III. Titles, Purposes, and Scopes, September 2024
ASHRAE Guideline 0-2019 – Published guideline. (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013)
The Commissioning Process
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to describe a Commissioning Process (Cx) capable of verifying that the facility and its systems meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).
2. Scope
2.1 The procedures, methods, and documentation requirements in this guideline describe each phase of the project delivery and the associated Commissioning Processes from predesign through occupancy and operation, without regard to specific elements, assemblies, or systems.
2.2 This guideline provides the following:
- Overview of the Commissioning Process Activities
- Description of the Commissioning Processes for each project phase
- Requirements for acceptance during each phase
- Requirements for documentation during each phase
- Requirements for training of operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel
ASHRAE Guideline 0-2019 – Guideline 0 on continuous maintenance. SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for maintenance of Guideline 0 (approved June 2016). Revised TPS approved February 1, 2020.
The Commissioning Process for New Buildings and New Systems
Purpose: This Guideline recommends measures that exceed minimum requirements contained in ASHRAE Standard 202. This guideline describes a Commissioning Process (Cx) for verifying that the building and its systems meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).
2.1 The procedures, methods, and documentation requirements in this guideline describe each phase of the project delivery and the associated Commissioning Processes and scope from predesign through warranty expiration for commissioned systems for new buildings, major renovations, and additions to existing buildings.
2.2 This guideline provides the following:
- Overview of Commissioning Process Activities
- Description of the Commissioning Processes for each project phase
- Requirements for acceptance during each phase
- Requirements for documentation during each phase
- Requirements for training of operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel
- Requirements for initial establishment of ongoing Commissioning Process
ASHRAE Guideline 0.2-2015 Published Guideline.
The Commissioning Process for Existing Systems and Assemblies
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to describe the procedures, methods, documentation, requirements, and physical activities of the Commissioning (Cx) Process for existing buildings, systems, and assemblies using the principles developed in ASHRAE Guideline 0, The Commissioning Process.
2. Scope
2.1 This guideline applies to existing buildings, systems, and assemblies.
ASHRAE Guideline 0.3P Proposed Guideline, approved May 2021. SSPC 300 to develop Guideline 0.3P
Ongoing Commissioning Process for Buildings, Systems and Assemblies
The purpose of this guideline is to describe an Ongoing Commissioning Process (OCx) for existing buildings, systems, and assemblies that have completed the new building or existing building commissioning process using the principles developed in ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines. This OCx process is intended to maintain and improve the facility operations performance achieved by the previous commissioning and continue to meet the current facility requirements.
2.1 This guideline applies only to existing buildings, systems, and/or assemblies that were previously commissioned.
2.2 This guideline addresses the following:
- Overview of Ongoing Commissioning Process (OCx) activities
- Assembly of the OCx Team, review of the current facility requirements (CFR), and development of the OCx Plan.
- Implementation of system/assembly performance measurements and verification processes.
- Assessment of achievement of the CFR.
- Investigation of unacceptable performance outcomes.
- Development and implementation of tune-up recommendations and reverification.
- Updating of the Systems Manual.
- Updating of facility O&M plans and personnel training.
- Development and delivery of the OCx Report.
- Updating the OCx Plans.
Guideline 0.2-2015R – Revision project authorized March 2018 by SSPC 300 with same TPS. SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 0.2 (approved June 2016). Revised Guideline to be placed on continuous maintenance upon publication of the revised edition (approved June 2019).
Commissioning Process for Existing Systems and Assemblies
ASHRAE Guideline 1.1-2025 – Published guideline (supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 1.1-2007)
Application of the Commissioning Process to New HVAC&R Systems
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to provide specific technical detail that augments ASHRAE Guideline 0, The Commissioning Process for New Buildings and New Systems, and ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202,The Commissioning Process Requirements for New Buildings and New Systems, specific to commissioning new heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating (HVAC&R) systems.
2. Scope
2.1 This document provides specific commissioning content that expands on application of the Commissioning Process (Cx) contained in ASHRAE Guideline 0 and ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202 for each project delivery phase from predesign through occupancy and operation for all types and sizes of HVAC&R systems. This includes the following requirements:
- The system- and assembly-related content for inclusion in the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR)
- Defining the focus of design and submittal reviews, commissioning meetings, commissioning checklists execution process, and development of evaluation procedures to fully implement the Cx
- Evaluation of the HVAC&R systems meeting the OPR, Basis of Design (BoD), and contract documents through each phase of the project
- Verification of maintainability and operability of commissioned HVAC&R systems
- Documentation of issues, resolutions, and benefits of the process throughout the commissioning of HVAC&R systems
- Systems Manual documentation
- Training for operations and maintenance personnel and occupants
2.2 This document establishes a foundation that allows an Owner to implement an existing building Cx as established in ASHRAE Guideline 0.2, The Commissioning Process for Existing Systems and Assemblies, and ASHRAE Guideline 1.2, Application of the Commissioning Process to Existing HVAC&R Systems.
SSPC 300 is the cognizant project committee for maintenance of Guideline 1.1. Guideline 1.1 on continuous maintenance.
ASHRAE Guideline 1.2-2019 Published Guideline
Technical Requirements for the Commissioning Process for Existing HVAC&R Systems and Assemblies
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to provide requirements for the application of the Commissioning (Cx) Process described in ASHRAE Guideline 0.2 to existing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating (HVAC&R) systems and assemblies.
2. Scope
2.1 This guideline applies to the procedures, methods, and documentation requirements for each phase of the Commissioning (Cx) Process applied to existing HVAC&R systems and assemblies, including:
a. Development of facility goals and Current Facility Requirements (CFR)
b. Discovery and evaluation of available documentation for existing HVAC&R systems
c. Evaluation of the condition of existing HVAC&R systems
d. Development of a prioritized Cx Plan, including schedule and budget estimates
e. Development of recommendations
f. Implementation of recommendations
g. Verification of completed recommendations
h. Development of Systems Manual
i. Training of facility personnel
j. Development of Cx Reports
k. Ongoing commissioning (OCx) activities
2.2 This guideline focuses on the following:
a. Energy use
b. Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
c. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 1.2 (approved June 2016). Guideline to be placed on continuous maintenance upon publication of next revised edition (approved June 2019). Revised TPS (only Title amended) approved June 2024.
Application of the Commissioning Process to Existing HVAC&R Systems
ASHRAE Guideline 1.3-2018 – Published Guideline
Building Operation and Maintenance Training for the HVAC&R Commissioning Process
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide methodologies and formats for developing training plans, conducting training programs, and documenting training results for the operation and maintenance of building HVAC&R systems during the Commissioning (Cx) Process.
2.1 The procedures, methods and documentation requirements in this guideline cover the development of training plans, assembly and preparation of training materials, and conduction of training programs for HVAC&R operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel.
2.2 The guideline addresses
a) development of training requirements and plans;
b) verification of personnel training needs and results;
c) training formats and examples of training records;
d) sources and development of training materials;
e) methods of conducting training;
f) evaluating training programs;
g) recording of training.
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 1.3 (approved June 2016). Guideline to be placed on continuous maintenance upon publication of next revised edition (approved June 2019). Revised TPS (only Title amended) approved June 2024.
Application of The Commissioning Process to Building Operation and Maintenance Training
ASHRAE Guideline 1.4-2019 – Published Guideline (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 1.4-2014)
Preparing Systems Manuals for Facilities
This guideline provides procedures for producing a Systems Manual as a resource for training, operations, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities.
This guideline applies to information from planning, commissioning, design, construction, testing, and training activities, and operations planning for new, renovated, and existing facilities, equipment, and assemblies.
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 1.4 (approved June 2016). Guideline 1.4 on continuous maintenance.
ASHRAE Guideline 1.5-2017 – Published Guideline (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 1.5-2012)
The Commissioning Process for Smoke Control Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide methods for verifying and documenting that the performance of smoke management systems conforms with design intent.
2.1 This guideline covers all types of smoke management systems and the: (a) documentation of occupancy and use requirements and system design assumptions, (b) documentation of design intent, system description and operation, (c) functional performance testing and documentation necessary for evaluating system acceptance, and (d) integration testing with other building systems that affect the performance of the smoke management system such as fire detection and alarm, HVAC, controls, power supplies, and separations.
2.2 Methods of commissioning HVAC and other building systems are not covered in this guideline except as provided in 2.1(d). Methods for commissioning of HVAC systems are given in ASHRAE Guideline 1-1989.
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 1.5 (approved June 2016). Guideline to be placed on continuous maintenance upon publication of next revised edition (approved June 2019).
ASHRAE Guideline 1.6P Proposed Guideline, approved November 4, 2017. SSPC 300 to develop Guideline 1.6P.
Commissioning of Data Centers
This guideline provides technical support for the application of the commissioning process to data centers.
This guideline:
2.1 Provides assistance in the application of ASHRAE Guideline 0 or ASHRAE Standard 202 to data centers;
2.2 Addresses commissioning process issues that are particular to data centers;
2.3 Provides technical support for the commissioning of data centers;
2.4 Is intended for use with new and existing buildings;
2.5 Applies to data center support infrastructure – not to data equipment networks.
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Guideline 1.3. Guideline to be placed on continuous maintenance. Revised TPS (only Title amended) approved June 2024.
ASHRAE Guideline 4-2019 - Published guideline. . (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 4-2008)
Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation for HVAC&R Systems
1. PURPOSE: To guide those responsible for the design, construction and commissioning of building HVAC&R systems in the preparation of and delivery of operating and maintenance (O&M) documentation that:
(a) is easy to use,
(b) is simple to prepare and update,
(c) provides accurate and adequate information, and
(d) is delivered on time.
2. SCOPE: This guideline covers the format contents, delivery and maintenance of HVAC building systems O&M documentation that is normally provided by the building design and construction team members.
GPC 4-2019R – Revision committee authorized by Standards Committee on September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation for HVAC&R Systems
ASHRAE Guideline 6-2015 - Published guideline.
Refrigerant Information Recommended for Product Development and Standards
(a) This guideline identifies the types of refrigerant data that may be required by product development and system design engineers, ASHRAE standards, and appropriate codes to successfully apply a refrigerant in refrigeration or air conditioning equipment.
(b) This guideline also provides refrigerant suppliers and researchers with examples of measurement methods, previous research, and desired accuracy levels for various refrigerant properties.
2.1 This guideline lists the types of refrigerant information recommended as the minimum necessary for refrigerant research and development, and commercial application or for use in ASHRAE standards.
2.2 This guideline covers property data for fluids uses as refrigerants in HVAC&R applications. These include saturated and unsaturated halocarbons, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, ethers, and inorganic compounds (such as ammonia and carbon dioxide).
2.3 The guideline also addresses:
(a) basic chemical data
(b) thermophysical property data
(c) materials compatibility data and
(d) safety, health, and environmental information.
2.4 Suggested accuracies and methods that may be used in obtaining the data are given, or references to applicable standards or other sources.
GPC 6-2015R – Revision committee authorized November 2020 with the same TPS.
Refrigerant Information Recommended for Product Development and Standards
ASHRAE Guideline 10-2023- Published guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 10-2016.
Interactions Affecting the Achievement of Acceptable Indoor Environments
1. PURPOSE: To provide guidance regarding factors and their interactions as they affect the indoor environmental conditions acceptable to human occupants with regard to comfort and health.
2.1 This guideline provides guidance regarding factors and their interactions and includes thermal comfort, indoor air quality, sound and vibration, and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (including visible light).
2.2 This guideline applies to the design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of buildings.
2.3 This guideline applies to all indoor or enclosed spaces that people may occupy.
- Areas of buildings intended primarily for manufacturing, commercial processing, and industrial processing
- Parking garages
- Storage spaces intended for only incidental human occupancy
- Other such enclosed spaces not designed predominantly for human occupancy
SGPC 10 to maintain and revise Guideline 10. Guideline 10 on continuous maintenance. SGPC 10 authorized 10/1/2010.
Interactions Affecting the Achievement of Acceptable Indoor Environments
ASHRAE Guideline 11-2021 - Published guideline. Supersedes Guideline-11-2018.
Field Testing of HVAC Controls Components
1. PURPOSE: This guideline provides a procedure for field testing and adjusting of control components used in building heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems.
2. SCOPE: This guideline covers the procedures, formats, and methods necessary for evaluation and documentation of the performance of devices and systems that control HVAC&R systems.
ASHRAE Guideline 12-2023 – Published guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 12-2020.
Managing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated With Building Water Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide information and guidance for control of Legionellosis associated with building water systems.
2.1 This guideline applies to new and existing centralized cold and hot potable building water systems and to non-potable building water systems in human-occupied commercial, institutional, multi-unit-residential and industrial buildings, including, but not limited to, hotels, office buildings, hospitals and other health care facilities, assisted living facilities, schools, universities, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, and centralized systems in multifamily residential buildings. While buildings with non-centralized building water systems and single-family residential buildings are not included, some of the information may be useful for such building water systems.
2.2 This guideline is intended for use by building owners and those involved in the design, construction, installation, commissioning, management, operation, maintenance and service of centralized building water systems as well as by manufacturers of associated equipment.
2.3 This guideline is also intended for use in the practice of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188, “Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems”.
SSPC 400 is the cognizant project committee for maintenance of Guideline 12 (approved January 2024).
ASHRAE Guideline 13-2024 – Published guideline. (Supersedes Guideline 13-2015)
Specifying Building Automation Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations for developing specifications for building automation systems in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) control applications, as well as recommendations for specifying the integration of other building systems into a building automation system.
2. SCOPE: This guideline provides guidance for specifying the following aspects of a building automation system:
- Direct digital control (DDC) for HVAC equipment control, monitoring, and management functions
- DDC hardware performance and installation
- System training
- System architecture
- Input/output structure
- Communication
- Program configuration
- System testing
- Documentation
- Integration with other building systems such as lighting, fire and life safety, security, and factory-installed equipment controls
- Integration with other enterprise level applications, such as facility management, preventive maintenance, or energy management systems.
The guideline does not include specifying control of fire or life safety systems or equipment, nor does it include specifying security systems or enterprise level applications.
SGPC 13 to maintain and revise Guideline 13. Guideline on continuous maintenance.
ASHRAE Guideline 14-2023, Published standard. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 14-2014. This was approved for continuous maintenance in March 2024. Measurement of Energy, Demand and Water Savings
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for reliably measuring the energy, demand and water savings achieved in conservation projects.
2.1 This document provides procedures for using measured pre retrofit and post retrofit billing data (e.g., kWh, kW, MCF, kGal) used for the calculation of energy, demand and water savings.
2.2 The procedures:
(a) include the determination of energy, demand and water savings from individual facilities or meters.
(b) apply to all forms of energy, including electricity, gas, oil, district heating/cooling, renewables; and to water and wastewater. and
(c) encompass all types of facilities: residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial.
2.3 Procedures do not include:
(a) sampling methodologies used in large-scale demand side management programs,
(b) metering standards, or
(c) major industrial process loads.
GPC 14-2014R – Revision committee approved on 6/28/2017 with the same TPS. GPC 14 placed on continuous maintenance March 27, 2024. SGPC 14 responsible to maintain and revise Guideline 14.
Measurement of Energy, Demand and Water Savings
ASHRAE Guideline 16-2022 - Published guideline. (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 16-2018)
Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems
1. PURPOSE: This guideline provides the basis for selecting and sizing control dampers (outdoor, return, and relief) commonly found in constant volume (CAV) and variable air volume (VAV) air-handling units and systems with air-side economizers.
2.1 This guideline covers the application of mixed air control dampers in air-handling units and systems that incorporate air-side economizer systems for cooling.
2.2 This guideline addresses the selection of control dampers based on damper characteristics and damper pressure drop.
2.3 This guideline is not intended to cover dampers used elsewhere in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.
2.4 This guideline does not cover air mixing.
ASHRAE Guideline 20-2010 (RA2016) - Published guideline.
Documenting HVAC&R Work Processes and Data Exchange Requirements
1. PURPOSE: To define a systematic procedure for documenting work processes (Use Cases) and data exchange requirements for specific HVAC&R activities.
2. SCOPE: This guideline
- Defines methods for documenting Use Cases and data exchange requirements related to HVAC&R activities involving equipment, systems, design services, and other services over the life cycle of capital facilities. Use Case documentation will employ domain expert terminology and a consistent format to facilitate review and adoption by industry participants
- Outlines procedures for web-based management of Use Cases to support development of formal data definitions and implementation in HVAC&R industry software.
ASHRAE Guideline 21-2022 (IEEE Standard 1635-2018) – Published guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 21-2018 (IEEE Standard 1635-2012.
Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to provide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and battery system designers and users with information and recommendations concerning the ventilation and thermal management of stationary battery installations.
2. SCOPE: his guide discusses the ventilation and thermal management of stationary battery systems as applied to the following:
- Vented (flooded) lead-acid batteries (VLA)
- Valve-regulated lead acid (VRLA)
- Nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd)
For each category, both the technology and the design of the battery are described in order to facilitate user understanding of the environmental issues associated with each type of technology.
The scope of this document includes only stationary batteries under conditions of expected use. Multiple operating modes are identified.
The ventilation practices described in this guide represent the "best practice" based on the information available at the time this document was developed. The user should evaluate these practices against their operating experience, operating conditions, number and size of battery systems, manufacturer's recommendations, resources, and needs in developing an environment that maximizes safety and is conducive to optimum operation of the equipment. These recommendations were developed without consideration of economics, availability of equipment and personnel, or relative importance of the application. Design of a ventilation system for a specific battery installation requires consideration of all issues, not just the technical issues considered in this document.
GPC 21-2016R (IEEE Standard 1635-2012) – Revision committee authorized June 2020.
Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications
ASHRAE Guideline 22-2012 - Published Guideline. (Supersedes Guideline 22-2008).
