. P.98. May.


    Understanding Code Development, Adoption, Appeals.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.50. October.

    Cost Calculations

    Cost Calculations for Building Energy Systems.
    Michael H. Schwarz. P.22. August.

    Data Centers

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers—Part 1: Information
    Technology Equipment.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P.96. March.

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers Part 2: ITE Thermal Design.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk, Jeff Jaworski. P.78. May.

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers Part 3: Interactions
    Between IT Systems and Data Centers.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk, Jeff Jaworski. P.60. July.

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers, Part 4, Future Disruptive
    ITE and Paradigms.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk, Jeff Jaworski. P.78. September.

    Changing Landscape of Data Centers, Part 5: Case Studies.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk, Jeff Jaworski. P.80. November.

    Waterside Economizer Retrofit for Data Center.
    Stephen W. Duda. P.58. May.


    DOAS Brings Fresh Air Into Urban Buildings.
    John Tuleya. P.106. March.

    Energy Recovery

    Optimized Energy Recovery.
    Marvin Kirshenbaum. P.30. January.

    Engineer's Notebook

    Avoiding Stratified Chilled Water TES Problems.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.66. November.

    BAS Control of VAV Labs.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.54. April.

    Changeover Controls and Coils.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.66. August.

    Chillers & Boilers in the Same Room: A Cautionary Tale.
    Stephen W. Duda. P.60. September.

    Coil Bypass AHUs: Avoiding Reheat in Health-Care Applications.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.54. October.

    Considerations for Selecting Modulating Control Valves.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.56. February.

    Doubling Down on Not Balancing Hydronic Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.46. December.

    Dual Temperature Chilled Water Plant & Energy Savings.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.70. June.

    Engineer's Notebook Special Section: Columnists Explore Lessons
    Steven T. Taylor, Stephen W. Duda, Daniel H. Nall, Kent W. Peterson. P.50. March.

    HDPE Pipe for Corrosion- And Leak-Free Operation.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.54. July.

    Integration of Refrigeration and HVAC in Grocery Stores.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.48. January.

    Waterside Economizer Retrofit for Data Center.
    Stephen W. Duda. P.58. May.

    Expansion Tanks

    Expansion Tanks on Large Campus Thermal Loops.
    Hui Chen, P.E.; Wyatt Hahn; James Riley; Les Williams; Amy Chen; Robert Henry. P.44. Novembber


    Path to 50+% Efficient Fans For Unitary Applications.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Dennis O'Neal. P.52. December


    Geothermal Conversion of a Commercial Office.
    Jens Ponikau, John D. Manning. P.16. June.

    Health Care

    Acute Care: Lean, Green & Digital.
    Kurt Monteiro, Brent Frayne. P.80. March.

    Coil Bypass AHUs: Avoiding Reheat in Health-Care Applications.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.54. October.

    Hydronic Systems

    Doubling Down on Not Balancing Hydronic Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.46. December.

    Ice Rinks

    Cooling and Heating Ice Rinks With CO2.
    Jörgen Rogstam, Simon Bolteau, Cajus Grönqvist. P.48. August.

    Taking the Puck Outside: NHL's Cool Strategy for the Winter Classic.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.28. December.


    Advantages of Microclimatization.
    Hans Besselink. P.90. August.

    Carbon Dioxide Generation And Building Occupants.
    Andrew K. Persily, Lilian de Jonge. P.64. July.

    Cooling Coil Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation.
    William P. Bahnfleth. P.72. October.

    Defining Indoor Air Quality.
    William P. Bahnfleth. P.84. May.

    Effects of Low Humidity on Health, Comfort, and IEQ.
    Melanie M. Derby, Roger M. Pasch. P.44. September.

    IEQ (cont.)

    Formaldehyde Emissions From Laminate Flooring.
    Francis (Bud) J. Offermann. P.102. March.

    Health and Home Upgrades: New U.S. DOE Report.
    David Jacobs, Jonathan Wilson, Ellen Tohn. P.66. February.

    HVAC UV Germicidal Irradiation UV-C Fixtures.
    Brian Rodgers, Dean Saputa. P.14. January.

    IAQ & Energy Impact of Exhaust Air Transfer Ratio.
    Samantha Alleva. P.12. November.

    Improving Comfort and IAQ: Ups and Downs of Stair Towers.
    Brian A. Rock, Jonathan D. MacDonald. P.12. December.

    Indoor Dampness and Health.
    Elliott Horner. P.66. January.

    International Standards for Better Indoor Air Quality.
    Shin-ichi Tanabe. P.86. September.

    Maintaining IAQ While Updating Occupied Schools.
    Ed Light. P.36. May.

    Mechanical Ventilation's Impact on IAQ.
    Paul W. Francisco, David Jacobs, William Rose, Salvatore Cali. P.96. May.

    NAAQS PM2.5 or ISO 14644 As an IAQ Metric?.
    Patricia Mason Fritz, Elliott Horner. P.84. June.


    Legionella Management for Building Water Systems.
    Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, Donald M. Weekes. P.76. November.

    Reducing Legionnaires' Disease in Public Spas.
    Candis M. Hunter, Joe Laco, Jasen Kunz. P.56. December.

    Living Wall

    Living Wall Retrofit.
    Roger Abdo. P.72. April.

    Mini-Split Systems

    Mini-Split: Two-Story Houses and Stratification.
    Brian A. Rock. P.44. February.


    Ventilation Requirements for Indoor Pools.
    Gary Lochner, Lynne Wasner. P.16. July.

    Net Positive/Net Zero

    Feasibility of ZNE by Building Type and Climate.
    Charles Eley. P.32. July.

    A Conversation on Zero Net Energy.
    Bing Liu, Charles Eley, Smita Gupta, Cathy Higgins, Jessica Iplikci, Jon McHugh, Michael Rosenberg, Paul Torcellini, P.38. June.

    Packaged Systems

    Reaching Near-Zero GWP: Packaged Ammonia/Carbon Dioxide Systems.
    John Bush, Scott Mitchell. P.22. February.

    Presidential Address

    Presidential Address: Extending Our Community.
    Bjarne W. Olesen. P.14. August.


    Flammability and New Refrigerant Options.
    Steve Kujak. P.16. May.

    High-Glide Refrigerant Blends and System Retrofits, Part 3.
    John Withouse. P.41. January.

    Overview of Fluids for AC Applications, Part 1.
    Paul de Larminat, Anthony Wang. P.34. February.

    Overview of Fluids for AC Applications, Part 2: Performance
    Analysis of Blends.
    Paul de Larminat, Linzhong (Anthony) Wang. P.58. June


    Drawing Parallels.
    Andy Pearson. P.85. November.

    Efficiency vs. Efficacy.
    Andy Pearson. P.66. April.

    Hitting the Buffers.
    Andy Pearson. P.65. February.

    I Scream for Ice Cream.
    Andy Pearson. P.80. August.

    IAQ Implications of Cannabis Legalization.
    Jeffrey Siegel. P.62. February.

    Integration of Refrigeration and HVAC in Grocery Stores. Daniel
    H. Nall. P.48. January.

    Louis Sterne: International Man of Mystery.
    Andy Pearson. P.76. September.

    Refrigeration and Beer.
    Andy Pearson. P.92. June.

    Richard Mollier: King of the Charts.
    Andy Pearson. P.131. December.

    The Benefits of Multitasking.
    Andy Pearson. P.65. January.

    The Safety Barrier.
    Andy Pearson. P.95. March.

    Too Good to Be True?
    Andy Pearson. P.70. October.

    Whisky: Water of Life.
    Andy Pearson. P.59. July.


    Damage in Multifamily Housing Walls With Vinyl Siding.
    George A. Tsongas. P.44. July.

    Mini-Split: Two-Story Houses and Stratification.
    Brian A. Rock. P.44. February.


    Maintaining IAQ While Updating Occupied Schools.
    Ed Light. P.36. May.

    Lessons from the Ground Up.
    Eric (Miao) Yang. P.26. May.

    Library for the Future.
    Bruce A. Levitt, Lisa J. Sombart. P.56. September.

    Smart Meter

    Leveraging Smart Meter Data and Expanding Services.
    Ellen Franconi, David Jump. P.18. September.

    Technology Awards

    Acute Care: Lean, Green & Digital.
    Kurt Monteiro, Brent Frayne. P.80. March.

    Cooling for Airline Passengers.
    Dominic Cacolici. P.50. June.

    Creating a Contract for Success.
    Adam Pierce. P.46. May.

    Designed for Engineering.
    George Karidis, Oscar Cobb Jr. P.26. May.

    Efficiency for Transport Center.
    Julien Allard. P.42. April.

    Living While Learning.
    Carrie Kelty. P.28. April.

    Preservation on Location.
    Brian Coffield. P.52. September.

    Promoting Science and Sustainability.
    John McDonald. P.58. August.

    Sustainable Laboratory & Offices.
    Nate Eppley. P.28. June.

    University Lab: Model for Energy Efficiency.
    Bradford Crowley. P.26. July.

    Vivarium Retrocommissioning. Adam Wheeler. P.36. October.
    Warehouse Transformation. Russell Pratt. P.38. July

    Thermal Loop

    Dealing With Insufficient Plant Static Pressure: Improving Thermal Loop Performance.
    Hui Chen, James Riley, Les Williams, Amy Chen, Homer Bruner Jr., Robert Henry. P.18. April.

    Thermal Storage

    Avoiding Stratified Chilled Water TES Problems.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.66. November.

    Commissioning Chilled Water TES Tank Systems.
    Ross Montgomery. P.32. December.

    Renewable-Powered HVAC with Thermal Storage.
    Kevin Hawxhurst, Joshua Williams, Anthony Pollman, Anthony Gannon. P.21. December.

    Variable Air Volume

    Fan-Powered VAV Terminal Units.
    Gus Faris, Dan Int-Hout, Dennis O'Neal, Peng "Solomon" Yin. P.18. October.

    Fan-Powered VAV Terminal Units, Part 2.
    Gus Faris; Dan Int-Hout; Dennis O'Neal, Ph.D.; Peng "Solomon" Yin. P.20. November.

    Fan-Powered VAV Terminal Units, Part 3.
    Gus Faris; Dan Int-Hout; Dennis O'Neal, Ph.D.; Peng "Solomon" Yin. P.42. December.

    Variable Refrigerant Flow

    VRF Design Considerations in Cold Climates.
    Scott Schuetter, Scott Hackel. P.20. January.

    Water-Energy Nexus

    Balancing the Scales with the Water–Energy Nexus.
    Mary Kate McGowan. P.40. September.

    Water–Energy Nexus: Heat Rejection Systems.
    Omar Hawit, Trevor Jaffe. P.28. September.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2016

    Air Distribution

    Air Filter Performance: New Method for Testing. 
    Paolo Tronville, Richard Rivers. P.14. May.

    Selecting Ventilation Air Filters to Reduce PM2.5 of Outdoor Origin. 
    Brent Stephens, Terry Brennan, Lew Harriman. P.12. September.


    Central Air for Planes at Gates.
    Ken A. Warren. P.62. June.


    BACnet is in a "Family Way." 
    Scott Ziegenfus. P.100. September.

    Campus Challenge, Part 2: Benefits and Challenges of BACnet.
    Ken Masica. P.60. January.


    Biomass-Fueled Appliances.
    Patricia Mason Fritz. P.90. September.

    Building Automation Systems

    Sequence of Operation for Mission Critical Building Automation Systems.
    Edward L. Gutowski. P.28. July.

    Building Pressure

    Impact of Stack Effect on Building Static Pressure Measurement.
    Richard Fahnline. P.26. October.

    Building Sciences

    Air Sealing and Compartmentalizing Town Houses and Row Houses. 
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.76. September.

    All Decked Out. 
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.62. March.

    Exhaust-Only Ventilation Does Not Work. 
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.68. August.

    General Limit States Design, Hygrothermal Analysis.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.62. December.

    Flanged Windows and Foam Plastic Insulating Sheathing.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.68. November.

    Hot and Wet But Dry. 
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.72. June.

    How Buildings Age.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.76. May.

    How Come Double Vapor Barriers Work?
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.52. January.

    No Good Deed Shall Go Unpunished... 
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.56. July.

    No Sweat: Condensation and Ductwork.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.62. April.

    Ping Pong Water and the Chemical Engineer.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.62. October.


    Engineering Business Ethics.
    John Clark. P.74. February.

    Financial Performance Impacts Compensation Option.
    Kate Allen. P.26. February.


    Optimum Placement For Air-Cooled Chillers.
    Kishor Khankari. P.18. January.

    Commercial Kitchens

    Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression Solutions. 
    Bill Griffin, Mike Morgan. P.14. November.


    Commissioning and Design for 2016 Olympics.
    Ross D. Montgomery, Walter R. Lenz. P.14. July.


    Using Seawater for Urban Renewal Project.
    Giacomo Favaro, Luigi De Rossi, Damiano Rossi. P.68. April.

    Data Analysis

    Big Data Analytics in the Building Industry. 
    Michael A. Berger, Paul A. Mathew, Travis Walter. P.38. July.

    Data Analytics from Cradle to Grave. 
    Adam Rohloff, Jim Meacham. P.34. February.

    Data Centers

    De-Risking Data Center Temperature Increases, Part 1.
    Don Beaty, David Quirk. P.74. January.

    De-Risking Data Center Temperature Increases, Part 2.
    Don Beaty, David Quirk. P.70. March.

    Supercomputers, Super Efficiency. 
    Aaron Andersen. Terry Autry. P.38. January.

    Demand Control Ventilation

    Applying Demand-Controlled Ventilation.
    Josephine Lau, Xingbin Lin. P.18. January.


    Design Considerations for Dedicated OA Systems.
    Hugh Crowther, Yi Teng Ma. P.30. March.


    Understanding Duct Rumble. 
    John A. Paulauskis. P.40. December.


    Improving Commercial Building Energy Performance.
    Lee Eng Lock, Toh Eng Shyan, Thomas Hartman. P.40. November.

    Energy Modeling

    Agent-Based Modeling.
    Javad Khazaii. P.62. February.

    Modeled Performance Isn't Actual Performance. 
    James V. Dirkes, II, Brad Weaver. P.56. May.

    Modeling Occupant Behavior.
    Javad Khazaii. P.72. October.

    Engineer's Notebook

    A Critical Look at Cold Supply Air Systems. 
    Stephen W. Duda. P.56. December.

    Electric Motors for Energy - Efficient HVAC Applications.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.70. May.

    Engine Cooling for Emergency Power Systems.
    Stephen W. Duda. P.54. April.

    Explaining to a Layperson How Air Conditioners Work.
    Stephen W. Duda. P.62. August.

    Direct Expansion or Chilled Water–Which is Better? 
    Daniel H. Nall. P.68. September.

    Frequently Overlooked Requirements of 90.1-2013.
    Daniel H. Nall. P.44. January.

    Making UFAD Systems Work.
    Steven T. Taylor. P.44. March.

    Modeling for Improving Variable Flow Piping Design.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.68. June.

    Open Cooling Tower Design Considerations.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.50. February.

    "Sweep" Parking Garage Exhaust Systems. 
    Steven T. Taylor. P.52. July.

    The Fundamentals of Expansion Tanks. 
    Steven T. Taylor. P.60. November.

    Understanding Airside TAB Measurements. 
    Kent W. Peterson, P.56. October.


    Energy Performance Comparison of Fans with Variable Speed Drives.
    Armin Hauer. P.52. November.


    A Simple Approach to Affordable GSHPs.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Chris Gray. P.14. April.

    Modernized High Performance. 
    Sarah Berseth. P.48. August

    Sensible Sustainability. 
    Tom Marseille, Ben Gozart. P.46. July.

    Health Care

    A Brief History of Health-Care Ventilation.
    Travis English. P.52. June.

    Keeping Patients Safe.
    Sherry Cantu, Roy F. Chemaly. P.74. August.

    Patient Room HVAC: Airflow Path Matters.
    Kishor Khankari. P.16. June.

    Heat Pipes

    Wrap-Around Heat Pipes in Humid Climates. 
    David A. John, Drew Elsberry. P.28. November.

    Heating Plant

    Lessons Learned from Central Heating Plant Upgrade.
    Jose R. Rodriguez, P. Eng., Andre Pearson. P.88. November.

    Heat Pumps

    Saving History, Saving Energy. 
    Jonathan Heller. P.26. April.

    Heat Recovery

    Fusing Form with Efficiency.
    Daniel Bourque, Daniel Robert. P.44. April.


    A Proposed Full Range Relative Humidity Definition. 
    Donald P. Gatley. P.24. March.

    Minimum Conditions for Visible Mold Growth. 
    George A. Tsongas, Frank Riordan. P.32. September.


    Addressing Residential.
    Paul W. Francisco, Max Sherman. P.84. May.

    Indoor Air Quality in Residential Energy Retrofits. 
    Paul W. Francisco. P.80. June.

    Introduction to Residential IEQ. 
    Robert Bean. P.96. September.

    Origins and Evolution of E-Cigarettes. 
    Wane A. Baker. P.78. April.

    Performance Evaluation for Indoor Passive Panels. 
    Zuraimi Sultan. P.66. July.

    Residential Ventilation for Existing Buildings.
    Rick Karg. P.80. November.

    Residential IAQ Guide.
    Lawrence J. Schoen. P.80. March.

    Resilience and the Indoor Environment. 
    Steven J. Emmerich, Andrew K. Persily, Ph.D. P.71. February.


    HVAC&R Systems for Mango Pulp Processing. 
    Amey Majgaonkar. P.22 September.


    Legionnaires' Outbreaks Preventable with Water Management Programs.
    Claressa E. Lucas, Laura A. Cooley, Jasen M. Kunz, Laurel E. Garrison. P.84. November.


    Electric Motor Efficiencies and VFD Compatibility. 
    David A. John. P.56. February.

    Net Positive/Net Zero

    Net Positive Energy Building. 
    Dylan Connelly, Laura Fedoruk. P.56. August.

    Net Zero Energy for Pharmacy. 
    Jason Robbins, Benjamin Skelton, Steve Sovak, Rob Olden. P.20. July.

    Optimizing for Net Positive.
    Steven R. Daley. P.46. May.

    Passively Net Positive.
    Abdel K. Darwich. P.46. September.

    Presidential Address

    Presidential Address: Adapt Today to Shape Tomorrow.
    Tim Wentz. P.14. August.


    A Conversation on A2L Refrigerants: Roundtable. 
    P.16. Oct.

    High-Glide Refrigerant Blends and System Retrofits, Part 1. 
    John Withouse. P.46. November.

    High-Glide Refrigerant Blends and System Retrofits, Part 2. 
    John Withouse. P.24. December.


    Business, As Usual?
    Andy Pearson. P.78. March.

    Carbon Dioxide for Industrial Refrigeration.
    Donald L. Fenton. P.36. August.

    CO2 Refrigeration Systems Evolution For Ice Rinks. 
    Jörgen Rogstam. P.34. October.

    Creating Utopia or Gomorrah?
    Andy Pearson. P.76. April.

    Food Price, Quality, Security. 
    Andy Pearson. P.100. May.

    Food, Glorious Food. 
    Andy Pearson. P.49. February.

    Godfather of Thermodynamics.
    Andy Pearson. P.60. December.

    HVAC of the Human Body.
    Andy Pearson. P.78. November.

    Mission Critical.
    Andy Pearson. P.68. October.

    No Excuses. 
    Andy Pearson. P.64. July.

    Quest for Perfect Ice: Ice Making for Curling.
    Daniel J. Dettmers. P.18. February.

    Remembering Milt Garland. 
    Andy Pearson. P.73. January.

    Role of Utilities. 
    Andy Pearson. P.78. June.

    Rooftop Refrigeration Unit Performance. 
    Kenneth M. Elovitz. P.34. April.

    Strengthening the Cold Chain.
    Andy Pearson. P.64. August.

    Thaddeus Lowe: Refrigeration Pioneer. 
    Andy Pearson. P.86. September.

    Understanding Airside TAB Measurements.
    Kent W. Peterson. P.56. October.


    Resilience and the Indoor Environment. 
    Steven J. Emmerich, Andrew K. Persily. P.71. February.

    Smoke Control

    Managing Smoke in a Correctional Environment. 
    Scott McMillan. P.44. June.


    Dedicated to Efficiency. 
    Nicolas Lemire, Christelle Proulx, Pierre-Luc Baril, Roselle O. Fredericks. P.54. March.

    Lessons from the Ground Up.
    Eric (Miao) Yang. P.26. May.

    Library for the Future.
    Bruce A. Levitt, Lisa J. Sombart. P.56. September.


    A Conversation on Standard 90.1: Roundtable.
    P.34. December.

    A Stable Whole Building Performance Method for Standard 90.1, Part 2. 
    Michael Rosenberg, Charles Eley. P.28. June.

    ASHRAE Standard 90.4: First Look At Energy Standard for Data Centers.
    Ron Jarnagin. P.12. October.

    Facility Information Model Standard.
    Steven T. Bushby, Allen Jones. P.24. August.


    Making Security Sustainable.
    Frank Shadpour, Jeremy Clifton, Joseph Kilcoyne. P. 50. October

    Variable Air Volume

    Variable Air Volume System Heat Recovery Economizer.
    Nicholas Des Champs, Thomas S. Weaver, Mike C. Scofield. P.34. May.


    Hybrid Ventilation in the Netherlands.
    Hans Besselink. P.76. October.


    Quality of Condensate from Air-Handling Units. 
    Diana Glawe, Marilyn Wooten, Dennis Lye. P.14. December.

    Water Management Lessons From Flint, Mich. 
    William F. McCoy, Kellen R. Utecht. P.88. May.

    Waterside Economizer at the Energy–Water Nexus.
    Krishna Somayajula, Ayad Al-Shaikh. P.46. December.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2015

    Air Distribution

    Basics of Well-Mixed Room Air Distribution.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 12. July.

    Energy-Efficient Makeup Air Units.
    Hugh Crowther. P. 26. March.

    Return Air Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 44. March.


    BACnet Celebrates 20 Years.
    H. Michael Newman. P. 36. June.

    Campus Challenge, Part 1: Benefits and Challenges of BACnet.
    Steven Tom, Ph.D., P.E., Member Ashrae; Ken Masica, MSEE. P. 60. December.

    Basis of Design

    Refining the Basis of Design: A Professional Responsibility.
    Richard J. Pearson. P. 56. October.


    Benchmarking Building Energy Use.
    David N. Schurk. P. 70. November.


    Fuel Oil Systems: Boilers & Emergency Generators.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 40. December.

    Building Automation Systems

    Criteria for Building Automation Dashboards.
    Frank Shadpour, Joseph Kilcoyne. P. 28. May.

    Building Envelope

    Airtight Buildings: Past, Present and Future.
    Wagdy Anis. P. 40. November.

    Building Sciences

    Chubby Checker and the "Fat Man" Do Permeance.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 58. June.

    Forty Years of Air Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 48. March.

    Flow-Through Assemblies.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 46. December.

    Joseph Haydn Does the Perfect Wall.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 64. November.

    Mea Culpa Roofs.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 40. January.

    Windows Can Be a Pain.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. April.

    Vitruvius Does Veneers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 54. May.

    Venting Vapor.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 46. August.

    WUFI: Barking Up the Wrong Tree?
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. October.


    Engineers' Pay and Financial Performance.
    Kate Allen. P. 44. February.

    Procurement Path for Energy-Efficient Buildings.
    Adam McMillen, Paul Torcellini, Sumit Ray, Kevin Rodgers. P. 12. April.

    Commercial Kitchens

    Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Exhaust Hoods.
    Don Fisher, Rich Swierczyna, Angelo Karas. P. 26. November.

    Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Fire Mitigation.
    Stephen K. Melink. P. 16. May.

    Lessons Learned From Commercial Kitchen Fire Investigations.
    Doug Horton. P. 18. February.


    Measurement of Commercial Building Performance.
    Bruce D. Hunn, Jim Bochat. P. 66. January.


    Control Sequences & Controller Programming.
    Mark Hydeman, Steven T. Taylor, Brent Eubanks. P. 58. March.

    Degrees of Freedom in HVAC Controls Design.
    John Varley. P. 44. June.

    Cooling Towers

    Saving Water With Cooling Towers.
    Frank Morrison. P. 20. August.

    Data Centers

    Airside Economizers In Data Centers.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 60. January.

    Are Data Centers Drying Up?
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 72. March.

    Complying With NFPA's Aisle Containment Requirements.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 70. September.

    Data Center Economizer Efficiency.
    Brett Griffin. P. 64. March.

    Digital Revolution Impact, Part 2.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 58. February.

    Digital Revolution Impact, Part 3.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 80. May.

    Driver for Energy Savings: Carrot or Stick?
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 68. August.

    Exploring Edge Computing.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 58. December.

    Evolutionary Stages of Data Center Controls.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 58. July.

    Gaps in Modeling Data Center Energy.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 76. November.

    Liquid-Cooled IT Equipment in Data Centers.
    Vali Sorell, Bill Carter, Roy Zeighami, Susan F. Smith, Robin Steinbrecher. P. 12. December.

    Managing Infrastructure.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 82. June.

    Unpacking Data Center Loads.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 82. October.


    From Makeup Air to Space Heating: Direct-Fired Technology.
    Thomas Boeckermann, Harold Stevens, Thomas Kuehn, Shawn Manisto, Bill Griffin. P. 16. September.

    District Energy

    District Energy Enters the 21st Century.
    Steve Tredinnick, David Wade, Gary Phetteplace. P. 48. July.

    Using Turbines for Steam Pressure Reduction, Power.
    Dennis Wessel. P. 60. September.


    Calculating Dew-Point Design for DOAS.
    H.W. Holder, Michael Larrañaga, Patrick Smith, Edgar A. Stacy III, Mike Krismer. P. 24. December.


    Framework for Savings.
    Benjamin Gozart, Tom Marseille, Charles Chaloeicheep, Tom Boysen. P. 34. December.

    The Hidden Daytime Price of Electricity.
    Evan Berger. P. 64. April.

    Reducing Energy Use in Older Large Buildings.
    David Arnold, Ph.D. P. 52. January.

    Energy Modeling

    Gaps in Modeling Data Center Energy.
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 76. November.

    Engineer's Notebook

    Avoiding Common Chilled Water Distribution Problems.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 50. June.

    Building Resilience for the MEP Engineer.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 50. September.

    Chilled Water TES Hydraulics.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 40. February.

    Control of Underfloor Air-Distribution Systems.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 46. May.

    Fuel Oil Systems: Boilers & Emergency Generators.
    P. 40. December.

    Overlooked Code Requirements: Part 2.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 52. April.

    Resetting Setpoints Using Trim & Respond Logic.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 52. November.

    Return Air Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 44. March.

    Reverse-Return Reexamined.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 40. August.

    Rightsizing HVAC Equipment.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 48. January.

    Understanding Sensor Terms.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 50. October.

    VAV Box Duct Design.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 32. July.


    Circulator Fan Performance Testing Standards.
    Christian Taber. P. 28. September.

    Selecting Fans for Minimum Energy Consumption.
    Michael Brendel. P. 52. August.

    Fire Safety

    MGM Grand Fire and Fire Safety Then, Now.
    John H. Klote. P. 16. November.

