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Interpretation 90.1-1989-1 - February 20, 1990 (Ref. to ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1989, Table 10-4a.)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-2 - February 20, 1990 (Ref. to ASHRAE/IES 90.1-1989, Table 10-4a)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-3 - February 20, 1990 (Ref. Table 11-1)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-4 - August 21, 1990 (Ref. Subsections 8.4.4 - Shading Coefficients, 8.5 - Prescriptive Criteria, 8.6 - System Performance Criteria and Section 13 - Building Energy Cost Budget Method)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-5 - February 4, 1991 (Ref. Section 3) Definitions as applied to lighting criteria for grocery stores.
Interpretation 90.1-1989-6 - August 28, 1991 (Ref. Table 10-9 & 10-10) Questions concerning warm air furnaces and warm air duct furnaces.
Interpretation 90-1-1989-7 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Subsection Air Handling System Insulation, and Table 9-2, Minimum Duct Insulation)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-8 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Section 9.4.9 Energy Recovery)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-9 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Section Concerning O&M Manuals)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-10 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Section Concerning Lavatories in Public Restrooms)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-11 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Section Heat Traps for storage water heaters)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-12 - April 15, 1992 (Ref. Section Concering pool covers for heated pools)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-14 - January 25, 1993 (Ref. Table 10-8) Standard Rating Conditions and Minimum Performance, Gas and Oil-Fired Boilers
Interpretation 90.1-1989-15 - May 15, 1993 (Ref. Subsection 12.4.2 Central Monitoring and Control Systems, and Concerning minimum energy management capabilities.)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-16 - Original: June 28, 1993; Revised: October 6, 1993 (Ref. Subsection 13.8 The Simulation Tool)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-17 - March 8, 1994 (Ref. Table 9-1 Minimum Pipe Insulation, footnote c.)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-18 - June 26, 1995 (Ref. Clause 10.4.1 Minimum Equipment Efficiency and 11.4.2 Equipment Efficiency and the associated Tables 10-8 Standard Rating Conditions and Minimum Performance and 11-1 Minimum Performance of Water Heating Equipment)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-19 - January 19, 1998(Ref. Sections and as it relates to provision for portable or permanent check metering for feeders or feeder conductors)
Interpretation 90.1-1989-20 - March 6, 1998 (Ref. Table 6-1 Exterior Lighting Power Allowance, Entrance (with canopy), High Traffic (retail, hotel, airport, theatre, etc.); and to Table 6-5)