Instrumentation for Monitoring Central Chilled Water Plant Efficiency
1. PURPOSE: This guideline defines recommended methods for measuring chilled-water plant thermal load and energy use and for calculating chilled water plant efficiency.
2.1 This guideline includes
(a) recommendations for methods and devices used to measure electrical usage, fluid flow and temperature, and
(b) procedures for acquiring the necessary data and calculating system efficiency.
2.2 These procedures are for site specific application. They do not discuss the comparison of collected data between different sites, nor do they recommend that data obtained be applied in this manner.
2.3 The procedures also do not discuss
(a) any plants except electrically driven chilled water plants, (b) the design and operation of central chilled water plants, except for recommending the instrumentation used to determine plant efficiency, or
(c) the selection, application, or operation of system components.
GPC 22-2012R - Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 7/1/2015. Revised TPS approved June 22, 2019.
Instrumentation for Monitoring Central Chilled Water Plant Efficiency
This guideline defines recommended methods to determine chilled-water plant thermal load, energy use, and efficiency.
This guideline defines:
- recommended measurement systems and calculation methods to determine energy consumption and thermal flows for cooling and heating, and
- procedures for acquiring test data and calculating system efficiency.
2.1 This guideline applies to:
- chilled-water plants using any type of liquid-chilling system as defined in Section 3, and
- chilled-water plants using any liquid as defined in Section 3 to transfer thermal energy.
2.2 This guideline does not apply to:
- design or operation of chilled-water plants, or
- selection, application, or operation of system components.
ASHRAE Guideline 23-2016 - Published guideline.
Guideline for the Design and Application of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Equipment for Rail Passenger Vehicles
1. PURPOSE: To establish minimum recommended design guidelines necessary to achieve an acceptable level of performance and safety for heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment used on rail passenger vehicles operating in the unique and demanding environment of rail transportation systems.
2. SCOPE: This Guideline covers rail passenger vehicles used in regularly scheduled public transportation service. The Guideline will address environmental conditions, equipment configurations, air filtration, temperature and humidity controls, determination and verification of heating and cooling capacity, ventilation standards, passenger comfort criteria, materials, packaging, noise, vibration and shock, refrigerant selection,, energy efficiency, corrosion protection, voltage and electrical requirements, power supply and electromagnetic interference.
GPC 23-2016R - Revision project committee authorized February 1, 2020.
Guideline for the Design and Application of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Equipment for Rail Passenger Vehicles
ASHRAE Guideline 27-2019 – Published Guideline
Measurement Procedures for Gaseous Contaminants in Commercial Buildings
1. PURPOSE: This guideline provides recommended procedures for effective measurement of airborne gas and vapor concentrations inside commercial buildings. Its goal is to provide consistent procedures to follow so field measurements of contaminant concentrations are accurate and reproducible, avoiding typical problems that may cause unreliable or inconsistent results., while recommending sample acquisition techniques, sampling locations in equipment and spaces, sampling requirements, and criteria for data analysis.
2. SCOPE: This document provides guidance on the procedures to follow when measuring gas-phase concentrations of contaminants in commercial buildings. The subject measurements are those used to establish existing, baseline or changed conditions as a function of the building systems or interior environments. The methods in this guideline emphasize obtaining meaningful data within a reasonable time period at a reasonable cost. This guideline does not apply to industrial or residential buildings. It does not address:
(a) specific measurement equipment or devices, or
(b) calibration of instruments.
ASHRAE Guideline 27-2019R. Revision project approved February 7, 2023 with the same TPS.
Measurement Procedures for Gaseous Contaminants in Commercial Buildings
ASHRAE Guideline 28-2021– Published Guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 28-2016.
Air Quality Within Commercial Aircraft
1. PURPOSE: This Guideline serves as a companion to ASHRAE Standard 161 and provides supplemental information on air quality in air-carrier aircraft and on measurement and testing related to aircraft air quality.
2. SCOPE: 1) This guideline applies to commercial passenger air-carrier aircraft carrying 20 or more passengers and certified under Title 14 CFR Part 25.
2) This guideline considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants as well as, but not limited to, factors such as moisture, temperature and pressure that may affect air quality.
SSPC 161 to revise and maintain Guideline 28. Guideline 28 placed on continuous maintenance January 2015.
ASHRAE Guideline 29-2019 - Published Guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 29-2009
Guideline for Risk Management of Public Health and Safety in Buildings
1. PURPOSE: To provide guidance for the practical evaluation, design, and implementation of measures to reduce multiple risks in new and existing buildings.
2.1 This guideline contains qualitative and quantitative methods for management of the risk of extraordinary incidents in buildings. Specific subject areas of concern include air, food, and water. The extraordinary events addressed in this guideline include fire, seismic events, chemical and biological releases, blast, and other extraordinary hazards. The guideline will address extraordinary incidents from a multi-hazard perspective, and will cover both intentional and accidental occurrences. The guideline addresses aspects of building performance that affect occupant health and safety, including egress; chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) protection; fire protection; smoke removal or purging; filtration; air quality; entrance paths for contaminants; and building envelopes.
ASHRAE Guideline 32-2018 - Published Guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 32-2012
Management for Sustainable, High-Performance Operations & Maintenance
1. Purpose
The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance to achieve, maintain, and continuously enhance sustainable, high performance buildings and building systems and assemblies through operations and maintenance (O&M) practices at lowest economic and environmental life cycle cost while maintaining safety, indoor air quality (IAQ), and functionality, including productivity.
2. Scope
This guideline applies to the ongoing operational practices for building assemblies and systems, particularly with respect to energy efficiency, water consumption, productivity, occupant comfort, indoor air quality (IAQ), health and safety.
GPC 32-2018R – Revision committee approved on 6/29/2022 with the same TPS.
Management for Sustainable, High-Performance Operations & Maintenance
Guideline 33-2021 - Published Guideline. (Reaffirmation of Guideline 33-2013 (RA 2016))
Guideline for Documenting Indoor Airflow and Contaminant Transport Modeling
This guideline establishes a method and format for documenting inputs, assumptions, methods and outputs utilized when conducting indoor airflow and contaminant transport modeling studies.
This guideline applies to the application of airflow and contaminant modeling for analyses of indoor air quality, thermal comfort, energy and events related to chemical, biological and radiological agents.
This guideline only applies to modeling efforts using multizone network models, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or combinations of the two.
Guideline 34-2017 – Published Guideline
Energy Efficiency Guideline for Historic Buildings
The purpose of this guideline is to provide sound advice on the practices, processes, and workflows that should be followed when performing energy efficiency and energy conservation improvement projects and programs involving historic buildings, while minimizing disturbance to the historic character, characteristics, and materials (significance, value, and qualities) of the building.
2.1 This guideline applies to buildings that are listed as historic buildings or which are eligible to be so listed by applicable law in the jurisdiction where the building is located.
2.2 This guideline applies to projects which are intended to improve the:
1. energy efficiency of operation and maintenance,
2. efficiency of energy-using building systems and equipment, and
3. energy performance of the building’s envelope.
2.3 This guideline applies to projects which include:
1. envelope modifications and upgrades to control heat and moisture transfer and limit air infiltration, and
2. adding new HVAC, service water heating or lighting systems, or modifying existing systems, to improve energy efficiency while maintaining or improving human comfort and indoor environmental quality.
GPC 35P - Proposed Guideline Proposed Guideline authorized 6/26/2013 (Denver)
Method for Determining the Energy Consumption Caused By Air-Cleaning and Filtration Devices
The purpose of this guideline is to establish a consistent methodology to determine the energy consumption created by the introduction of air cleaning and filtration devices into an air stream.
2.1 This guideline applies to air cleaning devices for removing particulate and gas phase contaminants in general ventilation systems.
2.2 This guideline does not apply to UV-C devices or electrically-powered general ventilation air-cleaning devices.
ASHRAE Guideline 36-2024 - Published Guideline. Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 36-2021.
High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems
The purpose of this guideline is to provide uniform sequences of operation for heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems that are intended to maximize HVAC system energy efficiency and performance, provide control stability, and allow for real-time fault detection and diagnostics.
2.1 This guideline provides detailed sequences of operation for HVAC systems.
2.2 This guideline describes functional tests that when performed will confirm implementation of the sequences of operation.
SSPC 36 to revise and maintain Guideline 36. Guideline 36 placed on continuous maintenance May 2018
GPC 37P - Proposed Guideline Authorized July 2, 2014 (Seattle)
Guidelines for the Application of Upper-Air (Upper Room) Ultraviolet Germicidal (UV-C) Devices to Control the Transmission of Airborne Pathogens
The purpose of this guideline is to provide information and recommendations for dosing, placement and safe usage of Upper-Air UV-C devices.
2.1 The guideline applies to passive and fan-assisted Upper-Air UV-C devices.
2.2 The guideline applies for proper installation, operating and maintenance procedures for the safe use of these devices.
ASHRAE Guideline 38-2023 - Published Guideline
Guideline for Using Metal Pressure Vessels to Test Materials Used in Refrigeration Systems (Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 38-2018)
Purpose: This Guideline is intended to establish a test procedure utilizing metal pressure vessels for the evaluation of materials used in refrigeration systems. The use of metal vessels will allow for the testing of a variety of materials, regulating the pressure of the test, utilization of a realistic sample size to oil/refrigerant ratio and other analytical tests, such as extraction.
Scope: This Guideline describes the preparation of metal pressure vessels, and the procedure for charging them with refrigerant and with the materials to be tested. A procedure for heating the metal vessel and regulating the pressure is described. Post-test evaluations can be done quantitatively and/or qualitatively by observing the metal vessel contents to yield information for determining the compatibility, suitability or chemical stability of materials in the refrigerant environment. The technique described can be used for evaluating many different types of materials. The guideline does not describe the detailed preparation of the materials to be tested prior to placing them in the metal vessel. The materials to be tested can be aged over a broad range of temperatures and pressures, which fall within the safety limits of the vessel. Detailed safety precautions are included. Properly performing this test requires careful attention to the detailed experimental technique, and careful adherence to safety procedures.
ASHRAE Guideline 39-2017 – Published Guideline
Method of Test for Measuring Fractionated Compositions of Refrigerant Blends
Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to recommend uniform test methods and procedures for experimentally determining the fractionated (vapor and liquid) compositions of refrigerant blends under simulated leakage from containers and equipment in storage, transport, operation and service. A fractionation analysis is undertaken to determine the worst case fractionated formulation (WCFF) of a refrigerant blend for assigning flammability and toxicity safety classifications under criteria established in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34. The WCFF with respect to flammability is one of two compositions of a refrigerant blend that is tested for flammability to determine the refrigerant’s lower flame limit which is used along with heat of combustion in assigning a refrigerant blend’s flammability safety classification. The WCFF with respect to toxicity is used to determine the toxicity safety class of refrigerant blends whose component refrigerants are not assigned the same toxicity safety group class.
Scope: This guideline defines a standardized test apparatus, method, and procedures for experimentally conducting fractionation analyses of refrigerant blends that is consistent with their thermodynamic vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) properties:
a) to determine the worst case fractionated formulated composition of refrigerant blends or
b) to validate computer simulation programs used for fractionation analyses.
GPC 39-2017R - Revision project committee authorized January 21, 2021.
Method of Test for Measuring Fractionated Compositions of Refrigerant Blends
Guideline 40-2017 - Published Guideline.
Refrigeration Oil Description
Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to describe lubricants used in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems based on molecular structure, physical properties, and chemical properties. Since the properties of generally similar lubricants can vary significantly depending on source of formulation, terms such as “refrigerant lubricants” have little meaning in defining such materials. This guideline defines those properties critical to the precise identification of refrigeration lubricants, along with recognized test procedures for the determination of these properties.
2.1 Application. This guideline applies to lubricants used or proposed as compressor lubricants in refrigerating systems.
2.2 Test Methods. This guideline provides recognized test methods intended to:
(a) describe a specific class refrigeration lubricant without the use of commercial designations,
(b) describe the molecular structure for various classes of refrigeration lubricants, and
(c) define the critical properties needed to describe a refrigeration lubricant using recognized test procedures.
2.3 Limits. This guideline is not intended to define refrigeration oil quality through the establishment of test specifications or requirements. In addition, performance tests intended to measure quality have been excluded from this guideline.
GPC 40-2017R – Revision committee authorized June 2020.
Refrigeration Oil Description
ASHRAE Guideline 41-2020 - Published Guideline.
Design, Installation and Commissioning of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems
This guideline provides a procedure for the design, installation, and commissioning of variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems.
2.1 This guideline provides the procedures and design factors a design engineer should consider; the requirements and installation factors the installing contractor should consider; and the performance, commissioning, and operational factors the contractor and maintenance personnel should consider for a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system.
2.2 This guideline is intended for use with nonresidential building systems (including, but not limited to, hotels, office buildings, hospitals and other health care facilities, assisted living facilities, schools and universities, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, etc.) and centralized heating/cooling systems in multifamily residential buildings. This guideline is not intended for use with low-rise, single-family, residential buildings.
2.3 This guideline is intended for use by design engineers, installing contractors, owners, operators, users, maintenance personnel, and equipment manufacturers.
2.4 This guideline applies to the design, installation, and commissioning of VRF in new buildings and to the retrofit and renovation of existing buildings.
ASHRAE Guideline 42 - 2023. Published Guideline
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality in Commercial and Institutional Buildings
The purpose of this guideline is to recommend measures that exceed minimum requirements for improving indoor air quality in commercial and institutional buildings. These measures are intended to provide enhanced indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.
2.1 This guideline applies to spaces intended for human occupancy within commercial and institutional buildings except those within dwelling units in residential occupancies in which occupants are non-transient.
2.2 This guideline provides recommendations related to certain sources, and for ventilation and air-cleaning-system design, installation, commissioning, and operation and maintenance.
SSPC 62.1 is responsible for the development of this guideline approved June 29, 2016.
Guideline 43P - Proposed Guideline Authorized February 5, 2020. SSPC 170 is responsible for the development of this guideline. Revised TPS approved September 27, 2023.
Operations Guideline for Ventilation of Health Care Facilities
Purpose: The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations for the operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that provide environmental control in health care facilities for the safety and comfort of health care facility occupants.
Scope: This guideline:
2.1 pertains to the operation of health care facility HVAC systems and equipment, their normal and routine maintenance, major tasks of periodic maintenance, and energy conservation;
2.2 applies to all health care facilities; contains guidance for operational parameters and preventative maintenance, based on the capabilities of the infrastructure, and the risks incurred in the systems and spaces, including the needs of infection prevention, to support asepsis during perioperative care or invasive procedures, and for ancillary and support services, e.g. disinfection or sterilization of reusable devices and instruments;
2.3 lists the health care spaces which should be monitored for compliance, which parameters should be monitored in each, and the means of monitoring and recording;
2.3.1 describes acceptable ranges for each parameter in each monitored space type, and contains time-dependent protocols to be followed when parameters are out of the acceptable range;
2.4 applies to emergency operations, continuity of service, and resiliency planning; includes guidance on maintaining, modifying, or overriding space parameters monitoring during emergency operations; specifies what environmental conditions are minimally acceptable, signifying urgent, contingent strategies to discontinue services in spaces or for types of equipment as part of a facility’s emergency response;
2.5 does not cover the design of new facilities or equipment, including additions and renovations of HVAC systems, or the spaces served by HVAC systems.
ASHRAE Guideline 44-2024 Published Guideline
Protecting Building Occupants from Smoke During Wildfire and Prescribed Burn Events
The purpose of this guideline is to recommend building measures to minimize occupant health impacts caused by smoke from wildfire and prescribed burn events.
2.1 This guideline applies to commercial buildings; institutional buildings, including healthcare facilities; and multi-unit residential buildings, as well as dedicated spaces within these building types intended for temporary human occupancy during a wildfire or prescribed burn event.
2.2 This guideline includes buildings expected to be occupied by potentially susceptible populations, including children and the elderly.
2.3 This guideline provides recommendations related to the design, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of building envelope, ventilation, and air cleaning systems.
Guideline 45P, - Proposed Guideline Authorized July 1, 2021. Editorial change to the scope approved November 18, 2021.
Measurement of Whole Building Performance for Occupied Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for reliably measuring whole building performance pertaining to occupied buildings, except low-rise residential buildings.
This document provides procedures for measuring whole building performance, including energy, water and indoor environmental quality (IEQ), pertaining to all occupied buildings except low-rise residential buildings.
2.1. What Is Included. The procedures include:
a. IEQ (thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting, and acoustics);
b. energy, water, and on-site renewables;
c. occupant behaviors;
d. metrics, measurement methods (including data integrity), and benchmarking/evaluation methods;
e. multiple levels of measurements (accuracy/complexity); and
f. all types of occupied buildings except low-rise residential buildings.
2.2 What Is not Included. The procedures do not include:
a. carbon metrics;
b. rating methods; or
c. quantitative measurement cost.
GPC 47P, Design, Installation and Commissioning of Central Domestic Electric Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in New Multifamily Buildings Proposed Guideline authorized January 2024.
Purpose: This guideline provides guidance for the design, installation and commissioning of Central Domestic Electric Heat Pump Hot Water Systems in New Multifamily Buildings.
1. This guideline applies to central domestic electric heat pump hot water systems in new multifamily buildings.
2. This guideline provides procedures and design factors; the requirements and installation factors; and the performance, commissioning and operational factors to be considered by the design engineer, contractor and maintenance personnel involved with these systems.
Guideline 48P – Proposed Guideline authorized October 2024.
Operational Best Practices for Air Quality within Commercial Aircraft
1. Purpose
This guideline serves as a companion to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 161 by describing operational best practice recommendations to assist air carriers to meet or exceed Standard 161 requirements.
2. Scope
2.1 This guideline applies to commercial passenger air-carrier aircraft carrying 20 or more passengers and certified under the authority of either the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration or another cognizant air worthiness regulatory body.