    Health Care

    Energy-Efficient Approach for Operating Rooms.
    Philip Bartholomew. P. 30. April.


    Home is Where the Heat Is.
    Andy Pearson. P. 65. January.

    Heat Pump

    Flooded Mine Water-to-Air Heat Pump System.
    Richard M. Kelso, W. Stanley Johnson. P. 34. August.


    Reducing Energy Use in Older Large Buildings.
    David Arnold, Ph.D. P. 52. January.


    Electrical Protection for HVAC&R Equipment.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz. P. 50. February.

    New HVAC System for Cultural Preservation.
    Michel Grabon, Jackie Anderson, Peter Bushnell, Aritz Calvo, William Chadwick. P. 20. June.

    Reusing Existing HVAC Systems and Components.
    Ramez Afify. P. 78. June.

    Synergistic Approach to Systems Renovation.
    Thomas H. (Tom) Durkin, Gary Heckman. P. 62, February.

    HVAC Applications

    Show Me the Sensors.
    Dave Moser, P.E. P. 90. September.

    VAV Series Fan Terminals.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 72 January.


    Hydronics 101. 
    Jeff Boldt, Julia Keen. P. 62. May.

    Hydronics 102: System Components.
    Jeff Boldt, Julia Keen. P. 40. September.


    Circadian Lighting for Health.
    Frederick Marks, Satchidananda Panda. P. 84. November.

    Filtration and Air Cleaning: ASHRAE Guidance.
    Pawel Wargocki. P. 72. December.

    How Good IAQ Can Help Save Energy in Labs.
    Charles Coward. P. 12. January.


    Manufacturing Energy Efficiency.
    Charles E. Gulledge III, Rich S. Conyers, Bradley M. Poe, Charles M. Kibby. P. 40. July.


    How Good IAQ Can Help Save Energy in Labs.
    Charles Coward. P. 12. January.


    Risk Management for Legionellosis.
    Paul Lindahl, Bill Pearson, R. Lee Millies. P. 14. October.

    Performance Measurement

    Measurement of Commercial Building Performance.
    Bruce D. Hunn, Jim Bochat. P. 66. January.

    Radiant Systems

    Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems: Part 1.
    Kwang Woo Kim, Bjarne W. Olesen. P. 28. February.

    Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems: Part 2.
    Kwang Woo Kim, Bjarne W. Olesen. P. 34. March.


    A Place in the Sun.
    Andy Pearson. P. 66. August.

    Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin.
    William C. Weinaug Jr. P. 42. April.

    Big Heat Pumps.
    Andy Pearson. P. 49. February.

    CO2 Showcase for Ice Rinks, Pools.
    Kateri Heon, Pietro Guerra. P. 62. August.

    Energy Efficient Ice Rink.
    Art Sutherland. P. 78. March.

    English, Irish and Scots.
    Andy Pearson. P. 80. April.

    Kelvin: An Irishman's Tale.
    Andy Pearson. P. 76. June.

    Machinery Room Ventilation.
    Andy Pearson. P. 88. October.

    Quick Freeze for Best Food.
    Andy Pearson. P. 64. July.

    The Payback Puzzle.
    Andy Pearson. P. 73. December.

    Pond Loop for Ice Refrigeration.
    Jason LaRosh. P. 82. September.

    Transcritical CO2 Supermarket Refrigeration.
    Collin Weber, Harrison Horning. P. 26. October.

    Watt's the Big Occasion?
    Andy Pearson. P. 90. May.


    How ASHRAE Set the Rates for Residential Ventilation.
    Max Sherman. P. 20. July.


    Building Resilience for the MEP Engineer.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 50. September.


    Controlling Summer Mold Growth in Schools.
    Ed Light, James Bailey, Rick Meetre. P. 52. December.

    Net Zero-Ready School.
    Brian Haugk, Brian Cannon. P. 72. May.


    Have We Run Out Of Savings Potential In Standard 90.1?
    Reid Hart. P. 26. January.

    How ASHRAE Set the Rates for Residential Ventilation.
    Max Sherman. P. 20. July.

    Technology Awards

    2015 ASHRAE Technology Awards.
    P. 25. March

    Antarctica: Empire of the Penguin.
    William C. Weinaug Jr. P. 42. April.

    A Beacon for Urban Waters.
    Matthew Longsine, P.E. P. 38. May.

    Big Vision, Small Miracle.
    Mark W. Stavig, P.E.; Eric Anderson. P. 66. June.

    Chicago Vintage Restored.
    Don McLauchlan, P.E. P. 24. July.

    CO2 Showcase for Ice Rinks, Pools.
    Kateri Heon, Pietro Guerra. P. 62. August.

    Data Center Economizer Efficiency.
    Brett Griffin. P. 64. March.

    Energy Efficient Ice Rink.
    Art Sutherland. P. 78. March.

    Energy Saving Template for Campus.
    Aaron Smith, P.Eng. P. 58 November.

    Framework for Savings.
    Benjamin Gozart, Tom Marseille, Charles Chaloeicheep, Tom Boysen. P. 34. December.

    Manufacturing Energy Efficiency.
    Charles E. Gulledge III, Rich S. Conyers, Bradley M. Poe, Charles M. Kibby. P. 40. July.

    Net Zero-Ready School.
    Brian Haugk, P.E.; Brian Cannon, P.E. P. 72. May.

    Pond Loop for Ice Refrigeration.
    Jason LaRosh. P. 82. September.

    Simple Measures for Energy Savings.
    Jacques Lagacé, P.Eng. P. 74. October.

    Southwest One: Mixed Use Complex.
    Daniel Robert, Stan Katz. P. 74. April.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Control of Underfloor Air-Distribution Systems.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 46. May.

    Variable Air Volume

    VAV Box Duct Design.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 32. July.

    VAV Terminal Units: Looking Back, Ahead.
    Dan Int-Hout, Gus Faris. P. 40. October.

    Water Conservation

    Saving Water With Cooling Towers.
    Frank Morrison. P. 20. August

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2014

    Air Distribution

    Conditioning Challenges: Lobbies and Atriums.
    Dan Int- Hout. P. 49. Feb.

    Face Velocity Considerations in Air Handler Selection.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 56. May.

    High Performance Air-Distribution Systems.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 82. Mar.


    Putting bEQ in Practice. 
    Ross Montgomery, Timothy G. Wentz. P. 62. May.

    Building Automation Systems

    Decoding the World of BAS Security.
    Phil Zito. P. 60. Sept.

    Building Sciences

    Cool Hand Luke Meets Attics.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. Apr.

    Deep-Dish Retrofits.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 38. Aug.

    Great Moments in Building Science.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 44. Mar.

    How Buildings Stack Up.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 42. Feb.

    Luftwaffe, Ballast and Shipping Containers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 46. July.

    Net Zero Houses.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 44. Oct.

    Tailor Made.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek, P. 46. Sept.

    Walking the Plank.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 44. Nov.

    Central Plants

    Texas Hospital Central Plant Redesign. 
    Bruce L. Flaniken. P. 36. Jan.

    Chilled Beams

    Chilled Beams Selection. 
    Dan Int-Hout and Lilli Wilbar. P. 58. Nov.


    Air-Cooled Chillers for Las Vegas Revisited. 
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, John M. Land. P. 36. Dec.

    Constant-Speed vs. Variable-Speed Chillers. Brian Sullivan.
    P. 64. Dec.

    Improving Performance of Large Chilled Water Plants.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 52. Jan.

    Simplified Chiller Sequencing.
    Marshall Seymore. P. 24. Oct.


    Overlooked Code Requirements.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 32. Dec.

    Cooling Towers

    Cold Weather Operation of Cooling Towers. 
    Paul Lindahl. P. 26. Mar.

    Effect of Heat Rejection Load and Wet Bulb on Cooling Tower Performance. 
    Mick Schwedler. P. 16. Jan.

    Saving Energy With Cooling Towers. 
    Frank Morrison. P. 34. Feb.

    Commercial Kitchens

    60 Years of Commercial Kitchen Fire Suppression. 
    Bill Griffin, Mike Morgan. P. 48. June.

    90.1 and Designing High Performance Commercial Kitchen Ventilation Systems. 
    Don Fisher, Rich Swierczyna. P. 12. Nov.


    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Design Phase Commissioning.
    Dave McFarlane, Thomas Farmer. P. 52. Feb.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Pre-Functional Testing.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 44. Apr.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Final Exam: Functional Performance Testing. 
    Dave McFarlane. P. 14. June.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Measurement and Verification.
    Scott Gordon, Dave McFarlane. P. 32. Aug.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Ongoing Commissioning.
    Dave McFarlane, Scott Gordon. P. 26. Nov.


    Avoid Outdated Condenser Water Rules-of-Thumb.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 50. Mar.


    Codes & Damper Testing. 
    Larry Felker. P. 76. Oct.

    Fire & Smoke Damper Application Requirements. 
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 42. July.

    Data Centers

    Creating A Perfect Storm. 
    Donald L. Beaty, David Quirk. P. 142. Dec.

    Digital Revolution Impact, Part 1.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 84. Sept.

    Free Cooling for Data Center.
    Mukesh K. Khattar. P. 60. Oct.

    Global Data Centers. 
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 74. Jan.

    Is Software-Defined Data Center Next Reality?
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 58. Feb.

    IT Equipment Load Trends, Part 1.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 74. Mar.

    IT Equipment Load Trends, Part 2. 
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 84. Apr.

    IT Equipment Load Trends, Part 3.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 95. May.

    IT Equipment Load Trends, Part 4.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 82. June.

    Liquid Cooling Guidelines. 
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 82. Oct.

    X-Factor Explained. 
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 83. Nov.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    Do All DOAS Configurations Provide the Same Benefits?
    Shihan Deng, Josephine Lau, Jae-Weon Jeong. P. 22. July.

    Variable Volume DOAS Fan-Powered Terminal Unit.
    Dan Int-Hout, Lilli Wilbar. P. 70. Aug.


    The Deal About Duct Lining. Dan Int-Hout. P. 98. May.


    How to Design & Control Waterside Economizers. 
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 30. June.

    Select & Control Economizer Dampers in VAV Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 50. Nov.

    Waterside Economizers & 90.1.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 46. Aug.


    Shaping the Next...Building and Energy.
    P. 24. Jan.

    Energy Modeling

    Buildings of the Future. 
    Javad Khazaii. P. 68. Dec.

    Improving Infiltration in Energy Modeling.
    Lisa C. Ng, Andrew K. Persily, Steven J. Emmerich. P. 70. July.

    Modeled vs. Real Utility Data. 
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 93. Apr.

    Modeling Real vs. Imaginary.
    Javad Khazaii. P. 96. Mar.

    New 90.1 and Modeling.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 68. Feb.

    Performing Probabilistic Energy Modeling. 
    Javad Khazaii. P. 65. Jan.

    Exhaust Systems

    Restroom Exhaust Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 28. Feb.


    Adding More Fan Power Can Be a Good Thing. 
    Ronnie Moffitt. P 44. May.

    Return Fans in VAV Systems. 
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 54. Oct.

    Fault Detection

    Detecting Faults in Hong Kong High-Rise. 
    Youming Chen, Haitao Wang, Cary W.H. Chan, Jianying Qin. P. 46. Jan.


    Ground Source Heat Pumps in Texas School District.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 34. Oct.

    Performance of HVAC Systems at ASHRAE HQ, Part 1.
    L.E. Southard, Xiaobing Liu, J.D. Spitler. P. 14. Sept.

    Performance of HVAC Systems at ASHRAE HQ, Part 2.
    L.E. Southard, Xiaobing Liu, J.D. Spitler. P. 12. Dec.

    Health Care

    Bioaerosols in Health-Care Environments.
    Kevin Grosskopf, Ehsan Mousavi. P. 22. Aug.

    Current Trends for Health-Care Ventilation.
    Paul Ninomura, Chris Rousseau, Tyler Ninomura. P. 32. Apr.

    Energy Savings for Senior Care Center.
    Pascal Michaud, Sebastian Maynard. P. 60. June.

    Improving Operating Room Contamination Control.
    Jennifer A. Wagner, Kevin J. Schreiber, Ralph Cohen. P. 18. Feb.

    Hydronic Heat Recovery in Health Care.
    Jeremy Mc-Clanathan. P. 24. June.

    Heat Recovery

    Heat Recovery for Canadian Building.
    Geneviève Lussier. P. 48. Dec.


    Alternatives to Vapor-Compression HVAC Technology.
    William Goetzler, Robert Zogg, Jim Young, Caitlin Johnson. P 12. Oct


    CO and Portable Generators.
    Steven J. Emmerich, Andrew K. Persily, Liangzhu (Leon) Wang. P. 92. Sept.

    Hazards of E-Cigarettes.
    Francis (Bud) J. Offermann. P. 38. June.

    IAQ at Construction Sites. 
    Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, Donald Weekes. P. 94. Apr.

    Ventilation, Crowds and the Common Cold.
    Yuexia Sun, Jan Sundell. P. 62. Feb.

    What ASHRAE Says About Infectious Disease. 
    Larry Schoen. P. 86. Nov.


    Crime Lab Deconstruction. 
    David Shumway. P. 66. Apr.

    Efficient Labs for University.
    Nicolas Lemire, Pierre-Luc Baril, Émilie L'italien Le Blanc. P. 70. Nov.

    Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems for Labs. 
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 58. Apr.

    Low Energy Science Building. 
    Steven Hamstra. P. 82. May.


    Cheese Factory: Biogas Heats Production.
    Gheorghe Mihalache. P. 80. Aug.

    Design Build Manufacturing Plant.
    Charles E. Gulledge III, Rich S. Conyers, Bradley M. Poe, Charles M. Kibby. P. 32. July.

    Packaged Air Conditioners

    Improving Operating Efficiency of Packaged Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps.
    Srinivas Katipamula, Weimin Wang, Mira Vowles. P. 36. Mar.


    Controlling Condensation on CWP Insulation. 
    Ed Light, James Bailey. P. 24. Dec.

    Underground Piping Systems. 
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 54. Sept.

    Radiant Systems

    VAV vs. Radiant: Side-by-Side Comparison.
    Guruprakash Sastry, Peter Rumsey. P. 16. May.


    Bring on the Subsidy. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 46. Dec.

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Midgley. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 60. May.

    Heat Pumps: The Brutal Truth. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 76. Nov.

    How Low Can You Go?
    Andy Pearson. P. 69. Aug.

    Rattling the Chain.
    Andy Pearson. P. 74. Feb.

    Sparkling Water. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 58. July.

    Still Water. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 46. June.

    Strangeness and Charm. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 73. Sept.

    Totally Absorbing. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 74. Apr.

    Understanding Performance. 
    Andy Pearson. P. 86. Oct. Water,

    Water Everywhere.
    Andy Pearson. P. 62. Mar.

    What Does Safety Cost? 
    Andy Pearson. P. 64. Jan.


    Residential Energy Efficiency. 
    Darren Dageforde. P. 62. Aug.

    Affordable and Efficient. 
    Andrew Pape-Salmon, Ed McNamara, Ariel Levy. P. 56. Dec.


    Revamping Ho-Hum Strip Mall.
    Shawn Oram. P. 64. Nov.


    Understanding Salaries in the A/E Industry.
    Kate Allen. P. 12. Feb.


    Climate-Adapted Design for California School.
    Brent Eubanks, Glenn Friedman. P. 72. May.


    Proper Specification of Air Terminal Units. 
    David A. John. P. 26. Sept.

    Specifying... Or Equal.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz. P. 54. Aug.


    Aligning IECC and Standard 90.1.
    Steve Ferguson. P. 56. Mar.

    Celebrating 100 Years of ASHRAE Standard 15. 
    Douglas T. Reindl. P. 36. Nov.

    Compliance to Standard 55. 
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 90. Apr.

    Standard 62.1 Update & Plans.
    Roger Hedrick. P. 86. Aug.


    Designing for Sustainability. 
    Jacques Lagacé. P. 22. Apr.

    Future Climate Impacts On Building Design. 
    Scott Schuetter, Lee DeBaillie, Doug Ahl. P. 36. Sept.

    High-Rise Energy Efficiency. 
    Shengwei Wang, Wai-Keung Pau. P. 60. July.

    Learning by Experiencing. 
    Tim McGinn. P. 74. Sept.

    Lessons Learned from ASHRAE HQ Renovation. 
    Michael R. Vaughn. P. 14. Apr.

    Small Building, Vast Potential. 
    Fred Betz, Jimmy Yoshida, Scott Easton. P. 64. Mar.

    Sustainable Stewardship. 
    Scott Bowman, Carey Nagle. P. 70. Oct.

    Variable Air Volume

    VAV Coils, Fan Coil Devices. 
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 58. Jan.

    VAV vs. Radiant: Side-by-Side Comparison.
    Guruprakash Sastry, Peter Rumsey. P. 16. May.

    Return Fans in VAV Systems. 
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 54. Oct.

    Variable Frequency Drive

    Overestimating Energy and Cost Savings of Installing VFDs. 
    Adam K. Wolfe. P. 16. July.

    Performance of HVAC Systems at ASHRAE HQ, Part 1. 
    L.E. Southard, Xiaobing Liu, J.D. Spitler. P. 14. Sept.

    Performance of HVAC Systems at ASHRAE HQ, Part 2.
    Southard, Xiaobing Liu, J.D. Spitler. P. 12. Dec.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2013


    Sound Advice: Acoustical Specifications for Air Terminals & Air Outlets.
    Randy Zimmerman. P. 16. Jul.

    Air Distribution

    Air Balancing Area Factors. 
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 78. Sept.

    Air-Distribution Design.
    David A. John. P. 84. May.

    Air Distribution in the OR.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 138. Dec.

    Slots Are Adjustable.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 68. Jun.


    BACnet Explained, Part One.
    H. Michael Newman. P. B2. Nov.

    BACnet Explained, Part Two.
    Grant Wichenko. P. B8. Nov.

    Communicating Submeter Data Via BACnet.
    David Bovankovich. P. B26. Nov.

    Securing a Control Systems Network.
    Carl Neilson. P. B18. Nov.

    Building Envelope

    Using Passive Design.
    Caroline Hachem, Andreas Athienitis. P. 72. Jan.

    Building Sciences

    Coil Springs, Rubber Bands, Spaghetti and Tinkertoys.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 54. Oct.

    Deal with Manure & Then Don't Suck.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 40. Jul.

    Duct Dynasty.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. Dec.

    Joni Mitchell, Water & Walls.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 72. Aug.

    Macbeth Does Vapor Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. Nov.

    Rocks Don't Burn.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. May.

    Stuck on You.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. Feb.

    Unintended Consequences Suck.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. Jun.


    You Have to Prove It.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 94. Oct.

    Chilled Beams

    VAV Reheat Versus Active Chilled Beams & DOAS.
    Jeff Stein, Steven T. Taylor. P. 18. May.

    Chiller Plants

    Tips to Reduce Chilled Water Plant Costs.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 48. Oct.


    Best Practices for Commissioning Automatic Daylighting Controls.
    Scott Hackel, Scott Schuetter. P. 46. Sept.

    Commissioning Existing Airside Economizer Systems.
    Dave Moser. P. 34. Mar.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 28. Jun.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Basis of Design.
    Vince Briones, Dave McFarlane. P. 76. Oct.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Owner's Project Requirements.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 32. Aug.

    Technical vs. Process Commissioning: Preparing a Cx Plan.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 40. Dec.

    Data Centers

    Cloud Computing 101.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 88. Oct.

    Computing Defines Centers.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 88. Aug.

    Data Center Alphabet Soup.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 88. May.

    Data Center Cooling.
    Michael Rutberg, Alissa Cooperman, Antonio Bouza. P. 82. Oct.

    Data Center Dilemma.
    Jeff Sloan. P. 62. Mar.

    Data Center Energy Metric.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 61. Jan.

    DNA of a Data Center.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 58. Jun.

    Economizer for Data Center.
    Mehrdad Alipour. P. 20. Oct.

    High Performance Computing Data Centers.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 142. Dec.

    How CPUs Impact Design.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 84. Nov.

    Internal IT Load Profile Variability.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 72. Feb.

    Managing Redundancy.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 122. Jul.

    More Data Center Dimensions.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 80. Sept.

    Testing CRAC & CRAH.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 54. Apr.

    Why Datacom? 
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 74. Mar.

    Emerging Technologies

    Centrifugal Compressors.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 63. Feb.

    Data Center Cooling.
    Michael Rutberg, Alissa Cooperman, Antonio Bouza. P. 82. Oct.

    Energy Storage for PV Power.
    Ratcharit Ponoum; Michael Rutberg; Antonio Bouza. P. 80. Nov.

    ERV Technology Revisited.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 65. Jan.

    Harvesting Daylight.
    Mildred Hastbacka, Tracy Beeson, Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 60. Apr.

    IT and Building Loads.
    Mildred Hastbacka, Michael Rutberg, Antonio Bouza. P. 84. Sept.

    Leasing Residential PV Systems.
    Michael Rutberg, Antonio Bouza P. 132. Dec.

    Monitoring & Control.
    Mildred Hastbacka, Antonio Bouza. P. 92. May.

    Solid State Lighting.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 80. Mar.

    TES for Residential Settings.
    Michael Rutberg, Mildred Hastbacka, Antonio Bouza. P. 92. Aug.

    Thermal Energy Storage.
    Michael Rutberg, Mildred Hastbacka, Alissa Cooperman, Antonio Bouza. P. 62. Jun.

    Energy Audit

    Lessons From Energy Audits.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 48. Nov.

    Energy Modeling

    District Energy Plants.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 130. Jul.

    Energy Modeling. M&V Modeling.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 88. Sept.

    Modeling and 90.1.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 72. Apr.

    Modeling and Design.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 98. Aug.

    Modeling Control Strategies.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 96. Oct.

    Modeling Mistakes.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 80. Jun.

    Modeling VRF Systems.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 131. Dec.

    Rethinking Energy Modeling.
    Javad Khazaii. P. 79. Nov.

    Energy Recovery

    Energy Recovery in Lab Air-Handling Systems.
    Barry Barnet. P. 20. Sept.

    Heat Recovery for School.
    Thomas H. Durkin, Alvaro Villalta. P. 68. Mar.


    Fan Efficiency Requirements for Standard 90.1-2013.
    John Cermak, Michael Ivanovich. P. 24. Apr.

    Ventilation Control in Terminal Units With Variable Speed Fan Control.
    John Murphy. P. 12. Dec.


    GHP Piping Systems.
    Lisa Meline. P. 86. Mar.

    Geothermal for 5 Ecosystems.
    André-Benoît Allard. P. 32. Apr.

    Geothermal for Big Box Retail.
    Nuno Duarte. P. 90. Nov.

    Ground-Coupled Heat Pump and Energy Storage.
    Ed Lohrenz, Sergio Almeida. P. 14. Apr.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance, Part 6: Maintenance and Controls.
    Steve Kavanaugh, David Dinse. P. 24. Jan.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance, Part 7: Achieving Quality.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Lisa Meline. P. 26. Feb.

    Health Care

    Hospital Qualilty Control.
    Michael Fullerton. P. 34. July.


    Good Humidity Control.
    Chandra Sekhar. P. 68. Jan.


    Dissecting Interactions Among IEQ Factors.
    Hal Levin, Steven J. Emmerich. P. 66. Sept.

    How Indoor Environment Affects Performance.
    David P. Wyon, Pawel Wargocki. P. 46. Mar.

    Is CO2 Indoor Pollutant?
    William J. Fisk, Usha Satish, Mark J.Mendell, Toshifumi Hotchi, Douglas Sullivan. P. 84. Mar.

    Natural Ventilation Use.
    Yuguo Li. P. 78. May.

    Shaping the Next: Indoor Air Quality.
    P. 50. Aug.

    Smoking in Tribal Casinos.
    Lawrence J. Schoen. P. 72. Jun.

    Unvented Combustion.
    Paul Francisco. P. 64. Apr.

    What We Know Can Hurt Us.
    Max Sherman. P. 75. Feb.

    Where It All Started.
    Andrew K. Persily. P. 126. Jul.

    Kitchen Ventilation

      Future of DCV for Commercial Kitchens.
    Don Fisher, Rich Swierczyna, Angelo Karas. P. 48. Feb

    Life Safety

    Integrating HVAC & Life Safety.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 48. Dec.

    Performance Gap

    Lessons from Church Project.
    Leslie Beu. P. 60. Oct.

    Overplaying Casino Savings.
    Tom Riead. P. 68. Nov.

    Underpredicting by Default.
    Anthony Hardman. P. 60. Dec.

    Radiant Systems

    Cooling Load Calculations for Radiant Systems.
    Fred Bauman, Jingjuan (Dove) Feng, Stefano Schiavon, P. 20. Dec.


    Are You Pro Propane?
    Andy Pearson. P. 98. Oct.

    Coping With Excess Gas.
    Andy Pearson. P. 65. Feb.

    Direct Talking.
    Andy Pearson. P. 75. May.

    Good Vibrations?
    Andy Pearson. P. 64. Dec.

    I'm on You.
    Andy Pearson. P. 121. Jul.

    Itchy Foes?
    Andy Pearson. P. 83. Sept.

    Problem of Excess Gas.
    Andy Pearson. P. 77. Jan.

    R-22 Hard Act to Follow: Ammonia Low-Pressure Receiver Systems.
    S. Forbes Pearson. P. 16. Feb.

    Sequencing & Control of Compressors.
    Douglas T. Reindl. P. 14. Nov.

    Sit Back, Enjoy the Glide.
    Andy Pearson. P. 67. Apr.

    System Efficiency for Natural Refrigerants.
    Anatolii Mikhailov, Hans Ole Matthiesen. P. 66. Aug.

    Water on the Inside.
    Andy Pearson. P. 79. Mar.

    What's Up With CO2?
    Andy Pearson. P. 99. Aug.

    When is a Sound a Noise?
    Andy Pearson. P. 73. Nov.

    Who's in Charge?
    Andy Pearson. P. 78. Jun.

    Smart Grid

    Microgrids for Energy Reliability.
    Dave Robinson. P. B14. Nov.

    Smart Grid and Building Operators.
    Phil Davis. P. B23. Nov.


    A Stable Whole Building Performance Method for Standard 90. 
    Michael Rosenberg, Charles Eley. P. 33. May.

    Energy Codes and Standards: Part 1: Prescriptive vs. Performance Compliance.
    John Hogan. P. 22. Jul.

    Energy Codes & Standards, Part 2: Partial, Full, Multiple& Total System Performance.
    John Hogan. P. 40. Aug.

    Modeling and 90.1.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 72. Apr.

    Thermal Comfort

    Comfort vs. Energy Use.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 134. Jul.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    TES for Residential Settings.
    Michael Rutberg, Mildred Hastbacka, Antonio Bouza. P. 92. Aug.

    Thermal Energy Storage.
    Michael Rutberg, Mildred Hastbacka, Alissa Cooperman, Antonio Bouza. P. 62. Jun.

    Thermally Active Floors

    Thermally Active Floors, Part 1
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 32. Jan.

    Thermally Active Floors: Part 2: Design.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 36. Feb.

    Thermally Active Floors: Part 3: Making it Work.
    Daniel H. Nall. P. 54. Mar.

