Good design requires addressing and balancing a variety of competing goals. In addition to improving the built environment through its technical standards and guidelines, ASHRAE also offers specialized design guides as readable, relatable and easy to implement companion texts for a variety of topics commonly faced by consulting engineers, designers and facility managers.
Real-world guidance from real experts—ASHRAE Design Guides
- For AC Systems—Air-Conditioning System Design Manual, 3rd Ed.
- For Active Solar Heating—Active Solar Heating Systems Design Manual
- For Air Terminal Units—ASHRAE Design Guide for Air Terminal Units: Selection, Application, Control, and Commissioning
- For Ceiling Air Diffusion—Designer's Guide to Ceiling-Based Air Diffusion
- For Chilled Beams—Active And Passive Beam Application Design Guide
- For Cleanrooms—ASHRAE Design Guide for Cleanrooms: Fundamentals, Systems, and Performance
- For Cold Air Distribution—Cold Air Distribution System Design Guide
- For Cold Climates—Cold-Climate Buildings Design Guide, Second Edition
- For Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling—ASHRAE Design Guide for Combustion Inlet Turbine Cooling, 2nd Ed.
- For Combined Heat and Power—Combined Heat and Power Design Guide
- For Commercial Kitchen Ventilation—ASHRAE Design Guide for Commercial Kitchen Ventilation: Best Practices for Design and Operation
- For Cool Thermal Storage—ASHRAE Design Guide for Cool Thermal Storage, 2nd Ed.
- For Displacement Ventilation—System Performance Evaluation and Design Guidelines for Displacement Ventilation
- For District Cooling Systems—District Cooling Guide, 2nd Ed., and Owner’s Guide for Buildings Served by District Cooling
- For District Heating Systems—District Heating Guide
- For District Hot Water Systems—District/Central Solar Hot Water Systems Design Guide
- For DOAS—ASHRAE Design Guide for Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems
- For Duct Systems—Duct Systems Design Guide
- For Energy Savings—Advanced Energy Design Guides
- For Geothermal Systems—Geothermal Heating and Cooling: Design of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems
- For Hospitals and Clinics—HVAC Design Manual for Hospitals and Clinics, 2nd ed.
- For Hot and Humid Climates—ASHRAE Guide for Buildings in Hot and Humid Climates, 2nd Ed.
- For Humidity Control—Humidity Control Design Guide for Commercial and Institutional Buildings
- For Integrating Building Systems—ASHRAE GreenGuide: Design, Construction, and Operation of Sustainable Buildings
- For Laboratories—ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide: Planning and Operation of Laboratory HVAC Systems, 2nd Ed.
- For Multifamily Buildings—ASHRAE Design Guide for Low- to Mid-Rise Multifamily Residential Buildings
- For Natural Ventilation—ASHRAE Design Guide for Natural Ventilation
- For Nuclear Facility HVAC Systems—Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Design Guide for Department of Energy Nuclear Facilities, Second Edition
- For O&M—Designing for Operational Excellence - Intentional Design for Effective O&M
- For Passive Solar Heating—Passive Solar Heating Analysis - A Design Manual
- For Tall Buildings—ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall, Supertall, and Megatall Building Systems 2nd Ed.
For Air Terminal Units
ASHRAE Design Guide for Air Terminal Units: Selection, Application, Control, and Commissioning
ASHRAE Design Guide for Air Terminal Units provides detailed guidance for selection, application, control, and commissioning of a common element in all-air HVAC systems--the air terminal unit (ATU). It was written with a view toward current codes, standards, and design practices and is intended to aid design engineers in sizing units while maximizing occupant comfort and energy efficiency.
For Cleanrooms
ASHRAE Design Guide for Cleanrooms: Fundamentals, Systems, and Performance
This design guide is divided into four parts: Cleanroom Fundamentals; Cleanroom Design and Environmental Control Systems; Cleanroom Testing, Certification, Commissioning, and Qualification; and Cleanroom Design in Select Industries, and is written to be immidiately applicable by designers, builders, owners, and operators of cleanrooms and advance HVAC engineering practices.
For Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling
ASHRAE Design Guide for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling, Second Edition
Expanding on the first edition published in 1999, ASHRAE Design Guide for Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling reflects the progress in the combustion turbine inlet cooling (CTIC) field in the last two decades. This major update includes discussions of several new technologies, detailed calculation examples for many CT technologies; a CTIC system analysis tool; in-depth, recent CTIC case studies performed in the United States; and much more. Written by industry experts, this guide will be useful to a wide range of engineers: from providing training to personnel unfamiliar with CTIC technology to aiding seasoned CTIC users in evaluating the merits of different CTIC technologies.
ASHRAE Design Guide for Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems
Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) are growing in popularity, but are still a relatively new technology. ASHRAE Design Guide for Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems offers comprehensive guidance from industry experts to simplify DOAS design, installation, operation, and management. Guided by the information in this book, HVAC system designers will be able to optimally incorporate DOASs into their projects.
Available in English (2nd ed) or Spanish (1st ed.)
For Geothermal Systems
Geothermal Heating and Cooling: Design of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems
Geothermal Heating and Cooling is a complete revision of Ground-Source Heat Pumps: Design of Geothermal Systems for Commercial and Institutional Buildings, which is recognized as the primary reference for nonresidential ground-source heat pump (GSHP) installations. This new work takes advantage of the many lessons learned since the time of the original publication, when GSHPs were primarily residential applications.
For Integrating Building Systems
ASHRAE GreenGuide: Design, Construction, and Operation of Sustainable Buildings
This new edition of ASHRAE GreenGuide is an easy-to-use reference with information on almost any subject that should be considered in green-building design. GreenTips highlight techniques, processes, measures, or special systems in a concise format, and references and resources mentioned are listed at the end of each chapter for easy access.
Available in English (6th ed) or Portuguese (5th ed.)
For Laboratories
ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide: Planning and Operation of Laboratory HVAC Systems, 2nd ed.
This second edition of ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide is a comprehensive reference manual for the planning, design, and operation of laboratories. It gives engineers, owners, and system operators the design and control strategies they need to reduce the laboratory's energy footprint while ensuring safety, providing good comfort and indoor air quality, and protecting the integrity of laboratory experiments.
For Natural Ventilation
ASHRAE Design Guide for Natural Ventilation
ASHRAE Design Guide for Natural Ventilation assists engineers, architects, building owners, facilities personnel, and building design professionals in exploring the feasibility of natural ventilation for their projects during the early phases of design as a way to encourage designing energy-efficient naturally ventilated buildings.
For Tall Buildings
ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall, Supertall, and Megatall Building Systems 2nd Ed.
Expanded since ASHRAE's previous guide on the topic in 2004, this new design guide covers not only tall buildings (taller than 300 ft [91m]) but now also addresses supertall (taller than 984 ft [300 m]) and megatall (taller than 1968 ft [600 m]) buildings, with a broadened scope and updated content that reflects current standards and industry practices.