ANSI/ASHRAE 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
NOTE: All documents linked from this page are in
PDF-format with the exception of the VRP Excel Spreadsheet for Addendum n which is in
(These descriptions may not be complete and are provided for information only.)
Addendum h (Delete the second, fourth, and fifth bullets of Section 6.2. [Note that Section 6.1 in the printed version of Standard 62-2001 was renumbered as Section 6.2 as a result of the publication of addendum 62i. are relevant to the IAQ Procedure and should not be listed under the Ventilation Rate Procedure. The last bullet is overly detailed for this general description of the Ventilation Rate Procedure and is deleted for clarity.])
Addendum i (Replaces material in Sections 4 and 6 regarding the use of the IAQ Procedures; Describes situations when the IAQ Procedure can be used.)
Addendum k (Deletes the current Section 4 and adds a new Informative Appendix K, Application and Compliance, addressing application of the standard in new and existing buildings.)
Addendum n (In Section 3, 'Definitions,' change the name of the term 'occupied zone' and update the reference; Add a definition of zone to Section 3; Delete the current Section 6.1, Ventilation Rate Procedure (currently numbered as Section 6.2 in accordance with addendum 62i, approved in 2002) and replace it; delete the references 7, 20-25 from Section 9; delete the current Appendix E and replace it; delete Appendix G, Rationale for Reducing Outdoor Air When Loads on a Multi-Zone System are Unequal as it is an entirely informative appendix and is no longer referenced in the standard; add a new Appendix G, which is normative.)
VRP Excel Spreadsheet (Obsolete - This spreadsheet has been superseded by the version that accompanies the 62.1 User’s Manual.)
Addendum o (Removes reference to smoking areas from Table 2; Added new Section and informative Appendix I, Guidelines for Ventilation in Smoking-Permitted Areas, that provides design guidance for determining design ventilation rates for spaces where smoking is permitted.)
Addendum r (Added a new Section 4, Outdoor Air Quality; Delete Sections 5.9; Replace current Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2; Modifies requirements for an assessment of outdoor air quality and requires filtration of the intake air when outdoor particle levels are high.)
Addendum t (Replaces the current Section 5.11; Adds new Sections 5.12, 5.13, and 5.14; Clarifies and codifies the requirements related to condensate management, including drain pan design, carryover from cooling coils, and access for inspection and cleaning.)
Addendum u (Adds new Section 5.3; Adds requirements related to the control of ventilation systems, including outdoor air intake control in VAV systems.)
Addendum v (Revises Section 5.2; Adds requirements to ensure that air-distribution systems are capable of delivering outdoor air to occupied spaces.)
Addendum x (Revise Section 5.4; Replace existing Section 5.10; Revise Section 5.11; Add new sections entitled “Building Envelope and Interior Surfaces” and “Buildings with Attached Parking Garages”; Clarifies and adds requirements related to indoor humidity and the building envelope as they relate to potential indoor air quality problems.)
Addendum y (This addendum classifies air with respect to contaminant and odor intensity and limits the recirculation of lower-quality air into spaces that contain air of higher quality. It adds two tables and an additional column in the existing Table 2; Adds a new subsection 5.x and renumbers existing sections; Adds a new column, Classification of Air, to the existing Table 2; Adds a new note below Table 2; Adds two new tables to Section 5.x.)
Addendum z (Adds a new Section Ozone; Requires cleaning of the intake air when outdoor ozone levels are high.)
Addendum aa (Delete the current Section 5.4 completely and replace it with a new Section 5.4. In addition, add new Table 5.2; Add new Appendix X.)
Addendum ab (Replaces current Section 5.6; Clarifies existing requirements for control of contaminants from stationary, non-combustion local sources with integrated capture systems.)
Addendum ad (Deletes current Appendix A, Conversion Factors; Updates and clarifies Appendix B on contaminant concentration guidelines.)
Addendum ae (Adds a definition of 'indoor air', 'cognizant authority' and 'industrial space' in Section 3; Revises several other definitions in Section 3, and updates and corrects a number of other small items, such as the references.)
Addendum af (Changes the standard’s purpose and scope in Sections 1 and 2 to clarify its relevance to new and existing buildings, clarifies its coverage of industrial and laboratory spaces, and adds a caveat concerning situations where outdoor air quality may be poor.)