    Technology Awards

    Aquathermal Systems.
    Camille Sylvain Thompson, Wayne E. Kerbelis. P. 48. Jan.

    Big Plant in a Small Space.
    Blake E. Ellis, Raymond J. Mosier. P. 28. Jul.

    Botanical Research Laboratory.
    Caroline Paquet. P. 28. Dec.

    Strategies for Sustainability.
    Louise Smith. P. 34. Dec.

    Cutting-Edge Renovation.
    Laurier Nichols, Marc-Olivier Lacoursière, Mathieu Courchesne. P. 60. Aug.

    Data Center Dilemma.
    Jeff Sloan. P. 62. Mar.

    Economizer for Data Center.
    Mehrdad Alipour. P. 20. Oct.

    Fire Station Renovation.
    Sean Abbott. P. 30. Nov.

    Fire Station Rescue.
    Jonathan Heller, Carmen Cejudo. P. 58. Sept.

    Geothermal for 5 Ecosystems.
    André-Benoît Allard. P. 32. Apr.

    Geothermal for Big Box Retail.
    Nuno Duarte. P. 90. Nov.

    Heat Recovery for School.
    Thomas H. Durkin, Alvaro Villalta. P. 68. Mar.

    Holistic HVAC Design.
    Abdel K. Darwich. P. 40. Apr.

    Hospital Qualilty Control.
    Michael Fullerton. P. 34. July.

    Hot, Humid Lab Hood Facility.
    Rob Turner. P. 40. Oct.

    Low EUI Community Hospital.
    Jeremy McClanathan. P. 36. Jun.

    NREL: Largest Net Zero Building.
    Chuck-Kwan Joseph Tai, Matt Grinberg, Porus Antia. P. 36. Sept.

    Passive Cooling for School.
    Hormoz Janssens. P. 54. May.

    PSU Design Build Project.
    Mark O. Koller. P. 46. May.

    Reheat for Medical Center.
    Mike Lawless. P. 46. Jun.

    Sewage Plant Heats Village.
    Richard Perry, Tom Ren. P. 40. Nov.


    Control Valves & Coil Packs.
    Mikhail Nudelman. P. 48. Apr.

    Variable Air Volume

    Research Validates VAV.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 96. Aug.

    VAV Reheat Versus Active Chilled Beams & DOAS.
    Jeff Stein, Steven T. Taylor. P. 18. May.

    Variable Frequency Drive

    Standardizing Data for VFD Efficiency.
    Andrea Krukowski, Craig P. Wray. P. 16. Jun.

    Variable Refrigerant Flow

    Sustainable Design of Water Source VRF.
    Ramez Afify. P. 14. Oct.


    Total Dissolved Solids in Reclaimed Water.
    Daniel H. Nall, Robert Sedlak. P. 28. Oct.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2012


    End Reflection Loss: How Does It Affect Design Engineers?.
    David A. John, Luis Villegas. P. 100. June.

    Air Distribution

    Designing Air-Distribution Systems to Maximize Comfort.
    David A. John. P. 20. Sept.

    Methods for Effective Room Air Distribution: Part 1.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 18. Nov.

    Methods for Effective Room Air Distribution: Part 2.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 38. Dec.


    Building Integrated Aquaculture.
    Simi Hoque, James B. Webb, Andy J. Danylchuk. P. 16. Feb.


    BACnet for a City.
    Steven T. Tom. P. B4. Nov.

    Demand Response and Light Control.
    Scott Ziegenfus. P. B20. Nov.


    BIM Object Creation.
    M. Dennis Knight. P. 74. Nov.

    Building Sciences

    Bobby Darin and Thermal Performance.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 66. Oct.

    Don't Do Ugly Things.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. Aug.

    Hockey Pucks & Hydrostatic Pressure.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. Jan.

    I Was Younger Then (I'm So Much Older Now).
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 50. Nov.

    Joe South Assemblies.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 66. May.

    Leaks and Holes.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. Dec.

    Parthenon, Eh!.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 80. Mar.

    Slab Happy.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. Apr.

    Thermal Bridge Redux.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 60. July.

    Business and Management

    Cultural Differences: Succeeding in a Global Economy.
    Ramiz Gabrial. P. 77. Jan.

    Fixing HVAC Problems.
    John A. Clark. P. 98. Sept.

    Chilled Beams

    Efficient Space Humidity Control with Active Chilled Beam Systems.
    Kenneth J. Loudermilk, Darren S. Alexander. P. 28. Jan.

    Don't Turn Active Beams Into Expensive Diffusers.
    Andrey Livchak, Chris Lowell. P. 52. Apr.

    Chiller Plants

    Optimizing Design and Control of Chilled Water Plants: Part 4: Chiller & Cooling Tower Selection.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 60. Mar.

    Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water Plants: Part 5: Optimized Control Sequences.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 56. June.


    Commissioning Design/Build Projects.
    Stephen C. Turner, Mark Hogil Jung, Seung Hwan Hwang. P. 54. Oct.

    Condensate Collection

    AHU Condensate Collection Economics.
    Thomas Lawrence, Jason Perry, Tyler Alsen. P. 18. May.

    Data Centers

    Cooling as a Service.
    Donald L. Beaty. P. 64. Nov.

    Data Centers and Comfort Cooling.
    Don Beaty. P. 86. Oct.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    DOAS, Radiant Cooling Revisited.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 128. Dec.

    Total Energy Wheel Control in a Dedicated OA System.
    John Murphy. P. 46. Mar.

    Domestic Hot Water

    Improving DHW System Performance.
    Hui Chen, Homer Bruner Jr., Robert Henry, Les Williams and James Riley. P. 72. Mar.


    Classifying Duct Leakage.
    Lee Feigenbaum.P. 78. Sept.

    Effects of Typical Inlet Conditions on Air Outlet Performance.
    David A. John. P. 16. Apr.

    End Reflection Loss.
    David A. John, Luis Villegas. P. 100. June.

    Emerging Technologies

    'Smart' Irrigation Systems.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 76. Aug.

    AC for Hot Climates.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 81. Sept.

    Cloud-Based BEMS.
    Ratcharit Ponoum, Alissa Cooperman, James Brodrick. P. 68. Nov.

    Commercial GSHPs.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 84. May.

    Control Systems & LEED.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 96. June.

    DOAS, Radiant Cooling Revisited.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, Antonio Bouza. P. 128. Dec.

    Energy Efficiency in a Box: Variable Air Volume Terminal Units.
    John Dieckmann, Alissa Cooperman, and James Brodrick. P. 88. Mar.

    High-SEER Residential AC.
    Mildred Hastbacka, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 141. July.

    HVAC Fault Detection.
    Matthew Wiggins, James Brodrick. P. 78. Feb.

    Induction or PM Motors.
    Darrell J. King; Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann; James Brodrick. P. 81. Oct.

    Power Plant Water Use.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 65. Jan.

    Residential GSHPs: Efficiency With Short Payback Periods.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 72. Apr.

    Energy Efficiency and Management

    Improving Energy Performance of NYC's Existing Office Buildings.
    Charles C. Copeland. P. 28. Aug.

    Measured Home Performance: Best Practices for Home Energy Retrofits.
    Rick Chitwood, Lew Harriman. P. 16. Jan.

    Energy Audit

    Energy Audits, Improvements in Small Office Buildings.
    Ian M. Shapiro. P. 14. Oct.

    Improving Energy Performance of NYC's Existing Office Buildings.
    Charles C. Copeland. P. 28. Aug.

    Energy Simulation

    Energy Modeling Basics.
    Jared A. Higgins. P. 26. Dec.


    Backward-Curved Fans.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 81. May.


    GSHP for 1920s Building.
    Wayne E. Kerbelis. P. 56. Sept.

    Deere: Running Efficient.
    Bruce Davis. P. 44. Apr.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance: Part 1: Project Overview and Loop Circuit Types.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Josh Kavanaugh. P. 48. June.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance: Part 2: Ground Loops, Pumps, Ventilation Air and Controls.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Josh Kavanaugh.
    P. 26. July.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance. Part 3: Loop Temperatures.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Josh Kavanaugh.
    P. 28. September.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance. Part 4: Installation Costs.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Mike Green, Kirk Mescher. P. 26. Oct.

    Long-Term Commercial GSHP Performance: Part 5: Comfort and Satisfaction.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Josh Kavanaugh. P. 32. Dec.

    Health Care

    How 90.1-2010 Will Affect Health-Care Facilities.
    Jeff Boldt. P. 40. Aug.

    Heat Pumps

    Large-Capacity, Water-to-Water Heat Pumps for Centralized Plants.
    Craig R. Campbell, Joseph A. Catrambone, Christian P. Paraskevakos. P. 26. May.


    Integrating Solar and Hydronic Heating in Residential and Small Commercial Systems.
    Bristol Stickney. P. 26. Feb.


    Designing for IAQ in Natatoriums.
    Randy C. Baxter. P. 24. Apr.

    Good IAQ Practices.
    Hoy R. Bohanon. P. 106. June.

    It's Not Always Mold.
    Wane A. Baker. P. 150. July.

    Legionella: Don't Assume.
    Matthew R. Freije. P. 100. Oct.

    Mold and Dampness.
    Lew Harriman. P. 132. Dec.

    Minimum Outdoor Airflow Using the IAQ Procedure.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 26. June.

    Public Policy & IAQ.
    Steven J. Emmerich. P. 98. Mar.

    Residential AC Filters.
    John Proctor. P. 92. Oct.

    What's Proposed in Legionella Standard.
    Matthew R. Freije. P. 98. May.

    Kitchen Ventilation

    Demand-Controlled Ventilation for Commercial Kitchens.
    Derek Schrock, Jimmy Sandusky, Andrey Livchak. P. 36. Nov.

    Design Considerations for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation.
    John A. Clark. P. 54. Feb.


    Legionella: Don't Assume.
    Matthew R. Freije. P. 100. Oct.

    What's Proposed in Legionella Standard.
    Matthew R. Freije. P. 98. May.


    Load Calculation Spreadsheets: Quick Answers Without Relying on Rules of Thumb.
    Steven F. Bruning. P. 40. Jan.


    Ozone and Air Filters.
    Charles Seyffer. P. 82. Feb.


    EU Pump Regulations.
    Niels Bidstrup. P. 106. May.


    Defrost Cycle.
    Andy Pearson. P. 94. Oct.

    Improving Eff iciency.
    Andy Pearson. P. 92. May.

    Jargon Buster.
    Andy Pearson. P. 127. Dec.

    Lubricating Oil.
    Andy Pearson. P. 72. Nov.

    Parasitic Loads.
    Andy Pearson. P. 90. Sept.

    Reducing Leakage.
    Andy Pearson. P. 149. July.

    Reducing Load.
    Andy Pearson. P. 82. Aug.

    Refrigeration Applications Load Matching and Capacity Control.
    Andy Pearson. P. 94. June.

    The Temperature Lift.
    Andy Pearson. P. 94. Mar.

    Temperatures, Pressures, & Refrigerants.
    Andy Pearson. P. 81. Apr.

    Using CO2 to Reduce Refrigerant Charge.
    S. Forbes Pearson. P. 38. Oct.

    Smart Grid

    Appliances and the Smart Grid.
    Tom Catania. P. 72. Feb.

    Demand Response and Light Control.
    Scott Ziegenfus. P. B20. Nov.

    Electric Utilities and the HVAC Industry.
    Mike Oldak. P. B10. Nov.

    OpenADR Advances.
    David G. Holmberg, Girish Ghatikar, Edward L. Koch, Jim Boch. P. B16. Nov.


    Advantages of Integrated Control in Solar Combisystems.
    Fredric Milder. P. 34. Feb.

    Integrating Solar and Hydronic Heating in Residential and Small Commercial Systems.
    Bristol Stickney. P. 26. Feb.

    Solar Thermal Retrofit.
    Barry Jim On, Min Zhong. P. 72. Sept.

    Smoke Control

    Basics of Atrium Smoke Control.
    John H. Klote. P. 36. June.


    Green Building Practices Around the World.
    Frank Mills, Ashish Rakheja, Abdel-Kader Darwiche. P. 48. Jan.

    Measuring Commercial Building Performance Protocols for Energy, Water, and Indoor Environmental Quality.
    Bruce D. Hunn, Jeff S. Haberl, Hywel Davies, Brendan Owens. P. 48. July.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    TES for Medical Center.
    Blake E. Ellis. P. 28. Nov.

    Technology Awards

    43% Energy Savings.
    Geneviève Lussier, Victoria Lakiza. P. 42. Dec.

    Bell Canada's HQ.
    Daniel Robert, Daniel Bourque. P. 42. July.

    Bridging the Gaps.
    René Dansereau, Chantale Bourdages. P. 36. May.

    Chilled Beams in Historic Building.
    Steven P. Brzezenski. P. 46. Sept.

    Deere: Running Efficient.
    Bruce Davis. P. 44. Apr.

    Distributing Savings.
    Kenneth Sonmor, Antonino Lagana. P. 58. May.

    Efficient Science Building.
    Mike J. Lawless. P. 46. Oct.

    Firm Walks the Talk.
    Murdoch MacPherson. P. 36. July.

    GSHP for 1920s Building.
    Wayne E. Kerbelis. P. 56. Sept.

    Ice Rink Uses CO2 System.
    Luc Simard. P. 38. Mar.

    Learning With Nature.
    Prem Mehrotra. P. 46. Dec.

    Old School Learns Cool New Tricks.
    Ryan Thorson, David Williams. P. 48. May.

    Retail in Cold Climate.
    Roland Charneux, Pierre-Luc Baril. P. 76. June.

    Rethinking Hospital Design.
    Paul Marmion, P. 84. June.

    Savings Funds Project.
    Steven D. Maze, Matt D. Swanson. P. 64. Sept.

    Solar Thermal Retrofit.
    Barry Jim On, Min Zhong. P. 72. Sept.

    Sustainability at the Y.
    Chantale Bourdages, Olivier Brodeur. P. 56. Aug.

    TES for Medical Center.
    Blake E. Ellis. P. 28. Nov.

    Ventilation for Museum.
    Tim Gasper. P. 52. Aug.

    Thermo Active Building Systems

    Using Building Mass to Heat and Cool: Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS).
    Bjarne W. Olesen. P. 44. Feb.

    Variable Air Volume

    DCV for Multizone VAV.
    Josephine Lau, Dennis Stanke. P. 84. Aug.

    Dual Maximum VAV Box Control Logic.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein, Gwelen Paliaga, Hwakong Cheng. P. 16. Dec.

    Variable Refrigerant Flow

    Applying VRF? Don't Overlook Standard 15.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 18. July.


    Shielding Fresh Air Ventilation Intakes.
    Bjørn Petter Jelle, Knut Noreng. P. 34. Apr.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2011


    Acoustic Performance Measurement Protocols.
    Neil Moiseev. P. 28. Jan.

    Air Distribution

    Designing for Comfort: Selecting Air-Distribution
    David A. John. P. 38. Sept.


    BACnet Alarming Revised..
    Bernhard Isler P. B12. Nov.

    BACnet: Operator Workstations.
    Steven T. Tom. P. B6. Nov.


    BIM Test at ASHRAE HQ.
    Steven F. Bruning. P. 28. April.

    BIM for Energy Savings.
    Thomas Kotwal, Ratcharit Ponoum, James
    . P. 81. Sept.

    Building Automation

    A Guide to Wireless Technologies.
    Patrick Harder. P. 44. Feb.

    Building Sciences

    Decks: Roofs You Walk On.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. Mar.

    High Risk Walls.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. July.

    Indoor Swimming Pools and Water Parks.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 64. Sept.

    Just Right & Airtight.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 58. May.

    Leiningen vs. the Ants Redux.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 74. Oct.

    Parapets: Where Roofs Meet Walls.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 50. Feb.

    Seeing Red Over Green Roofs.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 68. June.

    Business and Management

    Why Go International.
    Ramez Naguib. P. 66. Jan.

    Chiller Plants

    Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water
    Plants: Part 1: Chilled Water Distribution
    System Selection.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 14. July.

    Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water
    Plants. Part 2: Condenser Water System
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 26. Sept.

    Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water
    Plants: Part 3: Pipe Sizing and Optimizing
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 22. Dec.


    Capturing the Potential.
    Evan Mills. P. 86. Feb.

    Commissioning High-Tech Facilities.
    Evan Mills. P. 18. Nov.

    Retrocommissioning Older Buildings.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 26. Aug.


    Car Assembly Plant Cogeneration System.
    Ainul Abedin. P. 38. Jan.


    Controlling Corrosion in Marine Refrigeration
    Amey S. Majgaonkar. P. 50. April.

    Data Centers

    Data Center Environments: ASHRAE's Evolving
    Thermal Guidelines.
    Robin A. Steinbrecher, Roger Schmidt. P. 42. Dec.

    Data Center Heat Rejection: Indirect Air-Side
    Economizer Cycle.
    Keith Dunnavant. P. 44. Mar.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    DOAS Misconceptions.
    Stanley A. Mumma. P. 76. Aug.

    Emerging Technologies

    AC Capacity Modulation.
    John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 70. Feb.

    BIM for Energy Savings.
    Thomas Kotwal; Ratcharit Ponoum, James
    P. 81. Sept.

    Commercial Envelopes.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James
    .  P. 134. July.

    Condensing Technology for Home Water
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 49. Jan.

    Cool and Dry Comfort.
    John Dieckmann, Alissa Cooperman,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 90. May.

    Cooling on a Small Scale.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 84. Oct.

    Drain Water Heat Recovery.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 58. Nov.

    Home Envelope Retrofits.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 82. June.

    Solid-State Cooling, Part I.
    John Dieckmann, Alissa Cooperman,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 82. Mar.

    Solid-State Cooling, Part 2.
    John Dieckmann, Alissa Cooperman,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 66. April.

    Superinsulated Homes.
    Alissa Cooperman; John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 66. Aug.

    Water/Electricity Trade-Offs.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann,
    James Brodrick
    . P. 118. Dec.

    Energy Efficiency and Management

    10 Common Problems in Energy Audits.
    Ian Shapiro. P. 26. Feb.

    Plug Load Design Factors.
    Christopher K. Wilkins, Mohammad H.
    . P. 30. May.

    Revision of EU Energy Performance Directive.
    Chris Breslin, Tim Dwyer. P. 104. May.

    Energy Simulation

    Streamlining Energy Simulation to Identify
    Building Retrofits.
    Aleka Pappas, Sue Reilly. P. 32. Nov.


    Select Fans Using Fan Total Pressure to Save
    John Cermak, John Murphy. P. 44. July.


    Do Furnaces Dry Air? .
    Jim Crawford, Roy Crawford. P. 78. Mar.


    Less Pumping Means Cooler Ground Loops.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 26. July.

    Hall of Fame

    Energy Simulation in the Building Design Process.
    Daniel H. Nall, Drury B. Crawley. P. 36. July.

    History of the Changing Concepts in Ventilation
    A.K. Klauss, R.H. Tull, L.M. Roots,
    J.R. Pfafflin
    . P. 34. Feb.

    Health Care

    Displacement Ventilation in Hospital Environments.
    Yuguo Li, Peter V. Nielsen, Mats
    . P. 86. June.

    Health Care Standard Update.
    Paul Ninomura, Judene Bartley, Christopher
    . P. 56. Mar.

    Hospital Retrofit.
    Gilles Desmarais. P. 32. Mar.

    Medical Center Rx.
    Matt Volgyi. P. 56. Dec.

    UVGI in Air Handlers.
    William P. Bahnfleth. P. 70. April.

    HVAC Selection for Envelope-Dominated
    Ian Shapiro, Umit Sirt. P. 30. Oct.

    Right-Sizing HVAC: It Can Be Just Plain
    Max Sherman, Iain Walker. P. 78. June.



    Performance of Combination Hydronic Systems.
    Thomas Butcher. P. 36. Dec.


    ASHRAE's IAQ Mission.
    Andrew K. Persily. P. 138. July.

    Building-Related IAQ.
    Leon Alevantis, Hal Levin. P. 86. Mar.

    Hospital Surge Capacity.
    Shobha S. Subhash, Lewis J.
    . P. 76. Sept.

    Standard 62.2 Update.
    Steven J. Emmerich. P. 62. Jan.

    Theory Meets Practice: Indoor Air 2011.
    Lawrence J. Schoen. P. 90. Oct.

    Understanding SVOCs.
    Ying Xu, Jensen Zhang. P. 121. Dec.

    Weatherization and Indoor Air Quality.
    Paul Francisco. P. 96. May.


    Saving Energy in Lab Exhaust Systems.
    John J. Carter, Brad C. Cochran, Jeff D.
    . P. 26. June.


    Continuous Maintenance for College Campus.
    John Vucci. P. 20. Jan.


    Making the Case for Energy Metering.
    Jim Plourde. P. 20. April.

    On the Path to Net Zero: How Do We Get
    There From Here?
    Gordon V.R. Holness. P. 50. June.


    Saving Energy by Insulating Pipe Components
    on Steam & Hot Water Distribution Systems.
    Gordon H. Hart. P. 42. Oct.


    Affinity Laws: Why They Work & When They
    Richard W. Ford. P. 42. Mar.


    Adsorption Refrigeration: New Opportunities
    for Solar.
    Kai Wang, Edward A. Vineyard. P. 14. Sept.

    Controlling Corrosion in Marine Refrigeration
    Amey S. Majgaonkar. P. 50. April.

    Liquid Refrigerant Pumping in Industrial Refrigeration Systems.
    Todd B. Jekel, Douglas T. Reindl. P. 36. Aug.

    Thermal Coupling of Cooling and Heating
    Andy Pearson. P. 18. Feb.


    Energy Savings for Quick Service Restaurants.
    Jian Zhang, Derek Schrock, Andrey
    Livchak, Bing Liu
    . P. 36. Mar.


    Eco-Friendly, Affordable, School.
    Jean Molina, Chantale Bourdages. P. 52. May.

    Green School Lab.
    Robert H. Thompson. P. 44. May.

    State-of-Art School.
    Derek A. Crowe. P. 36. May.


    Earthquake: New Codes Provide Tools, But
    We Need to Ensure Compliance.
    James A. Carlson, Robert E. Simmons. P. 44. April.

    Seismic Restraint.
    James R. Tauby. P. 20. May.

    Smart Grid

    Demand Response and Standards: New Role
    for Buildings in the Smart Grid.
    David Holmberg. P. B23. Nov.

    Getting Smart on the Electrical Grid.
    Ed Koch, Roy Kolasa. P. B29. Nov.

    Information Model Standard for Integrating
    Facilities with Smart Grid.
    Steven T. Bushby. P. B18. Nov.

    Solar NZEB Project

    Comfort Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 78. May.

    Equinox House Performance.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 57. July.

    Equinox Meets Needs.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 63. Aug.

    Ground Heat Transfer.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 62. Feb.

    Low-Energy Appliances.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 60. April.

    Solar Collection & Use.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 72. June.

    Supersealing a House.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 54. Jan.

    Thermal Mass Design.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 70. Mar.

    Standard 55

    What's New in ASHRAE's Standard on Comfort.
    Stephen C. Turner. P. 42. June.

    Standard 62.2

    Standard 62.2 Update.
    Steven J. Emmerich. P. 62. Jan.

    System Effect

    System Effect: To Believe It Is to See It.
    Sutton G. Page. P. 38. June

    Technology Awards

    Adaptive Reuse for Clinics.
    Jeffrey P. Blaevoet. P. 38. April.

    Aquifer for Cooling.
    Tony Costa. P. 50. Oct.

    Beyond the Envelope: Restoring a 19th Century
    Courthouse to Its Original Purpose.
    Chantale Bourdages, Marco Freitas.
    P. 50. Dec.

    Cool Weather Savings: Using Hybrid Refrigeration
    Systems for Chiller Retrofit.
    Peter F. Bailey, Walt Joncas, Greg Dodge.
    P. 48. Aug.

    Creating a Healing Environment: Efficient
    Gerry Noorts, Michael W. Murphy. P. 52. Nov.

    Dual-Fan System.
    Michel Sotura. P. 54. Oct.

    Eco-Friendly, Affordable, School.
    Jean Molina, Chantale Bourdages. P. 52. May.

    Green School Lab.
    Robert H. Thompson. P. 44. May.

    Hospital Retrofit.
    Gilles Desmarais. P. 32. Mar.

    Hospital Upgrade: Heat Recovery, Geothermal
    Save Energy.
    Jack Kafesdjian. P. 44. Aug.

    Laundry Upgrade.
    Yan Ferron. P. 44. Nov.

    Library Sets Example.
    Jeffrey Blaevoet, Chien Si Harriman. P. 48. Sept.

    Medical Center Rx.
    Matt Volgyi. P. 56. Dec.

    Resort Central Plant.
    Al Butkus. P. 48. July.

    State-of-Art School.
    Derek A. Crowe. P. 36. May.

    Sustainable Campus.
    David L. Grassl. P. 54. Sept.

    Walls to Heat, Cool.
    Heric D. Holmes, Murdoch D. MacPherson. P. 62. June.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Testing for Leaks in Underfloor Plenums.
    Steven Anticknap, Mary Opalka. P. 16. Dec.

    Variable Air Volume

    High-Performance VAV Systems.
    John Murphy. P. 18. Oct.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2010

    50th Anniversary Feature

    Back to Basics: Duct Design Fundamentals.
    Patrick J. Brooks. P. 30. Jan.

    Improved Zoning Betters Department Store Air Conditioning.
    A.I. McFarlan. P. 42. Feb.

    Air Terminal Units

    Specifying Insulation for Air Terminal Units.
    David A. John. P. 38. Sept.


    BACnet Goes Global.
    Bill Swan. P. 22. Nov.

    BACnet for Visibility.
    Terry Hoffmann. P. B30. Nov.

    BACnet to the Rescue.
    Larry Bacher. P. B33. Nov.

    Broadcasting BACnet.
    H. Michael Newman. P. B8. Nov.

    Improving BACnet MS/TP: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
    Steve Karg. P. B13. Nov.

    Point Naming Standards.
    James F. Butler, Robert Veelenturf. P. B16. Nov.

    What Testing Reveals.
    Duffy O'Craven. P. B25. Nov.


    Using BIM in HVAC Design.
    Dennis Knight, Stephen Roth, Steven L. Rosen. P. 24. June.

    Building Sciences

    Confusion About Diffusion.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P.56. Dec.

    Dam Ice Dam.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 49. June.

    Don't be Dense With Insulation.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 54. Aug.

    Double Rubble Toil & Trouble.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 54. April.

    Exterior Spray Foam.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 36. Nov.

    Learning from Mistakes.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 60. Feb.

    Mind the Gap, Eh?
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 57. Jan.

    Pressure Is On, The.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 78. Sept.

    Rubble Foundations.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 72. Mar.

    Thick as a Brick.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 50. May.


    Save Chiller Plant Energy with Guideline 22-2008.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 56. Feb.


    Cleanroom Energy Efficiency.
    Paul A. Mathew, William Tschudi, Dale Sartor, James Beasley. P. 24. Oct.


    Commissioning High Performance Buildings.
    H. Jay Enck. P. 12. Jan.

    Design Review Process, The.
    Bennett C. Carlin. P. 64. June.