2.2 This guideline considers cabin air contaminants, thermal conditions, and related factors such as humidity and pressure that may affect air quality.
SSPC 161 is the cognizant project committee for the development of Guideline 48P.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2024 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2022)
Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems
This standard specifies safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems.
2.1 This standard establishes safeguards for life, limb, health and property and prescribes safety requirements.
2.2 This standard applies to:
a. the design, construction, test, installation, operation, and inspection of mechanical and absorption refrigeration systems, including heat-pump systems used in stationary applications;
b. modifications, including replacement of parts or components if they are not identical in function and capacity; and
c. substitutions of refrigerants having a different designation.
2.3 This standard shall not apply to refrigeration systems using ammonia (R-717) as the refrigerant.
2.4 This standard does not apply to residential refrigeration systems serving only a single dwelling unit or sleeping unit complying with ASHRAE Standard 15.2.
SSPC 15 to maintain and revise Standard 15. Standard on continuous maintenance.
SSPC 15 to maintain and revise Standard 15. Standard on continuous maintenance. Revised TPS approved February 5, 2020
Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems
This standard specifies safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems.
2.1 This standard establishes safeguards for life, limb, health and property and prescribes safety requirements.
2.2 This standard applies to:
a. the design, construction, test, installation, operation, and inspection of mechanical and absorption refrigeration systems, including heat-pump systems used in stationary applications;
b. modifications, including replacement of parts or components if they are not identical in function and capacity; and
c. substitutions of refrigerants having a different designation.
2.3 This standard shall not apply to refrigeration systems using ammonia (R-717) as the refrigerant.
2.4 This standard does not apply to residential refrigeration systems serving only a single dwelling unit or sleeping unit complying with ASHRAE Standard 15.2.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15.2-2024 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15.2-2022)
Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems in Residential Applications
1. Purpose:
This standard specifies the minimum requirements for the safe design and installation of refrigeration systems used in residential applications.
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard applies to listed refrigeration systems in the following residential applications that are limited to serving only a single dwelling unit or sleeping unit:
a. One and two-family dwellings and townhouses
b. Detached outbuildings associated with a one- or two-family dwelling or townhouse and located on the same property included in Section 2.1(a)
c. individual dwelling units and sleeping units located in a multi-family occupancy
SSPC 15 to maintain and revise Standard 15.2. Standard on continuous maintenance.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 16-2016 - Published standard. Supersedes Standard 16-1983.
Method of Testing For Rating Room Air Conditioners, Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps for Cooling and Heating Capacity
The purpose of this standard is to prescribe test methods for determining the cooling and heating capacity of room air conditioners, packaged terminal air conditioners and packaged terminal heat pumps.
This standard:
- establishes uniform methods of testing to obtain rating data,
- specifies test equipment for performing such tests,
- specifies data required and calculations to be used, and
- lists and defines the terms used in testing.
SPC 16-2016R - Revision committee authorized November 2020 with the same TPS.
Method of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioners, Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps for Cooling and Heating Capacity
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 17-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes Standard 17-2015
Method of Testing Capacity of Electronic and Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves
This standard prescribes a method of testing the capacity of thermostatic refrigerant expansion valves for use in vapor-compression refrigeration systems.
2.1 This standard is applicable to
(a) thermostatic expansion valves (also referred to in this standard as expansion valves) as defined in Section 3, 'Definitions,'
(b) expansion valves of the direct-acting type but not the pilot-operated type, and
(c) many currently used refrigerants deemed available and suitable according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems, and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants.
2.2 This standard specifies procedures, apparatus, and instrumentation that will produce accurate capacity data.
2.3 This standard does not
(a) specify tests for production, specification compliance, or field testing of expansion valves, nor
(b) specify capacity rating conditions for testing expansion valves. These may be found in ARI Standard 750, Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves.
SPC 17-2015R -Revision project committee authorized June 27, 2018. Revised TPS approved October 2021.
Method of Testing Capacity of Electronic and Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves
Purpose: This standard prescribes a method of testing the capacity of electronic and thermostatic refrigerant expansion valves for use in vapor-compression refrigeration systems
This standard is applicable to:
(a) electronic and thermostatic expansion valves (also referred to in this standard as expansion valves) as defined in Section 3 Definitions,
(b) expansion valves of the direct-acting type but not the pilot-operated type, and
(c) many currently used refrigerants deemed available and suitable according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34 Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants.
This standard specifies procedures, apparatus, and instrumentation that will produce accurate capacity data.
This standard does not:
(a) specify tests for production, specification compliance, or field testing of expansion valves, nor
(b) specify capacity rating conditions for testing expansion valves. These may be found in AHRI Standard 750 Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves, AHRI Standard 751 Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves, AHRI 1370 Performance Rating of Electronic Expansion Valves, and AHRI 1371 Performance Rating of Electronic Expansion Valves.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 20-2019 – Published standard. Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 20-1997.
Methods of Laboratory Testing Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
Purpose:This standard prescribes methods of laboratory testing remote mechanical-draft, air-cooled refrigerant condensers.
2.1 This standard provides:
- methods of laboratory testing for obtaining performance data,
- definition of terms,
- specification of data to be recorded,
- calculation formulas,
- test limits and tolerances, and
- apparatus and instrumentation with associated accuracies.
2.2 This standard does not cover:
- methods of test for production or field use,
- heat exchangers that do not fully condense refrigerant vapor, as in heat reclaim applications,
- methods for rating condensers, nor
- external air resistance devices not provided by the manufacturer
SPC 20-2019 – Revision committee authorized by Standards Committee on September 27, 2023 with same TPS .
Methods of Laboratory Testing Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 22-2023 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 22-2018.
Methods of Testing for Rating Liquid-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods of testing the thermal performance and liquid-side pressure drop of liquid cooled refrigerant condensers.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to the methods of testing for thermodynamic performance rating of liquid-cooled refrigerant condensers that operate at subcritical pressures of the refrigerant.
SPC 22-2018R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 3/31/2021.
Methods of Testing for Rating Liquid-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 23-2022 Published standard
Methods for Performance Testing Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Compressor Units
This standard prescribes methods for performance testing positive displacement refrigerant compressors and compressor units including capacity, isentropic efficiency and volumetric efficiency.
1. This standard applies to methods for performance testing single-stage and multi-stage positive displacement refrigerant compressors and compressor units.
2. This standard applies to compressors and compressor units which either (a) do not have intermediate cooling or refrigerant injection, or (b) do have intermediate cooling or refrigerant injection and the power required for intermediate cooling or refrigerant injection, if any, is included in the measured total input power to the compressor or compressor unit.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 24-2019 - - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 24-2013)
Methods of Testing for Rating Evaporators Used for Cooling Liquids
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods of testing the thermal performance and liquid-side pressure drop of evaporators that operate at subcritical pressures of the evaporating refrigerant.
Scope: This standard
a. lists and defines the terms for rating the thermal performance and liquid-side pressure drop of evaporators used for cooling liquids;
b. establishes the methods of test that shall be used as a basis for obtaining the thermal performance and pressure drop of evaporators that operate at subcritical pressures of the evaporating refrigerant; and
c. applies to laboratory testing for purposes of rating evaporators within its scope. This standard is not intended for field testing of evaporators of any type.
SPC 24-2019 – Revision committee authorized by Standards Committee on September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Methods of Testing for Rating Evaporators Used for Cooling Liquids
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 25-2018 - Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 25-2001)
Methods of Testing Forced Convection and Natural Convection Air Coolers for Refrigeration
1. PURPOSE: This standard:
(a) establishes uniform methods of testing for obtaining performance data,
(b) lists and defines the terms used in testing,
(c) specifies data to be recorded and formulas to be used in calculations, and
(d) sets limits and tolerances in testing.
2. SCOPE: This standard prescribes methods of testing the cooling capacities and air flow rates of forced convection and natural convection air coolers for refrigeration. It does not include air coolers of the recirculated primary liquid refrigerant type. It does not include air-conditioning units for which testing methods are given in other standards.
SPC 25-2018R – Revision project committee authorized September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Methods of Testing Forced Convection and Natural Convection Air Coolers for Refrigeration
SPC 25-2001R Revision project committee authorized 6/24/2008 (Salt Lake City). Revised TPS approved April 4, 2017
Title: Methods of Testing Forced Circulation Free-Delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigeration
1. Purpose:
This standard shall establish uniform methods of testing for obtaining performance data, list and define the terms used in testing, specify data to be recorded and formulas to be used in calculations, and set limits and tolerances in testing.
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard applies to factory made, forced-circulation, free-delivery unit coolers operating with a volatile refrigerant fed by either direct expansion or liquid overfeed at wet and/or dry conditions.
2.2 This standard does not include:
- Air conditioning units use primarily for comfort cooling for which testing methods are given in other standards
- Unit coolers operating at latent load conditions with a refrigerant saturation temperature of less than 32⁰F [0⁰C]
- Unit coolers installed in or connected to ductwork or with external air resistance devices not provided by the manufacturer
- Unit coolers using zeotropic refrigerants with glides greater than 12.6⁰F [7.0⁰C]
- Field testing of unit coolers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 26-2010 (RA2020) - Published standard. Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 26-2010.
Mechanical Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations Aboard Ship
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides the minimum general requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection and maintenance of mechanical refrigeration and air conditioning equipment aboard ships to permit the safe, efficient and reliable operation of such systems.
2.1 This standard covers:
(a) refrigeration and air conditioning systems that are an integral part of the main mechanical plant of merchant, fishing and seafood processing ships, and
(b) refrigerated sea water and brine chilling systems that air condition and dehumidify passenger and cargo spaces, chill or freeze perishable cargo or maintain storage of chilled or frozen cargo.
2.2 This standard does not cover:
(a) details of system designs or applications,
(b) small, self contained units which are not an integral part of the ship's main mechanical plant such as electric water coolers, reach-in refrigerators and room air conditioners,
(c) cargo containers with self contained refrigeration systems, and
(d) liquefied gas ships.
2.3 Exceptions to the literal details of this standard may be used when approved by the authorities having jurisdiction when equivalent safety, efficiency and reliability are achieved.
SPC 26-2010R– Revision project authorized January 22, 2014 (New York) with the same TPS.
Mechanical Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installations Aboard Ship
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 28-1996 (RA 2020) - Published standard. Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 28-1996 (RA 2010)
Method of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides uniform methods for laboratory testing the flow capacity of refrigerant capillary tubes.
2.1 This standard prescribes two test method a traditional method and an alternative method, for determining the flow capacity of capillary tubes such as are used for refrigerant metering in refrigeration systems. Both methods use dry nitrogen and provide comparable results, but the alternative method is more convenient if electronic devices are used.
2.2 The results obtained by the prescribed procedures are indicative of the refrigerant flow characteristics of the tube but are not intended to represent the actual refrigerant flow characteristics in a refrigerating cycle.
2.3 The scope of this standard does not include specifications of tolerances on tube diameters or nitrogen flow capacity, however, acceptable variation in test results is suggested.
SPC 28-1996R – Revision project authorized June 26, 2013 (Denver) with the same TPS.
Method of Testing Flow Capacity of Refrigerant Capillary Tubes
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 29-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 29-RA2018)
Methods of Testing Automatic Ice Makers
1. PURPOSE: The purposes of this standard are:
This standard prescribes a method of testing automatic ice makers by: a) specifying procedures to be used when testing automatic ice makers,
b) establishing the types of equipment to which the provisions of the standard apply,
c) defining terms describing the equipment covered and terms related to testing,
d) specifying the type of instrumentation and test apparatus required in testing,
e) specifying a uniform method for calculation of results, and
f) specifying data and results to be recorded.
a) This standard does not include automatic ice makers installed in household refrigerators, combination refrigerator-freezers, and household freezers.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 30-2019 - (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 30-2017).
Method of Testing Liquid Chillers
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to prescribe methods of testing to measure the thermal capacity, energy efficiency, and water pressure drop of packaged liquid chiller equipment using a refrigerant vapor compression cycle.
1.2 This standard does not specify methods of establishing published ratings or performance tolerances.
2.1 This standard applies to liquid chilling or liquid heating packaged equipment using any type of compressor, and using the following methods of heat rejection during the cooling cycle:
(a) air cooled
(b) evaporatively cooled
(c) water cooled
2.2 This standard includes packaged equipment provided in more than one assembly if the separated or remote assemblies are designed to be used together and are connected together during the test.
2.3 This standard does not include the following types of equipment:
(a) self-contained, mechanically refrigerated drinking-water coolers within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 18
(b) unitary water-to-air heat pump equipment within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 37
(c) absorption water chilling packages included within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 182
2.4 This standard does not include testing of chillers in field installations.
2.5 This standard does not specify the test operating conditions.
2.6 This standard does not specify methods of performance ratings certification.
SSPC 30 to maintain and revise Standard 30. Standard 30 placed on continuous maintenance January 2018. Revised TPS approved November 2020.
Method of Testing Liquid Chillers
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to prescribe methods of testing to measure the thermal capacity, energy efficiency, and liquid pressure drop of packaged liquid chiller equipment using a refrigerant vapor compression cycle.
1.2 This standard does not specify methods of establishing published ratings or performance tolerances.
2.1 This standard applies to the following packaged equipment using any type of compressor:
- liquid chilling
- liquid heating
- simultaneous liquid chilling and liquid heating
2.1.1 Using the following methods of heat rejection during the cooling cycle or heat absorption during the heating cycle:
- air cooled
- adiabatically cooled
- evaporatively cooled
- liquid cooled
2.2 This standard includes packaged equipment provided in more than one assembly if the separated or remote assemblies are designed to be used together and are connected together during the test.
2.3 This standard does not include the following types of equipment:
- self-contained, mechanically refrigerated drinking-water coolers within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 18
- unitary water-to-air heat pump equipment within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 37
- absorption water chilling packages included within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 182
2.4 This standard does not include testing of chillers in field installations.
2.5 This standard does not specify the test operating conditions.
2.6 This standard does not specify methods of performance ratings certification.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 32.1-2022 - Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 32.1-2017)
Method of Testing for Rating Refrigerated Vending Machines for Sealed Beverages
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to specify methods of testing for rating the capacity and efficiency of self-contained, mechanically refrigerated vending machines for sealed beverages.
Scope: This standard:
- establishes uniform methods of testing for determining laboratory performance of refrigerated beverage vending machines;
- applies to refrigerated beverage vending machines and combination machines;
- does not apply to climate controlled snack vending machines, frozen food vending machines, refrigerated food served hot vending machines, or hot beverage vending machines;
- lists and defines the terms used in the methods of testing;
- defines standard sealed-beverage storage capacity; and
- establishes test conditions for rating.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 32.2-2018 (RA 2022) – Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 32.2-2018)
Methods of Testing for Rating Pre-Mix and Post-Mix Beverage Dispensing Equipment
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to specify uniform methods of testing for rating the capacity and efficiency of pre-mix and post-mix beverage dispensing equipment.
This standard
- establishes uniform methods of testing for determining laboratory performance of pre-mix and post-mix nonfrozen beverage dispensers that are self-contained, counter-mounted electrically powered, and mechanically refrigerated and that incorporate a water-bath or dry-block reservoir,
- defines the terms used in the methods of testing, and
- establishes test conditions for rating.
ASHRAE Standard 33-2016 - Published standard. Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 33-2000.
Methods of Testing Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils
1.1 The purposes of this standard are to:
(a) Describe and specify testing instruments and apparatus
(b) Describe and specify laboratory test methods and procedures
(c) Describe and specify test data to be recorded
(d) Describe and specify calculations to be made from test data
(e) Define terms used in testing
(f) Specify standard thermodynamic properties
1.2 It is not the purpose of this standard to specify the types of tests used for production or field testing.
2.1 This standard prescribes laboratory methods of testing forced-circulation air-cooling coils, for application under non-frosting conditions and forced-circulation air-heating coils to ensure uniform performance information for establishing ratings.
SPC 33-2016R - Revision project committee authorized June 22, 2019.
Methods of Testing Forced-Circulation Air-Cooling and Air-Heating Coils
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2022)
Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
1. PURPOSE: This standard is intended to establish a simple means of referring to common refrigerants instead of using the chemical name, formula, or trade name. It establishes a uniform system for assigning reference numbers, safety classifications, and refrigerant concentration limits to refrigerants. The standard also identifies requirements to apply for designations and safety classifications for refrigerants and to determine refrigerant concentration limits
2. SCOPE: This standard provides an unambiguous system for numbering refrigerants and assigning composition-designating prefixes for refrigerants. Safety classifications based on toxicity and flammability data are included along with refrigerant concentration limits for the refrigerants. This standard does not imply endorsement or concurrence that individual refrigerant blends are suitable for any particular application.
SSPC 34 to maintain and revise Standard 34. Standard on continuous maintenance.
Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 35-2014 (RA2024) - Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 35-2014)
Method of Testing Desiccants for Refrigerant Drying
1.1 This standard establishes a method of testing desiccants for use in refrigerant drying.
2.1 This standard provides a method of testing desiccants only. For testing and rating driers, which use these desiccants, see ASHRAE Standard 63.1. (see Annex A, Informative Bibliography).
2.2 The principle of this standard is to keep a desiccant of known water content in contact with the desired refrigerant until equilibrium has been established under known temperature conditions, after which the water content of the refrigerant is determined.
2.3 This standard is applicable for all desiccants which do not react to the desired refrigerant.
SPC 35-2014R -Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018. Revised TPS approved June 2020.
Method of Testing Refrigerant Driers and Desiccant Materials
The purpose of this standard is to prescribe test methods for measuring flow capacity and moisture capacity performance characteristics of refrigerant driers and measuring the moisture capacity characteristic of desiccant materials.
2.1 This standard provides a method of testing moisture capacity for all molded core and loose filled driers. Liquid line driers can be measured for flow using this standard excluding suction line driers which are covered in ASHRAE Standard 78. This standard applies to hermetic and non-hermetic driers.
