A: Ventilation effectiveness of laboratory HVAC systems can be evaluated by the following tools. These are listed in the order of complexity and comprehensiveness of the results.
1. Bulk flow Analysis
This technique assumes “well-mixed” conditions in a lab space. Dilution equations either in a steady-state or in transient format can be employed to estimate the extent of dilution by computing an average well-mixed concentration of contaminants. A simple spreadsheet can be developed for this analysis or by running the NIST CONTAM model. This is a zero-dimensional analysis, and hence, cannot predict spatial and temporal variations of contaminant concentration and resulting exposure of occupants. This technique can be used for existing facilities as well as for new conceptual designs. This can be used for rough estimation of dilution.
2. Smoke Visualization
Airflow Visualization Tests are conducted by generating a visible plume of smoke or other aerosol to observe airflow patterns in the vicinity of the source. However, such visualization is subject to the tracer release location, tracer properties, release rate and techniques employed for release of the tracer/smoke. Though such technique can provide visualization of airflow movement in space, it cannot provide any qualitative information on the potential distribution of contaminants. Also, how the space is lit, and the perspective taken by the observer, can highly influence the results. This technique is useful only for the existing facilities.
3. Tracer Gas Analysis
Air tracer techniques can be employed for the existing facilities to challenge ventilation systems and evaluate their ability to dilute and remove aerosolized pathogens. Ventilation Effectiveness Tests that employ air tracer tests can be used to measure accumulation and decay of concentration at certain discrete points in a space under the prevailing operating conditions. Air Tracer Tests involve generation of gases and particulates to simulate contaminant emissions and sensors to detect the migration, accumulation and dilution of contaminants within the space. However, such information is limited to the number, locations and type of sensors utilized during the test. Data collected at a few points in space may only present a limited picture of an entire 3D distribution in a space. Once again, this technique can only be applied for existing facilities.
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis
CFD analysis involves numerical solution of three-dimensional equations of air motion, heat transfer, mass transfer and similar transport process. CFD analysis can predict and help visualize the most comprehensive three-dimensional airflow patterns, flow path of airborne contaminants and resulting distribution of contaminant in a 3D space. If performed properly with adequate expertise, CFD analysis can be an effective design optimization tool both for the existing and new facilities. During the early design process, CFD analysis help identify issues related to contaminant hazard and test various mitigation strategies before construction. However, CFD analysis requires expert knowledge of the science of numerical simulation, fluid mechanics and transport processes with adequate computational hardware and robust software. Furthermore, it is often evaluating a static condition, the movement of people, the opening of doors and the addition of high plug loads and large equipment can significantly alter the airflow conditions within the lab. So, it is often used as a design tool to define the optimum placement of supply diffusers and exhaust vents but may not represent actual conditions at any given time in the lab (this is common for all of these techniques).