    Hospital Retrocommissioning.
    Tom Hanlon, Ed Tinsley, Tim Staley. P. 46. May.

    Optimizing Building Controls During Commissioning.
    Michael A Hatton, Tim Sullivan, Larry Newlands. P. 22. Dec.

    Right Measures, The.
    Joan Effinger, Hannah Friedman. P. 84. Oct.

    Technical RCx for Office.
    Dave McFarlane. P. 124. Dec.


    Capturing Condensate by Retrofitting AHUs.
    Tom Lawrence, Jason Perry, Peter Dempsey. P. 48. Jan.

    Data Centers

    Data Center Retrofit: Heat Containment and Airflow Management.
    Mukesh K. Khattar. P.40. Dec.

    Humidity Controls for Data Centers.
    Mark Hydeman, David E. Swenson. P. 48. Mar.

    Implications of Current Thermal Guidelines for Data Center Energy Use.
    Mark Hydeman. P. 30. Aug.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    DOAS & Building Pressurization.
    Stanley A. Mumma. P. 42. Aug.

    Selecting DOAS Equipment with Reserve Capacity.
    John Murphy. P. 30. April.


    Back to Basics: Duct Design Fundamentals.
    Patrick J. Brooks. P. 30. Jan.

    Emerging Technologies

    Building Energy Labels.
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 54. Nov.

    Personal Ventilation.
    John Dieckmann, Alissa Cooperman, James Brodrick. P. 70. Oct.

    Residential DC Power Business.
    Darrell J. King, James Brodrick. P. 73. Sept.

    Solid-State Lighting, Part 1.
    Matthew Wiggins, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 64. Jan.

    Solid-State Lighting, Part 2.
    Matthew Wiggins. Kurtis McKenney, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 78. Feb.

    Using Weather Data for Predictive Control. 
    Alissa Cooperman, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 128. Dec.

    Variable Frequency Drives, Part 1: The Technology.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 60. April.

    Variable Frequency Drives, Part 2: VFDs for Blowers.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 58. May.

    Variable Frequency Drives, Part 3: VFDs for Large Chillers.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, Matthew Guernsey, James Brodrick. P. 58. June.

    Variable Frequency Drives, Part 4: VFDs for Chiller Auxiliaries.
    John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 96. July.

    Variable Frequency Drives, Part 5: VFDs for Residential Systems.
    John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 66. Aug.

    Warming Up to Pellet Stoves.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 82. Mar.

    Energy Efficiency and Management

    Energy Benchmarking.
    Roger Chang. P. 74. Feb.

    Net Zero Acceptability.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 140. Dec.

    Engineer's Notebook

    What's in Air We Breathe.
    Max Sherman. P. 72. Nov

    Net Zero Acceptability.
    Dan Int-Hout. P. 142. Dec.


    Selecting Efficient Fans.
    John Murphy. P. 64. April.


    Determining Thermal Resistance: Ground Heat Exchangers.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 72. Aug.

    Sizing Calculation Spreadsheet: Vertical Geothermal Borefields.
    Mikael Philippe, Michel Bernier, Dominique Marchio. P. 20. July.

    Health Care

    Hospital Retrocommissioning.
    Tom Hanlon, Ed Tinsley, Tim Staley. P. 46. May.

    Heat Pumps

    Dual-Capacity Heat Pumps.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 66. April.


    Economizer High Limit Controls and Why Enthalpy Economizers Don't Work.
    Steven T. Taylor, C. Hwakong Cheng. P. 12. Nov.

    Humidity Controls for Data Centers.
    Mark Hydeman, David E. Swenson. P. 48. Mar.

    Implications of Current Thermal Guidelines for Data Center Energy Use.
    Mark Hydeman. P. 30. Aug.

    Using VAV to Limit Humidity at Part Load.
    John Murphy. P. 18. Oct.



    Advanced Financial Analysis for Purchasing Equipment.
    Ramez Naguib. P. 18. June.

    HVAC for Prisons.
    Scott McMillan. P. 30. July.

    Sustainability in Cold Climates.
    Shahrokh Farzam, Giuliano Todesco. P. 20. Jan.

    Washcloth Drying Time: The Science of Evaporation is Key to Defense in Murder Trial.
    Roy Otterbein. P. 22. April.

    IAQ and IEQ

    Botanical Air Filtration.
    Jensen Zhang, Zhiqiang Wang, Dacheng Ren. P. 136. Dec.

    Germs, Flying, and the Truth.
    Douglas S. Walkinshaw. P. 70. April.

    IAQ & High Performance.
    Andrew K. Persily, Steven J. Emmerich. P. 76. Oct.

    IAQ in Airtight Homes.
    Francis (Bud) J. Offermann. P. 58. Nov.

    Using ASHRAE's New IAQ Guide.
    Andrew Persily, Martha Hewett P. 75. May.

    What's in Air We Breathe.
    Max Sherman. P. 72. Nov.


    Demand-Based Control of Lab Air Change Rates.
    Gordon P. Sharp. P. 30. Feb.

    Fume Hood Retrofit.
    Molly McGuire, Mark Hydeman. P. 56. Sept.

    Horticultural Lab.
    Geneviève Lussier. P. 50. Sept.

    Stem Cell Lab.
    Brett J. Kelley, Charles T. Meagher. P. 44. Sept.


    Wire-to-Shaft Efficiency: Variable Speed Electric Motors.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 100. July.


    O&M for Green Buildings: Are Operators Prepared? 
    Richard Danks. P. 92. Sept.


    Control Strategies for Variable Speed Pumps in Super High-Rise Building.
    Shengwei Wang, Zhenjun Ma. P. 36. July.

    Radiant Heating and Cooling

    History of Radiant Heating & Cooling Systems, Part 1. Robert Bean, Bjarne W. Olesen, Kwang Woo Kim. P. 40. Jan.

    History of Radiant Heating & Cooling Systems, Part 2. Robert Bean, Bjarne W. Olesen, Kwang Woo Kim. P. 50. Feb.

    Radiant Slab Cooling for Retail.
    Ian Doebber, Mike Moore
    . P. 28. Dec.


    Propane Replacing R-22.
    Karin Jahn. P. 74. April.

    Ultra-Low GWP Refrigerants: Global Regulations and Standards.
    William Goetzler, Javier Burgos, Timothy Sutherland. P. 34. Oct.


    Ammonia System Fix.
    Cesar Luis DL Lim, Dominador DG Castro Jr. P. 84. May.

    Doored Display Cases: They Save Energy, Don't Lose Sales.
    Brian A. Fricke, Bryan R. Becker. P. 18. Sept.

    Heat Recovery in Retail Refrigeration.
    Richard Royal. P. 14. Feb.

    Refrigeration Air Cooler Rating Methods.
    Bruce I. Nelson. P. 24. Aug.

    Using CO2 in Supermarkets.
    Andy Pearson, Andy Campbell. P. 24. Feb.


    Energy-Saving Dorms.
    Glenn Friedman. P. 20. May.

    Geothermal for School.
    Robert N. Roop. P. 40. May.

    Learning by Doing.
    Cole Roberts, Afaan Naqvi. P. 26. May.

    School and More.
    Nicolas Lemire. P. 34. May.

    Solar NZEB Project

    Modeling Zero Energy.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 65. Oct.

    Net Zero Energy Project.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 88. Sept.

    Walls & Roof.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 48. Nov.

    Windows & Overhangs.
    Ty Newell, Ben Newell. P. 132. Dec.

    Standard 62.1

    Dynamic Reset for Multiple-Zone Systems.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 22. Mar.

    Standard 90.1

    35 Years of Standard 90.1.
    Bruce D. Hunn, David R. Conover, Ronald E. Jarnagin, Merle McBride, Mick Schwedler. P. 36. Mar.

    ASHRAE Takes on Energy Standard.
    Roderick R. Kirkwood. P. 34. June.

    Standard 189.1

    Addressing Unnecessary Water Waste in Buildings.
    John Koeller, Katherine Hammack. P. S16. June.

    Choosing Materials Wisely.
    John Cross, Martha G. VanGeem, Don Horn. P. S40. June.

    Energy Efficiency: Building on Standard 90.1.
    Stephen D. Kennedy, Martha G. VanGeem, Tom Lawrence, Richard Lord. P. S22. June.

    Ins & Outs of IEQ, The.
    Tom Lawrence, Molly McGuire, Leon Alevantis. P. S34. June.

    It's More Than Design: Construction & Building Operation.
    Nick Ferzacca, Martha G. VanGeem, Tom Lawrence. P. S46. June.

    LEED & Green Building Codes.
    Brendan Owens, Jeremy Sigmon. P. S6. June.

    Modeling Energy Savings.
    Drury Crawley, Paul Torcellini, Nicholas Long, Eric Bonnema, Kristin Field, Kent Peterson. P. S30. June.

    Right Start, Right Result: Beginning With the Site.
    Anthony C. Floyd, Tom Lawrence, Martha G. VanGeem. P. S10. June.

    Standardizing High Performance.
    Kent Peterson, Mark MacCracken. P. S3. June.


    Water & Energy Use in Steam-Heated Buildings.
    Ian Shapiro. P. 14. May.

    Technology Awards

    Back to the Future: Reducing EUI in 1980s Tower.
    Caroline Paquet. P. 42. June.

    Commercial Refrigeration: Green Warehouse.
    Martin Roy. P. 64. Mar.

    Data Center Retrofit: Heat Containment
    And Airflow Management.
    Mukesh K. Khattar. P.40. Dec.

    Energy-Saving Dorms.
    Glenn Friedman. P. 20. May.

    Fume Hood Retrofit.
    Molly McGuire, Mark Hydeman. P. 56. Sept.

    Geothermal for School.
    Robert N. Roop. P. 40. May.

    Green Call Center.
    Steve Weidner. P. 50. Dec.

    Health-Care Facilities: Greening Hospitals.
    Paul Switenki. P. 42. April.

    Horticultural Lab.
    Geneviève Lussier. P. 50. Sept.

    HVAC for Prisons.
    Surrander Naganathan. P. 44. Oct.

    Learning by Doing.
    Cole Roberts, Afaan Naqvi. P. 26. May.

    Maintaining Green.
    Jonathan Mesik. P. 44. July.

    Office Retrofit.
    Roland Charneux. P. 30. Nov.

    School and More.
    Nicolas Lemire. P. 34. May.

    Stem Cell Lab.
    Brett J. Kelley, Charles T. Meagher. P. 44. Sept.

    Sustainable Remedy for Hospital.
    Don M. Iverson. P. 50. April.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    Energy Storage: Providing for a Low-Carbon Future.
    Mark MacCracken. P. 28. Sept.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Cooling Load Design Tool for UFAD.
    Fred Bauman, Stefano Schiavon, Tom Webster, Kwang Ho Lee. P. 62. Sept.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2009

    50th Anniversary Feature

    50th Anniversary Feature -- Low Pressure Steam Heating Systems: A Steam Systems Primer.
    Roy C.E. Ahlgren. P. 54. Sept.

     Anniversary Feature: Air Handling Unit Design for Energy Conservation
    Arthur E. Wheeler. P. 40. Feb 

    50th Anniversary Feature: Balancing Cost Factors and Advantages of an Air-Recovery System Against Conventional Air Conditioning.
    John E. Haines. P. 52. Dec.

    Anniversary Feature: Central Chilled Water Distribution Systems Design.
    Erwin G. Hansen. P. 33. April.

    Anniversary Feature: Domed Stadium Air-Conditioning Design.
    I.A. Naman. P. 60. June

    50th Anniversary Feature: Energy Savings from Pump Impeller Trimming.
    Gurvinder Singh, John W. Mitchell. P. 34. Nov.

    Anniversary Feature: Five Defrost Methods for Commercial Refrigeration.
    Julius H. Rainwater. P. 38. Mar.
    Anniversary Feature: Fundamentals of Linear Control Theory.
    William P. Chapman. P. 58. Aug.

    50th Anniversary Feature: The Sistine Chapel — HVAC Design for Special Use Buildings.
    Charles E. Bullock, Frank Philip, Walter Pennati. P. 42. Oct.

    Anniversary Feature: System Application and Design for School Air Conditioning.
    Robert W. Flanagan. P. 56. May.

    Anniversary Feature: System Design for Compressor Reliability.
    Milton W. Garland. P. 42. July.


    An Untangled Web: How BACnet™ Is Connecting at ASHRAE%u2019s Headquarters.
    Steve Tom. P. B14. Nov.

    BACnet™ and the Smart Grid.
    David G. Holmberg, Steven T. Bushby. P. B8. Nov.

    BACnet™ & Trigeneration.
    Tim Davis. P. B24. Nov.

    BACnet™ Gets Smaller.
    David Fisher. P. B28. Nov.

    Visualizing BACnet™.
    Roland Laird. P. B19. Nov.

    Building Envelope

    Controlling Air Leakage in Tall Buildings.
    Colin Genge. P. 50. April.

     Ventilating Façades.
    Ray Sinclair, Duncan Phillips, Vadim Mezhibovski. P. 16. April.

    Building Sciences

    Building Sciences: 5 Fundamental Changes in the Last 50 Years.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 52. July.

    Building Sciences: Advanced Framing.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 46. Nov.

    Building Sciences: Arrhenius and the Mayor.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 74. May.

    Building Sciences: Building in Extreme Cold.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. Feb.

    Building Sciences: Complex 3-D Airflow Networks.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 64. Aug.

    Building Sciences: The Evolution of Walls.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 81. June.

     Building Sciences: Extreme Heat: Tale of Two Cities.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 75. Mar.

    Building Sciences: High-Rise Igloos.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 62. April.

    Building Sciences: Mold in Alligator Alley.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 72. Sept.

    Building Sciences: Taming the Terminology.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 65. Oct.

    Chilled Beams

    Cooling with Less Air – Using Underfloor Air Distribution and Chilled Beams.
    Steve Weidner, Jerome Doerger, Michael Walsh. P. 34. Dec.

    Designing Chilled Beams for Thermal Comfort.
    Ken Loudermilk. P. 58. Oct.


    A Closer Look at Chiller Ratings.
    W. Ryan Geister, Mike Thompson. P. 22. Dec.

    Cooling Concrete: Containerized Water Chilling Plant.
    Ambrish Bajpai. P. 42. Dec.

    Total Cost of Ownership for Air-Cooled and Water-Cooled Chiller Systems.
    Ramez Naguib. P. 42. April.

    Upgrading Chilled-Water Systems.
    Mick Schwedler, Beth Bakkum. p. 16. Nov.

    Using Direct Evaporative and Chilled Water Cooling.
    Rick Phillips. P. 16. July.


    Retuning Commercial Buildings: A Low-Cost Way to Improve Energy Performance.
    Srinivas Katipamula. P. 12. Oct.


    Tuning Control Loops: Nonlinearities and Anomalies.
    Alan Watton Jr., Russell K. Marcks. P. 46. June.

    Data Centers

    Load Strategies for Telecom Switching Centers.
    David Quirk, Magnus K. Herrlin. P. 36. Jan.

    Rack Enclosures: A Crucial Link in Airflow Management in Data Centers.
    Kishor Khankari. P. 48. Aug.

    Redundancy for Data Centers.
    Zuhair Hasan. P. 52. Feb.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    30% Surplus OA: Does It Use More Energy?
    Stanley A. Mumma. P. 24. June.


    Equal Friction Solution for Duct Sizing.
    Fred W. Dougherty. P. 50. May.

    Using Excel for Duct Calculations: User Defined Functions.
    Thomas G. Lester. P. 42. Aug.

    Emerging Technologies

    Emerging Technologies: Air Purification to Reduce OA.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 68. April.

    Emerging Technologies: An Updated Look at DCV Approaches.
    Kurtis McKenney, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 82. Oct.

    Emerging Technologies: Energy-Efficient Dehumidification.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 78. Aug.

    Emerging Technologies: Gas Tankless Water Heaters.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 117. Dec.

    Emerging Technologies: Going 'Back to the Future' of Evaporative Cooling.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 87. May.

    Emerging Technologies: Heat Pumps for Cold Climates.
    Kurt Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 69. Feb.

    Emerging Technologies: Mechanical Subcooling: What's Easiest is Not Always Best.
    John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 84. Sept.

    Emerging Technologies: Radiant Floor Cooling in Practice.
    John Dieckmann, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 70. Nov.

    Emerging Technologies: Residential Energy Monitoring.
    Matthew Wiggins, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 88. June.

    Emerging Technologies: Technologies for Smart Windows.
    Stephen E. Rudolph, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 104. July.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Off-Peak Precooling.
    Kurt Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 80. Mar.

    Energy Efficiency and Management

    ASHRAE Building EQ Program Will Help Owners, Operators Assess Buildings, and Guide Good Decisions.
    Ronald E. Jarnagin, Ryan M. Colker, Dan Nall, and Hywel Davies. P. 18. Dec.

    Technical Topics: Big Fans, Big Pumps Equal Big Energy.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 81. Oct.

    Building Height and Net Zero; How High Can You Go?
    Duncan Phillips, Meiring Beyers, Joel Good. P. 26. Sept.

    Energy Audits in Large Commercial Office Buildings.
    Ian Shapiro. P. 18. Jan.

    Getting to Net Zero.
    Drury Crawley, Shanti Pless, Paul Torcellini. P. 18. Sept.

    Using Time-of-Day Scheduling to Save Energy.
    John Murphy, Neil Maldeis. P. 42. May.


    Moving Air for Comfort.
    Edward Arens, Stephen Turner, Hui Zhang, Gwelen Paliaga. P. 18. May.


    Geothermal for Grain Research Center.
    Stephane Sirard, Chantale Bourdages. P. 52. Aug.

    Groundwater Issues: Commercial Open Loop Heat Pump Systems.
    Kevin D. Rafferty. P. 52. Mar.

     Technical Topics: GSHPs: Simple Is Better.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 65. Nov.

     Simplified GCHP System: One-Pipe Geothermal Design.
    Kirk Mescher. P. 24. Oct.

    Health Care

    Air Motion Control in the Hospital Operating Room.
    Gerald Cook, Dan Int-Hout. P. 30. Mar.

    Health Issues: HVAC & Infectious Diseases.
    Marlene Linders. P. 54. June.

    Heat Pump

    Groundwater Issues: Commercial Open Loop Heat Pump Systems.
    Kevin D. Rafferty. P. 52. Mar.

    Water-to-Water Heat Pumps.
    Roy Hubbard. P. 28. Jan.

    IAQ and IEQ

    Energy Issues: Climate Change and IEQ.
    William Fisk. P. 22. June.

    Used Filters and Indoor Air Quality.
    Gabriel Bekö. P. 64. Mar.


    Solving Kitchen Ventilation Problems.
    John A. Clark. P. 20. July.


    Lab for Learning.
    Eric Kirkland, Robert Sty. P. 38. Sept.

    Research Topics: Using N2O as Tracer Gas.
    Martin Burke, Larry Wong, Gerhard Knutson. P. 74. Nov.


    January 2009 Letters 

    February 2009 Letters

    March 2009 Letters

    April 2009 Letters

    May 2009 Letters

    June 2009 Letters

    July 2009 Letters

    August 2009 Letters

    September 2009 Letters

    October 2009 Letters

    November 2009 Letters

    December 2009 Letters

    Net Zero Energy

    Building Height and Net Zero; How High Can You Go?
    Duncan Phillips, Meiring Beyers, Joel Good. P. 26. Sept.

    Getting to Net Zero.
    Drury Crawley, Shanti Pless, Paul Torcellini. P. 18. Sept.


    Dissimilar Metals in Heating and AC Piping Systems.
    Walter J. Sperko. P. 28. April.


    HFOs: New, Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants.
    J. Steven Brown. P. 22. Aug.


    Carbon Dioxide in North American Supermarkets.
    David Hinde, Shitong Zha, Lin Lan. P. 18. Feb.

    Defrosting Industrial Refrigeration Evaporators.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 30. Aug.

    Electronic Expansion Valves Versus Thermal Expansion Valves
    Renato Lazzarin, Daniele Nardotto, Marco Noro. P. 34. Feb.

    Frost on Air-Cooling Evaporators.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 27. Feb.

    Improving Efficiency in Ice Hockey Arenas.
    Laurier Nichols. P. 16. June.


    Lessons Learned in Portable Classrooms.
    Stephanie Thomas-Rees, Danny Parker, John Sherwin. P. 30. May.

    Anniversary Feature: System Application and Design for School Air Conditioning.
    Robert W. Flanagan. P. 56. May.


    Solar Hot-Water Heating System: Lessons Learned
    Gaylen Atkinson, Tom Colvin. P. 44. Sept.

    Technical Topics

    Technical Topics: Big Fans, Big Pumps Equal Big Energy.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 81. Oct.

    Technical Topics: GSHPs: Simple Is Better.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 65. Nov.

    Technical Topics: Old Dehumidification Technology: Liquid Subcooling/Air Reheating.
    Donald P. Gatley, Jason LeRoy. P. 62. Dec.

    Technology Awards

    2009 ASHRAE Technology Awards: Geothermal for Community Center.
    Laurier Nichols, Pierre-Alain Giroud, Charles Julien. P. 48. Dec.

    Geothermal for Grain Research Center.
    Stephane Sirard, Chantale Bourdages. P. 52. Aug.

    Heat Recovery for Office Tower.
    Kenneth Sonmor, Antonino Lagana. P. 22. Mar.

    Lab for Learning.
    Eric Kirkland, Robert Sty. P. 38. Sept.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Cooling with Less Air – Using Underfloor Air Distribution and Chilled Beams.
    Steve Weidner, Jerome Doerger, Michael Walsh. P. 34. Dec.

    Integrated Design and UFAD.
    Eduard Cubi Montanya, David Keith, Jim Love. P. 30. July.

    UFAD Commissioning for Air Force Base.
    Ross D. Montgomery. P. 38. June.


    Case Against Balancing Valves.
    Gil Avery, James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 26. July.


    Moving Air for Comfort.
    Edward Arens, Stephen Turner, Hui Zhang, Gwelen Paliaga. P. 18. May.

    Solving Kitchen Ventilation Problems.
    John A. Clark. P. 20. July.

    Ventilating Façades.
    Ray Sinclair, Duncan Phillips, Vadim Mezhibovski. P. 16. April.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2008


    Acoustic Design in Green Buildings.
    Chris Field. P. 60. Sept.

    Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning Remote Telecom Enclosures.
    Abdel-Kader Darwiche, Samivullah Shaik. P. 42. March.

    Designing VRF Systems.
    Ramez Afify. P. 52. June.

    Problems Related to Air Handler Leakage.
    James B. Cummings, Charles Withers Jr. P. 36. Jan.


    Analyzing BACnet™.
    Steve Karg. P. B24. Nov.

    BACnet™ at the University of Minnesota: Flexibility, Interoperability.
    Terry W. Hoffmann. P. B42. Nov.

    BACnet™ at Xerox Campus.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B30. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Net Zero.
    Robert Rodenhiser. P. B20. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Green Library.
    Donald J. McLauchlan, Brian Dutt. P. B37. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Utilities And Metering.
    David G. Holmberg, Steven T. Bushby, James F. Butler. P. 22. April.

    BACnet™ Goes Green.
    Steve Tom. P. B4. Nov.

    BACnet™ in Europe.
    Bill Swan. P. B34. Nov.

    BACnet™ on Campus.
    J. Michael Whitcomb. P. B14. Nov.

    BACnet™ Unplugged: ZigBee® and BACnet Connect.
    Jerald P. Martocci. P. 42. June.

    Seeing the Light with BACnet™.
    David Fisher. P. B10. Nov.


    Understanding Fuel Savings in the Boiler Room.
    David Eoff. P. 38. Dec.

    Building Controls

    Managing Energy and Comfort.
    Steve Tom. P. 18. June.

    Building Envelope

    Preventing Defect Claims in Hot, Humid Climates.
    K.R. Grosskopf, P. Oppenheim, T. Brennan. P. 40. July.

    Building Information Modeling

    Building Information Modeling: Gaining Momentum.
    Gordon V.R. Holness. P. 28. June.

    Engineering-Centric BIM.
    Chris Wilkins, Arto Kiviniemi. P. 48. Dec.

    Teams, Contracts, & BIM.
    M. Dennis Knight. P. 72. Sept.

    Building Sciences

    Building Sciences: Blame It on 'Star Trek': Solving IAQ Problems.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 82. Oct.

    Building Sciences: Building America.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 60. Dec

    Building Sciences: Concrete Floor Problems.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 28. Jan.

    Building Sciences: Energy Flow Across Enclosures.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 60. Aug.

    Building Sciences: Energy Security and Saving the Planet.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 61. July.

    Building Sciences: How Not to Build Roofs.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 60. March.

    Building Sciences: New Light in Crawlspaces.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 66. May.

    Building Sciences: The Perfect Storm Over Stucco.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 38. Feb.

    Building Sciences: Some Old Lessons Distilled.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 82. Sept.

    Building Sciences: The Truth About Wine Cellars.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. June.

    Building Sciences: Why Green Can Be Wash.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 28. Nov.

    Building Sciences: Windows and Leakage: A Cup in the Rain.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 54. April.

    Business and Management

    Business and Management: Battling Health-Care Costs.
    Maryellin Treacy. P. 59. Feb.

    Business and Management: Minimizing Liability.
    Kristin Ballobin, Julia Keen. P. 50. Jan.

    Chilled Beams

    Design Considerations for Active Chilled Beams.
    Darren Alexander, Mike O’Rourke. P. 50. Sept.

    Chilled Beams for Labs: Using Dual Energy Recovery.
    Barry M. Barnet. P. 28. Dec.


    Chiller Plant Optimization Tool.
    Terrence Morris, Steve Blaine. P. 54. July.

    Monitoring Chiller Plant Performance.
    Ben Erpelding. P. 48. April.


    Conserving Fan Energy in Cleanrooms.
    Wei Sun. P. 36. July.


    Emerging Technologies: Ongoing Commissioning.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 66. March.


    Radiant Floor Cooling Systems.
    Bjarne Olesen. P. 16. Sept.

    Data Centers

    Air Conditioning Remote Telecom Enclosures.
    Abdel-Kader Darwiche, Samivullah Shaik. P. 42. March.

    Data Center Cooling: Using Wet-Bulb Economizers.
    C. Mike Scofield, Thomas S. Weaver. P. 52. Aug.

    Energy-Efficient Data Centers: A Close-Coupled Row Solution.
    John Bean, Kevin Dunlap. P. 34. Oct.

    Reducing Data Center Energy Consumption.
    John Judge, Jack Pouchet, Anand Ekbote, Sachin Dixit. P. 14. Nov.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    DOAS & Humidity Control.
    Michael D. Larrañaga, Mario G. Beruvides, H.W. Holder, Enusha Karunasena, David C. Straus. P. 34. May.

    Emerging Technologies

    Emerging Technologies: Community-Scale Heating/Cooling/Power Systems.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 62. April.

    Emerging Technologies: Energy Harvesting For Wireless Sensors.
    Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 84 May.

    Emerging Technologies: Home Energy Displays.
    Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 136. July.

    Emerging Technologies: Lake-Source District Cooling Systems.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 55. Feb.

    Emerging Technologies: Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioners.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 90. Oct.

    Emerging Technologies: Ongoing Commissioning.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 66. March.