2.2 This standard provides a method of testing desiccant and adsorbents including molecular sieve, activated alumina, silica gel, activated carbon, and their mixtures. This standard is applicable for all desiccants which do not react to the desired refrigerant
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2009 RA 2019)
Methods of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to provide test methods for determining the cooling capacity of unitary air-conditioning equipment and the cooling or heating capacities, or both, of unitary heat pump equipment.
1.2 These test methods do not specify methods of establishing ratings that involve factors such as manufacturing tolerances and quality control procedures.
2.1 This standard applies to electrically driven mechanical-compression unitary air conditioners and heat pumps consisting of one or more assemblies that include an indoor air coil(s), a compressor(s), and an outdoor coil(s). Where such equipment is provided in more than one assembly, the separated assemblies are designed to be used together.
2.2 This standard does not include methods of testing the following:
(a) cooling coils for separate use
(b) condensing units for separate use
(c) room air conditioners
(d) heat-operated unitary equipment
(e) liquid chilling packages
(f) multiple indoor air coils operating simultaneously in heating and cooling modes.
SPC 37-2009R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 6/27/2012. SPC 37 merged with SPC 116 on January 24, 2015. SPC 37 will develop a standard with a combined TPS. Revised TPS approved by Standards Committee, October 13, 2015.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 40-2025 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 40-2014 2014 (RA2024)
Methods of Testing for Rating Heat Operated Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Equipment
1.1 This standard provides test methods for determining the heating and cooling output capacities and energy inputs of unitary air-conditioning and heat pump equipment that is heat-operated (see Section 3, “Definitions”).
1.2 These test methods may be used as a basis for rating such equipment, but it is not the purpose of this standard to specify methods of establishing ratings.
2.1 This standard applies to heat-operated unitary air conditioners and heat pumps consisting of one or more assemblies, including engine-driven systems. Where such equipment is provided in more than one assembly, the separate assemblies are designed to be used together.
2.2 Equipment within the scope of this standard may be classified as follows:
- Component arrangements:
- factory-assembled equipment employing heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle or cycles (e.g., a packaged unit)
- equipment employing a heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle with indoor and outdoor sections in separate assemblies (e.g., a split system)
- equipment employing a heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle as a liquid chiller with cooling coil in separate assembly (e.g., chiller)
- equipment employing refrigeration cycles and heating functions (e.g., chiller/heater)
- Method of providing air circulation through indoor section:
- with circulating fan incorporated with indoor assembly
- without circulating fan, for use with separate fan or air handler, or with heating equipment incorporating a fan
- c. Medium for heat transfer to or from the outdoors:
- air
- water (or brine)
- evaporatively cooled condenser (cooling only)
2.3 This standard does not include methods of testing the following types of equipment:
- heat-operated absorption and engine-driven liquid chillers not part of a unitary air
- electrically driven unitary air conditioners or heat pumps
- refrigerating systems employing the Peltier effect
- desiccant-based cooling systems
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 40-2014R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on September 14, 2018
Methods of Testing for Rating Heat Operated Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pump Equipment
SSPC 41 formed Tech Weekend 2005 to maintain and revise the 41 series individual standards. Standard Methods for Measurement.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-2024 Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-2020. Standard Methods for Temperature Measurement
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for measuring temperature under laboratory and field conditions.
2.1 This standard applies to temperature measurements under laboratory and field conditions for use in performance testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems and components.
2.2 This standard does not apply to wet-bulb or dew-point temperature measurement methods within the scope of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.6.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.2-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.2-2018)
Standard Methods for Air Velocity and Airflow Measurement
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for air velocity and airflow measurement, including consideration of density effects.
Scope: This standard applies to air velocity and airflow measurement for testing heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components at pressures within the range of –25 kPa to +25 kPa (–100 in. of water to +100 in. of water) referenced to atmospheric pressure.
SSPC 41 to maintain and revise Standard 41.2. Revised TPS approved September 27, 2023.
Title: Standard Methods for Air Velocity and Airflow Measurement
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for air velocity and airflow measurement, including consideration of density effects.
- This standard applies to air velocity and airflow measurement for testing heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components at pressures within the range of –25 kPa to +25 kPa (–100 in. of water to +100 in. of water) referenced to atmospheric pressure.
- This standard includes airflow mixing methods to obtain more uniform temperatures and velocities.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.3-2022 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-2014)
Standard Methods for Pressure Measurement
This standard prescribes methods for pressure measurements under laboratory and field conditions.
This standard applies to pressure measurements under laboratory and field conditions for testing heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems and components.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.4-2015 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.4-1996
Standard Methods for Proportion of Lubricant in Liquid Refrigerant Measurement
This standard prescribes a method for measuring the proportion of lubricant in liquid refrigerant.
2.1 This standard uses the gravimetric method as the primary method, but alternative methods can be used if those methods are calibrated against the primary method.
2.2 This standard does not apply to collected samples that contain less than 0.001 g (0.015 grains) of lubricant.
Standard 41.4-2015R is being revised by SSPC 41. (Standards are on Periodic Maintenance).
Standard Methods for Proportion of Lubricant in Liquid Refrigerant Measurement
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.6-2021 – Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.6-2014
Standard Methods for Humidity Measurement
PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods for measuring the humidity of moist air with instruments.
2.1 This standard applies to the measurement of humidity of moist air from sea level to 3048 m (10,000 ft), and within the dry-bulb temperature range of -50°C to 160°C (-58°F to 320°F), and within the dew point temperature range of -50°C to 99°C (-58°F to 210°F).
2.2 This standard applies to methods for the measurement of wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature and relative humidity.
2.3 This standard requires determining the uncertainty of direct humidity measurements due to various sources of errors.
Standard 41.6-2021R is being revised by SSPC 41. Revision project approved by SSPC 41 February 2024. (Standard 41.6 is on Periodic Maintenance.) Revised TPS approved June 2024.
Standard Methods for Humidity Measurements
PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods for measuring the humidity of moist air with instruments.
2.1 This standard applies to the measurement of humidity of moist air from sea level to 3048 m (10,000 ft), and within the dry-bulb temperature range of -50°C to 160°C (-58°F to 320°F), and within the dew point temperature range of -50°C to 99°C (-58°F to 210°F).
2.2 This standard applies to methods for the measurement of wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, and relative humidity.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.7-2021 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.7-2015.
Standard Methods for Gas Flow Measurement
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for gas flow measurement.
Scope: This standard applies to laboratory and field gas flow measurement for testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components. This standard is restricted to applications where the entire flow stream of gas enters and exits the gas flowmeter in a “gas-only” state during data recording with the following exceptions:
- This standard does not apply to airflow measurements at pressures within this range: -25 kPa to +25 kPa (-100 in. of water to +100 in. of water) referenced to ambient pressure. Those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 41.2.
- This standard does not apply to fan performance rating airflow measurements. Those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 51.
- This standard does not apply to gaseous-phase refrigerant mass flow measurements where the gas flow includes circulating lubricant. Those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 41.10.
Standard 41.7-2021R is being revised by SSPC 41. Revision project approved by SSPC 41 February 2024. (Standard 41.7 is on Periodic Maintenance.)
ANSI/ASHRAE 41.8-2023 Published standard. (Revision of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.8-2016 (RA2019))
Standard Methods for Liquid Flow Measurement
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for liquid flow measurement.
Scope: This standard applies to laboratory and field liquid flow measurement for testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components. This standard is restricted to applications where the entire flow stream of liquid enters and exits the liquid flowmeter in a “liquid-only” state during data recording with the following exception:
- This standard does not apply to liquid-phase refrigerant mass flow measurements where the liquid flow includes circulating lubricant. Those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 41.10.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.9-2021 - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 41.9-2018.)
Standard Methods for Refrigerant Mass Flow Measurements Using Calorimeters
1. Purpose
This standard prescribes methods for measuring mass flow rates for refrigerants and refrigerant/lubricant mixtures using calorimeters.
2. Scope
2.1 This standard applies to measuring mass flow rates for refrigerants and refrigerant/lubricant mixtures using calorimeters in laboratories.
2.2 This standard applies where the entire flow stream of the refrigerant or the refrigerant/lubricant mixture enters the calorimeter as a subcooled liquid and leaves as a superheated vapor (evaporator type).
2.3 This standard applies where the entire flow stream of the refrigerant or the refrigerant/lubricant mixture enters the calorimeter as a superheated vapor and leaves as a subcooled liquid (condenser type).
Standard 41.9-2021R is being revised by SSPC 41. Revision project approved by SSPC 41 February 2024. (Standard 41.9 is on Periodic Maintenance.)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.10-2024. Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 195.2013.
Standard Methods for Refrigerant Volumetric or Mass Flow Measurement Using Flowmeters
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods for refrigerant volumetric or mass flow rate measurement using flowmeters in laboratory and field applications. Each refrigerant mass flow rate is determined by subtracting the measured lubricant mass flow rate from the measured refrigerant/lubricant mixture mass flow rate.
2.1 This standard applies to:
a. refrigerant volumetric or mass flow rate measurements using flowmeters in laboratory and field applications.
b. systems where the refrigerants are mixed with lubricant.
c. systems where the entire flow stream of the refrigerant in the refrigerant/lubricant mixture both enters and exits the flowmeter in a gaseous phase, in a liquid phase, or in a supercritical phase during data recording.
2.2 This standard does not apply to:
a. gaseous refrigerant flow rate measurement for refrigerants that are not mixed with lubricant because those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE 41.7.
b. liquid refrigerant flow rate measurement for refrigerants that are not mixed with lubricant because those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE 41.8.
Standard 41.10-2010R is being revised by SSPC 41. Revision project approved by SSPC 41 February 1, 2022. (Standard 41.10 is on Periodic Maintenance).
Standard Methods for Refrigerant Mass Flow Measurement Using Flowmeters
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.11-2023 – Published Standard (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.11-2020)
Standard Methods for Power Measurement
Standard Methods for Power Measurement
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods for power measurements.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to power measurements under laboratory and field conditions when testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components.
Standard 41.11-2010R is being revised by SSPC 41. Revision project approved by SSPC 41 February 1, 2022. (Standard 41.10 is on Periodic Maintenance).
Standard Methods for Power Measurement
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.13-2023 Published Standard.
Standard Methods for Fuel Higher Heating Value Measurements
PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods for determining fuel higher heating values.
SCOPE: This standard applies to fuel higher heating values for use in testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems and components under laboratory and field conditions.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 51-2016 (AMCA 210-16) - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 51-2007) (AMCA is the lead organization)
Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating
1. PURPOSE and SCOPE: This Standard established uniform test methods for a laboratory test of a fan or other air moving device to determine its aerodynamic performance in terms of airflow rate, pressure development, power consumption, air density, speed of rotation, and efficiency for rating or guarantee purposes.
This standard applies to a fan or other air moving device when air is used as the test gas with the following exceptions:
(a) Air circulating fans (ceiling fans, desk fans);
(b) Positive pressure ventilators;
(c) Compressors with inter-stage cooling;
(d) Positive displacement machines;
(e) Test procedures to be used for design, production, or field testing.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2017 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2012)
Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a test procedure for evaluating the performance of air-cleaning devices as a function of particle size.
2.1 This standard describes a method of laboratory testing to measure the performance of general ventilation air cleaning devices.
2.2 The method of testing measures the performance of air cleaning devices in removing particles of specific diameters as the devices become loaded by standardized loading dust fed at intervals to simulate accumulation of particles during service life. The standard defines procedures for generating the aerosols required for conducting the test. The standard also provides a method for counting airborne particles of 0.3 to 10 µm in diameter upstream and downstream of the air cleaning device in order to calculate removal efficiency by particle size.
2.3 This standard also establishes performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting the results obtained from the test data, and establishes a minimum efficiency reporting system which can be applied to air cleaning devices covered by this standard.
SSPC 52.2 to maintain and revise Standard 52.2. Standard placed on continuous maintenance on January 21, 2006.
Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
ANSI/ASHRAE 55-2020 - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 55-2017)
Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
The purpose of this standard is to specify the combinations of indoor thermal environmental factors and personal factors that will produce satisfactory thermal environmental conditions acceptable for a majority of the occupants within the space.
2.1 The environmental factors addressed in this standard are temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed; the personal factors are those of activity and clothing.
2.2 It is intended that all of the criteria in this standard be applied together, as comfort in the indoor environment is complex and responds to the interaction of all of the factors that are addressed herein.
2.3 This standard specifies thermal environmental conditions acceptable for healthy adults at atmospheric pressure equivalent to altitudes up to 3000 m (10,000 ft) in indoor spaces designed for human occupancy for periods not less than 15 minutes.
2.4 This standard does not address such nonthermal environmental factors as air quality, acoustics, illumination, or other physical, chemical, or biological space contaminants that may affect comfort or health.
2.5 This standard shall not be used to override any safety, health, or critical process requirements.
SSPC 55 to maintain and revise Standard 55. Standard 55 placed on continuous maintenance January 24, 2004.
Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy Revised TPS approved September 2023.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019)
Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to specify minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.
1.2 This standard is intended for regulatory application to new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and those changes to existing buildings that are identified in the body of the standard.
1.3 This standard is intended to be used to guide the improvement of indoor air quality in existing buildings.
2.1 This standard applies to spaces intended for human occupancy within buildings except those within dwelling units in residential occupancies in which occupants are nontransient.
2.2 This standard defines requirements for ventilation and air-cleaning-system design, installation, commissioning, and operation and maintenance.
2.3 In addition to ventilation, this standard contains requirements related to certain contaminants and contaminant sources, including outdoor air, construction processes, moisture, and biological growth.
2.4 This standard does not prescribe specific ventilation rate requirements for:
- Spaces that contain smoking or that do not meet the requirements in the standard for separation from spaces that contain smoking
- Patient care areas not listed in this standard
- Laboratories with hazardous materials
SSPC 62.1 to maintain and revise Standard 62.1. Standard 62.1 on continuous maintenance.
Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2022 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2019.)
Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings
This standard defines the roles and minimum requirements for mechanical and natural ventilation systems and other measures intended to provide acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) in individual dwelling units.
This standard applies to dwelling units in residential occupancies in which the occupants are nontransient.
2.1 This standard considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants that can affect air
quality. Thermal comfort requirements are not included in this standard.
Informative Note: See ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2020, Thermal Environmental Conditions
for Human Occupancy, for thermal comfort requirements.
2.2 While acceptable IAQ is the goal of this standard, it will not necessarily be achieved even if
all requirements are met
a. because of the diversity of sources and contaminants in indoor air and the range of susceptibility
in the population;
b. because of the many other factors that may affect occupant perception and acceptance of
IAQ, such as air temperature, humidity, noise, lighting, and psychological stress;
c. if the ventilation air is unacceptable and this air is brought into the dwelling unit without first being cleaned;
d. if the system or systems are not operated and maintained as designed; or
e. when high-polluting events occur.
SSPC 62.2 to maintain and revise Standard 62.2. Standard placed on continuous maintenance 6/28/1997. Revised TPS approved September 27, 2023.
Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings
This standard defines the roles and minimum requirements for mechanical and natural ventilation systems and other measures intended to provide acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) in individual dwelling units.
This standard applies to dwelling units in residential occupancies in which the occupants are nontransient.
2.1 This standard considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants that can affect air quality. Thermal comfort requirements are not included in this standard.
Informative Note: See ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2020, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, for thermal comfort requirements.
2.2 While acceptable IAQ is the goal of this standard, it will not necessarily be achieved even if all requirements are met
a. because of the diversity of sources and contaminants in indoor air and the range of susceptibility in the population;
b. because of the many other factors that may affect occupant perception and acceptance of IAQ, such as air temperature, humidity, noise, lighting, and psychological stress;
c. if the ventilation air is unacceptable and this air is brought into the dwelling unit without first being cleaned;
d.because of contaminant transport from adjacent spaces;
e. if the system or systems are not operated and maintained as designed; or
f. when high-polluting events occur.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 63.2-2024 - Published standard.
(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 63.2-2017)
Method of Testing Liquid-Line Filter Drier Filtration Capability
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe a laboratory test method for evaluating the filtration capability of filters and filter driers used in liquid lines of refrigeration systems.
2. SCOPE: 2.1 This laboratory test method evaluates the capability of liquid-line filters and filter driers only for removing and retaining solid particles of a standard test contaminant.
2.2 The test method may be applied to all hermetic refrigerant liquid-line filters and filter driers up to and including Model 417S (line size 23 mm maximum).
2.3 The technique employed in this standard is the one-pass test method. In this test, a clean-up filter is installed downstream of the test sample and is designed to retain and prevent recirculation of most of the contaminant particles that are not collected by the test sample in the first pass.
2.4 Filter driers have the added capability of removing and retaining certain dissolved contaminants. This standard does not provide measurement of this capability.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 64-2020 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 64-2011)
Methods of Laboratory Testing Remote Mechanical-Draft Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers
Purpose: This standard prescribes methods of laboratory testing remote mechanical-draft evaporative refrigerant condensers.
Scope: 2.1 This standard provides a method of laboratory testing for obtaining performance data of remote mechanical-draft evaporative refrigerant condensers, including:
- definition of terms,
- specification of data to be recorded,
- calculation formulas,
- test limits and tolerances, and
- apparatus and instrumentation with associated accuracies.
2.2 This standard does not cover the following:
- methods of test for production or field use,
- heat exchangers that do not fully condense refrigerant vapor, as in heat reclaim applications,
- methods for rating condensers, nor
- the performance impact of external air resistance devices not provided by the manufacturer.
- thermal performance corrections for barometric pressure, fan horsepower, and makeup water.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2023 - Published standard.
Method of Testing the Performance of Air Outlets and Air Inlets
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to define laboratory methods of testing air outlets and air inlets used to terminate ducted and unducted systems for distribution and return of building air.
