Introduction | General Recommendations | Building Readiness | COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan | HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Systems | Overview of System Types and Strategies | No Space Conditioning and No Mechanical Ventilation | No Central Air: Unit Ventilators | No Central Air: Other Heating/Cooling Systems | Systems With Central Air and No Mechanical Ventilation | Systems With Central Air and Mechanical Ventilation
The recommendations contained here are based the expertise and experiences of collected individuals in the HVAC&R related fields. Building owners, community leaders, and engineers should also consult CDC, EPA, community-of-faith guidance at state and national levels, and other cognizant guidelines not specifically discussed in order to complete a preparedness plan.
→ Such items include, but not limited to cleaning and disinfecting, PPE to protect workers and worshippers, social distancing, service schedules, and engineered controls to limit the transmission of airborne infectious diseases.

Generally, this guidance applies to all infectious diseases.
General Recommendations: | Return to Top
Conducting worship services under epidemic conditions requires an awareness of possible viral transmission and movement toward a new “normal” operation after the public health emergency has ended.
This document contains guidance that can be followed to reduce exposure to SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Refer to ASHRAE Building Readiness for COVID-19 Reopening, make sure the community of faith buildings and surroundings are ready.
Each function and service should be evaluated separately, including but not limited to religious services and education, funerals, weddings, coffee/greeting events, choir services, and events.
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan | Return to Top
Develop an epidemic plan that can help guide protective actions against COVID-19. This plan should be reviewed and updated regularly. Follow relevant CDC, EPA, OSHA, city, state, and federal guidelines in developing the plan.
- Establish a communication protocol and continuity of operations plan.
- Communicate risks and precautions being taken with occupants.
- Consider keeping log of those attending worship services for possible contact tracing.
- Ensure physical distancing for all spaces. Provide staff with:
- PPE per CDC and OSHA requirements.
- Training on the proper use and disposal of PPE and waste.
- Training on infection prevention and control measures.
- Instruction to staff to stay at home if they are feeling sick.
The following activities can increase the transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2. Avoid these activities:

- Solo and group singing/chanting during worship services.
- Sharing a microphone.
- Sharing of worship materials, such as books, bulletins, and specific appointments of special rituals and services.
- Using a confessional; make plans to use larger space with better air flow.
- Sharing prayer rugs or mats.
- Face-to-face money collection. Instead consider collection by mail or the internet.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Systems | Return to Top
- Identify HVAC system characteristics. Compile and review operation and maintenance manuals and schedules.
- Verify HVAC systems are well maintained and operating as intended. For maintenance, follow the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 180 - 2018, Standard Practice for the Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial HVAC Systems.
- Consider PPE when maintaining HVAC systems including filters, coils, and drain pans.
- Operate your HVAC systems, if present, with system fan set to run continuously when building is occupied for services or cleaning.
- Operate the system for a time required to achieve three equivalent air changes of outdoor air (effect of outdoor air, filtration, and air cleaners) before the first daily occupancy and between occupied periods, if appropriate. Three equivalent air changes can be calculated using the Building Readiness Guide.
- Operate toilet exhaust fans during occupied hours and during cleaning.
- Operate toilet exhaust fans for a period prior to occupancy.
- Evaluate building occupied hours, adjust as necessary (consider multiple services to allow for appropriate physical distancing).

- Maintain indoor temperatures within the comfort ranges indicated in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2017.
- Create, plan for, and document "Epidemic Mode” operation that can be turned on, shut down, or overridden, if needed, by manual or automatic selection.
Overview of System Types and Strategies | Return to Top

*See ASHRAE Filtration & Disinfection
No space conditioning and no mechanical ventilation | Return to Top
- In buildings with operable windows, when outside air temperature and humidity conditions and outdoor air quality are acceptable, open windows preferably on multiple sides of rooms, where appropriate, during occupied hours. Use box or pedestal fans for better air flow.
- Exposure to seasonal and other outdoor allergens (pollen and mold spores) may occur with windows opened. Consider adding screens on windows to control insects.