    Emerging Technologies: Small Devices, Big Loads.
    Kurt Roth, Kurtis McKenney, James Brodrick. P. 64. June.

    Emerging Technologies: Toplighting & Lighting Controls For Commercial Buildings.
    Tyson Lawrence, Kurt Roth, Drury B. Crawley, James Brodrick. P. 92. Sept.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Stirling Engines For Residential CHP.
    Kurt Roth, Jason Targoff, James Brodrick. P. 42. Nov.

    Emerging Technologies: Wireless for Controls: An Update.
    Kurt Roth, Louis Quartararo, James Brodrick. P. 76. Aug.

    Energy Management

    6 Steps to Successful Facility Energy Management.
    Mike Moran, Marc Berman. P. 32. April.

    Community-Scale Heating/Cooling/Power Systems.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 62. April.

    Home Energy Displays.
    Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 136. July.

    Managing Energy and Comfort.
    Steve Tom.P. 18. June.

    Emerging Technologies: Wireless for Controls: An Update.
    Kurt Roth, Louis Quartararo, James Brodrick. P. 76. Aug.


    Conserving Fan Energy in Cleanrooms.
    Wei Sun. P. 36. July.

    Fan Vibration Specifications.
    Michael DiGiovanni, Thomas R. Spearman. P. 14. Feb.


    Hybrid Geothermal for Hotel.
    Albert R. Barfield. P. 48. June.

    Health Care

    ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2008: Ventilation Standard for Health Care Facilities.
    Paul Ninomura, Richard Hermans. P. 52. Oct.

    O&M Cost Management for Health-Care Facility.
    Ron Saporta, Robyn Ellis, Michael Kwok. P. 34. March.

    Rehabilitating Health-Care Facility.
    Laurier Nichols, Charles Julien. P. 28. March.


    Grosvenor Humidity Chart.
    Donald P. Gatley. P. 60. Oct.

    Man Behind Principles of Refrigeration, The.
    Stephen Gill. P. 33. Jan.

    Indoor Air Quality

    Blame It on ‘Star Trek’: Solving IAQ Problems.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 82. Oct.

    Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation: Current Best Practices.
    Stephen B. Martin Jr., Chuck Dunn, James D. Freihaut, William P. Bahnfleth, Josephine Lau, Ana Nedeljkovic-Davidovic. P. 28. Aug.

    Whole House Air Cleaners: Effect on HVAC System Performance.
    Rakesh Goel. P. 51. March.


    ASHRAE’s Living Lab.
    Ronald E. Jarnagin, Michael R. Brambley. P. 12. Oct.

    HVAC Design for Sustainable Lab.
    Gregory R. Johnson. P. 24. Sept.

    Laboratory Performance: Metrics for Energy Efficiency.
    Paul Mathew, Steve Greenberg, Dale Sartor, Peter Rumsey, John Weale. P. 40. April.


    Seeing the Light With BACnet.
    David Fisher. P. B10. Nov.

    Toplighting & Lighting Controls for Commercial Buildings.
    Tyson Lawrence, Kurt Roth, Drury B. Crawley, James Brodrick. P. 92. Sept.


    Designing For Reliability: Identify Weak Spots by Asking ‘What Can Go Wrong?’
    Steve Doty. P. 22. July.

    Maintain to Sustain—Delivering ASHRAE’s Sustainability Promise.
    Bill Harrison. P. 20. Aug.

    O&M Cost Management for Health-Care Facility.
    Ron Saporta, Robyn Ellis, Michael Kwok. P. 34. March.


    Sizing Pipe Using Life-Cycle Costs.
    Steven T. Taylor, Molly McGuire. P. 24. Oct.


    Ammonia’s Future.
    Andy Pearson. P. 30. Feb.


    Ammonia’s Future.
    Andy Pearson. P. 30. Feb.

    Fundamentals of Safety Relief Systems.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 22. Feb.

    Single- or Two-Stage Compression.
    Todd B. Jekel, Douglas T. Reindl. P. 46. August.


    Home Energy Displays.
    Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 136. July.

    New Light in Crawlspaces.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 66. May.

    Problems Related to Air Handler Leakage.
    James B. Cummings, Charles Withers Jr. P. 36. Jan.

    Using Stirling Engines for Residential CHP.
    Kurt Roth, Jason Targoff, James Brodrick. P. 42. Nov.

    Whole House Air Cleaners: Effect on HVAC System Performance.
    Rakesh Goel. P. 51. March.


    13 Tips From ENERGY STAR® Schools: How Some Schools in Indiana Earn ENERGY STAR.
    Bill Wiseheart, Thomas H. Durkin. P. 14. May.

    DOAS & Humidity Control.
    Michael D. Larrañaga, Mario G. Beruvides, H.W. Holder, Enusha Karunasena, David C. Straus. P. 34. May.

    Energizing Education.
    Craig Watts. P. 24. May.

    Underfloor for Schools.
    James E. Megerson, Christopher R. Larson. P. 28. May.

    Standard 90.1

    Demand or No Demand: Electrical Rates for Standard 90.1-2010.
    Ronald E. Jarnagin, Merle McBride, Cedric Trueman, Richard J. Liesen. P. 14. April.

    Future of 90.1, The.
    Mick Schwedler. P. 44. Oct.

    Technology Awards

    Credit Union Goes Green.
    Steven A. Jones, Justin Fortmeyer. P. 55. May.

    Hybrid Geothermal for Hotel.
    Albert R. Barfield. P. 48. June.

    Integrated Design for Community Center.
    Paul Anseeuw, Rick Grove, Tom Marseille. P. 30. July.

    Rehabilitating Health-Care Facility.
    Laurier Nichols, Charles Julien. P. 28. March.

    Sustainable Nature Center.
    David Kistler. P. 38. Nov.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Underfloor for Schools.
    James E. Megerson, Christopher R. Larson. P. 28. May.


    Improving Humidity Control With Energy Recovery Ventilation.
    John Dieckmann. P. 38. Aug.

    Mixed Mode Ventilation: Finding the Right Mix.
    Erin McConahey. P. 36. Sept.


    Fan Vibration Specifications.
    Michael DiGiovanni, Thomas R. Spearman. P. 14. Feb.


    Emerging Technologies: Energy Harvesting For Wireless Sensors.
    Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 84 May.

    Emerging Technologies: Wireless for Controls: An Update.
    Kurt Roth, Louis Quartararo, James Brodrick. P. 76. Aug.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2007

    Air Conditioning

    Fresh Air-Handling Units: Comparison and Design Guide.
    George J. Berbari, Sleiman Shakkour, Fadi Hashem. P. 34. Jan.

    Integrating Alternative and Conventional Cooling Technologies.
    Reinhard Radermacher, Bao Yang, Yunho Hwang. P. 28. Oct.

    Keeping Cool: Timeline of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
    Bernard Nagengast, Gerald Groff. P. 64. March.


    Measuring Airtightness At ASHRAE Headquarters.
    Terry Brennan, Andrew Persily, Michael Clarkin, Steve Emmerich. P. 26. Sept.


    The Age of Aquariums.
    Patrick E. Halm. P. 16. June.


    BACnet™: A Capital Idea.
    Robert Rodenhiser. P. B34. Nov.

    BACnet™ at Cornell.
    H. Michael Newman. P. B4. Nov.

    BACnet™ at Georgia Tech.
    Donald P. Alexander, Cornelius Ejimofor, David G. Holmberg. P. B18. Nov.

    BACnet™ Down Under.
    Edvin Krsevan. P. B26. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Cleanrooms.
    Terry W. Hoffmann. P. B15. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Megachurch.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B24. Nov.

    BACnet™ Measures Up.
    Steven T. Bushby. P. B11. Nov.

    BACnet™ Passes Test.
    Jeff Lucas, Aaron Nahale. P. B36. Nov.


    Condensing Economizers.
    John DeFrees, Rachel Stuckey, John Foote. P. 16. Nov.

    Reducing Energy Costs with Condensing Boilers & Heat Recovery Chillers.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel, Benny (Ben) L. Kincaid. P. 46. March.

    Building Controls

    Energy Management with Building Automation.
    Roberto Gonzalez. P. 26. Jan.

    HVAC Controls After an Outside Contaminant Release.
    David Underwood. P. 36. April.

    Building Sciences

    Building Sciences: A Bridge Too Far–Thermal Bridges–Steel Studs, Structural Frames, Relieving Angles and Balconies.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 64. Oct.

    Building Sciences: Face-Lift for Old Buildings.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 80. Sept.

    Building Sciences: The Hollow Building.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. June.

    Building Sciences: The Material View of Mold.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 61. Aug.

    Building Science - The Perfect Wall.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 74. May.

    Small Sacrifices. Capillary Action.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 58. July.

    Building Sciences: Thermodynamics: It%u2019s Not Rocket Science.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 56. Dec.

    Building Sciences: Wood is Good...But Strange.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 34. Nov.

    Business and Management

    Business and Management: Key Financial Concepts for Design Engineers.
    Ramez Naguib. P. 64. June.

    Business and Management: Legal Trends in Engineering.
    Kristin Ballobin, Julia Keen. P. 40. Nov.

    Business and Management: Liability in Engineering: Part 2 of a 3-Part Series.
    Kristin Ballobin, Julia Keen. P. 140. Dec.

    Business and Management: People Skills for Engineers.
    Ramez Naguib. P. 78. Oct.

    Chilled Beams

    Chilled Beams in Labs: Eliminating Reheat & Saving Energy on a Budget.
    Peter Rumsey, John Weale. P. 18. Jan.


    Extending the Boundaries of Ammonia Absorption Chillers.
    Donald C. Erickson. P. 32. April.

    Reducing Energy Costs with Condensing Boilers & Heat Recovery Chillers.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel, Benny (Ben) L. Kincaid. P. 46. March.


    Modulate Coil Heat Transfer.
    Robert Koenig. P. 48. Feb.


    Existing Building Commissioning.
    Jim Poulos. P. 66. Sept.

    Data Centers

    Efficiency Plus Reliability.
    Christopher Kurkjian, Jack Glass, Geoffrey Routsen. P. 26. Dec.

    Greening the Data Center.
    Joe Prisco, Pam Lembke. P. 44. Dec.

    High-Density Heat Containment.
    Mitch Martin, Mukesh Khattar, Mark Germagian. P. 38. Dec.

    Increasing Energy Efficiency in Data Centers.
    Roger Schmidt, Don Beaty, Jay Dietrich. P. 18. Dec.

    Meeting the Needs Of 24/7 Data Centers.
    Christopher Kurkjian, Jack Glass. P. 24. Feb.

    OA Economizers for Data Centers.
    Vali Sorell. P. 32. Dec.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    Dedicated Outdoor Air System for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation .
    Stephen L. Brown. P. 24. July.


    High-Performance Schools: High Marks for Energy Efficiency, Humidity Control, Indoor Air Quality & First Cost.
    John Fischer, Kirk Mescher, Ben Elkin, Stephen M. McCune, Jack Gresham. P. 30. May.

    Hybrid Desiccant Cooling Systems.
    M.H. Saidi, S. Vazirifard. P. 44. Jan.

    Emerging Technologies

    Emerging Technologies: Chilled Beam Cooling.
    Kurt Roth, John Dieckmann, Robert Zogg, James Brodrick. P. 84. Sept.

    Emerging Technologies: CO2 Heat Pump Water Heaters.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, Reinhard Radermacher, James Brodrick. P. 52. Nov.

    Emerging Technologies: Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems Revisited.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 134. Dec.

    Emerging Technologies: Distributed Energy Storage.
    Robert Zogg, Tyson Lawrence, David Ofer, James Brodrick. P. 90. May.

    Emerging Technologies: Double-Skin Façades.
    Kurt Roth, Tyson Lawrence, James Brodrick. P. 70. Oct.

    Emerging Technologies: Infrared Radiant Heaters.
    Kurt Roth, James Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 72. June.

    Emerging Technologies: Magnetic Refrigeration.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 74. Aug.

    Emerging Technologies: PCM Technology for Building Materials.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 129. July.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Internal-Combustion Engines For Distributed Generation.
    Robert Zogg, Chad Smutzer, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 76. March.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Microturbines.
    Robert Zogg, John Bowman, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 48. April.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Molten-Carbonate Fuel Cells For Distributed Generation.
    Robert Zogg, Eric Carlson, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 62. Feb.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Phosphoric-Acid Fuel Cells.
    Eric Carlson, Robert Zogg, Suresh Sriramulu, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 50. Jan.

    Energy Management

    Energy Management with Building Automation.
    Roberto Gonzalez. P. 26. Jan.

    Universal Translator .
    Reinhard Seidl. P. 12. July.

    Fire Safety

    International Tunnel Fire-Safety Design Practices.
    Paul C. Miclea, W.K. Chow, Chien Shen-Wen, Junmei Li, Ahmed Kashef, Kai Kang. P. 50. Aug.


    Geothermal Central System.
    Thomas H. Durkin, Keith E. Cecil. P. 42. Aug.

    Ground Source Heat Pump

    Ground Source Heat Pumps in Schools.
    Jim MacMillan. P. 34. Sept.

    Health Care

    Complying With USP 797: Designing Hospital Pharmacy HVAC Systems.
    Christopher P. Rousseau, Adam R. Bare. P. 36. Feb.

    Natural Ventilation in Nursing Facility.
    Matthew Younger. P. 42. April.


    Overhead Heating: Revisiting a Lost Art.
    Daniel Int-Hout III. P. 56. March.

    Heat Recovery

    Heat Recovery In Industrial Refrigeration.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 22. Aug.

    Reducing Energy Costs with Condensing Boilers & Heat Recovery Chillers.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel, Benny (Ben) L. Kincaid. P. 46. March.


    Keeping Cool: Timeline of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
    Bernard Nagengast, Gerald Groff. P. 64. March.


    Chilled Water Plant Savings at No Cost .
    Michael A. Reed, Cedreck Davis. P. 36. July.

    Connecting Buildings to Central Chilled Water Plants.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 24. Nov.

    Optimizing Chilled Water Plant Control .
    Mark Hydeman, Guo Zhou. P. 44. June.

    Indoor Air Quality

    High-Performance Schools: High Marks for Energy Efficiency, Humidity Control, Indoor Air Quality & First Cost.
    John Fischer, Kirk Mescher, Ben Elkin, Stephen M. McCune, Jack Gresham. P. 30. May.


    Dedicated Outdoor Air System for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation.
    Stephen L. Brown. P. 24. July.


    Chilled Beams in Labs: Eliminating Reheat & Saving Energy on a Budget.
    Peter Rumsey, John Weale. P. 18. Jan.

    University Laboratory System.
    Ronald W. Henning. P. 22. May.


    Preventing Legionellosis.
    Janet Stout. P. 58. Oct.


    January 2007 Letters 

    February 2007 Letters

    March 2007 Letters

    April 2007 Letters

    May 2007 Letters

    September 2007 Letters


    Mechanical Integrity and Carbon Steel Refrigerant Piping.
    Daniel J. Dettmers, Douglas T. Reindl. P. 12. Oct.


    Extending the Boundaries of Ammonia Absorption Chillers.
    Donald C. Erickson. P. 32. April.


    Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Units.
    Riyaz Papar, Kevin Zugibe, Jeffrey Heitler. P. 62. May.

    Heat Recovery In Industrial Refrigeration.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 22. Aug.

    Keeping Cool: Timeline of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
    Bernard Nagengast, Gerald Groff. P. 64. March.

    Mechanical Integrity and Carbon Steel Refrigerant Piping.
    Daniel J. Dettmers, Douglas T. Reindl. P. 12. Oct.

    Supermarket Refrigeration System With Completely Secondary Loops.
    Vasile Minea. P. 40. Sept.

    Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems.
    William Goetzler. P. 24. April.


    Retrocommissioning for a University Library by Rishabh Kasliwal, P.E.; Ed Spivey, P.E..
    Rishabh Kasliwal, Ed Spivey. P. 48. May.


    Ground Source Heat Pumps in Schools.
    Jim MacMillan. P. 34. Sept.

    High-Performance Schools: High Marks for Energy Efficiency, Humidity Control, Indoor Air Quality & First Cost.
    John Fischer, Kirk Mescher, Ben Elkin, Stephen M. McCune, Jack Gresham. P. 30. May.

    Retrocommissioning for a University Library by Rishabh Kasliwal, P.E.; Ed Spivey, P.E..
    Rishabh Kasliwal, Ed Spivey. P. 48. May.

    University Laboratory System.
    Ronald W. Henning. P. 22. May.


    Solar Technologies and the Building Envelope.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Shanti D. Pless, Ron Judkoff. P. 14. April.

    Standard 62.1

    Standard 62.1: Problems, Perceptions, and Panaceas.
    Andrew Persily, Dennis Stanke, Gordon V.R. Holness, Richard Hermans. P. 34. March.


    Supermarket Refrigeration System With Completely Secondary Loops.
    Vasile Minea. P. 40. Sept.


    Building Simulation For LEED® EQc2 Credit.
    Tom Hudson. P. 58. Sept.

    Clarifying EPAct 2005: Federal Tax Incentives for Commercial Buildings.
    Michael Deru, Drury Crawley. P. 70. March.

    Design for Environment: Europe's Hazardous Substances Restrictions And HVAC .
    Jennifer Shepherd. P. 60. June.

    Existing Building Commissioning.
    Jim Poulos. P. 66. Sept.

    Presidential Address: Greater Efficiency Today, Blue Skies Tomorrow: Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment.
    Kent W. Peterson. P. 12. Aug.

    Greening the Data Center.
    Pam Lembke, Joe Prisco. P. 44. Dec.

    Ground Source Heat Pumps in Schools.
    Jim MacMillan. P. 34. Sept.

    Heating Montreal's Airport.
    Jacques Lagacé, Pierre Roussel. P. 28. March.

    Linear UFAD for Village.
    George Karidis. P. 16. Aug.

    Measuring Airtightness At ASHRAE Headquarters.
    Terry Brennan, Andrew Persily, Michael Clarkin, Steve Emmerich. P. 26. Sept.

    Supermarket Refrigeration System With Completely Secondary Loops.
    Vasile Minea. P. 40. Sept.

    TES Without Ice.
    Daniel Pare, Stephane Bilodeau. P. 46. July.

    The Wal-Mart Experience, Part One.
    Michael MacDonald, Michael Deru. P. 14. Sept.

    The Wal-Mart Experience, Part Two.
    Michael Deru, Michael MacDonald. P. 22. Oct.

    Technology Awards

    Heating Montreal's Airport.
    Jacques Lagacé, Pierre Roussel. P. 28. March.

    Linear UFAD for Village.
    George Karidis. P. 16. Aug.

    Natural Ventilation in Nursing Facility.
    Matthew Younger. P. 42. April.

    TES Without Ice.
    Daniel Pare, Stephane Bilodeau. P. 46. July.

    University Laboratory System.
    Ronald W. Henning. P. 22. May.

    Thermal Comfort

    Temperature & Temperament: A Psychologist Looks at Comfort.
    Frederick H. Rohles Jr. P. 14. Feb.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    TES Without Ice .
    Daniel Pare, Stephane Bilodeau. P. 46. July.


    International Tunnel Fire-Safety Design Practices.
    Paul C. Miclea, W.K. Chow, Chien Shen-Wen, Junmei Li, Ahmed Kashef, Kai Kang. P. 50. Aug.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Cooling Airflow Design Calculations for UFAD.
    Fred Bauman, Tom Webster, Corinne Benedek. P. 36. Oct.

    Linear UFAD for Village.
    George Karidis. P. 16. Aug.


    Dedicated Outdoor Air System for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation .
    Stephen L. Brown. P. 24. July.

    Increasing Efficiency With VAV System Static Pressure Setpoint Reset.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 24. June.

    Natural Ventilation in Nursing Facility.
    Matthew Younger. P. 42. April.

    OA Economizers for Data Centers.
    Vali Sorell. P. 32. Dec.

    Standard 62.1: Problems, Perceptions, and Panaceas.
    Andrew Persily, Dennis Stanke, Gordon V.R. Holness, Richard Hermans. P. 34. March.

    Vibration Isolation

    Vibration Isolation.
    Robert Simmons. P. 30. Aug.

    Water Treatment

    15 Things to Know About Cooling Water Treatment.
    Bill Gaines, Martin R. Orban, David R. Welch. P. 50. July.


    Going Wireless.
    John Ruiz. P. 34. June.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2006

    Air Conditioning

    Chilled Water System For University Campus.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 12. May.

    Measuring OA Intake Rates.
    William J. Fisk, David Faulkner, Douglas P. Sullivan. P. 50. Aug.

    Residential Central AC Fault Detection & Diagnosis.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 96. May.


    Access Control in BACnet™.
    David Ritter, Bernhard Isler, Hans-Joachim Mundt, Stephen Treado. P. B26. Nov.

    BACnet™ Connects Expo.
    Cecil Man, Raymond Rae. P. B21. Nov.

    BACnet™ Delivers for German Postal Service.
    Frank Schubert. P. B24. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Chemical Manufacturing Complex: Tying It All Together.
    Christian Müller. P. B15. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Renovation: Mixing Old and New.
    Randy Amborn. P. B4. Nov.

    BACnet™ in Tokyo.
    Takeji Toyoda. P. B33. Nov.

    BACnet™ In Russia.
    Andrey A. Golovin. P. B37. Nov.

    Flexibility for N.Y. Medical Center.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B18. Nov.

    Open DDC Systems: Obstacles and How to Avoid Them.
    David Underwood, David Schwenk, Stephen Briggs, Joseph Bush. P. 18. Jan.

    Using the BACnet™ Firewall Router.
    David G. Holmberg, Joel Bender, Mike Galler. P. B10. Nov.


    A Primer on Gas Ignition Systems.
    Gordon Swanson. P. 54. March.

    Boiler System Efficiency.
    Thomas H. Durkin. P. 51. July.

    Building Controls

    Access Control in BACnet™.
    David Ritter, Bernhard Isler, Hans-Joachim Mundt, Stephen Treado. P. B26. Nov.

    BACnet™ Connects Expo.
    Cecil Man, Raymond Rae. P. B21. Nov.

    BACnet™ Delivers for German Postal Service.
    Frank Schubert. P. B24. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Chemical Manufacturing Complex: Tying It All Together.
    Christian Müller. P. B15. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Renovation: Mixing Old and New.
    Randy Amborn. P. B4. Nov.

    BACnet™ in Tokyo.
    Takeji Toyoda. P. B33. Nov.

    BACnet™ In Russia.
    Andrey A. Golovin. P. B37. Nov.

    Flexibility for N.Y. Medical Center.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B18. Nov.

    Open DDC Systems: Obstacles and How to Avoid Them.
    David Underwood, David Schwenk, Stephen Briggs, Joseph Bush. P. 18. Jan.

    Using the BACnet™ Firewall Router.
    David G. Holmberg, Joel Bender, Mike Galler. P. B10. Nov.

    Building Information Modeling

    Building Information Modeling: Future Direction of the Design and Construction Industry.
    Gordon V.R. Holness. P. 38. Aug.

    Business and Management

    Communication Skills for the Practicing Professional, Part 2.
    Richard B. Hayter. P. 88. May.

    Selling a Professional Services Business.
    Scott D. Claassen. P. 74. March.


    Chilled Water System For University Campus.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 12. May.

    Optimizing Chiller Plant Control Logic.
    Cary W.H. Chan. P. 38. July.

    Predicting Pump Flow During Chiller De-staging .
    Kunal Banerji. P. 20. Aug.

    Health-Care HVAC: Prescription For Chiller Plants.
    Mark Baker, Dan Roe, Mick Schwedler. P. H4. June.

    7 Upgrades to Reduce Building Electrical Demand.
    Kirby P. Nelson. P. 50. Dec.


    Study Verifies Coil Cleaning Saves Energy.
    Ross D. Montgomery, Robert Baker. P. 34. Nov.


    Facility Information Systems for Post-Occupancy.
    Mark Bowman, Jack S. Wolpert. P. 24. June.

    Trend Analysis for Commissioning.
    Reinhard Seidl. P. 34. Jan.


    Temperature Controls Design
    Ira Goldschmidt. P. 32. June

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

    Designing a Dedicated Outdoor Air System with Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panels.
    Jae-Weon Jeong, Stan Mumma. P. 56. Oct.

    Smart Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems.
    John Murphy. P. 30. July.


    Dehumidification System Enhancements.
    Douglas Kosar. P. 48. Feb.

    Health-Care HVAC: Temperature & Humidity Control In Surgery Rooms.
    John Murphy. P. H18. June.

    Direct Digital Controls

    Open DDC Systems: Obstacles and How to Avoid Them.
    David Underwood, David Schwenk, Stephen Briggs, Joseph Bush. P. 18. Jan.


    Three Simple Approaches to Energy Efficiency: Optimal Air, Energy Recovery Geothermal.
    Carol Marriott. P. 44. July.

    Emerging Technologies

    Cool Thermal Energy Storage.
    Kurt Roth, Robert Zogg, James Brodrick. P. 94. Sept.

    Emerging Technologies: Ductless Split Systems.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 115. July.

    The Eyes Have It
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 54. Jan.

    The Eyes Have It - Part Two.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 67. Feb.

    Heat Transfer Enhancement.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 68. April.

    Emerging Technologies: Natural and Hybrid Ventilation.
    Kurt Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. H37. June.

    Optimal Whole Building Control Systems.
    Louis Quartararo, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 66. March.

    PEM Fuel Cells For Distributed Generation.
    Stephen Lasher, Robert Zogg, Eric Carlson, Patrick Couch, Matthew Hooks, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 45. Nov.

    Residential Central AC Fault Detection & Diagnosis.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 96. May.

    Residential Emergency Power Systems.
    Robert Zogg, Tyson Lawrence, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 68. Oct.

    Emerging Technologies: Using Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells For Distributed Generation.
    Robert Zogg, Suresh Sriramulu, Eric Carlson, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 116. Dec.

    Energy Recovery

    Three Simple Approaches to Energy Efficiency: Optimal Air, Energy Recovery Geothermal.
    Carol Marriott. P. 44. July.


    System Effect Factor: How It Affects Operating Costs.
    Bernard Ratledge. P. 36. Feb.

    Fault Detection

    Residential Central AC Fault Detection & Diagnosis.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 96. May.


    Global Standards for Filter Testing.
    Paolo Tronville, Richard D. Rivers. P. 58. Aug.


    Hybrid Geothermal Heat Pumps for Beachfront Hotel.
    Al Barfield. P. 48. Sept.

    Three Simple Approaches to Energy Efficiency: Optimal Air, Energy Recovery Geothermal.
    Carol Marriott. P. 44. July..

    Health Care

    Flexibility for N.Y. Medical Center.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B18. Nov.

    Health-Care HVAC: Infection Control In Hospitals.
    Bill Drake. P. H12. June.

    Health-Care HVAC: Prescription For Chiller Plants.
    Mark Baker, Dan Roe, Mick Schwedler. P. H4. June.

    Health-Care HVAC: Preventing Legionellosis.
    William F. McCoy. P. H26. June.

    Health-Care HVAC: Temperature & Humidity Control In Surgery Rooms.
    John Murphy. P. H18. June.