2.1 This standard includes the specifications for test instruments, facilities, installations, procedures, and methods of calculation for determining aerodynamic performance and sound generation of air outlets and air inlets.
2.2 The test methods in this standard apply to both isothermal and non-isothermal conditions.
SPC 70-2006R - Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 6/28/2014 (Seattle) with same TPS
Method of Testing for Rating the Performance of Air Outlets and Air Inlets
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 72-2024 - Published Standard (supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 72-2022)
Method of Testing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe a uniform method of testing open and closed commercial refrigerators and freezers for rating so that comparative evaluations can be made of energy consumption, product temperature performance, refrigeration load, the suction pressures required, and other performance factors.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to the following types of open and closed commercial refrigerators and freezers used for displaying or holding foods for which refrigeration is either required or desired:
- both horizontal and vertical open and closed refrigerators and freezers, and
- both remote and self-contained open and closed refrigerators and freezers
This Standard does not apply to walk-in coolers, or refrigerators and freezers where the refrigerated air is in communication with walk-in coolers.
SSPC 72 to maintain and revise Standard 72. Standard placed on continuous maintenance June 28, 2014
Method of Testing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 78-1985 (RA 2017) - Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 78-1985)
Method of Testing Flow Capacity of Suction Line Filters and Filter-Driers
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a method for measuring the flow capacity of refrigerant suction line filters and filter-driers.
2.1 This test method is intended for use on both sealed and replaceable element type suction line filters and filter-driers of all types.
2.2 The test method is based on using air as the testing medium and calculating the results to refrigerant gas flow under various application conditions.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 79-2024 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 79-2015
Method of Testing for Fan-Coil Units
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe laboratory methods of testing for fan-coil units to ensure uniform performance data for establishing ratings.
This standard includes procedures that
- describe and specify test instruments and apparatus,
- describe and specify laboratory test methods and procedures,
- describe and specify test data to be recorded,
- describe and specify calculations to be made from test data,
- define terms used in testing, and
- specify standard thermodynamic properties.
SPC 79-2015R - Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018.
Method of Testing for Fan-Coil Units
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 84-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 84-2020.)
Method of Testing Air-to-Air Heat/Energy Exchangers
The purpose of this standard is to:
- Establish a uniform method of test for obtaining for the effectiveness of air-to-air heat/energy exchangers;
- Specify the test conditions, data required, uncertainty analysis to be performed, calculations to be used, and reporting procedures for testing the performance of an air-to-air heat/energy exchanger; and
- Specify the types of test equipment for performing such tests.
2.1 This standard prescribes the laboratory methods for testing the performance of air-to-air heat and energy exchangers. In this standard, an air-to-air heat/energy exchanger is a device to transfer heat, or heat and water vapor, from one airstream to another. The types of air-to-air heat/energy exchangers covered by this standard are:
2.1.1 Regenerators:
- rotary regenerators (including heat wheels and total energy wheels),
- fixed-bed regenerators, including double-core regenerators but excluding indoor fixed-bed regenerators that require connecting ductwork at station 1 and 4 in which reversing airflows will occur in the field, and single-core fixed-bed regenerators.
2.1.2 Exchangers with intermediate energy transfer medium arranged in a closed-loop circuit:
- heat pipe exchangers,
- thermosiphon exchangers,
- recovery loop exchangers (run-around loops),
2.1.3 Recuperators:
- fixed-plate exchangers (including sensible-only and enthalpic plates)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 86-2013 (RA 2016) - Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 86-2013)
Methods of Testing the Floc Point of Refrigeration Grade Oils
1. PURPOSE:This standard provides a method for measuring the waxing tendency of refrigeration grade oils.
2. SCOPE:The floc point measurement indicates the waxing tendency of refrigeration grade oils at low temperatures. The floc point is defined as the highest temperature at which wax or other solid substances precipitate when a mixture 10 percent by volume of oil and 90 percent by volume of R-12 is cooled under specified conditions. The results can be used to compare the waxing tendency of several different oils.
SPC 86-2013R - Revision project committee authorized February 1, 2020.
Methods of Testing the Floc Point of Refrigeration Grade Oils
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2022 - Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2019
Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
1.1 To establish the minimum energy efficiency requirements of buildings other than low-rise residential buildings, and sites for
design, construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance; and
utilization of on-site renewable energy resources.
2.1 This standard provides
a. minimum energy-efficient requirements for the design and construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance of
- new buildings and their systems,
- new portions of buildings and their systems,
- new systems and equipment specifically identified in this standard that are part of a site,
- new systems and equipment in existing buildings, and
- new equipment or building systems specifically identified in this standard that are part of process applications
b. criteria for determining compliance with these requirements.
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to
a. single-family houses and related incidental structures, multifamily structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular) or
b. buildings that use neither electricity nor fossil fuel.
2.3 Where specifically noted in this standard, certain other buildings or elements of buildings or sites shall be exempt.
2.4 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
SSPC 90.1 to maintain and revise Standard 90.1. Standard approved for continuous maintenance 9/16/1983.
Revised TPS approved by Technology Council May 2022
Energy Standard for Sites and Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
1.1 To establish the minimum energy efficiency requirements of buildings other than low-rise residential buildings, and sites for design, construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance; and utilization of on-site renewable energy resources.
2.1 This standard provides
a. minimum energy-efficient requirements for the design and construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance of
- new buildings and their systems,
- new portions of buildings and their systems,
- new systems and equipment specifically identified in this standard that are part of a site,
- new systems and equipment in existing buildings, and
- new equipment or building systems specifically identified in this standard that are part of process applications,
b. criteria for controlling systems in the building or on the site that modify energy usage based on communication with energy suppliers to facilitate the use of low-emissions energy sources, and
c. criteria for determining compliance with these requirements.
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to
a. single-family houses and related incidental structures, multifamily structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular) or
b. buildings that use neither electricity nor fossil fuel.
2.3 Where specifically noted in this standard, certain other buildings or elements of buildings or sites shall be exempt.
2.4 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.2-2018 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2-2007
Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to establish the minimum whole-building energy performance requirements for energy efficient residential buildings.
Scope. This standard provides the minimum design, construction and verification requirements for new residential buildings and their systems and new portions of existing residential buildings and their systems that use renewable and non-renewable forms of energy.
- Buildings and portions of buildings covered:
- one- and two-family dwelling units, and
- multi-family structures of three stories or fewer above grade
- outbuildings
- Systems covered:
- building envelope,
- HVAC and mechanical systems,
- service hot water systems,
- major appliances,
- lighting systems,
- snow and ice melt systems, and
- pools and spas
- Exemptions. This standard does not apply to:
- specific procedures for the operation, maintenance, and use of residential buildings;
- “transient” housing, such as hotels, motels, nursing homes, jails, dormitories and barracks.
- Health, safety, and welfare. This standard shall not be used to abridge any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
SSPC 90.2 to maintain and revise Standard 90.2. Revised TPS approved by Technology Council June 2022.
High-Performance Energy Design of Residential Buildings
1. Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish whole-building design requirements that enable high levels of energy performance and greenhouse gas emission performance for residential buildings.
2. Scope: This standard provides requirements for achieving high levels of energy performance and greenhouse gas emission performance of residential buildings and their systems.
2.1. Building and portions of buildings covered:
a. Dwelling units in which the occupants are non-transient
b. Common areas associated with residential occupancies
c. Outbuildings associated with residential occupancies
2.2 Systems covered:
a. Building envelope
b. HVAC and mechanical systems
c. Service hot-water systems
d. Major appliances
e. Interior and exterior lighting systems
f. Snow and ice melt systems
g. Pools and spas
h. Renewable energy systems
i. Energy storage systems
j. Connected controls
2.3. Exemptions. This standard does not apply to the following:
a. Transient housing, such as hotels, motels, nursing homes, jails, dormitories, and barracks.
2.4. Health, Safety and Welfare. This standard shall not be used to abridge any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.4-2022, Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.4-2019.
Energy Standard for Data Centers
The purpose of this standard is to establish the minimum energy efficiency requirements of
data centers for
a. design, construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance; and
b. use of on-site or off-site renewable energy resources.
2.1 This standard applies to
a. new data centers, or portions thereof, and their systems;
b. new additions to data centers, or portions thereof, and their systems; and
c. modifications to systems and equipment in existing data centers or portions thereof.
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to
a. telephone exchanges,
b. essential facilities, and
c. information technology equipment (ITE).
2.3 Where specifically noted in this standard, certain other buildings or elements of buildings
shall be exempt.
2.4 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
SSPC 90.4 to maintain and revise Standard 90.4. Standard placed on continuous maintenance August 2016.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 97-2017(RA2017) - Published standard.
(Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 97-2007)
Sealed Glass Tube Method to Test the Chemical Stability of Materials for Use Within Refrigerant Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish a test procedure utilizing sealed glass tubes for the evaluation of materials for use in refrigerant systems.
2.1 This standard describes the preparation of sealed glass tubes and the procedure for charging them with refrigerant, lubricant, other materials to be tested, or combinations of these.
2.2 A procedure for aging the tubes, usually at elevated temperatures, is described. The tubes are evaluated by quantitative or qualitative analysis, or both, of the tube contents to yield information for determining the compatibility or chemical stability of materials to refrigerant systems.
2.3 The technique described may be used for evaluating many different types of materials. Therefore, the standard does not describe in detail the preparation of the materials to be tested prior to placing them in the glass tubes, the conditions of exposure, nor the methods of analysis.
2.4 Detailed safety precautions are included in Section 8, 'Safety Requirements.'
SPC 97-2007R – Revision project committee authorized 2/2/2011 (Las Vegas) with same TPS.
Sealed Glass Tube Method to Test the Chemical Stability of Materials for Use Within Refrigerant System
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 100-2024 - Published standard. Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 100-2018.
Energy and Emissions Building Performance Standard for Existing Buildings
1. Purpose
1.1 This standard establishes building greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption performance levels for existing buildings. This standard provides compliance requirements that will result in improved energy efficiency and reduced GHG emissions of existing buildings.
1.2 This standard is directed toward
- Setting performance targets based on operational GHG emissions and energy consumption
- Accommodating progressively more stringent performance targets
- Providing a technical basis for setting building performance standards
- Providing procedures and programs essential to energy-efficient operation, maintenance, management, and monitoring
2. Scope
This standard applies to existing buildings, portions of buildings, and building complexes, including the envelope and all systems in the building. This standard excludes industrial and agricultural processes in buildings for which the energy consumption and emissions targets do not include those processes.
SSPC 100 to revise and maintain Standard 100. Standard 100 placed on continuous maintenance January 2015.
Energy and Emissions Building Performance Standard for Existing Buildings
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 103-2022 (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 103-2017).
Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers
1. Purpose:
The purpose of this standard is to provide procedures for determining the annual fuel utilization efficiency of residential central furnaces and boilers.
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard includes:
a. a test method for cyclic and part-load performance,
b. methods for interpolating and extrapolating test data, and
c. calculation procedures for establishing seasonal performance.
2.2 This standard applies to central furnaces with inputs less than 225,000 Btu/h and boilers with inputs less than 300,000 Btu/h, having gas, oil, or electric input, intended for use in residential applications. This standard also applies to furnaces with inputs less than 225,000 Btu/h contained within the same cabinet with central air conditioners that have rated cooling capacities of 65,000 Btu/h or less. This standard applies to equipment that utilizes single-phase electric current or low-voltage DC current.
2.3 The procedures are intended to be used to compare energy consumption measures of various furnace and boiler models. They are not intended to provide an absolute measure of performance in any specific installation configuration since the effects of heating system installation variables are not fully taken into account.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2021 - Published standard.(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 105-2014).
Standard Methods for Determining, Expressing and Comparing Building Energy Performance and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
PURPOSE: This standard provides consistent methods for determining and reporting the energy performance of buildings to facilitate a comparison of design and operation strategies in new and existing buildings as well as the development of building energy performance standards and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions associated with building operation. This standard provides consistent methods for determining, expressing, and comparing the energy performance of, and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with, the design of new buildings and improvements to, or changes in, the operation of existing buildings.
2.1 This standard covers:
- New buildings and existing buildings or portions thereof,
- the determination and expression of building energy use and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with that energy use; and
- techniques for the comparison of the energy performance and associated greenhouse gas emissions between different buildings, alternative designs for the same new building, or improvements in the operation of existing buildings.
2.2 This standard does not:
- Establish building energy or greenhouse gas emissions goals or limits,
- present a method for certification of prediction methodology, such as computer program,
- address embodied energy of building materials and systems, or
- incorporate transportation energy or associated greenhouse gas emission for building functions, including commuting, business travel and process transportation
ASHRAE Standard 110-2016 -Published standard. Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 110-1995.
Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods
1. PURPOSE: This standard specifies a quantitative and qualitative test method for evaluating fume containment of laboratory fume hoods.
2.1 This method of testing applies to conventional, bypass, auxiliary-air, and VAV laboratory fume hoods.
2.2 This method of testing is intended primarily for laboratory and factory testing but may also be used as an aid in evaluating installed performance.
SPC 110-2016R Revision project committee authorized September 28, 2018 with the same TPS.
Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-2008 RA2017)
Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Systems
1. PURPOSE: To provide uniform procedures for measurement, testing, adjusting, balancing, evaluating, and reporting the performance of building heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems in the field.
2.1 This standard applies to building heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems of the air-moving and hydronic types and their associated heat transfer, distribution, refrigeration, electrical power and control subsystems.
2.2 This standard includes:
(a) methods for determining thermodynamic conditions of hydraulic, hydronic, mechanical and electrical conditions,
(b) methods for determining room air change rates, room pressurization, and cross contamination of spaces,
(c) procedures for measuring and adjusting outdoor ventilation rates to meet specified requirements,
(d) methods for validating collected data considering system effects.
2.3 This standard establishes:
(a) minimum system configuration requirements to ensure that the systems can be field tested and balanced,
(b) minimum instrumentation required for field measurements,
(c) procedures for obtaining field measurements used in HVAC systems testing and balancing and equipment testing, and
(d) formats for recording and reporting results.
2.4 The field data collected and reported under this standard are intended for use by building designers, operators and users, and by manufacturers and installers of HVAC systems.
SPC 111-2008R – Revision project committee authorized June 29, 2011 (Montreal) with the same TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 113-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 113-2013)
Method of Testing for Room Air Diffusion
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to define a repeatable method of testing the steady state air diffusion performance of an air distribution system in occupied zones of building spaces. This method is based on air velocity and air temperature distributions at specified heating or cooling loads and operating conditions.
2.1 This standard specifies equipments and procedures in occupied zones of building spaces.
2.2 This standard applies to furnished or unfurnished spaces (actual or mock-up) with or without occupants.
2.3 This standard applies to air distribution systems, including systems in which:
(a) air outlets are located inside, inside and outside, or outside of the occupied zone and
(b) local air velocities in the occupied zone are or are not under control by individual occupants.
SPC 113-2013R Revision project committee authorized January 27, 2016 with the same TPS.
Method of Testing Room Air Diffusion
ASHRAE Standard 116-2010 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 116-1995 [RA 2005])
Methods of Testing for Rating Seasonal Efficiency of Unitary Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides test methods and calculational procedures for determining the capacities and cooling seasonal efficiency ratios for unitary air conditioning and heat pump equipment and heating seasonal performance factors for heat pump equipment.
2.1 This standard covers electrically driven, air-cooled air conditioners and heat pumps used in residential applications with cooling capacity of 65,000 Btu/h and less or in the case of heating only heat pumps, heating capacity of 65,000 Btu/h and less.
2.2 The methods of test in this standard are broadly applicable, but this standard provides cooling and heating hours in temperature bins for only the contiguous states of the continental U.S.A.
2.3 This standard includes test methods for steady-state, cyclic, and part load performance, and methods for establishing seasonal performance. Equipment with single-speed, multiple-speed, variable-speed, unloading, or multiple compressors for ducted and ductless systems is included.
2.4 This standard does not apply to room air conditioners. See ASHRAE Standards 16 and 58 in Appendix B, Bibliography.
SPC 37 responsible for revising Standard 116-2010. SPC 37 merged with SPC 116 on January 24, 2015.
SPC 37 will develop a standard with a combined TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 118.1-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes Standard 118.1-2012)
Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Gas, Electric, and Oil Service Water Heating Equipment
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to provide test procedures for rating directly heated commercial-service water-heating equipment.
2.1 This standard provides test procedures for determining the efficiency and hot water delivery capability of the water-heating equipment to which it applies.
2.2 This standard applies to electric resistance, electric air-source heat pump, gas-fired, and oil-fired water-heating equipment, including hot water supply boilers with input ratings less than 12,500,000 Btu/h (3660 kW) and greater than:
Electric Resistance |
12 kW |
Electric Heat Pump |
6 kW (including all 3 phase regardless of input) |
Gas-Fired |
75,000 Btu/h (22 kW) (see Section 2.3) |
Oil-Fired |
105,000 Btu/h (31 kW) |
2.3 This standard does not apply to gas-fired water-heating equipment that meets all of the following:
a) has a storage capacity of less than two gallons,
b) is designated to deliver water at a controlled temperature of less than 180°F (82°C), and c) has an input rating less than 200,000 Btu/h (59kW)
SPC 118.1-2012R –Revision project authorized June 26, 2013 (Denver). Revised TPS approved June 22, 2019.
Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Gas, Electric and Oil Service Water Heating Equipment
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to provide test procedures for rating directly heated commercial-service water-heating equipment.
2.1 This standard provides test procedures for determining the efficiency and hot-water delivery capability of the water-heating equipment to which it applies.