- Install and operate ceiling level extraction fans (roof mounted or ducted) along with open windows on all sides to facilitate ventilation air flow through the occupied zones to the exhaust duct or opening.
- Promote mixing of room air without causing strong air currents that increase direct transmission from person-to-person.
- Consider upper-room UV-C, such as wall-mounted units or UV-C equipped ceiling fans in rooms of worship. Operate during occupied hours.
- Consider portable or local air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.
No Central Air: Unit ventilators | Return to Top
- Consider upper-room UV-C, such as wall-mounted units or UV-C equipped ceiling fans in rooms of worship. Operate during occupied hours.
- Consider portable or local air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.

- Outside air for ventilation should be set to at least the required minimum outdoor air flow rates for ventilation as specified by applicable standards.
- If there are significant energy impacts, use minimum outside air as required by ASHRAE Standard 62.1 with MERV-13 filter minimum.
No central air: Other heating/cooling systems | Return to Top
(boilers, radiators, electric resistance, split-type units, and window air conditioning units)
- In buildings with operable windows, when outside air temperature and humidity conditions and outdoor air quality are acceptable, open windows preferably on multiple sides of rooms, where appropriate, during occupied hours. Use box or pedestal fans for better air flow. Consider this strategy even when heating/cooling systems are in operation.

- Exposure to seasonal and other outdoor allergens (pollen and mold spores) may occur with windows opened. Consider adding screens on windows to control insects.
- Install and operate ceiling level extraction fans (roof mounted or ducted) along with open windows on all sides to facilitate ventilation air flow through the occupied zones to the exhaust duct or opening.
- Consider upper-room UV-C, such as wall-mounted units or UV-C equipped ceiling fans in rooms of worship. Operate during occupied hours.
- Consider portable or local air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.

Systems with central air and no mechanical ventilation | Return to Top
- In buildings with operable windows, when outside air temperature and humidity conditions and outdoor air quality are acceptable, open windows preferably on multiple sides of rooms, where appropriate, during occupied hours. Use box or pedestal fans for better air flow. Consider this strategy even when heating/cooling systems are in operation.
- Exposure to seasonal and other outdoor allergens (pollen and mold spores) may occur with windows opened. Consider adding screens on windows to control insects.
- Install and operate ceiling level extraction fans (roof mounted or ducted) along with open windows on all sides to facilitate ventilation air flow through the occupied zones to the exhaust duct or opening.
- Consider upper-room UV-C, such as wall-mounted units or UV-C equipped ceiling fans in rooms of worship. Operate during occupied hours.
- Consider portable or local air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices. See “In-Room or Portable Air Cleaners” for more information.
- Provide maximum filter efficiency that the unit can handle, aim for at least MERV 13.
- If the unit cannot handle MERV 13 or better, then run the fans and put in portable or local air cleaner units equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.
- Avoid the use of ozone-generating air-cleaning devices by following the advice in the “ASHRAE Position Document on Filtration and Air Cleaning”.
Systems with central air and mechanical ventilation | Return to Top
- Outdoor air for ventilation should be set to provide the minimum outdoor air as required by ASHRAE 62.1 or code. Consider the use of additional outdoor air to enhance dilution in the space.
- Provide maximum filter efficiency that the unit can handle, aim for MERV 13.
- If the unit can not handle high filter efficiency, then run the fans and put in portable or local air cleaner units equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.
- Avoid the use of ozone-generating air-cleaning devices by following the advice in the “ASHRAE Position Document on Filtration and Air Cleaning”.
- Consider upper-room UV-C, such as wall-mounted units or UV-C equipped ceiling fans in rooms of worship. Operate during occupied hours.
- Consider portable or local air cleaners equipped with HEPA filtration and/or UV-C disinfection in common spaces such as meeting rooms, sanctuaries, and offices.
- Use minimum outdoor air as required by ASHRAE standard 62.1 with MERV-13 filtration as minimum. Consider energy the impacts of this strategy.
- Consider opening windows to increase outdoor air, especially when the system cannot achieve minimum code air flow rate or use MERV-13 filters.