    Health-Care HVAC: Design and Construction Of Hospital and Health Care Facilities.
    Paul Ninomura, Chris Rousseau, Judene Bartley. P. H33. June.

    Heat Exchangers

    Heat Transfer Enhancement.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 68. April.

    Heat Pumps

    Closed-Loop Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Systems.
    Michel A. Bernier. P. 12. Sept.

    Ground-Source Heat Pumps: Energy Efficiency for Two Canadian Schools.
    Vasile Minea. P. 28. May.

    Hybrid Geothermal Heat Pumps for Beachfront Hotel.
    Al Barfield. P. 48. Sept.

    Using Waste Heat For Energy Savings: Water-to-Water Heat Pumps.
    Edward Temos. P. 28. April.

    Heat Recovery

    Using Waste Heat For Energy Savings: Water-to-Water Heat Pumps.
    Edward Temos. P. 28. April.

    Ventilation Heat Recovery For Laboratories.
    Otto VanGeet, Sue Reilly. P. 44. March.


    Optimal Control of Energy Consumption for Heating.
    Yuri A. Tabunschikov, Marianna M. Brodatch. P. 26. Nov.

    Historical Sites

    Preserving The Tombs Of the Pharaohs.
    Essam E. Khalil. P. 34. Dec.


    Special Report: HVAC Modeling Before CAD: Sydney Opera House.
    Paul G. Yunnie. P. 76. Oct.

    Indoor Air Quality

    C02 Based DCV Using 62.1-2004.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 67. May.

    Energy Efficiency For Tropical Campus.
    Siang Hwa Lek, Zaw Min. P. 48. May.

    Reduced Outdoor Air For Auditorium.
    Peter F. Johnson. P. 54. May.

    Standard 62.1: Calculation Tools for the Ventilation Rate Procedure.
    Steven M. Miller. P. 16. Nov.

    Strategies For Improving IAQ.
    James E. Megerson, Chris Torline. P. 40. May.

    Integrated Building Design

    HVAC Specifications for Integrated Building Design.
    Charles E. Gulledge, Michael J. King, Dennis Knight. P. 80. May.


    If You Can't Stand the Heat, It's Time to Fix the Kitchen.
    John Clark. P. 60. April.


    Ventilation Heat Recovery For Laboratories.
    Otto VanGeet, Sue Reilly. P. 44. March.

    Legal Issues

    Selling a Professional Services Business.
    Scott D. Claassen. P. 74. March.


    Legionellosis: Why the problem continues.
    William F. McCoy. P. 24. Jan.

    Health-Care HVAC: Preventing Legionellosis.
    William F. McCoy. P. H26. June.


    April 2006 Letters

    August 2006Letters

    October 2006 Letters

    November 2006 Letters

    December 2006Letters


    The Eyes Have It.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 54. Jan.

    The Eyes Have It - Part Two.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 67. Feb.


    Natatoriums, The Inside Story.
    Lan Xie, Kenneth Cooper. P. 16. April.


    Insulation for Mechanical Systems.
    G. Christopher P. Crall. P. 76. May.

    Power Density

    HVAC Power Density An Alternate Path to Efficiency.
    Stephen P. Kavanaugh, Steven Lambert, Nickless Devin. P. 40. Dec.


    Psychrometric Spreadsheet.
    Steve Kavanaugh, Barbara Hattemer McCrary, Keith A. Woodbury. P. 28. Jan.


    Using Refrigerants Responsibly.
    David Lewis, Mark Menzer. P. 56. Sept.


    Precooling Fruits & Vegetables.
    Brian A. Fricke. P. 20. Feb.

    Secondary Coolant Systems for Supermarkets.
    Georgi S. Kazachki, David K. Hinde. P. 34. Sept.


    Residential Central AC Fault Detection & Diagnosis.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 96. May.

    Residential Emergency Power Systems.
    Robert Zogg, Tyson Lawrence, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 68. Oct.

    Understanding Attic Ventilation.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 36. April.

    Understanding Basements.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 24. July.

    Understanding Drainage Planes.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 30. Feb.


    Comprehensive Retrofits of Commercial Office Buildings.
    H.M. Sachs, E. Mendelsohn, K. Ackerly. P. 74. April.


    Chilled Water System For University Campus.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 12. May.

    Energy Efficiency For Tropical Campus.
    Siang Hwa Lek, Zaw Min. P. 48. May.

    Ground-Source Heat Pumps: Energy Efficiency for Two Canadian Schools.
    Vasile Minea. P. 28. May.

    Head of the Class for No GHG-School.
    Raïf Harouni, Laurier Nichols, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 22. May.

    High Performance School Characteristics.
    Charles Eley. P. 60. May.

    Reduced Outdoor Air For Auditorium.
    Peter F. Johnson. P. 54. May.

    Research Report on Effects of HVAC on Student Performance.
    Pawel Wargocki, David P. Wyon. P. 22. Oct.

    Strategies For Improving IAQ.
    James E. Megerson, Chris Torline. P. 40. May.

    Smoke Management

    Smoke Management in the 2006 IBC.
    Jeffrey S. Tubbs. P. 50. Oct.


    Indoor Snowmaking.
    Malcolm G. Clulow. P. 18. July.


    Solar Cooling - An Overview of European Applications & Design Guidelines.
    Constantinos A. Balaras, Hans-Martin Henning, Edo Wiemken, Gershon Grossman, Erich Podesser, Carlos A. Infante Ferreira. P. 14. June.

    Split Systems

    Emerging Technologies: Ductless Split Systems.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 115. July.

    Standard 62.1

    C02 Based DCV Using 62.1-2004.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 67. May.

    Standard 62.1: Calculation Tools for the Ventilation Rate Procedure.
    Steven M. Miller. P. 16. Nov.

    Standard 62.1-2004 System Operation: Dynamic Reset Options.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 18. Dec.


    Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Retail Buildings.
    Ronald E. Jarnagin, Merle F. McBride, Donald G. Colliver. P. 26. Sept.

    Blending Architecture and Renewable Energy.
    Mehdi Jalayerian, Steven Eich. P. 70. Sept.

    Chicago Center for Green Technology.
    Lev Zvenyach, Tram Hoang Littmann. P. 20. March.

    Closed-Loop Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Systems.
    Michel A. Bernier. P. 12. Sept.

    Evaluating Green Roof Energy Performance.
    Jeff Sonne. P. 59. Feb.

    Head of the Class for No GHG-School.
    Raïf Harouni, Laurier Nichols, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 22. May.

    High Performance School Characteristics.
    Charles Eley. P. 60. May.

    Hybrid Geothermal Heat Pumps for Beachfront Hotel.
    Al Barfield. P. 48. Sept.

    Mixed-Mode Cooling.
    Gail S. Brager. P. 30. Aug.

    Emerging Technologies: Natural and Hybrid Ventilation .
    Kurt Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. H37. June.

    Natural Ventilation In Northwest Buildings.
    G.Z. Brown, Lucie Huang. P. 47. Jan.

    Secondary Coolant Systems for Supermarkets.
    Georgi S. Kazachki, David K. Hinde. P. 34. Sept.

    Solar Cooling - An Overview of European Applications & Design Guidelines.
    Constantinos A. Balaras, Hans-Martin Henning, Edo Wiemken, Gershon Grossman, Erich Podesser, Carlos A. Infante Ferreira. P. 14. June.

    Sustainability and the 2006 Olympics.
    Marco Filippi. P. 82. Sept.

    Sustainable Design for Circus Big Top.
    Martin Roy. P. 78. Sept.

    The ASHRAE Promise: A Sustainable Future.
    Terry E. Townsend. P. 14. Aug.

    Understanding Zero-Energy Buildings.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Drury B. Crawley. P. 62. Sept.

    Using Refrigerants Responsibly.
    David Lewis, Mark Menzer. P. 56. Sept.

    Technology Awards

    Blending Architecture and Renewable Energy.
    Mehdi Jalayerian, Steven Eich. P. 70. Sept.

    Chicago Center for Green Technology.
    Lev Zvenyach, Tram Hoang Littmann. P. 20. March.

    Energy Efficiency For Tropical Campus.
    Siang Hwa Lek, Zaw Min. P. 48. May.

    Head of the Class for No GHG-School.
    Raïf Harouni, Laurier Nichols, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 22. May.

    Optimizing Chiller Plant Control Logic.
    Cary W.H. Chan. P. 38. July.

    Reduced Outdoor Air For Auditorium.
    Peter F. Johnson. P. 54. May.

    Strategies For Improving IAQ.
    James E. Megerson, Chris Torline. P. 40. May.

    Sustainable Design for Circus Big Top.
    Martin Roy. P. 78. Sept.

    Underfloor for Technology Firm.
    Dennis P. Sczomak, Thom Barry. P. 56. April.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    California's Title 24 & Cool Storage.
    Mark MacCracken. P. 29. Oct.

    Cool Thermal Energy Storage.
    Kurt Roth, Robert Zogg, James Brodrick. P. 94. Sept.

    Title 24

    California's Title 24 & Cool Storage.
    Mark MacCracken. P. 29. Oct.

    A Tale of Two Codes: Title 24 and Standard 90.1.
    Mark Hydeman. P. 46. April.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Underfloor for Technology Firm.
    Dennis P. Sczomak, Thom Barry. P. 56. April.

    Wind Loads

    Wind Loads and Anchorage Requirements.
    Timothy A. Reinhold. P. 36. March.


    Wireless Mesh Controller Networks.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2005

    Air Conditioning

    Measuring System Efficiencies of Liquid Chiller and Direct Expansion.
    G.N. Dunn, I.P. Knight, E.R. Hitchin. P. 26. Feb.

    Comparing Data Center and Computer Thermal Design.
    Michael K. Patterson, Robin Steinbrecher, Steve Montgomery. P. 38. April.

    Datacom Airflow Patterns.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 50. April.

    Meeting Data Center Temperature Requirements.
    Roger Schmidt, Madhusudan Iyengar, Richard Chu. P. 44. April.

    Network Power Density Challenges.
    Alex Vukovic. P. 55. April.

    Packaged Rooftop Units: Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics.
    Michael Y. Feng, Kurt W. Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 68. April.

    Staying On-line: Data Center Commissioning.
    Mark Hydeman, Reinhard Seidl, Charles Shalley. P. 60. April.

    Efficient Cooling for California Campus.
    Tony Costa. P. 69. May.

    Building Performance With District Cooling.
    Eric M. Moe. P. 46. July.

    Is Economizer Cycle Justified for AC Applications.
    Michael F. Taras. P. 38. July.

    Air-Handling Units

    Fault Detection and Diagnostics for AHUs and VAV Boxes.
    Jeffrey Schein, Steven T. Bushby. P. 58. July.

    Performance-Based Specifications for AHUs.
    Roger Howard. P. 44. Oct.


    A Simple Way to Specify BACnet™.
    Steve Tom. P. B27. Nov.

    BACnet™ for Research Space.
    Terry W. Hoffmann. P. B20. Nov.

    BACnet™ Helps City Save Money.
    Nancy L. Robbers. P. B32. Nov.

    BACnet™ Meets Hospital Needs.
    Jon Williamson. P. B12. Nov.

    Busting BACnet™ Myths.
    Russ Carfagno. P. B36. Nov.

    Clearing the Air With BACnet™.
    Randy Amborn, Andrew Wilcox. P. B10. Nov.

    Context Tagging Within BACnet™ 
    Duffy O'Craven. P. B8. Nov.

    Learning Lessons With BACnet™ 
    Jack McGowan. P. B42. Nov.

    Secure Messaging in BACnet™ 
    David G. Holmberg. P. B23. Nov.

    Smart Bidding for BACnet™ Systems.
    Grant Wichenko. P. B16. Nov.

    Building Envelope

    Commissioning the Air Barrier System.
    Wagdy Anis. P. 35. March.

    Understanding Air Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 24. July.

    Who's Responsible for the Building Enclosure.
    Wagdy Anis. P. 147. July.

    Setting Airtightness Standards.
    Henri C. Fennell, Jonathan Haehnel. P. 26. Sept.

    Rebuilding After Katrina.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 12. Nov.

    Building Security

    Filtration and Building Security.
    H.E. (Barney) Burroughs. P. 24. April.

    Business and Management

    Ownership and Management Transition.
    Paul J. Halyard Jr. and Lowell V. Getz. P. 39. Jan.

    Dealing with 'Cash Flow Blues'.
    Leon E. Shapiro. P. 96. March.

    Expert Witness Fees.
    Lawrence Spielvogel. P. 66. April.

    Outsourcing AEC Services.
    Mark J. Grady. P. 65. June.

    Business and Management: Who's Responsible for the Building Enclosure.
    Wagdy Anis. P. 147. July.

    Business and Management: Account-Based Health Care: The New Cure.
    David Foster. P. 60. Aug.

    Legal Ramifications Of Unethical Engineering.
    Christopher M. McDonald, Laura B. Lawson. P. 41. Sept.

    Becoming an Employer of Choice.
    Marilyn Mackes. P. 59. Nov.

    Green Design Can Cause Red Ink.
    Frank Musica. P. 116. Dec.


    Vertically Integrated Systems in Stand-Alone Multistory Buildings.
    Robert Bean, Tim Doran, Bjarne Olesen, Peter Simmonds. P. 48. June.

    Chillers + Lighting + TES: Why CFC Chiller Replacement Can Be Energy-Savings Windfall.
    Giuliano Todesco. P. 18. Oct.

    Evolving Design of Chiller Plants.
    Thomas H. Durkin. P. 40. Nov.

    Brief History of Centrifugal Chillers.
    Mark Huston. P. 20. Dec.

    Heat Recovery, Energy Savings For Semiconductor Plant.
    Igor Dubov. P. 56. Dec.


    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: Combined Heat & Power for Wallboard Manufacturer.
    Jeffery D. Celuch. P. 48. Aug.

    Using CHP Systems In Commercial Buildings.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 33. Sept.


    Commissioning the Air Barrier System.
    Wagdy Anis. P. 35. March.

    Operations and Maintenance: Retrocommissioning.
    Stephen R. Wiggins. P. 76. March.

    Staying On-Line: Data Center Commissioning.
    Mark Hydeman, Reinhard Seidl, Charles Shalley. P. 60. April.

    Commissioning Sustainable Buildings.
    Paul C. Tseng. P. S20. Sept.

    Cooling Towers

    Maintaining Cooling Towers: Because Temperature Matters
    Glenn A. Babcock. P. 46. March.


    Emerging Technologies: Damper Diagnostics.
    Michael Y. Feng, Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 58. June.

    Data Centers

    Data Centers: Comparing Data Center and Computer Thermal Design.
    Michael K. Patterson, Robin Steinbrecher, Steve Montgomery. P. 38. April.

    Data Centers: Datacom Airflow Patterns.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 50. April.

    Meeting Data Center Temperature Requirements.
    Roger Schmidt, Madhusudan Iyengar, Richard Chu. P. 44. April.

    Data Centers: Network Power Density Challenges.
    Alex Vukovic. P. 55. April.

    Staying On-Line: Data Center Commissioning.
    Mark Hydeman, Reinhard Seidl, Charles Shalley. P. 60. April.

    Roadmap for Datacom Cooling.
    Christian L. Belady, Don Beaty. P. 52. Dec.

    Dedicated Heat Recovery Chillers

    Reverse Heating & Cooling Systems.
    Damon G. Greeley, Mark Platt. P. 28. Oct.


    Small Building Applications: Duct Tape and Sealant Performance.
    Iain Walker, Max Sherman. P. 34. Feb.

    ASHRAE Standard 152 & Duct Leaks in Houses.
    Mark Modera. P. 28. March.

    HVAC Retrofit: Fixing Duct Leaks In Commercial Buildings.
    Mark Modera. P. 22. June.

    Duct Leakage Fault Detection.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 56. Aug.


    Moving Beyond Simple Payback: Addressing Clients' Financial Needs.
    Matthew E. Mullen. P. 14. June.

    Life-Cycle Costing of Air Filtration.
    B. Dean Arnold, David M. Matela, Alan C. Veeck. P. 30. Nov.

    Emerging Technologies

    Heat-Only, Heat-Activated Heat Pumps.
    John Dieckmann, Bob Zogg, Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth and James Brodrick. P. 40. Jan.

    Emerging Technologies: Wireless Systems For Building Controls.
    Louis Quartararo, Kurt W. Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 66. Feb.

    Emerging Technologies: Heat Pump Water Heaters.
    Robert Zogg, John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 98. March.

    Emerging Technologies: Packaged Rooftop Units: Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics.
    Michael Y. Feng, Kurt W. Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 68. April.

    Automated Whole Building Diagnostics.
    Kurt W. Roth, Patricia Llana, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 82. May.

    Emerging Technologies: Damper Diagnostics.
    Michael Y. Feng, Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 58. June.

    Combined Heat and Power for Residences.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 142. July.

    Duct Leakage Fault Detection.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 56. Aug.

    Using CHP Systems In Commercial Buildings.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 33. Sept.

    Lighting and Standard 90.1.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 61. Oct.

    Squeezing the Watts Out of Fluorescent Lighting.
    Brian Leibel, James Brodrick. P. 52. Nov.

    Choosing the Right Light.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 122. Dec.

    Energy Recovery

    Using ERV to Improve Sensible Heat Ratio.
    Stephen C. Turner. P. 80. March.


    Designing Exhaust Systems to Minimize Energy Costs.
    John J. Carter, Ronald L. Petersen, Brad C. Cochran. P. 18. July.


    Fan Data: Is what you see what you get? 
    Kim G. Osborn. P. 24. Nov.

    Fault Detection

    Fault Detection and Diagnostics For AHUs and VAV Boxes.
    Jeffrey Schein, Steven T. Bushby. P. 58. July.

    Duct Leakage Fault Detection.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 56. Aug.


    Heat-Only, Heat-Activated Heat Pumps.
    John Dieckmann, Bob Zogg, Detlef Westphalen, Kurt Roth and James Brodrick. P. 40. Jan.

    Emerging Technologies: Heat Pump Water Heaters.
    Robert Zogg, John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 98. March.

    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: HVAC Retrofit: Heating Plant Retrofit For Canadian College.
    Gilles Desmarais, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 42. June.

    Vertically Integrated Systems in Stand-Alone Multistory Buildings.
    Robert Bean, Tim Doran, Bjarne Olesen, Peter Simmonds. P. 48. June.

    Combined Heat and Power for Residences.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 142. July.

    Using CHP Systems In Commercial Buildings.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 33. Sept.

    Saving Heating Costs in Warehouses.
    Richard Aynsley P. 46. Dec.


    Brief History of Centrifugal Chillers.
    Mark Huston. P. 20. Dec.

    Historic Sites

    Air Quality Monitoring At Historic Sites: Redefining an Environmental Classification System for Gaseous Pollution.
    Evandro Sacchi, Chris Muller. P. 40. Aug.


    Selecting Valves For Variable Flow Hydronic Systems.
    Gil Avery. P. 12. Sept.

    Indoor Air Quality

    Assessing Mold in Buildings.
    Harriet Burge. P. S158. Jan.

    Ventilation Design and Performance in U.S. Office Buildings.
    Andrew Persily, Josh Forgain, Gregory Brunner. P. 30. April.

    Continuous IAQ Monitoring.
    Robert Schulte, Barry Bridges, David Grimsrud. P. 38. May

    Lesson in Curing Mold Problems.
    Hugh McMillan, Jim Block. P. 32. May.

    Air Quality Monitoring At Historic Sites: Redefining an Environmental Classification System for Gaseous Pollution.
    Evandro Sacchi, Chris Muller. P. 40. Aug.

    Life-Cycle Costing of Air Filtration.
    B. Dean Arnold, David M. Matela, Alan C. Veeck. P. 30. Nov.


    Energy-Efficient Laboratory Design.
    Nicolas-Lemire, Roland Charneux. P. 58. May.


    Surety Bonds.
    Judith H. B. Maxwell. P. 62. Feb

    Contracts and Condominium Conversion.
    Michael M. Edwards. P. 74. April.

    How to Read a Patent.
    Daniel Kramer. P. 90. May.

    Legal Ramifications of Unethical Engineering.
    Christopher M. McDonald, Laura B. Lawson. P. 41. Sept.


    Chillers + Lighting + TES: Why CFC Chiller Replacement Can Be Energy-Savings Windfall.
    Giuliano Todesco. P. 18. Oct.

    Lighting and Standard 90.1.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 61. Oct.

    Squeezing the Watts Out of Fluorescent Lighting.
    Brian Leibel, James Brodrick. P. 52. Nov.

    Choosing the Right Light.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 122. Dec.


    Maintaining Cooling Towers: Because Temperature Matters
    Glenn A. Babcock. P. 46. March.

    Corporate Manslaughter: UK Debates Proposed Law.
    Ewen Rose. P. 52. March.

    Improving System Performance Through Benchmarking.
    Joseph J. Watson. P. 56. March.

    Operations and Maintenance: Retrocommissioning.
    Stephen R. Wiggins. P. 76. March.

    Tapping into Remote Building Intelligence.
    Todd Lash. P. 62. March.

    Personal Safety

    Personal Protective Systems for First Responders.
    Ralph F. Goldman. P. 50. Feb.


    Simplifying Contemporary HVAC Piping.
    James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 16. Feb.

    Vertically Integrated Systems in Stand-Alone Multistory Buildings.
    Robert Bean, Tim Doran, Bjarne Olesen, Peter Simmonds. P. 48. June.


    Using CO2 in Supermarket Refrigeration.
    Samer Sawalha. P. 26. Aug.


    Case Credits and Return Air Paths for Supermarkets.
    Ralph S. Pitzer, Mike Malone. P. 42. Feb.

    Electronic Expansion Valves.
    Charles D. Dern. P. 88. March

    Controlling Contamination in the Cold Chain.
    Simon Jol, Alex Kassanenko, Jan Oggel, Kaz Wszol. P. 32. Aug.

    Using CO2 in Supermarket Refrigeration.
    Samer Sawalha. P. 26. Aug.

    Using Variable Speed Drives for Evaporative Condensers.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 18. Aug.

    Solar Refirgeration.
    Sanford A. Klein. Douglas T. Reindl. P. 26. Sept.


    Ultra-low Energy Residences.
    Jeff Christian. P. 20. Jan

    Reducing House Energy Costs by 40%.
    Don Fugler, Rob Dumont, Tom MacDermott. P. 32 June.

    Combined Heat and Power for Residences.
    Robert Zogg, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 142. July.

    Heating with Residential Heat Pumps.
    Michael Lubliner, John Andrews, David Baylon. P. 36. Oct.

    Rebuilding After Katrina.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 12. Nov.


    HVAC Retrofit: Fixing Duct Leaks In Commercial Buildings.
    Mark Modera. P. 22. June.

    Reducing House Energy Costs by 40%.
    Don Fugler, Rob Dumont, Tom MacDermott. P. 32 June.

    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: HVAC Retrofit: Heating Plant Retrofit For Canadian College.
    Gilles Desmarais, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 42. June.

    Underfloor Air System for Retrofit Office Complex.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 54. July.

    Heating with Residential Heat Pumps.
    Michael Lubliner, John Andrews, David Baylon. P. 36. Oct.


    Continuous IAQ Monitoring.
    Robert Schulte, Barry Bridges, David Grimsrud. P. 38. May

    Efficient Cooling for California Campus.
    Tony Costa. P. 69. May.

    Energy-Efficient Laboratory Design.
    Nicolas-Lemire, Roland Charneux. P. 58. May.

    Lesson in Curing Mold Problems.
    Hugh McMillan, Jim Block. P. 32. May.

    Performing Arts and Aquatic Centers.
    Wyne Edward Kerbelis. P. 65. May

    Rethinking School Potable Water Heating Systems.
    Carl C. Hiller. P. 48. May.

    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: HVAC Retrofit: Heating Plant Retrofit For Canadian College.
    Gilles Desmarais, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 42. June.

    Small Buildings

    Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings: Saving 30% Over Standard 90.1-1999.
    Donald G. Colliver, Ronald E. Jarnagin. P. 22. March

    Standard 62.1

    Single-Path Multiple-Zone System Design.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 28. Jan.

    Standard 62.1-2004: Designing Dual-Path Multiple-Zone Systems.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 20. May.

    LEED® and Standard 62.1.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. S4. Sept.

    Standard 90.1

    Advanced Energy Design Guide for Small Office Buildings: Saving 30% Over Standard 90.1-1999.
    Donald G. Colliver, Ronald E. Jarnagin. P. 22. March

    Lighting and Standard 90.1.
    Brian Liebel, James Brodrick. P. 61. Oct.


    Desktop Tools for Sustainable Design.
    Krishnan Gowri. P. 42. Jan

    Creating Synergies for Sustainable Design.
    Frederic Genest, Roland Charneux. P. 16. March.

    Using ERV to Improve Sensible Heat Ratio.
    Stephen C. Turner. P. 80. March.

    Setting Fees for Profitable Green Projects.
    Tim McGinn. P. 17. April.

    Condensate Water Recovery.
    Karen Guz. P. 54. June.

    ASHRAE and Sustainability.
    Terry E. Townsend. P. S18. Sept.

    Building Automation and LEED® Credits.
    Ronald K. Hermann. P. S10. Sept.

    Commissioning Sustainable Buildings.
    Paul C. Tseng. P. S20. Sept.

    Designing Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Systems.
    David W. Bridger, Diana M. Allen. P. 32. Sept.

    Designing Cradle to Cradle.
    Gregg Lewis. P.S39. Sept.

    LEED® and Standard 62.1.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. S4. Sept.

    Overcoming Barriers to Efficiency.
    Thomas M. Lawrence, Jeffrey D. Mullen, Douglas S. Noonan, Jay Enck. P. S40. Sept.

    Solar Refirgeration.
    Sanford A. Klein. Douglas T. Reindl. P. 26. Sept.

    Sustainability Built into Big Rock Ranch.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 37. Nov.

    Green Design Can Cause Red Ink.
    Frank Musica. P. 116. Dec.

    Stack Effect

    Multifamily Buildings: Controlling Stack-Effect-Driven Airflows.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 30. Dec.

    Technology Awards

    Creating Synergies for Sustainable Design.
    Frederic Genest, Roland Charneux. P. 16. March.

    Efficient Cooling for California Campus.
    Tony Costa. P. 69. May.

    Energy-Efficient Laboratory Design.
    Nicolas-Lemire, Roland Charneux. P. 58. May.

    Performing Arts and Aquatic Centers.
    Wyne Edward Kerbelis. P. 65. May

    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: HVAC Retrofit: Heating Plant Retrofit For Canadian College.
    Gilles Desmarais, Marie-Judith Jean-Louis. P. 42. June.

    HVAC Systems for Tunnel Booths.
    Evans J. Lizardos. P. 38. June.

    Underfloor Air System for Retrofit Office Complex.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 54. July.

    2005 ASHRAE Technology Awards: Combined Heat & Power for Wallboard Manufacturer.
    Jeffery D. Celuch. P. 48. Aug.

    Flexibility, Efficiency in San Antonio Arena.
    Jeffrey L. Ewens, Blake E. Ellis. P. 18. Sept.

    It's in the Details: Engineering for Low Cost and High Efficiency.
    Jeff Stein, Steven T. Taylor. P. 50. Oct.