2.2 This standard applies to electric resistance, heat pump, natural and propane gas-fired, and oil-fired water-heating equipment, including hot-water supply boilers, with input ratings less than 12,500,000 Btu/h (3660 kW) that are described by one or more of the following:
- gas-fired water heaters with a self-contained, temperature-activated primary operating control and not requiring circulation of water for heating, with rated input greater than 105,000 Btu/h (30.8 kW),
- oil-fired water heaters with a self-contained, temperature-activated primary operating control and not requiring circulation of water for heating, with rated input greater than 140,000 Btu/h (41 kW),
- electric resistance water heaters with a primary self-contained, temperature-activated operating control and not requiring circulation of water for heating, with rated input greater than 12 kW,
- gas-fired water heaters with a self-contained, flow-activated primary operating control and requiring water flow for heating, with rated input greater than 200,000 Btu/h (58.6 kW). Flow sensing may be based on physical flow measurement or interpretation of a temperature measurement as flow,
- oil-fired water heaters with a self-contained, flow-activated primary operating control and requiring water flow for heating, with rated input greater than 210,000 Btu/h (61.5 kW). Flow sensing may be based on physical flow measurement or interpretation of a temperature measurement as flow,
- electric resistance water heaters with a self-contained, flow-activated primary control and requiring water flow for heating, with rated input greater than 58.6 kW,
- gas-fired water heaters with a remote temperature-activated primary operating control and requiring circulation through the heater for heating, with rated input greater than 105,000 Btu/h (30.8 kW),
- oil-fired water heaters with a remote temperature-activated primary operating control and requiring circulation of water through the heater for heating, with rated input greater than 140,000 Btu/h (41 kW),
- electric resistance water heaters with a remote temperature-activated operating control and requiring circulation through the heater for heating, with rated input greater than 12 kW,
- air source, water source, and direct geo-exchange heat-pump water heaters, with rated input greater than 12 kW for electric, vapor-compression heat pumps or with rated input greater than 20,000 Btu/h (5.9 kW) for gas-fired heat pumps,
- Water heaters designed to deliver water at a controlled temperature greater than 180°F (82°C),
- Water heaters with three phase electrical supply,
- Water heaters with rated storage capacity greater than 120 gallons (454 liters), and
- Gas-fired or oil-fired hot water supply boilers with rated input equal to or greater than 300.000 Btu/h (87.9kW).
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 118.2-2022 Published standard. (Supersedes 118.2-2006)
Method of Testing for Rating Residential Water Heaters and Residential-Duty Commercial Water Heaters
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to provide test procedures for rating the efficiency and hot water delivery capabilities of directly heated residential water heaters and residential-duty commercial water heaters.
This standard applies to water heaters designed to be capable of providing outlet water at a controlled temperature of at least the nominal outlet water temperature under the conditions specified by this test.
This standard applies to the following:
2.1 Electric heat pump storage water heaters that:
- use electricity as the energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 12 kW (40,956 Btu/h) or less,
- have a rated storage capacity of 120 gallons (450 liters) or less,
- have a nameplate input rating of 12 kW (40,956 Btu/h) or less
- are designed to transfer thermal energy from one temperature level to a higher temperature level for the purpose of heating water, and
- are designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically-controlled temperature less than or equal to 180 °F (82 °C).
2.2 Electric instantaneous water heaters that:
- use electricity as the energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 58.6 kW ( 200,000 Btu/h) or less,
- contain no more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are designed to provide outlet water at a controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.3 Electric storage water heaters that:
- use electricity as the energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 12 kW (40,956 Btu/h) or less,
- have a rated storage capacity of 120 gallons (450 liters) or less,
- contain more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are be designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically-controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.4 Gas-fired heat pump storage water heaters that:
- use gas as the main energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 20,000 Btu/h (26.4 MJ/h) or less,
- have a maximum current rating of 24 amperes (including all auxiliary equipment such as fans, pumps, controls, and, if on the same circuit, any resistive elements) at an input voltage of no greater than 250 volts,
- have a rated storage volume not more than 120 gallons (450 liters), and
- are designed to transfer thermal energy from one temperature level to a higher temperature level to deliver water at a thermostatically controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.5 Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters that:
- use gas as the main energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating less than 200,000 Btu/h (210 MJ/h),
- contain no more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are designed to provide outlet water at a controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.6 Gas-fired storage water heaters that:
- use gas as the main energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 105,000 Btu/h (110 MJ/h) or less,
- have a rated storage capacity of 120 gallons (450 liters) or less,
- contain more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically-controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.7 Oil-fired instantaneous water heaters that:
- use oil as the main energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 210,000 Btu/h (220 MJ/h) or less,
- contain no more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are designed to provide outlet water at a controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
2.8 Oil-fired storage water heaters that:
- use oil as the main energy source,
- have a nameplate input rating of 140,000 Btu/h (148 MJ/h) or less,
- have a rated storage capacity of 120 gallons (450 liters) or less,
- contain more than one gallon of water per 4,000 Btu per hour of input, and
- are designed to heat and store water at a thermostatically-controlled temperature less than or equal to 180°F (82°C).
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2022 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 120-2008).
Method of Testing to Determine Flow Resistance of HVAC Ducts and Fittings
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes uniform methods of laboratory testing of HVAC ducts and fittings to determine their resistance to airflow.
2.1 This standard may be used to determine the change in total pressure resulting from airflow in HVAC ducts and fittings.
2.2 The test results can be used to determine duct flow losses in pressure loss per unit length. Fitting losses are reported as local loss coefficients.
2.3 This standard does not cover interpretation of the test data.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 124-2007 (RA 2016) - Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ASHRAE Standard 124-2007.)
Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and Water-Heating Appliances
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish a method of test to rate the performance of a combination space-heating and water-heating appliance.
2.1 This test method is intended to cover electric, gas-fired, and oil-fired combination space-heating and water-heating appliances.
2.2This standard covers appliances up to 300,000 Btu/h (87.9 kW) rated input.
SPC 124-2007R – Revision project committee authorized 2/2/2011 (Las Vegas) with same TPS.
Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and Water-Heating Appliances
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 125-2020 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 125-2016)
Method of Testing Thermal Energy Meters for Liquid Streams in HVAC Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to provide a method of testing factory-assembled thermal energy meters used to measure the thermal energy added to or extracted from a liquid stream supplying an HVAC system.
2.1 The test methods, procedures and facility descriptions in this standard are intended for use in determining measurement accuracy, pressure losses, service flow rate limits, temperature difference limits, and reliability effects of mounting attitude.
2.2 This standard is limited to applications in which the fluid remains in a completely liquid state while traversing the thermal energy meter.
2.3 The applications of this standard include, but are not limited to, thermal energy meters used for billing or revenue metering for hydronic applications.
2.4 This standard does not apply to meters using principles of change-of-state of the fluid, simple elapsed time, or measured indoor or outdoor temperature difference to allocate consumption among various end-use consumers.
ANSI/ASHRAE/SMACNA 126-2020 –Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/SMACNA Standard 126-2016)
Methods of Testing HVAC Air Ducts
1. Purpose: This standard provides laboratory test procedures for the evaluation of HVAC air ducts
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard includes procedures to determine the structural strength, dimensional stability, durability, and leakage characteristics of HVAC air ducts.
2.2 This standard does not cover:
- fittings
- effects of aerosols, solid particulates, corrosive environments, or combustibility
- long-term effects of extended service
- seismic qualifications
- underground ducts
- plenums and equipment casings
- supports for ductwork and fittings
SPC 126-2020R - Revision project committee authorized September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Methods of Testing HVAC Air Ducts
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 127-2020 Published Standard (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 127-2012). Revised TPS approved April 24, 2023.
Method of Testing for Rating Cooling Equipment Serving Data Center (DC) and Other Information Technology Equipment (ITE) Spaces
Purpose: The purpose of the standard is to establish a uniform method of test requirements for rating cooling equipment that is applied in data center (DC) and other information technology facilities, spaces, and equipment.
Scope: This standard applies to classes of air-conditioning units cooling equipment that are used to air condition to remove thermal loads in data center (DC) and other information technology equipment facilities, (ITE) spaces, and equipment. Such units must be able to be tested using an air enthalpy method and facilitate heat transfer across at least one heat exchanger.
- Rating of individual assemblies, such as condensing units
- Cooling heat exchangers within ITE products
- Heat operated equipment
- Vapor Compression Variable Refrigerant Flow Serving Multiple Evaporators
- Source Cooling Equipment (e.g. chiller units for either water or refrigerant)
- Equipment exceeding capacity of AHRI 1360
SSPC 127 to maintain and revise Standard 127. Standard placed on continuous maintenance December 2020.
Method of Testing for Rating Air Conditioning Units Serving Data Center (DC) and Other Information Technology facilities, spaces, and equipment.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 128-2018 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 128-2011)
Method of Rating Portable Air Conditioners
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish a uniform set of requirements for rating the cooling capacity of portable air conditioners.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to portable air conditioners with a rated cooling capacity of 19,000 watts (65,000 Btu/h) and above, including those with heating capacity.
The standard does not apply to:
(a) the testing and rating of individual assemblies, such as condensing units or direct expansion fan coil units for separate use;
(b) air conditioners that are computer or data processing room air conditioners within the scope of ANSI/ASHRAE 127-2007; and
(c) room air conditioners within the scope of CAN/CSA-C368.1 or AHAM RAC-1.
SPC 128-2018R - Revision project committee authorized September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Method of Rating Portable Air Conditioners
ASHRAE Standard 129-1997 (RA 2002) – Published standard. (Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 129-1997)
Measuring Air-Change Effectiveness
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes a method for measuring air-change effectiveness in mechanically ventilated spaces and buildings that meet specified criteria. The air-change effectiveness is a measure of the effectiveness of outdoor air distribution to the breathing level within the ventilated space.
2.1 The method of measuring air-change effectiveness compares the age of air where occupants breathe to the age of air that would occur throughout the test space if the indoor air were perfectly mixed.
2.2 The standard includes measurement procedures and criteria for assessing the suitability of the test space for measurements of air-change effectiveness.
ASHRAE Standard 129-1997 (RA 2002) – Revision project committee authorized June 2020. Revised TPS approved February 7, 2023.
Estimation of Ventilation Effectiveness for Ventilated Indoor Spaces
Purpose: This standard prescribes a method for measuring and estimating ventilation effectiveness for ventilated spaces using tracer gas techniques and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses.
1. The standard addresses various measures of ventilation effectiveness.
2. The standard includes laboratory testing, field testing, and CFD analysis.
3. The standard provides techniques for estimating ventilation effectiveness during design, commissioning, and operation of indoor air environments.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 130-2016 –Published standard (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 130-2008.)
Laboratory Methods of Test for Air Terminal Units
This standard specifies instrumentation, test installation methods, and procedures for measuring the capacity and related performance of constant volume, variable volume, and modulating integral diffuser air terminals.
2.1 The methods of test in this standard apply to air control devices used in air distribution systems. These devices provide control of air volume with or without temperature by one or more of the following means and may or may not include a fan:
- Fixed or adjustable directional vanes (i.e. bypass terminal),
- Pressure dependent volume dampers or valves (including air induction nozzles and dampers),
- Pressure independent volume dampers or valves (including air induction nozzles and dampers),
- Integral heat exchanger,
- On/off fan control,
- Variable speed fan control, and
- Modulating integral diffuser terminals.
2.2 This standard covers test methods for use in determining the following performance characteristics:
- Sound power,
- Temperature mixing and stratification,
- Minimum operating pressure,
- Air leakage,
- Induced airflow,
- Fan airflow,
- Fan motor electrical power,
- Condensation, and
- Airflow sensor performance.
2.3 This standard shall not be used for field testing.
SPC 130-2016R –Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018.
Laboratory Methods of Test for Air Terminal Units
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 133-2024 – Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 133-2015.
Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a uniform method of laboratory testing for rating packaged and component direct evaporative air coolers.
2.1 The scope of this standard covers a method of testing for rating the saturation effectiveness, airflow rate, and total power of packaged and component direct-evaporative air coolers.
2.2 Covered tests also include methods for measuring static pressure differential of the direct evaporative air cooler, density of the air, and speed of rotation of the fan.
2.3 This standard requires that packaged and component direct evaporative air coolers are simultaneously tested for airflow, total power, and saturation effectiveness.
2.4 The ratings resulting from application of this standard are intended for use by manufacturers, specifiers, installers, and users of evaporative air cooling apparatus for residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial ventilation; air cooling applications; and for commercial, industrial, and agricultural processing applications.
SPC 133-2015R – Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018.
Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2024 Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2020.)
BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks
1. PURPOSE: This standard defines data communication services and protocols for computer equipment used for monitoring and control of HVAC&R and other building systems and to define, in addition, an abstract, object-oriented representation of information communicated between such equipment, thereby facilitating the application and use of digital control technology in buildings.
2.1 This protocol provides a comprehensive set of messages for conveying encoded binary, analog, and alphanumeric data between devices including, but not limited to:
(a) hardware binary input and output values,
(b) hardware analog input and output values,
(c) software binary and analog values,
(d) text string values,
(e) schedule information,
(f) alarm and event information,
(g) files, and
(h) control logic.
2.2 This protocol models each building automation and control computer as a collection of data structures called 'objects,' the properties of which represent various aspects of the hardware, software, and operation of the device. These objects provide a means of identifying and accessing information without requiring knowledge of the details of the device's internal design or configuration.
SSPC 135 to maintain and revise Standard 135. Standard on continuous maintenance.
BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.1-2019 – Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135.1-2013).
Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet
1. PURPOSE: To define a standard method for verifying that an implementation of the BACnet protocol provides each capability claimed in its Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) in conformance with the BACnet standard.
2. SCOPE: This standard provides a comprehensive set of procedures for verifying the correct implementation of each capability claimed on a BACnet PICS including:
(a) support of each claimed BACnet service, either as an initiator, executor, or both,
(b) support of each claimed BACnet object-type, including both required properties and each claimed optional property,
(c) support of the BACnet network layer protocol,
(d) support of each claimed data link option, and
(e) support of all claimed special functionality.
SSPC 135 to maintain and revise Standard 135.1. Standard on continuous maintenance.
Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 138-2021 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 138-2013.
Method of Testing for Rating Ceiling Panels for Sensible Heating and Cooling
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes uniform methods of laboratory testing for rating steady-state thermal performance of ceiling panels used in indoor spaces for sensible heating or sensible cooling or both. The objective is to rate ceiling panels under repeatable conditions.
2.1 This standard specifies procedures, apparatus, and instrumentation for rating thermal performance of ceiling panels in a specific indoor configuration and thermal conditions.
2.2 Thermal performance of a ceiling panel is measured in terms of heat delivered or heat removed by the ceiling panel surface as a function of average fluid temperature of the heat transfer medium in the ceiling panel, and the temperatures characterizing the surrounding indoor space.
2.3 This standard covers testing of ceiling panels in the following effective panel surface high and low temperature range limits:
a) Sensible Heating Panels: from 24° C (75° F) to 65° C (49° F) for nonmetal heat transfer elements in the ceiling panel or from 24° C (75° F) to 150° C (302° F) for metal heat transfer elements in the ceiling panel.
b) Sensible Cooling Panels from 14° C (57° F) to 24°C (75°F)
2.4 This standard does not cover the following ceiling panels:
a) hybrid (combined thermal radiation and forced-convection) ceiling panels,
b) ceiling panels that are embedded into the ceiling, wall, or floor structure, or
c) test methods for design, production, or field testing of ceiling panels.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 139-2022 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 139-2015).
Method of Testing for Rating Desiccant Dehumidifiers Utilizing Heat for the Regeneration Process
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to provide test methods for determining the moisture removal capacity of heat-regenerated desiccant dehumidifiers as well as the coincident thermal energy performance so that comparative evaluations of capacity and performance can be made irrespective of the type or make of the device.
2.1 This standard applies to desiccant based dehumidifiers operating at atmospheric pressure. The dehumidifier may utilize solid or liquid desiccants that are regenerated utilizing heat energy.
2.2 Normally, equipment within this standard would consist of one or more desiccant contact stations through which the air to be dehumidified is moved, a means to expose the moisture-laden desiccant to a source of heat energy for regeneration, and a heating device.
2.3 Ancillary devices are normally utilized to move air to be dehumidified through the device and provide ventilation for regeneration, but they are not a part of this standard.
2.4 This standard is intended to:
(a) describe a uniform method of testing for obtaining performance data,
(b) describe and specify test instruments and apparatus,
(c) describe and specify test data to be recorded, and
(d) describe and specify calculations to be made from test data.
2.5 This standard does not apply to:
(a) dehumidifiers operating at other than atmospheric pressure,
(b) dehumidifiers not utilizing a desiccant for dehumidification,
(c) dehumidifiers not utilizing heat for regeneration of the desiccant, or
(d) ancillary equipment which may be used in any dehumidification process such as fans, pre or post conditioning equipment, etc.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IBPSA Standard 140-2020 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2014.) IBPSA is a cosponsor of this standard. Method of Test for Evaluating Building Performance Simulation Software
1. PURPOSE: This standard specifies test procedures for evaluating the technical capabilities and ranges of applicability of software that simulate the performance of buildings and their systems.
2. SCOPE: These standard test procedures apply to software that simulate the performance of a building and its systems. While these standard test procedures cannot test all algorithms within a building performance simulation software, they can be used to indicate major flaws or limitations in capabilities.
SSPC 140 to revise and maintain Standard 140. Standard 140 placed on continuous maintenance January 28, 2004
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 143-2024 – Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 143-2015
Method of Test for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides test procedures and calculations for establishing the cooling capacities and power requirements for indirect evaporative cooling equipment.
2.1 This standard covers testing under steady-state conditions for rating of indirect evaporative coolers that:
(a) sensibly cool a primary airstream through heat exchanger(s) by the evaporation of water into a secondary airstream, and
(b) are self-contained or are components of packaged systems.
2.2 This standard does not cover
(a) devices that use mechanical refrigeration or thermal storage to cool the primary airstream, the secondary airstream or the water provided for evaporation, or
(b) devices that dry the primary or secondary airstream.
SPC 143-2015R – Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018.
