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The materials below are free to you as an ASHRAE member for use in membership promotion. Simply use the request form linked from this page to let Headquarters know which materials you'd like to use.

In order to promote sustainability, ASHRAE asks you to limit your request to 25 of each item and encourages you to please pass along brochures to your colleagues rather than recycling them after one use. Request Resources Here

Membership Applications

Please visit the ‘How to Join’ page to learn more about ASHRAE membership and submit your application.



Publications Catalog – this catalog provides an overview of new and featured ASHRAE publications available for purchase at the ASHRAE Bookstore. Shop now


ASHRAE Certification this brochure includes a brief description and accreditation for 7 certifications. Discover the value of being ASHRAE certified and how to apply, obtain, and renew your certification. Apply today

Membership Benefits Brochure_no crop-232x150.jpg

pdf_icon.png Membership Benefits – this brochure is great for chapter meetings, or if you are going to visit a prospect. It tells a potential member what ASHRAE is about and how involvement in the organization can help them. This would also be great to give to an employer of a prospective member.


pdf_icon.png Young Engineers (YEA) – this brochure highlights the benefits of ASHRAE for a young professional member and provides bios of several young active members. This is great to give to a prospective young professional or an employer of a prospective young member.

Other Free Resources for Members

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