    Sustainability Built into Big Rock Ranch.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 37. Nov.

    Providing Care for Medical Office Building.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 40. Dec.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    Designing Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Systems.
    David W. Bridger, Diana M. Allen. P. 32. Sept.

    Chillers + Lighting + TES: Why CFC Chiller Replacement Can Be Energy-Savings Windfall.
    Giuliano Todesco. P. 18. Oct.


    HVAC Systems for Tunnel Booths.
    Evans J. Lizardos. P. 38. June.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Underfloor Air System for Retrofit Office Complex.
    Jeff Blaevoet. P. 54. July.


    Wireless Mesh Networks Using HVAC Controllers.
    Jeff Raimo. P. 32. July.

    Using Variable Speed Drives for Evaporative Condensers.
    Douglas T. Reindl, Todd B. Jekel. P. 18. Aug.

    Lessons Learned in Wireless Monitoring.
    William M. Healy. P. 54. Oct.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2004


    Acoustical Case Studies of HVAC Systems in Schools.
    Gary W. Siebein, Robert M. Lilkendey. P. 35. May.

    Air Conditioning

    A New Way to Calculate Cooling Loads.
    Steven F. Bruning. P. 20. Jan.

    Too Hot, Too Cold: Diagnosing Occupant Complaints.
    Glenn Friedman. P. S157. Jan.

    How to Properly Size Unitary Equipment.
    Glenn C. Hourahan. P. 15. Feb.

    New Approach to Energy Savings for Rooftop AC.
    Detlef Westphalen. P. 38. March.

    Dehumidification at Part Load.
    Don Shirey III, Hugh I. Henderson Jr. P. 42. April.

    Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioners.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 58. April.

    Radiant Ceiling Cooling.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt Roth, James Brodrick. P. 42. June.

    Displacement Ventilation.
    Sephir D. Hamilton, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 56. Sept.

    Modulating Compressors for Residential Cooling.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 56. Oct.

    CO2 Air-Conditioning Cycles.
    Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 54. Nov.

    The People's Air Conditioner: Henry Galson 1900–1963.
    Edgar Galson. P. S20. Nov.


    Selecting Lubricant for the Ammonia Refrigeration System.
    George C. Briley. P. 66. Aug.

    Liquid Recirculation Systems: Ammonia Refrigeration.
    George C. Briley. P. 48. Sept.

    Animal Facilities

    HVAC Design in Animal Facilities.
    Christopher K. Wilkins, Brian A. Waters. P. 35. Sept.


    BACnet™ for Video Surveillance.
    Zhou Ning, Zhou Man-li, Xu Yi-Ping. P. S18. Oct.

    BACnet™ Is Lifeline for Trauma Center.
    Randy Amborn, Carrie Eppelheimer. P. S30. Oct.

    BACnet™ Is Tie that Binds Tucson.
    Nancy L. Robbers, Vern Baker. P. S26. Oct.

    First 'Open Systems' Chip.
    Bob Ofenstein. P. S32. Oct.

    Reading, Writing and BACnet™.
    Jack McGowan. P. S35. Oct.

    Strategies for Using BACnet™/IP.
    Christopher A. Hollinger. P. S10. Oct.

    Web Services & BACnet™.
    Steve Tom. P. S14. Oct.


    New Software for Calculating Seasonal Efficiency for Boilers.
    David C. Bixby, Martha J. Hewett, Ron M. Nelson. P. 55. July.

    Building Security

    Homeland Security & Infrastructure Information.
    Dale Elizabeth Walker. P. 61. May.

    Building Ventilation and Pressurization as a Security Tool.
    Andy Persily. P. 18. Sept.

    Design of HVAC&R Systems While Improving Safety.
    William J. Coad. P. 22. Oct.

    ASHRAE Homeland Security Activities and Reports.
    L.G. Spielvogel. P. 34. Nov.

    The Threat of Aerosolized Biological Weapons.
    D.A. Henderson. P. 50. Dec.

    Business and Management

    Starting a New Business.
    Charles R. Foster III. P. 40. Jan.

    Thinking Like a Management Engineer.
    John Clark. P. 50. Feb.

    Communications Skills for the Practicing Professional.
    Richard B. Hayter. P. 74. March.

    Do You Know What Your Liabilities Are?
    Gordon V.R. Holness. P. 54. April.

    Protecting Your Design.
    Gersil N. Kay. P. 68. May.

    Hiring Employees with Non-Compete Agreements.
    Ross D. Montgomery. P. 41. June.

    How to Start a Consulting Engineering Business.
    Warren G. Hahn. P. 118. July.

    Strategic Planning.
    William Kumpf. P. 70. Aug.

    HVAC Terms in LEED®.
    Mike Bilderbeck. P. 55. Sept.

    The Components of Decision-Making.
    Terry Hargrove. P. 68. Oct.

    Are We Concerned With Leadership?
    Victor Goldschmidt. P. 51. Nov.

    Why Be Involved in Advancement?
    Victor Goldschmidt. P. 113. Dec.


    Overcoming Low Delta T, Negative Delta P at Large University Campus.
    Lucas B. Hyman, Don Little. P. 28. Feb.

    Air-Cooled HVAC Retrofit: Safe Bet for Vegas Schools.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 28. May.

    7 Methods for Improving Performance of Existing Chiller Plants.
    Andrew K. Burkhart. P. S12. June.

    Optimizing Chillers and Towers.
    Hugh Crowther, James Furlong. P. 34. July.

    Primary-Secondary Chilled Water Systems: Making Them Work.
    Steven C. Severini. P. 27. July.

    How Chillers React to Building Loads.
    Kwok Tai Chan, Fu Wing. P. 52. Aug.

    Driving Absorption Chillers Using Heat Recovery.
    William Ryan. P. S31. Sept.


    Cogeneration: Engineering Natural Gas-Driven Systems.
    D. Allen Crosby. P. 20. Feb.

    Assessing Value of CHP Systems.
    Steve Fischer. P. 12. June.


    Too Hot, Too Cold: Diagnosing Occupant Complaints.
    Glenn Friedman. P. S157. Jan.

    A Better Way to Predict Comfort.
    Bjarne W. Olesen, Gail S. Brager. P. 20. Aug.


    Modulating Compressors for Residential Cooling.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 56. Oct.


    The State of the U.S. Economy.
    Randy Giggard. P. 37. Jan.


    Sizing VAV Boxes.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein. P. 30. March.

    Successful DDC System Retrofits.
    Mark Hydeman. P. S4. June.

    Optimizing Chillers and Towers.
    Hugh Crowther, James Furlong. P. 34. July.

    Will HVAC Controls Go Wireless?
    Jeff Willis. P. 46. July.

    Strategies for Using BACnet®/IP.
    Christopher A. Hollinger. P. S10. Oct.

    Web Services & BACnet® .
    Steve Tom. P. S14. Oct.

    BACnet® for Video Surveillance.
    Zhou Ning, Zhou Man-li, Xu Yi-Ping. P. S18. Oct.

    BACnet® Is Tie that Binds Tucson.
    Nancy L. Robbers, Vern Baker. P. S26. Oct.

    BACnet® Is Lifeline for Trauma Center.
    Randy Amborn, Carrie Eppelheimer. P. S30. Oct.

    First 'Open Systems' Chip.
    Bob Ofenstein. P. S32. Oct.

    Reading, Writing and BACnet®.
    Jack McGowan. P. S35. Oct.

    XML and Building Automation.
    Alex Chervet. P. 24. Dec.

    Cooling Towers

    Optimizing Chillers and Towers.
    Hugh Crowther, James Furlong. P. 34. July.

    What's Up With Cooling Towers.
    Frank T. Morrison. P. 16. July.

    Data Centers

    Back to the Future—Liquid Cooling: Data Center Considerations.
    Don Beaty and Roger Schmidt. P. 42. Dec.


    Dehumidification at Part Load.
    Don Shirey III, Hugh I. Henderson Jr. P. 42. April.


    Best Practices for Selecting Diffusers.
    Daniel Int-Hout III. P. S24. June.

    Protection Against Liability for Poor Diffuser Selection.
    Daniel Int-Hout III. P. 42. Sept.

    Energy Efficiency

    Energy-Efficient Motors & Drives.
    John Malinowski. P. 30. Jan.

    Makeup Air Heat Recovery: Saving Energy in Labs.
    Phillip Bartholomew. P. 35. Feb.

    New Approach to Energy Savings for Rooftop AC.
    Detlef Westphalen. P. 38. March.

    Environmental Tobacco Smoke

    Implications of ASHRAE's Guidance on Ventilation for Smoking-Permitted Areas.
    Stanton A. Glantz, Suzaynn Schick. P. 54. March.


    Return Fans or Relief Fans: How to Choose?
    John Kettler. P. 28. April.

    Dual Fan, Dual Duct Goes to School.
    David Warden. May. P.18.


    Too Hot, Too Cold: Diagnosing Occupant Complaints.
    Glenn Friedman. P. S157. Jan.

    Condensing Natural Gas Water Heaters.
    Peter Pescatore, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 51. Feb.

    New Software for Calculating Seasonal Efficiency for Boilers.
    David C. Bixby, Martha J. Hewett, Ron M. Nelson. P. 55. July.

    Heat Pumps for Cold Climates.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth and James Brodrick. P. 115. Dec.


    Improving Latent Performance.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt W. Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 73. Aug.


    Condensing Natural Gas Water Heaters.
    Peter Pescatore, Kurt W. Roth, James
    . P. 51. Feb.

    Indoor Air Quality

    ASHRAE's New Residential Ventilation Standard.
    Max Sherman
    . P. S149. Jan.

    Local Capture of Contaminants.
    Thomas Rueegg, Daniel Gubler, Patrik Sprecher, Alfred Moser, Robert Weber. P. 26. Jan.

    Implications of ASHRAE's Guidance on Ventilation for Smoking-Permitted Areas.
    Stanton A. Glantz, Suzaynn Schick. P. 54. March.

    Antifungal Treatments and Their Effect on Fibrous Glass Liner.
    Chin S. Yang and Paul J. Ellringer. P. 35. April.

    Assessing Risk of Legionella.
    Andrew J. Cooper, Howard R. Barnes, Eric R. Myers. P. 22. April.

    Duct Cleaning: Do Homes Need It?
    Donald W. Fugler. P. 28. June.

    Addendum 62n: Single-Zone and Dedicated-OA Systems.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 12. Oct.

    CO2-Based Demand Control Ventilation: Do Risks Outweigh Potential Rewards?
    David S. Dougan, Len Damiano. P. 47. Oct.

    Supply Air CO2 Control of Minimum Outdoor Air for Multiple Space Systems.
    David Warden.P. 26. Oct.

    Ventilation for Changeover-Bypass VAV
    Dennis Stanke
    . P. 22. Nov.


    Makeup Air Heat Recovery: Saving Energy in Labs. Phillip Bartholomew. P. 35. Feb.

    HVAC Design in Animal Facilities.
    Christopher K. Wilkins, Brian A. Waters. P. 35. Sept.


    Federal Information Quality Act and Guideline.
    Bruce E. Lundegren. P. 35. Jan.

    Managing Liability Due to Defective Products.
    David M. Governo. P. 44. Feb.

    Discovering Major Bidding Errors.
    Bonnieblue Valentin. P. 64. March.

    E-mailing Documents to be Signed, Sealed.
    Duane A. Wolf. P. 50. April.

    Homeland Security & Infrastructure Information.
    Dale Elizabeth Walker. P. 61. May.

    Hiring Employees with Non-Compete
    Ross D. Montgomery. P. 41. June.

    Recommending Health Benefits of Products and Services.
    David M. Governo. P. 121. July.

    Legal (cont.)

    Be Careful What You Agree to Do.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz. P. 64. Aug.

    Protection Against Liability for Poor Diffuser Selection.
    Daniel Int-Hout III. P. 42. Sept.

    Professional Liability Insurance.
    Leon E. Shapiro. P. 59. Oct.

    Mold Litigation—Protecting Yourself Against Risk.
    Christopher M. McDonald, Maralynne Flehner. P. 32. Nov.

    Doing Business with Homeland Security.
    J. Michael Littlejohn. P. 112. Dec.


    Assessing Risk of Legionella.
    Andrew J. Cooper, Howard R. Barnes, Eric R. Myers. P. 22. April.

    Legionella in Residential Water Systems.
    Janet E. Stout, Robert R. Muder. P. 52. May.


    Antifungal Treatments and Their Effect on Fibrous Glass Liner.
    Chin S. Yang, Paul J. Ellringer. P. 35. April.


    Energy-Efficient Motors & Drives.
    John Malinowski. P. 30. Jan.

    Electronically Commutated Permanent Magnet Motors.
    Kurt W. Roth, Allan Chertok, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 75. March.


    10 Tips for Refrigerant Piping.
    Daniel R. Kuespert. P. 48. March.


    Psychrometric Chart Celebrates 100th Anniversary.
    Donald P. Gatley. P. 16. Nov.


    10 Tips for Refrigerant Piping.
    Daniel R. Kuespert. P. 48. March.

    Merchant CO2 Systems.
    George C. Briley. P. 117. July.

    R-22 Replacement Status.
    James M. Calm, Piotr Domanski. P. 29. Aug.


    Maintaining Industrial Refrigeration Systems,
    Part 1.
    George C. Briley. P. 39. Jan.

    Maintaining Industrial Refrigeration Systems,
    Part 2.
    George C. Briley. P. 48. Feb.

    Cooling for Dams.
    George C. Briley. P. 66. March.

    Vacuum Cooling of Vegetables and Flowers.
    George C. Briley. P. 52. April.

    The Art of Freeze Drying.
    George C. Briley. P. 64. May.

    Secondary Coolants, Part 1.
    George C. Briley. P. 36. June.

    Merchant CO2 Systems.
    George C. Briley. P. 117. July.

    Selecting Lubricant for the Ammonia Refrigeration System.
    George C. Briley. P. 66. Aug.

    Liquid Recirculation Systems: Ammonia Refrigeration.
    George C. Briley. P. 48. Sept.

    A History of Refrigeration.
    George C. Briley. P. S31. Nov.

    Electric Refrigerators Vital Contribution to Households.
    Bernard Nagengast. P. S11. Nov.

    Evolution of Ice Rinks.
    Ted Martin. P. S24. Nov.

    Frozen Foods: The Formative Years.
    Gordon Follette. P. S35. Nov.

    Secondary Coolants, Part 2.
    George C. Briley. P. 42. Nov.

    The People's Air Conditioner: Henry Galson 1900–1963.
    Edgar Galson. P. S20. Nov.

    The Roles of Today's Refrigeration Applications.
    R.H. (Ron) Strong. P. S46. Nov.

    Thoughtful Reflections of an Ice Man.
    Al Smith. P. S4. Nov.


    Reheat: Which Concept is Best.
    Michael F. Taras. P. 34. Dec.


    ASHRAE's New Residential Ventilation Standard. Max Sherman P. S149. Jan.

    Legionella in Residential Water Systems.
    Janet E. Stout, Robert R. Muder. P. 52. May.

    Duct Cleaning: Do Homes Need It?
    Donald W. Fugler. P. 28. June.

    Understanding Vapor Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 40. Aug.

    Modulating Compressors for Residential Cooling.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 56. Oct.


    7 Methods for Improving Performance of Existing Chiller Plants.
    Andrew K. Burkhart. P. S12. June.

    Best Practices for Selecting Diffusers.
    Daniel Int-Hout III. P. S24. June.

    Preserving Legacy Buildings.
    Marion F. Mecklenburg, Charles S. Tumosa, Alan Pride. P. S18. June.

    Successful DDC System Retrofits.
    Mark Hydeman. P. S4. June.


    Overcoming Low Delta T, Negative Delta P at Large University Campus.
    Lucas B. Hyman, Don Little. P. 28. Feb.

    Acoustical Case Studies of HVAC Systems in Schools.
    Gary W. Siebein, Robert M. Lilkendey. P. 35. May.

    Air-Cooled HVAC Retrofit: Safe Bet for Vegas Schools.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald, W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 28. May.

    Underfloor for High-Tech Campus.
    David Inghram. P. 48. May.

    Low Maintenance, Sustainable Solutions for Chicago Schools.
    Erik L. Olsen. Sept. P. S12.


    MEMS Sensors for HVAC: Small, Fast, Cheap.
    David Yashar, Piotr A. Domanski. P. 69. May.

    Small Buildings

    ASHRAE's New Residential Ventilation Standard.
    Max Sherman P. S149. Jan.

    New Approach to Energy Savings for Rooftop AC.
    Detlef Westphalen. P. 38. March.

    Dehumidification at Part Load.
    Don Shirey III, Hugh I. Henderson Jr. P. 42. April.

    Dual Fan, Dual Duct Goes to School.
    David Warden. P.18. May.

    Legionella in Residential Water Systems.
    Janet E. Stout, Robert R. Muder. P. 52. May.

    Duct Cleaning: Do Homes Need It?
    Donald W. Fugler. P. 28. June.

    Preserving Legacy Buildings.
    Marion F. Mecklenburg, Charles S. Tumosa, Alan Pride. P. S18. June.

    A Better Way to Predict Comfort.
    Bjarne W. Olesen, Gail S. Brager. P. 20. Aug.

    Understanding Vapor Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 40. Aug.

    High-Performance Buildings: Lessons Learned.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Ron Judkoff, Drury B. Crawley. P. S4. Sept.

    HVAC Design in Animal Facilities.
    Christopher K. Wilkins, Brian A. Waters. P. 35. Sept.

    Integrated Design for Sustainable Buildings.
    Malcolm Lewis. P. S22. Sept.

    Integrated Designs and HVAC Equipment Sizing.
    Giuliano Todesco. P. S42. Sept.

    Low Maintenance, Sustainable Solutions for Chicago Schools.
    Erik L. Olsen. P. S12. Sept.

    Best Practices for Underfloor Air Systems.
    Mike Filler. P. 39. Oct.

    Modulating Compressors for Residential Cooling.
    Kurt Roth, Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick
    . P. 56. Oct.


    Atria Smoke Exhaust: 3 Approaches to Replacement Air Delivery.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 21. June.

    Smoke Control in Malls with Atria and Restaurants.
    John Clark. P. 18. Dec.


    Driving Absorption Chillers Using Heat Recovery. William Ryan. P. S31. Sept.

    Energy and Money Savings Without Increasing Time, Costs.
    Sheila Hayter. P. S48. Sept.

    Green Equals Value.
    David Gottfried. P. S52. Sept.

    High-Performance Buildings: Lessons
    Paul A. Torcellini, Ron Judkoff, Drury B. Crawley. P. S4. Sept.

    HVAC Terms in LEED®.
    Mike Bilderbeck. P. 55. Sept.

    Integrated Design for Sustainable Buildings.
    Malcolm Lewis
    . P. S22. Sept.

    Integrated Designs and HVAC Equipment Sizing. Giuliano Todesco. P. S42. Sept.

    Low Maintenance, Sustainable Solutions for Chicago Schools.
    Erik L. Olsen. P. S12. Sept.

    Thermal Energy Storage in Sustainable Buildings.
    Mark MacCracken
    . P. S39. Sept.

    Why the Interest: 'ASHRAE's Role in Green.'
    David Grumman. P. S18. Sept.

    Seattle's Policy 'Lead by Example.'
    Lynne Barker. P. 72. Oct.

    Demand-Controlled Ventilation for Sustainability.
    Tom Lawrence. P. 117. Dec.

    Technology Awards

    Underfloor for High-Tech Campus.
    David Inghram. P. 48. May.

    Thermal Energy Storage

    Thermal Energy Storage in Sustainable Buildings.
    Mark MacCracken. P. S39. Sept.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Underfloor for High-Tech Campus.
    David Inghram. P. 48. May.

    Best Practices for Underfloor Air Systems.
    Mike Filler. P. 39. Oct.

    Vapor Barriers

    Understanding Vapor Barriers.
    Joseph W. Lstiburek. P. 40. Aug.

    Variable Air Volume

    Sizing VAV Boxes.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein. P. 30. March.

    Ventilation for Changeover-Bypass VAV Systems.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 22. Nov.


    Local Capture of Contaminants.
    Thomas Rueegg, Daniel Gubler, Patrik Sprecher, Alfred Moser, Robert Weber. P. 26. Jan.

    How to Properly Size Unitary Equipment.
    Glenn C. Hourahan. P. 15. Feb.

    Makeup Air Heat Recovery: Saving Energy in Labs.
    Phillip Bartholomew. P. 35. Feb.

    Implications of ASHRAE's Guidance on Ventilation for Smoking-Permitted Areas.
    Stanton A. Glantz, Suzaynn Schick. P. 54. March.

    New Approach to Energy Savings for Rooftop AC.
    Detlef Westphalen. P. 38. March.

    Sizing VAV Boxes.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein. P. 30. March.

    Dehumidification at Part Load.
    Don Shirey III, Hugh I. Henderson Jr. P. 42. April.

    Liquid Desiccant Air Conditioners.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 58. April.

    Acoustical Case Studies of HVAC Systems in Schools.
    Gary W. Siebein, Robert M. Lilkendey. P. 35. May.

    Air-Cooled HVAC Retrofit: Safe Bet for Vegas Schools.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald, W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 28. May.

    Dual Fan, Dual Duct Goes to School.
    David Warden. P.18. May.

    Underfloor for High-Tech Campus.
    David Inghram. P. 48. May.

    Atria Smoke Exhaust: 3 Approaches to Replacement Air Delivery.
    Stephen W. Duda. P. 21. June.

    Duct Cleaning: Do Homes Need It?
    Donald W. Fugler. P. 28. June.

    Building Ventilation and Pressurization as a Security Tool.
    Andy Persily. Page 18. Sept.

    Diffuser Selection.
    Daniel Int-Hout. P. 42. Sept.

    Displacement Ventilation.
    Sephir D. Hamilton, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 56. Sept.

    High-Performance Buildings: Lessons Learned.
    Paul A. Torcellini, Ron Judkoff, Drury B. Crawley. P. S4. Sept.

    HVAC Design in Animal Facilities.
    Christopher K. Wilkins, Brian A. Waters. P. 35. Sept.

    Addendum 62n: Single-Zone and Dedicated-OA Systems.
    Dennis Stanke. P. 12. Oct.

    Best Practices for Underfloor Air Systems.
    Mike Filler. P. 39. Oct.

    CO2 Air-Conditioning Cycles.
    Detlef Westphalen, John Dieckmann. P. 54. Nov.

    CO2-Based Demand Control Ventilation: Do Risks Outweigh Potential Rewards?
    David S. Dougan, Len Damiano. P. 47. Oct.

    Supply Air CO2 Control of Minimum Outdoor Air for Multiple Space Systems.
    David Warden. P. 26. Oct.

    Ventilation for Changeover-Bypass VAV
    Dennis Stanke. P. 22. Nov.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2003

    Air Conditioning

    Being Size Wise: Residential Systems.
    Bradley Kurtz. P. 17. Jan.

    Latent Performance of Unitary Equipment.
    Karim Amrane, Glenn C. Hourahan, Greg Potts. P. 28. Jan.

    Controls for Critical Cooling.
    Matt Lawrence. P. 32. Jan.

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.

    New Applications for Gas Cooling.
    William Ryan. P. 18. April.

    Air-to-Air Exchangers.
    Robert Besant, Carey Simonson. P. 42. April.

    Cool & Dry: Dual-Path Approach for a Florida School.
    Mukesh Khattar, Don Shirey, Richard Raustad. P. 58. May

    Estimating Demand & Efficiency.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 36. July.

    Air Conditioning & the Louisiana State Capitol.
    J. Michael Barber. P. 44. Sept.

    Archives—Analog to Digital: Preservation Requirements.
    Stefan Michalski. P. 25. Oct.

    Air Washers: A New Look at a Vintage Technology.
    M. El-Morsi, S.A. Klein, D.T. Reindl. P. 32. Oct.

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.

    Air-Cooled Chillers for Hot, Dry Climates.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 38. Dec.


    Efficiency of R-717 and R-22 Systems.
    George C. Briley. P.87. July.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 2.
    George C. Briley. P. 53. Aug.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 3.
    George C. Briley. P. 58. Sept.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 4.
    George C. Briley. P. 60. Oct.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 5.
    George C. Briley. P. 58. Nov.


    No Time for Downtime: BACnet™ Exceeds Needs at Mission Critical Data Center.
    Jeff Gollnick. P. B8. Nov.

    High-Tech Welcome Mat: BACnet™ Greets Guests at Hotel.
    Randy Amborn. P. B12. Nov.

    BACnet™ Simplifies Complex.
    Carl Bate. P. B14. Nov.

    BACnet™ Goes to School.
    Hans Symanczik. P. B18. Nov.

    BACnet™ Makes the Grade.
    Steve Tom. P. B20. Nov.

    Enemies at the Gates: Securing the BACnet™ Building.
    David G. Holmberg. P. B24. Nov.

    Business Management

    Smart Images for Project Management.
    Gordon V.R. Holness. P. 22. Jan.

    The Importance of Developing Good Relationships with Clients.
    Todd Meling. P. 44. Aug.

    Managing Human Resources: From Hello to Goodbye.
    Harley 'Bill' Goodman. P. 61. Sept.

    Managing Professional Fees.
    William J. Coad. P. 64. Oct.

    Improving Profits By Reducing Rework.
    John Castelvecchi. P. 62. Nov.

    Model Employee Training Program.
    Les Carmichael. P. 106. Dec.


    Controls for Critical Cooling.
    Matt Lawrence. P. 32. Jan.

    Chilled Water Plant Efficiency.
    Igor Dubov. P. 37. June.

    Dedicated Heat Recovery.
    Thomas H. Durkin, James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 18. Oct.

    Small Centrifugal Compressors.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 67. Oct.

    Air-Cooled Chillers for Hot, Dry Climates.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 38. Dec.


    New Applications for Gas Cooling.
    William Ryan. P. 18. April.

    Cogeneration Systems: Balancing the Heat-Power Ratio.
    Ainul Abedin. P. 24. Aug.


    Commissioning Kitchens: Making Sure the Equipment Fills the Bill.
    Steve Melink. P. K23. June.

    Saving Energy with Building Commissioning.
    Kurt W. Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 65. Nov.


    Vapor-Injected Scroll Compressors.
    Warren L. Beeton, Hung M. Pham. P. 22. April.


    Controls for Critical Cooling.
    Matt Lawrence. P. 32. Jan.

    Interoperability: Present Trends & Future Roles.
    Terry W. Hoffmann. P. 40. Feb.

    Linearizing PID Loop Control.
    Eric Utterson. P. 40. March.

    Improving VAV Zone Control.
    Thomas Hartman. P. 24. June.

    Fuzzy Logic for Controls.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. K31. June.

    Demand Control Ventilation.
    Kurt W. Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 91. July.

    No Time for Downtime: BACnet® Exceeds Needs at Mission Critical Data Center.
    Jeff Gollnick. P. B8. Nov.

    High-Tech Welcome Mat: BACnet® Greets Guests at Hotel.
    Randy Amborn. P. B12. Nov.

    BACnet® Simplifies Complex.
    Carl Bate. P. B14. Nov.

    BACnet® Goes to School.
    Hans Symanczik. P. B18. Nov.