Method of Test for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 145.1-2024 Published Standard (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 145.1-2015.)
Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Systems: Loose Granular Media
1. PURPOSE: To provide a standard laboratory test method for assessing the performance of loose granular media used in gas-phase air cleaning systems. The results of these tests can provide information to the engineer useful for the design and selection of air cleaning equipment and the design of air cleaning systems for controlling indoor concentrations of gaseous air contaminants.
2.1 This standard prescribes a small-scale laboratory test method for measuring the contaminant removal efficiency of loose granular sorptive media used in gas-phase air cleaning equipment as installed (in a test apparatus) in an airstream and challenged with test gases under steady-state conditions. This test is conducted at elevated gas challenge concentrations (relative to ventilation applications) and therefore should be used to compare media rather than directly predict performance in any particular application.
2.2 The standard defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data and establishes a results reporting system that can be applied to loose granular media covered by this standard.
2.3 This standard does not apply to:
a) bonded carbon panels, beaded activated carbon, carbon cloths, absorbent loaded nonwovens, dry process carbon composites, or similar products, or
b) particulate removal equipment.
SSPC 145 to maintain and revise Standard 145.1. Standard on continuous maintenance. Standard 145.1 placed on continuous maintenance June 2011, Montreal.
Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Equipment
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 145.2-2025 – Published Standard. Supersedes Standard 145.2-2016
Laboratory Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Systems: Air Cleaning Devices
1. Purpose: To provide a standard laboratory test method for assessing the performance of sorptive media gas-phase air cleaning devices. The results of these tests can provide information to the engineer useful for the design and selection of air cleaning equipment and the design of air cleaning systems for controlling indoor concentrations of gaseous air contaminants.
2.1 This standard prescribes a full-scale laboratory test method for measuring the performance of in-duct sorptive media gas-phase air cleaning devices. In this context, sorptive media are defined as the active agent of the air cleaner, whether granular or sheet or pleated, that operate by absorbing and/or chemically reacting with contaminant gases. This test is conducted under steady state conditions at elevated gas challenge concentrations (relative to ventilation applications) and therefore should be used to compare devices rather than directly predict performance in any particular application.
2.2 The method of testing measures the performance of air cleaning devices for removing one or more specified gaseous contaminants or gas mixtures intended to simulate operation during service life. The standard defines procedures for the dispersion of the gases required for conducting the test. The standard also provides a method for determining gas concentrations upstream of the air cleaning device to calculate removal efficiency.
2.3 This standard establishes performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data and establishes a results reporting system that can be applied to gas-phase air cleaning devices covered by this standard.
2.4 The test method defined by this standard is applied to a sample device that is supposed to be representative of other devices marketed with the same brand and model number.
2.5 This standard does not apply to stand-alone room air cleaners.
SSPC 145 to maintain and revise Standard 145.2. Standard on continuous maintenance. Standard 145.2 placed on continuous maintenance June 2011, Montreal. Revised TPS approved by StdC January 20, 2018.
Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Equipment
Purpose: To provide a standard laboratory test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaning devices. The results of these tests can provide information to the engineer useful for the design and selection of air cleaning equipment and the design of air cleaning systems for controlling indoor concentrations of gaseous air contaminants.
2.1 This standard prescribes a full-scale laboratory test method for measuring the performance of in-duct gas-phase air cleaning devices. This test is conducted under steady state conditions at elevated gas challenge concentrations (relative to ventilation applications) and therefore should be used to compare devices rather than directly predict performance in any particular application.
2.2 The method of testing measures the performance of air cleaning devices for removing one or more specified gaseous contaminants or gas mixtures intended to simulate operation during service life. The standard defines procedures for the dispersion of the gases required for conducting the test. The standard also provides a method for determining gas concentrations upstream of the air cleaning device to calculate removal efficiency.
2.3 This standard establishes performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data and establishes a results reporting system that can be applied to gas-phase air cleaning devices covered by this standard.
2.4 The test method defined by this standard is applied to a sample device that is supposed to be representative of other devices marketed with the same brand and model number.
2.5 This standard does not apply to stand-alone room air cleaners.
Standard 145.4P - Proposed Standard authorized June 2022. Standard 145.3P to be developed by SSPC 145.
Method of Test for Assessing the Gas-Phase Performance of Air Cleaning Devices and Systems in a Duct-Chamber Apparatus
1. Purpose:
To provide a laboratory test method for evaluating air cleaning devices for challenge gas removal in a combined duct-chamber system with continuous recirculation.
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard specifies a duct-chamber test method for measuring the performance of in-duct and in-room air cleaning devices with continuous recirculation through the duct and chamber.
2.2 The test method measures the performance of air cleaning devices for removing challenge gases.
2.3 This test method is conducted at elevated challenge gas concentrations (relative to ventilation applications) and therefore should be used to compare devices rather than directly predict performance in real world applications. The challenge gas and likely byproducts will be measured over time.
2.4 Air cleaner performance is defined as the total impact of the air cleaner on the challenge gas in the chamber air and including any gaseous or particulate byproducts.
2.5 This standard provides performance specifications for the equipment and measurements required to conduct the test method, defines procedures for calculating and reporting results and provides a results reporting system.
2.6 This standard does not address the health and safety effects of operating devices and systems in an occupied room.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 146-2020 –– Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 146-2011.)
Methods of Testing and Rating Pool Heaters
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to provide methods of testing for rating pool heaters.
2.1 This standard provides methods of testing for heating capacity and energy efficiency.
2.2 This standard applies to heaters operated by gas, oil, or electricity, including heat pumps using outdoor ambient air, earth, water or a brine solution as a heat source, and heaters operating with either gas or oil and a heat pump as heat sources.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 147-2019 - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 147-2013)
Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes practices and procedures that will reduce inadvertent release of halogenated refrigerants.
2. SCOPE: The practices and procedures in this standard cover release reduction of halogenated hydrocarbon and halogenated ether refrigerants in the following circumstances:
(a) from stationary refrigeration, air-conditioning, and heat-pump equipment and systems;
(b) during manufacture, installation, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, and disposal of equipment and systems.
SSPC 147 to revise and maintain Standard 147. Standard 147 placed on continuous maintenance September 26, 2013.
Reducing the Release of Halogenated Refrigerants from Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 150-2025 – Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 150-2019 (RA2004)
Method of Testing the Performance of Cool Storage Systems
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes a uniform set of testing procedures for determining the cooling capacities and efficiencies of cool storage systems.
2.1 This standard covers cool storage systems composed of chillers, storage medium, storage device or vessel, heat sink equipment or heat sink systems, and other auxiliary equipment required to provide a complete and working system.
2.2 This standard includes the following:
(a) a uniform method of testing,
(b) identification of test equipment for performing such tests,
(c) identification of data required and calculations to be used, and
(d) definitions and terminology.
2.3 This standard does not cover testing of the airside distribution.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 153-2021 - Published standard. Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 153-2015.
Method of Test for Mass Flow Capacity of Four-Way Refrigerant Reversing Valves
1. PURPOSE: To provide a test method for measuring the refrigerant vapor mass flow capacity of four-way refrigerant reversing valves with sufficient accuracy to facilitate application decisions.
2. SCOPE: This standard describes test methods, procedures, instrumentation, computations, and suggested apparatus for this test
SPC 153-2021R - Revision project committee authorized October 18, 2024 with the same TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2022 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 154-2016)
Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations
The purpose of this standard is to provide design criteria for the performance of commercial cooking ventilation systems.
2.1 This standard covers the following:
(a) Kitchen hoods
(b) Exhaust systems
(c) Replacement air systems
2.2 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health or environmental requirement.
SSPC 154 to maintain and revise Standard 154. Standard on continuous maintenance. SSPC 154 authorized 10/1/2010.
ANSI/ASHRAE/AHRI Standard 155-2024 - Published Standard.
Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Space Heating Boiler Systems
This standard provides procedures for determining the steady state thermal efficiency, part load efficiency and idling energy input rate of space heating boilers.
2.1 This standard applies to steam and hot water boiler systems (individual, modular or multiple boilers) for use in space heating applications and having individual boilers or modules with gas, oil, electric or multiple fuel inputs of at least 300,000 Btu/h but less than 12,500,000 Btu/h.
Exception. Custom-designed, field-assembled boilers are not covered by this standard.
2.2 This standard provides methods to compare energy consumption measures of various boiler systems. It is not intended to provide an absolute measure of performance in any specific installation configuration.
2.3 This standard includes:
(a) test methods for determining full load and part load steady state thermal efficiency, idling energy input rate and throughflow loss rate of individual boilers,
(b) methods for interpolating and extrapolating test data,
(c) rating conditions to be used in executing tests and calculations for a range of classes of spaceheating applications.
2.4 This standard applies to the space heating performance of boiler systems used for multiple functions including space heating.
2.5 This standard does not cover methods of testing boiler systems used only in service water heating applications.
SPC 155P - Proposed standard project authorized 6/25/1994. Revised TPS approved March 24, 2010. AHRI is a co-sponsor to this standard.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 158.1-2024 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 158.1-2019)
Methods of Testing Capacity of Refrigerant Solenoid Valves
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes a method of testing the capacity of refrigerant solenoid valves for use in refrigerating systems.
2.1 This standard is applicable to refrigerant solenoid valves in the following circumstances:
a) as defined in Section 3, 'Definitions,'
b) for either liquid or vapor refrigerant applications, and
c) to be used with refrigerants deemed available and suitable according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2001 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems, and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2001, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants.
2.2 This standard specifies procedures, apparatus, and instrumentation that will produce accurate capacity data.
2.3 This standard does not do the following:
a) specify rating conditions or electrical or mechanical design requirements; rating conditions may be found in ARI Standard 760, Solenoid Valves for Use With Volatile Refrigerants;
b) make recommendations for safety; or
c) specify tests for production, specification compliance, or field testing of solenoid valves.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 158.2-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 158.2-2018)
Methods of Testing Capacity for Refrigerant Pressure Regulators
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides methods of determining the mass flow capacity of refrigerant pressure regulators with sufficient accuracy to facilitate proper engineering application of the device in systems operating at various conditions with various refrigerants by
- prescribing a method of measuring key flow and gradient characteristics of refrigerant pressure regulators using air or water as the working fluid, and
- prescribing computational means to enable reliable prediction of refrigerant vapor and liquid mass flow capacity based on the measured flow and gradient characteristics.
2.1 This standard applies to refrigerant pressure regulators that meet the definition found in Section 3, 'Definitions,' and that are intended for refrigerant service in applications where only single-phase flow occurs within the regulator.
2.2 This standard is applicable to refrigerant pressure regulators in the following circumstances:
- for use in either liquid or vapor refrigerant applications, and
- To be used with refrigerants deemed suitable according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2004, Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2004, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants
2.3 This standard specifies procedures, apparatus and instrumentation that will produce capacity and gradient information sufficiently accurate to apply the device tested.
2.4 This standard does not do the following:
- specify rating conditions or electrical or mechanical design requirements (rating conditions may be found in ARI Standard 770, Refrigerant Pressure Regulating Valves),
- make recommendations for safety, or
- specify tests for production, specification compliance, or field testing of regulators.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 160-2021 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 160-2016)
Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to specify performance-based design criteria for predicting, mitigating or reducing moisture damage to the building envelope, materials, components, systems and furnishings, depending on climate, construction type, and HVAC system operation. These criteria include the following:
a) criteria for selecting analytic procedures
b) criteria for inputs
c) criteria for evaluation and use of outputs
2.1 This standard applies to the design of new buildings and to the retrofit and renovation of existing buildings.
2.2 This standard applies to all types of buildings, building components, and materials.
2.3 This standard applies to all interior and exterior zones and building envelope cavities.
2.4 This standard does not directly apply to thermal comfort or acceptable indoor air quality.
2.5 This standard does not address the design of building components or envelopes to resist liquid water leakage from sources such as rain water, ground water, flooding or ice dams.
SSPC 160 to maintain and revise Standard 160. Standard on continuous maintenance.
Criteria for Moisture-Control Design Analysis in Buildings
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 161-2024 - Published standard. (Supersedes ASHRAE Standard 161-2018)
Air Quality Within Commercial Aircraft
1. PURPOSE: This standard defines the requirements for air quality in air-carrier aircraft and specifies methods for measurement and testing in order to establish compliance with the standard.
2.1 This standard applies to commercial passenger air-carrier aircraft carrying 20 or more passengers and certified under Title 14 CFR Part 25.
2.2 This standard considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants as well as moisture, temperature, pressure and other factors that may affect air quality.
2.3 Because this standard cannot take into account every variable, especially those relating to safe operation of the aircraft, the diversity of sources and types of contaminants in aircraft cabin air, and the range of susceptibility in the population, compliance with this standard will not necessarily ensure acceptable aircraft cabin air quality for everyone.
SSPC 161 to maintain and revise Standard 161. Standard placed on continuous maintenance in 6/2007.
Air Quality Within Commercial Aircraft
SSPC 164 approved June 26, 2020 to maintain and revise each of the 164 series individual standards. (Standards are on Periodic Maintenance).
Methods of Test for Humidifiers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.1-2012 (RA16) Published standard
Method of Test for Residential Central-System Humidifiers
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a uniform method of laboratory testing for rating central-system residential humidifiers.
2.1 The scope of this standard covers a method of test for the humidification rate of central-system residential humidifiers intended for use with forced warm air heating and/or cooling systems.
2.2 This method of test describes the test apparatus, conduct of the test, and information to be recorded.
2.3 Tests covered include methods for measuring electrical power input, water flow rate, water temperature, and water pressure to the test humidifier. Also included are airflow rate, static pressure, temperature and relative humidity entering and maintained by the test apparatus.
2.4 Information resulting from the application of this method of test is intended for use by manufacturers, specifiers, installers, and users of central-system residential humidifiers.
2.5 This method of test does not apply to self-contained humidifiers, portable humidifiers, or humidifiers for commercial and industrial applications.
Standard 164.1-2012(RA16)R is being revised by SSPC 164. Revision project approved February 2021 with the same TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.2-2012 (RA16) Published standard.
Method of Test for Self-Contained Residential Humidifiers
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes method of test for the humidification rate and power input of self-contained humidifiers for whole house applications.
2.1 The scope of this standard covers a method of test for the humidification rate of residential self-contained humidifiers that do not require other mechanical devices and are not connected to the central heating/ventilation system.
2.2 This method of test describes the test apparatus, conduct of the test, and information to be recorded.
2.3 Tests covered include methods for measuring energy input, water flow rate, water temperature, and water pressure to the test humidifier.
Standard 164.2-2012(RA16)R is being revised by SSPC 164. Revision project approved February 2021 with the same TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.3-2015 - Published standard
Method of Test for Commercial and Industrial Isothermal Humidifiers
1. PURPOSE: This standard method of test establishes a uniform method of laboratory testing for rating commercial and industrial isothermal humidifiers.
2.1 The scope of this standard covers a method of test for the humidification rate of factory made commercial and industrial isothermal humidifiers.
2.2 This method of test describes the test apparatus, conduct of the test, and information to be recorded.
2.3 Information resulting from the application of this method of test is intended for use by manufacturers, specifiers, installers, and users of commercial and industrial isothermal humidifiers.
Standard 164.3-2015R is being revised by SSPC 164. Revision project authorized December 18, 2019 with the same TPS.
Method of Test for Commercial and Industrial Isothermal Humidifiers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 164.4-2021 - Published Standard.
Method of Test for Commercial and Industrial Adiabatic Humidifiers
This standard method of test establishes a uniform method of laboratory testing for rating commercial and industrial adiabatic humidifiers.
2.1 The scope of the standard covers a method of test for the humidification rate and efficiency of commercial and industrial adiabatic humidifiers.
2.2 This method of test describes the test apparatus, conduct of the test, and information to be recorded.
2.3 Information resulting from the application of this method of test is intended for use by manufacturers, specifiers, installers, and users of commercial and industrial humidifiers.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2021 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2020)
Climatic Data for Building Design Standards
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides recognized climatic data for use in building-design and related equipment standards.
2.1 This standard covers climatic data used in ASHRAE standards, including dry-bulb, dew-point and wet-bulb temperatures, enthalpy, humidity ratio, wind conditions, solar irradiation, latitude, longitude, and elevation for locations worldwide.
2.2 This standard also includes statistical data such as mean temperatures, average temperatures, mean/median annual extremes, daily ranges, heating and cooling degree days and degree hours, and hours and seasonal percentages within ranges of temperatures as well as bins.
SSPC 169 to maintain and revise ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169 placed on continuous maintenance on 1/25/2006.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE 170-2021 –Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017)
Ventilation of Health Care Facilities
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to define ventilation system design requirements that provide environmental control in health care facilities.
2.1 The requirements in this standard apply to patient care areas, resident care areas, and related support areas within health care facilities.
2.2 This standard applies to new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and those alterations to existing buildings that are identified within this standard.
2.3 This standard considers chemical, physical, and biological contaminants that can affect the delivery of medical care to patients and residents, the convalescence of patients and residents, and the safety of patients, residents, health care workers, and visitors.
2.4 This standard establishes design requirements for temperature and humidity.
2.5 This standard establishes design requirements for odor control and asepsis.
2.6 This standard establishes design requirements for ventilation rates including, but not limited to outdoor air to serve health care facilities.
2.7 This standard does not establish comprehensive thermal comfort design requirements.
SSPC 170 to maintain and revise Standard 170. Standard placed on continuous maintenance June 21, 2008.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 171-2017 – Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard171-2008)
Method of Testing & Rating Seismic Restraint Devices for HVAC & R Equipment
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to provide a test procedure for determining the capacity of seismic restraints for HVAC & R equipment. The test procedures will determine the maximum force a restraint can withstand without breakage or permanent deformation. The standard provides a method of rating restraints based on the test results.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to the following types of seismic restraints that are manufactured from the following types of materials:
2.1 Types of Seismic Restraints
- Cable restraints used for HVAC & R Equipment that is mounted on the floor or suspended from the building structure and for associated pipe, ductwork, electrical raceways, fire protection piping and other devices suspended from the building structure.