    BACnet® Makes the Grade.
    Steve Tom. P. B20. Nov.

    Enemies at the Gates: Securing the BACnet® Building.
    David G. Holmberg. P. B24. Nov.

    Construction Forecast

    A Balancing Act for Airports.
    Timothy D. Aylor. P. 67. Sept.


    Control of Corrosion Under Insulation.
    Patrick J. Dunn, Richard Norsworthy. P. 32. March.


    Crawlspace Myths.
    Craig DeWitt. P. 20. Nov.


    The Cases For and Against Manual Volume Dampers.
    James T. 'Terry' Powell. P. 49. Sept.

    Data Centers

    Controls for Critical Cooling.
    Matt Lawrence. P. 32. Jan.

    Data Center Cooling.
    Edward C. Koplin. P. 46. March.

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.


    Being Size Wise: Residential Systems.
    Bradley Kurtz. P. 17. Jan.

    Archives—Analog to Digital: Preservation Requirements.
    Stefan Michalski. P. 25. Oct.

    Energy Efficiency

    Latent Performance of Unitary Equipment.
    Karim Amrane, Glenn C. Hourahan, Greg Potts. P. 28. Jan.

    System & Component Diagnostics.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 58. April.

    Improved Duct Sealing.
    Sephir D. Hamilton, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 64. May.

    Fuzzy Logic for Controls.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. K31. June.

    Estimating Demand & Efficiency.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 36. July.

    Demand Control Ventilation.
    Kurt W. Roth, John Dieckmann, James Brodrick. P. 91. July.

    Energy Efficiency for Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities.
    Ralph M. Cohen. P. 28. Aug.

    Air-To-Air Energy Recovery Heat Exchangers.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 57. Aug.

    Using Microenvironments to Provide Individual Comfort.
    Sephir D. Hamilton, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 65. Sept.

    Small Centrifugal Compressors.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 67. Oct.

    Dividends With Demand Response.
    Michael Kintner-Meyer, Charles Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Donna Pratt. P. 37. Oct.

    Saving Energy with Building Commissioning.
    Kurt W. Roth, Detlef Westphalen, James Brodrick. P. 65. Nov.

    Air-Cooled Chillers for Hot, Dry Climates.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 38. Dec.

    Kitchen Hoods Using Demand Ventilation.
    Stephen K. Melink. P. 22. Dec.

    Retrofitting Hot Water Supply in Hong Kong Luxury Hotel.
    Deng Shiming, Jiang Yiqiang. P. 52. Dec.

    Microchannel Heat Exchangers.
    Detlef Westphalen, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 107. Dec.


    Comparing R-290 with R-22 in Heat Pumps.
    Yunho Hwang, Amr Gado, Reinhard Radermacher. P. 40. Jan.

    Unique Steam Application.
    John J. Blank. P. 54. April.

    Estimating Demand & Efficiency.
    Steve Kavanaugh. P. 36. July.

    Dedicated Heat Recovery.
    Thomas H. Durkin, James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 18. Oct.


    Reducing Risks of Surgery.
    Farhad Memarzadeh, Andy Manning. P. 28. Feb.

    Room Pressure for Critical Environments.
    Brian Wiseman. P. 34. Feb.

    Ventilation for Odor Control.
    Gerhard W. Knutson. P. 36. April.

    Trends in Health-Care Design and Construction.
    Gretchen McComb, Randy Giggard. P. 100. Dec.


    Hierarchy of HVAC Needs.
    David L. Schwaller. P. 41. Aug.


    Understanding Expansion Tanks.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 24. March.

    Unique Steam Application.
    John J. Blank. P. 54. April.

    Using Wastewater for Cooling Tower Makeup: Laundry Water Recovery for Tower.
    Alexander S. Butkus, Shirish C. Maniar. P. 34. June.

    Chilled Water Plant Efficiency.
    Igor Dubov. P. 37. June.

    Advances in Steam Cooling.
    Ian Spanswick. P. 20. Sept.

    Dedicated Heat Recovery.
    Thomas H. Durkin, James B. (Burt) Rishel. P. 18. Oct.

    Air Washers: A New Look at a Vintage Technology.
    M. El-Morsi, S.A. Klein, D.T. Reindl. P. 32. Oct.

    Steam Pressure Reducing Stations.
    Roy Ahlgren. P. 37. Nov.

    Retrofitting Hot Water Supply in Hong Kong Luxury Hotel.
    Deng Shiming, Jiang Yiqiang. P. 52. Dec.

    Indoor Air Quality

    Reducing Risks of Surgery.
    Farhad Memarzadeh, Andy Manning. P. 28. Feb.

    Room Pressure for Critical Environments.
    Brian Wiseman. P. 34. Feb.

    Investigating IAQ on a Budget.
    Paul T. Garrison. P. 54. May.

    Designing for Smoking Rooms.
    L. Alevantis, J. Wagner, W. Fisk, D. Sullivan, D. Faulkner, L. Gundel, J. Waldman, P. Flessel. P. 26. July.

    Standard 62's Multiple Spaces Equation: For Design, Not Control.
    John Kettler. P. 20. Aug.


    The Effect of Makeup Air on Kitchen Hoods.
    Richard T. Swierczyna, Paul A. Sobiski. P. K18. June.

    Commissioning Kitchens: Making Sure the Equipment Fills the Bill.
    Steve Melink. P. K23. June.

    The Facts About Mechanical Grease Filters.
    Andrey Livchak, Derek Schrock, Matti Lehtimaki, Aimo Taipale. P. K14. June.

    Keeping Cooks in the Kitchen: Solving the Makeup Air Dilemma.
    Gerrit S. van Straten, Stephen L. Brown. P. K4. June.

    Predicting Energy Consumption.
    Donald Fisher. P. K8. June.

    Kitchen Hoods Using Demand Ventilation.
    Stephen K. Melink. P. 22. Dec.


    Managing in Difficult Economic Times.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz. P. 39. Jan.

    Calling It Quits.
    Mark Diamond. P. 46. Feb.

    Mold Litigation: On the Brink.
    Chris McDonald. P. 60. March.

    The Impact of Change Proposals.
    Michael C. Connor. P. 57. April.

    Value Engineering: Removing the Gold Plate.
    Richard A. Evans. P. 62. May.

    The Attorney/Client Relationship.
    Maralynne Flehner. P. 41. June.

    'I've Got a Secret!'
    Mick Gerhardt. P. 88. July.

    Legal Exposure in Design/Build Contracts.
    Michael C. Connor. P. 49. Aug.

    Payment Bonds and Mediation Evidence.
    Dale Elizabeth Walker. P. 57. Sept.

    Avoiding Scope Creep Protects the Bottom Line.
    Lynn G. Bellenger. P. 58. Oct.

    The Attorney/Client Relationship — Part II.
    Maralynne Flehner. P. 54. Nov.


    Being Size Wise: Residential Systems.
    Bradley Kurtz. P. 17. Jan.

    Latent Performance of Unitary Equipment.
    Karim Amrane, Glenn C. Hourahan, Greg Potts. P. 28. Jan.

    Air-to-Air Exchangers.
    Robert Besant, Carey Simonson. P. 42. April.

    Cool & Dry: Dual-Path Approach for a Florida School.
    Mukesh Khattar, Don Shirey, Richard Raustad. P. 58. May

    Report Card on Humidity Control: Failing Grade for Many Schools.
    John C. Fischer, Charlene Bayer. P. 30. May.

    Archives—Analog to Digital: Preservation Requirements.
    Stefan Michalski. P. 25. Oct.


    pdf_icon.png Sound in the Classroom: Why Children Need Quiet.
    Peggy B. Nelson. P. 22. Feb.

    ANSI Standard: Complying With Background Noise Limits.
    Mark E. Schaffer. P. 26. Feb.

    ARI's Views on ANSI S12.60-2002.
    Michele Darbeau. P. 27. Feb.

    Predicting HVAC Noise Outdoors.
    Neil Moiseev. P. 28. April.

    Controlling Noise from HVAC Systems.
    Robert S. Jones
    . P. 28. Sept.

    Duct Liner Materials & Acoustics.
    John B. Gierzak. P. 46. Dec.


    Understanding Expansion Tanks.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 24. March.

    Control of Corrosion Under Insulation.
    Patrick J. Dunn, Richard Norsworthy. P. 32. March.

    Solving for Friction Factor.
    Thomas G. Lester. P. 41. July.

    Steam Pressure Reducing Stations.
    Roy Ahlgren. P. 37. Nov.


    Understanding Expansion Tanks.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 24. March.

    Centrifugal Pumps In Liquid Recirculation Refrigeration Systems.
    Rick VanSeters. P. 35. Aug.


    Comparing R-290 with R-22 in Heat Pumps.
    Yunho Hwang, Amr Gado, Reinhard Radermacher. P. 40. Jan.

    Vapor-Injected Scroll Compressors.
    Warren L. Beeton, Hung M. Pham. P. 22. April.

    Efficiency of R-717 and R-22 Systems.
    George C. Briley. P.87. July.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 2.
    George C. Briley. P. 53. Aug.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 3.
    George C. Briley. P. 58. Sept.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 4.
    George C. Briley. P. 60. Oct.

    Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 5.
    George C. Briley. P. 58. Nov.

    CO2 Making Comeback.
    George C. Briley. P. 104. Dec.


    Refrigeration in Large Breweries.
    George C. Briley. P. 49. Feb.

    Refrigeration for Mine Shafts.
    George C. Briley. P. 61. March.

    Vapor-Injected Scroll Compressors.
    Warren L. Beeton, Hung M. Pham. P. 22. April.

    Increasing Operating Efficiency.
    George C. Briley. P. 73. May.

    Energy Conservation in Industrial Systems.
    George C. Briley. P. 46. June.

    CO2 Making Comeback.
    George C. Briley. P. 104. Dec.


    Sound in the Classroom: Why Children Need Quiet.
    Peggy B. Nelson. P. 22. Feb.

    ANSI Standard: Complying With Background Noise Limits.
    Mark E. Schaffer. P. 26. Feb.

    ARI's Views on ANSI S12.60-2002.
    Michele Darbeau. P. 27. Feb.

    The ABCs of DOAS: Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems.
    Wayne Morris. P. 24. May.

    Report Card on Humidity Control: Failing Grade for Many Schools.
    John C. Fischer, Charlene Bayer. P. 30. May.

    Solving the O&M Equation.
    Robert Flach, Chad B. Dorgan. P. 40. May.

    Educating the Engineer.
    Melanie Wallace, Mack Wallace. P. 46. May.

    Ice Thermal Storage for Colorado School.
    Michael D. Haughey. P. 50. May.

    Investigating IAQ on a Budget.
    Paul T. Garrison. P. 54. May.

    Cool & Dry: Dual-Path Approach for a Florida School.
    Mukesh Khattar, Don Shirey, Richard Raustad. P. 58. May

    BACnet® Goes to School.
    Hans Symanczik. P. B18. Nov.

    BACnet® Makes the Grade.
    Steve Tom. P. B20. Nov.

    Air-Cooled Chillers for Hot, Dry Climates.
    Ronald H. Howell, Donald W. Land, Elton Dale Scheideman. P. 38. Dec.


    Playing with Fire: Understanding Human Behavior in Burning Buildings.
    Guylène Proulx. P. 33. July.

    System Sizing

    Being Size Wise: Residential Systems.
    Bradley Kurtz. P. 17. Jan.

    Thermal Storage

    Cool & Dry: Dual-Path Approach for a Florida School.
    Mukesh Khattar, Don Shirey, Richard Raustad. P. 58. May

    Ice Thermal Storage for Colorado School.
    Michael D. Haughey. P. 50. May.

    Thermal Energy Storage Myths.
    Mark M. MacCracken. P. 36. Sept.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.

    Underfloor & Displacement: Why They're Not the Same.
    Geoff McDonell. P. 18. July.

    Underfloor & Overhead Ductless VAV Systems.
    Joseph M. Halza. P. 43. Nov.

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.

    Variable Air Volume

    Improving VAV Zone Control.
    Thomas Hartman. P. 24. June.

    Underfloor & Overhead Ductless VAV Systems.
    Joseph M. Halza. P. 43. Nov.


    Reducing Risks of Surgery.
    Farhad Memarzadeh, Andy Manning. P. 28. Feb.

    Room Pressure for Critical Environments.
    Brian Wiseman. P. 34. Feb.

    New Guideline for Data Center Cooling.
    Don Beaty, Tom Davidson. P. 28. Dec.

    Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems.
    John Dieckmann, Kurt W. Roth, James Brodrick. P. 58. March.

    Ventilation for Odor Control.
    Gerhard W. Knutson. P. 36. April.

    Air-to-Air Exchangers.
    Robert Besant, Carey Simonson. P. 42. April.

    Report Card on Humidity Control.
    John C. Fischer, Charlene Bayer. P. 30. May.

    The ABCs of DOAS: Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems.
    Wayne Morris. P. 24. May.

    Keeping Cooks in the Kitchen: Solving the Makeup Air Dilemma.
    Gerrit S. van Straten, Stephen L. Brown. P. K4. June.

    Predicting Energy Consumption.
    Donald Fisher. P. K8. June.

    The Effect of Makeup Air on Kitchen Hoods.
    Richard T. Swierczyna, Paul A. Sobiski. P. K18. June.

    Designing for Smoking Rooms.
    L. Alevantis, J. Wagner, W. Fisk, D. Sullivan, D. Faulkner, L. Gundel, J. Waldman, P. Flessel. P. 26. July.

    Standard 62's Multiple Spaces Equation: For Design, Not Control.
    John Kettler. P. 20. Aug.

    Archives—Analog to Digital: Preservation Requirements.
    Stefan Michalski. P. 25. Oct.

    Crawlspace Myths.
    Craig DeWitt. P. 20. Nov.

    Ventilation and Air Leakage.
    Andrew C. Äsk. P. 28. Nov.

    Underfloor & Overhead Ductless VAV Systems.
    Joseph M. Halza. P. 43. Nov.

    Duct Liner Materials & Acoustics.
    John B. Gierzak. P. 46. Dec.

  • ASHRAE Journal Article Index 2002

    Air Conditioning

    Limitations of SEER for Measuring Efficiency.
    Steve P. Kavanaugh. P. 27. July.

    New Developments in Gas Cooling.
    William Ryan. P. 23. April.

    Selecting the Right HVAC System.
    David M. Elovitz. P. 24. Jan.

    Separating the V in HVAC: A Dual-Path Approach.
    Mukesh K. Khattar, Michael J. Brandemuehl. P. 37. May.


    Carbon-Dioxide Based Refrigerant Systems.
    Charles R. Taylor. P. 22. Sept.

    New Developments in Gas Cooling.
    William Ryan. P. 23. April.


    BACnet Goes to College.
    Jonathan P. Fulton. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 20. Oct.

    BACnet Today.
    Steven T. Bushby, H. Michael Newman. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 10. Oct.

    BACnet's Success in Germany.
    Karl Leber. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal P. 30. Oct.

    Banking on BACnet.
    Randy Amborn. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 40. Oct.

    Government Connections.
    Michael R. DeNamur. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 42. Oct.

    Mission Critical Real Estate.
    Clair Jenkins, Kirk Anderson. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 26. Oct.

    New Tools for Specifying BACnet.
    Steven T. Bushby. P. 33. March.

    Shanghai Technology Museum.
    Steve Tom. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 36. Oct.


    A Primer on Protecting Idle Boilers.
    Howard Benisvy. P. 30. Dec.

    Building Envelope

    Moisture Control for Buildings.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 36. Feb.

    Unplanned Airflows and Moisture Problems.
    Terry Brennan, James B. Cummings, Joseph Lstiburek. P. 44. Nov.


    Application Fundamentals of Ice- Based Thermal Storage.
    Brian Silvetti. P. 30. Feb.

    Economic Analysis of Hybrid Chiller Plants.
    Brian Smith. P. 42. July.

    Lake-Source Cooling.
    Tim Peer, W.S. Joyce. P. 37. April.

    Primary-Only vs. Primary-Secondary Variable Flow Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 25. Feb.

    Selecting the Right HVAC System.
    David M. Elovitz. P. 24. Jan.

    Series-Series Counterflow for Central Chilled Water Plants.
    Steve Groenke, Mick Schwedler. P. 23. June.

    Sizing Replacement Chiller Plants.
    Deng Shiming. P. 47. June.


    Economics of Cogeneration.
    William Ryan. P. 34. Oct.


    Assessing CO2 Control in Retrofits.
    Mike Schell, Doug Smith. P. 34. Nov.

    BACnet Goes to College.
    Jonathan P. Fulton. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 20. Oct.

    BACnet Today.
    Steven T. Bushby, H. Michael Newman. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 10. Oct.

    BACnet's Success in Germany.
    Karl Leber. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal P. 30. Oct.

    Banking on BACnet.
    Randy Amborn. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 40. Oct.

    Do Averaging Sensors Average?
    Gil Avery. P. 42. Dec.

    Government Connections.
    Michael R. DeNamur. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 42. Oct.

    Mission Critical Real Estate.
    Clair Jenkins, Kirk Anderson. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 26. Oct.

    New Tools for Specifying BACnet.
    Steven T. Bushby. P. 33. March.

    Selecting the Right HVAC System.
    David M. Elovitz. P. 24. Jan.

    Shanghai Technology Museum.
    Steve Tom. BACnet Today: A Supplement to ASHRAE Journal. P. 36. Oct.


    Dehumidification Equipment Advances.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, James Judge. P. 22. Aug.

    Dehumidification Performance of HVAC Systems.
    John Murphy. P. 23. March.

    Preventing Mold by Keeping New Construction Dry.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, Donald Schnell, Mark Fowler. P. 28. Sept.

    Residential Ventilation and Latent Loads.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 18. April.

    Energy Conservation

    A Green Building on Campus.
    Mark Rosenbaum. P. 41. Jan.

    Application Fundamentals of Ice- Based Thermal Storage.
    Brian Silvetti. P. 30. Feb.

    Assessing CO2 Control in Retrofits.
    Mike Schell, Doug Smith. P. 34. Nov.

    pdf_icon.png Lake-Source Cooling.
    Tim Peer, W.S. Joyce. P. 37. April.


    Laboratory Low-Pressure Drop Design.
    John Weale, Peter H. Rumsey, Dale Sartor, Lee Eng Lock. P. 38. Aug.

    New Rules for Kitchen Exhaust.
    William D. Gerstler. P. 26. Nov.

    Specifying Exhaust and Intake Systems.
    Ronald L. Petersen, Brad C. Cochran, John J. Carter. P. 30. Aug.


    Limitations of SEER for Measuring Efficiency.
    Steve P. Kavanaugh. P. 27. July.

    Selecting the Right HVAC System.
    David M. Elovitz. P. 24. Jan.

    Indoor Air Quality

    A Green Building on Campus.
    Mark Rosenbaum. P. 41. Jan.

    Cold Air Supply with 100% Outdoor Air Units.
    Abdel Kader Darwiche. P. 35. Sept.

    Daylighting and Human Performance.
    Lisa Heschong. P. 65. June.

    Defensive Filtration.
    James D. Miller. P. 18. Dec.

    Dehumidification Performance of HVAC Systems.
    John Murphy. P. 23. March.

    ETS in Restaurants.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz, David Gordon, Daniel J. Cashman. P. 41. Oct.

    The Fundamentals of Fungi.
    Sarah Armstrong, Jane Liaw. P. 18. Nov.

    How IEQ Affects Health, Productivity.
    William J. Fisk. P. 56. May.

    HVAC Characteristics and Occupant Health.
    W.K. Sieber, M.R. Petersen, L.T. Stayner, R. Malkin, M.J. Mendell, K.M. Wallingford, T.G. Wilcox, M.S. Crandall, L. Reed. P. 49. Sept.

    IEQ and the Impact on Building Occupants.
    Satish Kumar, William J. Fisk. P. 50. April.

    IEQ and the Impact on Employee Sick Leave.
    Satish Kumar, William J. Fisk. P. 97. July.

    Preventing Mold by Keeping New Construction Dry.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, Donald Schnell, Mark Fowler. P. 28. Sept.

    Separating the V in HVAC: A Dual-Path Approach.
    Mukesh K. Khattar, Michael J. Brandemuehl. P. 37. May.

    Ventilation Rates and Health.
    Olli Seppänen, William J. Fisk, Mark J. Mendell. P. 56. Aug.


    'Oh No! I've Been Served.'
    Charles R. Foster, Paul J. Halyard. P. 50. May.

    Mark Diamond. P. 92. July.

    Choosing a Business Structure.
    Cynthia A. Callaway, Duane A. Wolf, Daniel Kramer. P. 42. April.

    Clause for Concern: Common Construction Contract Provisions.
    Richard J. Tyler. P. 42. Feb.

    Contract Law Principles.
    Richard J. Tyler. P. 20. Jan.

    Fair Warranty Requirements.
    Michael R. Bilderbeck. P. 98. Dec.

    Licensing in Multiple Jurisdictions.
    Duane A. Wolf. P. 66. Nov.

    Mediation: Opportunities and Pitfalls.
    P. Kevin Castel. P. 54. Sept.

    Protecting Yourself from Risk—Consequential Damages.
    Mitchell Swann, Maralynne Flehner. P. 65. Oct.

    Respect Construction Specifications.
    Fred Kohloss. P. 50. June.

    Why (Not) Patents?
    Daniel Kramer. P. 45. Aug.


    Dehumidification Equipment Advances.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, James Judge. P. 22. Aug.

    The Fundamentals of Fungi.
    Sarah Armstrong, Jane Liaw. P. 18. Nov.

    Investigating and Diagnosing Moisture Problems.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 36. Dec.

    Moisture Control for Buildings.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 36. Feb.

    Moisture in Buildings.
    John F. Straube. P. 15. Jan.

    Overview of Psychrometrics.
    S.A. Sherif. P. 33. July.

    Preventing Mold by Keeping New Construction Dry.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, Donald Schnell, Mark Fowler. P. 28. Sept.

    Residential Ventilation and Latent Loads.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 18. April.

    Unplanned Airflows and Moisture Problems.
    Terry Brennan, James B. Cummings, Joseph Lstiburek. P. 44. Nov.

    Venting of Attics and Cathedral Ceilings.
    William B. Rose, Anton TenWolde. P. 26. Oct.


    Accessing Rooftop Refrigeration Systems.
    Rudy Stegmann. P. 40. March.

    Calculating Pressure Drops in Piping Systems.
    Thomas G. Lester. P. 41. Sept.

    Lake-Source Cooling.
    Tim Peer, W.S. Joyce. P. 37. April.


    Balancing Variable Flow Hydronic Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein. P. 17. Oct.

    Lake-Source Cooling.
    Tim Peer, W.S. Joyce. P. 37. April.

    Primary-Only vs. Primary-Secondary Variable Flow Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 25. Feb.

    Series-Series Counterflow for Central Chilled Water Plants.
    Steve Groenke, Mick Schwedler. P. 23. June.


    A Guide to Retrofitting Supermarket Systems.
    Edward Divita, Paul Oppenheim. P. 31. Jan.

    Carbon-Dioxide Based Refrigerant Systems.
    Charles R. Taylor. P. 22. Sept.

    New Developments in Gas Cooling.
    William Ryan. P. 23. April.

    Sizing Replacement Chiller Plants.
    Deng Shiming. P. 47. June.


    A Guide to Retrofitting Supermarket Systems.
    Edward Divita, Paul Oppenheim. P. 31. Jan.

    Blast Freezing.
    George C. Briley. P. 99. July.

    Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables.
    George C. Briley. P. 72. Oct.

    Hydrocooling Fruits and Vegetables.
    George C. Briley. P. 60. Sept.

    Industrial Automatic Icemaker.
    George C. Briley. P. 61. June.

    Liquid Freezing and Chilling Systems.
    George C. Briley. P. 49. Aug.

    Moisture Loss During Freezing.
    George C. Briley. P. 68. Nov.

    Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers.
    George C. Briley. P. 52. May.

    Spiral Freezing and Cooling: Producing Frozen Food.
    George C. Briley. P. 56. March.

    Variable Retention Time Freezers.
    George C. Briley. P. 49. April.


    An Overview to Designing Smoke-Control Systems.
    Chas E. Magdanz. P. 32. June.

    Thermal Storage

    Application Fundamentals of Ice- Based Thermal Storage.
    Brian Silvetti. P. 30. Feb.

    Underfloor Air Distribution

    Underfloor Air Distribution: Lessons Learned.
    Allan Daly. P. 21. May.

    Underfloor Air Distribution: Thermal Stratification.
    Tom Webster, Fred Bauman, Jim Reese. P. 28. May.

    Variable Air Volume

    Laboratory Low-Pressure Drop Design.
    John Weale, Peter H. Rumsey, Dale Sartor, Lee Eng Lock. P. 38. Aug.

    Minimum Outside Air Damper Control.
    Larry Felker. P. 30. April.

    Separating the V in HVAC: A Dual-Path Approach.
    Mukesh K. Khattar, Michael J. Brandemuehl. P. 37. May.


    Accessing Rooftop Refrigeration Systems.
    Rudy Stegmann. P. 40. March.

    Balancing Variable Flow Hydronic Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor, Jeff Stein. P. 17. Oct.

    Primary-Only vs. Primary-Secondary Variable Flow Systems.
    Steven T. Taylor. P. 25. Feb.


    Assessing CO2 Control in Retrofits.
    Mike Schell, Doug Smith. P. 34. Nov.

    Cold Air Supply with 100% Outdoor Air Units.
    Abdel Kader Darwiche. P. 35. Sept.

    Dehumidification Equipment Advances.
    Lewis G. Harriman III, James Judge. P. 22. Aug.

    Dehumidification Performance of HVAC Systems.
    John Murphy. P. 23. March.

    Duct Design Issues: Innovative Preheating of Outside Air.
    William F. Albern. P. 48. May.

    ETS in Restaurants.
    Kenneth M. Elovitz, David Gordon, Daniel J. Cashman. P. 41. Oct.

    Indoor Shooting Range.
    A. Boyd Morgenthaler, David F. Shumway. P. 44. Dec.

    Laboratory Low-Pressure Drop Design.
    John Weale, Peter H. Rumsey, Dale Sartor, Lee Eng Lock. P. 38. Aug.

    Minimum Outside Air Damper Control.
    Larry Felker. P. 30. April.

    Residential Ventilation and Latent Loads.
    Joseph Lstiburek. P. 18. April.

    Selecting the Right HVAC System.
    David M. Elovitz. P. 24. Jan.

    Separating the V in HVAC: A Dual-Path Approach.
    Mukesh K. Khattar, Michael J. Brandemuehl. P. 37. May.

    Underfloor Air Distribution: Lessons Learned.
    Allan Daly. P. 21. May.

    Underfloor Air Distribution: Thermal Stratification.
    Tom Webster, Fred Bauman, Jim Reese. P. 28. May.

    Venting of Attics and Cathedral Ceilings.
    William B. Rose, Anton TenWolde. P. 26. Oct.

    Water Treatment

    Benefits of Clean Water for Cooling Towers.
    Kenneth Latzer. P. 44. Sept.


    Pros and Cons of Wirelesss.
    Michael Kintner-Meyer and Michael R. Brambley. P. 54. Nov.