- Combination isolator/restraints that are directly mounted to equipment or to structural frames attached to equipment, including isolated curbs.
- Seismic snubbers that are directly mounted to equipment or mounted to structural frames attached to equipment.
- Structural shapes (i.e. rigid bracing) used for HVAC & R equipment that is mounted on the floor or suspended from the building structure and for associated pipe, ductwork, electrical raceways, fire protection piping and other devices suspended from the building structures.
2.2 Types of Materials
- Ferrous metals, including those used in ductile castings, structural stainless steel and structural carbon steel.
- Non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper and brass
- Non-metallic materials such as fiberglass, elastomer, natural rubber and composites.
- This standard does not apply to non-ductile materials.
SPC 171-2017R – Revision project committee authorized June 2024.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 172-2024 – Published standard.
(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 172-2017)
Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Lubricant and Refrigerant Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to define a test method to determine the formation of insoluble materials in synthetic lubricants and refridgerant systems.
2. SCOPE: The test will determine the presence of materials that separate from refrigerant and lubricant mixtures over a range of temperatures and concentrations. The test is based on the precipitation of insoluble material in a lubricant/refrigerant combination. The results can be used to compare lubricants and refrigerants.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 173-2012 (RA 2016) – Published standard.
Method of Test to Determine the Performance of Halocarbon Refrigerant Leak Detectors
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish a method of test for qualifying the performance of portable leak detectors designed for the detection of CFC, HCFC, HFC and PFC halogenated gases.
2. SCOPE: The practices and procedures in this standard cover the testing of refrigerant leak detectors intended for use in the leak testing of refrigerating, air-conditioning, and heat-pump systems and their components.
SPC 173-2012R – Revision project committee authorized January 21, 2021. Revised TPS approved January 2022.
Method of Test to Determine the Performance of Hand Held and Bench-Top Gas Leak Detectors
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish a method of test for qualifying the performance of hand held and bench-top leak detectors designed for use in manufacturing, installation, and servicing of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems and components.
Scope: The practices and procedures in this standard cover the performance testing of leak detectors intended for use in the leak testing of refrigerating, air-conditioning, and heat pump systems and their components. The leak detector safety requirements are not covered under the scope of this standard.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 174-2022 – Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 174-2018)
Method of Test for Rating Desiccant-Based Dehumidification Equipment
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides test methods for rating the performance of desiccant based dehumidification equipment.
2. SCOPE: This method of test applies to dehumidification equipment operating at atmospheric pressure and using desiccants combined with other components to dehumidify air.
SPC 175P – Redesignated as GPC 38P
SPC 177P – Redesignated as GPC 38P
ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA 180-2018 - Published standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA 180-2012)
Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial-Building HVAC Systems
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum HVAC inspection and maintenance requirements that preserve a system’s ability to achieve acceptable thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality in commercial buildings.
2.1 This standard provides minimum requirements for the HVAC system inspection and maintenance practice in new and existing buildings. Where specifically noted in this standard, different requirements apply.
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:
2.2.1 Single-family houses or multi-family structures of three or fewer stories above grade.
2.2.2 HVAC equipment and portions of building systems that primarily provide for industrial, manufacturing, or commercial processes
2.2.3 Other building HVAC systems or elements of building HVAC systems that this standard specifically identifies.
2.3 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
SPC 180-2018R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on October 19, 2021 with the same TPS.
Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial-Building HVAC Systems
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 181-2023 – Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 181-2018.
Methods of Testing for Rating Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods of testing the thermal performance and pressure drop of liquid to liquid heat exchangers.
- lists and defines the terms for rating the thermal performance of liquid to liquid heat exchangers; and
- establishes the methods of test to be used as a basis for obtaining the thermal performance and pressure drop of liquid to liquid heat exchangers using water or other single-phase liquids; and
- applies to laboratory testing for purposes of rating heat exchangers within its scope. This standard is not intended for field testing of heat exchangers of any type.
SPC 181-2018R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 3/31/2021.
Methods of Testing for Rating Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 182-2020 - Published Standard. (Supersedes of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 182-2008)
Method of Testing Absorption Water-Chilling and Water-Heating Packages
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe a method of testing absorption water-chilling and water-heating absorption packages to verify capacity and thermal energy input requirements at a specific set of operating conditions.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to:
(a) absorption packages used to chill and/or heat water, as defined below in Section 3, “Definitions.”
(b) testing that will occur where proper instrumentation and load stability can be provided. It is not the intent of this standard to provide for testing in typical field installations, where steady-state conditions are often difficult to achieve and adequate provisions for measurement are not made.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183-2024 – Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 183-2007 (RA2020).
Peak Cooling and Heating Load Calculations in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes requirements for performing peak cooling and heating load calculations for buildings except low-rise residential buildings.
2. SCOPE: This standard sets minimum requirements for methods and procedures used to perform peak cooling and heating load calculations for buildings except low-rise residential buildings.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 184-2020 - Published Standard.
Method of Test for Field Performance of Liquid-Chilling Systems
PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe methods of field performance testing for liquid-chilling systems.
2.1 This standard includes the following types of liquid-chilling systems. These system types are further described in Section 5, “Equipment Types”.
2.1.1 Vapor compression cycle
2.1.2 Absorption cycle
2.2 This standard does not include systems with a net refrigeration capacity less than 10 tonsR [35kW].
2.3 This standard does not include a specification of standardized test conditions under which the liquid-chilling package must operate. Test conditions typically reflect the expected operating conditions and are customer specified.
SPC 184-2020R Revision project committee authorized October 18, 2024 with the same TPS.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2020 – Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.1-2015.
Method of Testing UVC Lights for Use in Air Handling Units or Air Ducts to Inactivate Airborne Microorganisms.
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a test method for evaluating the efficacy of UVC Lights for their ability to inactivate airborne microorganisms.
2. SCOPE: This standard describes a method of laboratory testing to measure the performance of UVC Lights used in general ventilating systems.
This method of testing measures the performance of UVC Lights to inactivate selected indicator microorganisms in the air stream. The standard defines procedures for generating the bioaerosols required for conducting the test. The standard also provides a method for counting the airborne bioaerosols upstream and downstream of the UVC Light in order to calculate inactivation efficiency for each microorganism.
This standard also establishes performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data, and establishes a reporting system to be applied to UVC lights covered by this standard.
SSPC 185 to maintain and revise Standard 185.1. Standard placed on continuous maintenance 10/13/2015.
Methods of Test to Inactivate Microorganisms in HVAC Systems with UV-C lights
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.2-2020 – Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.2-2014.
Method of Testing Ultraviolet Lamps for Use in HVAC&R Units or Air Ducts to Inactivate Microorganisms on Irradiated Surfaces
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a test method for measuring the intensity of ultraviolet lamps on irradiated surfaces under typical HVAC&R operating conditions.
2.1 This standard describes a method of laboratory testing to measure the UV-C radiance of ultraviolet lamps used in HVAC&R systems.
2.2 This standard also:
a) defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data, and
c) establishes a reporting system to be applied to ultraviolet lamps covered by this standard.
SSPC 185 to maintain and revise Standard 185.2. Standard placed on continuous maintenance 10/13/2015. Revised TPS approved October 2021
Method of Testing Ultraviolet Sources for Use in HVAC&R Units or Air Ducts on Irradiated Surfaces
Purpose: This standard establishes a test method for measuring the intensity of ultraviolet sources on irradiated surfaces under typical HVAC&R operating conditions.
2.1 This standard describes a method of laboratory testing to measure irradiance of ultraviolet sources used in HVAC&R systems.
2.2 This standard also:
a) defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data, and
b) establishes a reporting system to be applied to ultraviolet sources covered by this standard.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.3 2024, Published standard.
Method of Testing Commercial and Industrial In-Room Air-Cleaning Devices and Systems for Microorganism Bioaerosol Removal or Inactivation in a Test Chamber
The standard establishes a test method for evaluating commercial and industrial in-room air-cleaning devices and systems for microorganism bioaerosol removal or inactivation in a test chamber.
2.1 The standard specifies selected indicator microorganisms in the test chamber and defines procedures for generating the bioaerosols required for the method of test.
2.2 This standard provides a method for counting the number of viable microorganisms in the chamber to calculate the elimination efficiency for each microorganism.
2.3 This standard establishes minimum performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data, and establishes a reporting system to be applied to in-room devices and systems covered herein.
2.4 This standard does not address the health and safety effects of operating devices and systems in an occupied room.
2.5 This standard applies to commercial and industrial in-room air-cleaning devices and systems. This standard is not intended to conflict with or replace ANSI/AHAM Standard AC-5 for testing portable residential air cleaners.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 185.4-2024 – Published Standard. SSPC 185 to maintain and revise Standard 185.4.
Method of Testing In-Room Ultraviolet Devices and Systems for Microbial Inactivation on Surfaces in a Test Room
PURPOSE: This standard establishes a test method for evaluating the efficacy of ultraviolet disinfection systems for microbial inactivation on multiple surface locations in a test room.
2.1 The standard applies to ultraviolet devices and systems using only germicidal ultraviolet energy for disinfection.
2.2 The method of test specifies selected indicator microorganisms and defines procedures for inoculating test carriers in a room-scale test chamber.
2.3 The method of test defines the test carrier quantity and positions in the test room.
2.4 This standard provides a method for counting the number of viable microorganisms on the test carriers before and after ultraviolet inactivation.
2.5 This standard establishes protocols and minimum requirements for the materials and equipment required to conduct the tests, defines methods of calculating and reporting results obtained from the test data, and establishes a reporting system to be applied to in-room devices and systems covered herein.
2.6 This standard does not address the health and safety effects of operating devices and systems in an occupied room.
Standard 185.5P – Proposed Standard authorized June 2022.
Method of Testing HVAC-duct mounted Devices and Systems and In-Room devices for Particle and Microorganism Removal or Inactivation in a Chamber with a Recirculating Duct System
1. Purpose:
The standard provides a method of test for evaluating HVAC-duct mounted devices and in-room devices and systems for particle and microorganism removal or inactivation in a chamber with a recirculating duct system.
2. Scope:
2.1 The method of test specifies specific particle or selected indicator microorganisms in the test chamber and defines procedures for generating the particles or bioaerosols required for the method of test.
2.2 This standard provides a method for counting the number of specific particles or viable microorganisms in the chamber to calculate the elimination efficiency for each specific particle or microorganism.
2.3 This standard establishes minimum performance specifications for the equipment required to conduct the tests, defines test methods as well as the calculation and reporting of results obtained from the test data, and establishes a reporting system to be applied to HVAC-duct mounted devices and in-room devices and systems covered herein.
2.4 This method of test requires a chamber with a recirculating duct system.
2.5 This standard does not address the health and safety effects of operating devices and systems in an occupied room.
SPC 186P (Redesignated as 23.2P)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2021 - Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2018
Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems
1. Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum Legionellosis risk management requirements for building water systems.
2. Scope
2.1 This standard provides minimum legionellosis risk management requirements for the design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and expansion of new and existing buildings and their associated potable and nonpotable water systems and components.
2.2 This standard applies to human-occupied commercial, institutional, multiunit residential, and industrial buildings. This standard does not include single-family residential buildings.
2.3 This standard is intended for use by owners and managers of human-occupied buildings, excluding single-family residential building and is also intended for those involved in the design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and service of centralized building water systems and components.
SSPC 400 is the cognizant project committee for maintenance of Standard 188 (approved January 2024).
ANSI/ASHRAE/ICC/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2023, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/ICC/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1-2020)
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for the siting, design, construction, and plans for operation of high-performance green buildings to
a. reduce emissions, enhance building occupant health and comfort, conserve water, protect local biodiversity and ecosystem services, promote sustainable and regenerative materials cycles, and enhance resilience; and
b. support the goal of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
1.2 This standard provides comprehensive requirements that can be adopted by national and local jurisdictions.
2.1 This standard addresses site sustainability, water use efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), materials and resources, and construction and plans for operation. It contains requirements that apply to the following:
a. New buildings and structures, and their systems
b. New portions of buildings and structures, and their systems
c. New systems and equipment in existing buildings
d. Relocated existing buildings
e. The site on which the building or structure is located
f. Demolition and deconstruction of buildings and their systems.
g. Change of occupancy classification or use
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to
a. single-family houses, multifamily structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular) and
b. building projects and structures that use none of the following:
- electricity
- fossil fuel
- water
2.3 The requirements in this standard shall not be used to circumvent any applicable safety, health, or environmental requirements.
ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 189.3-2021 Published Standard. Supersedes Standard 189.3-2017.
Design, Construction and Operation of Sustainable High-Performance Health Care Facilities. Revised TPS approved 4/24/23.
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for the siting, for the design, construction and operation of high performance sustainable health care facilities to:
a. Reduce emissions, enhance occupant health and comfort, conserve water, protect local biodiversity and ecosystems services, promote sustainable and regenerative materials cycles, and enhance resilience; and
b. Support the goal of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, including decarbonization of the building environment.
1.2 This standard provides requirements that can be adopted by national and local jurisdictions.
2.1 This standard applies to patient care areas and related support areas within health care facilities and their site, including hospitals, outpatient facilities, residential health, care and support facilities.
2.2 This standard applies to new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and those alterations to existing buildings that are identified within the standard.
2.3 This standard provides procedures for the integration of sustainable principles into the health care facility design, construction and operation process including:
- integrated design
- conservation of water
- conservation of energy
- indoor environmental quality
- construction practices
- commissioning
- operations and maintenance
2.4 The requirements in this standard shall not be used to circumvent any applicable safety, health, reimbursement, or environmental requirements.
SSPC 189.3 to maintain and revise standard 189.3. Standard approved for continuous maintenance March 1, 2017.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 190-2020 - Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 190-2013.
Method of Testing for Rating Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe test methods for determining the moisture-removal capacity and efficiency, the pool heating capacity, and the sensible and total cooling capacity for indoor pool dehumidifiers.
2.1 This standard applies to indoor pool dehumidifiers using electrically driven, mechanical vapor-compression refrigeration systems consisting of one or more factory-made assemblies that dehumidify and circulate air and may include pool water heating, cooling, filtering, and heat recovery.
2.2 Systems other than the above are excluded.
SPC 191P- Proposed Standard authorized 9/29/06. Revised TPS approved by Technology Council, June 2022. ASPE/AWWA are co-sponsors to this standard.
Standard for Water Balances and Efficiency in Mechanical and Process Systems
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to document a comprehensive water balance and define baseline requirements for the efficient use of water in mechanical and process systems.
1.2 The purpose of the water balance is to identify the volumes of water from sources and to uses within a user-defined project boundary. The goal is to highlight potential opportunities to maximize the efficient use of water.
2.1 This standard provides minimum criteria that:
a. Apply to new buildings and renovation projects (new portions of buildings and their systems) and the surrounding site: a building or group of buildings, that utilize a single submittal for a construction permit or which are within the boundary of a contiguous area under single ownership.
b. Addresses water use through the concept of a water balance and efficiency measures implemented during design, construction, and operation of residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial projects.
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:
a. Storm or building waste water management, except as a means of reducing water use for mechanical and process systems as defined in the standard.
b. Industrial process systems that are not identified within the standard.
2.3 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
2.4 This standard shall not be used to circumvent local or state water rights laws or any other local, municipal, and/or state statutes.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 193-2010 (RA 2024) Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 193-2010 (RA2014).
Method of Test for Determining the Airtightness of HVAC Equipment
This standard prescribes a method of test to determine the airtightness of forced-air HVAC equipment prior to field installation.
2.1 This standard applies to the following:
a. Equipment intended for installation in ducted systems, including furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, coil boxes, filter boxes, and associated components.
b. Equipment that moves less than 3000 cfm (1400 L/s) of air.
2.2 This standard does not apply to ducts, plenums, or other field-constructed components.
SPC 193-2010 (RA 2014)R - Revision project committee authorized 6/27/2018.
Method of Test for Determining the Airtightness of HVAC Equipment
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 194-2017 Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 195-2013.
Method of Test for Direct-Expansion Ground Source Heat Pumps
The purpose of this standard is to provide a method of test to determine capacity and efficiency of direct-expansion ground source heat pumps.
This standard applies to factory-assembled unitary heat pumps (that utilize indoor air as energy sink on heating and the energy source on cooling and a refrigerant as the heat transfer medium in the ground) and are used for direct-expansion (DX) ground source systems
SPC 194-2012R, Revision committee approved January 28, 2015 with the same TPS.
Method of Test for Direct-Expansion Ground-Source Heat Pumps
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 195-2024 Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 194-2013)
Method of Test for Rating Air Terminal Unit Controls
1. PURPOSE: This standard specifies instrumentation and facilities, test installation methods, and procedures for determining the accuracy and stability of airflow control systems for terminal units at various airflow set points.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to electronic and/or pneumatic control systems used for pressure independent airflow control in terminal units for variable-air-volume (VAV) and constant-volume (CV) air moving systems.
SPC 195-2024R Revision project committee authorized October 18, 2024 with the same TPS.
Method of Test for Rating Air Terminal Unit Controls
SPC 196P Proposed standard authorized (Salt Lake City) June 24, 2008. Revised TPS approved January 27, 2017.
Method of Test for Measuring Refrigerant Leak Rates
Purpose: To establish procedures necessary to measure leak flow rates of refrigerant by using refrigerant as the test gas. The intent of these measurements is to allow predictions of leak rates of equipment.
Scope: The scope of this standard covers measuring leaks of packaged refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump systems and system components.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 198-2013 Published standard.
Method of Test for Rating DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems for Moisture Removal Capacity and Moisture Removal Efficiency
The purpose is to prescribe test methods for determining the moisture removal performance and efficiency for DX Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DX-DOAS).
This method of test applies to air-cooled, water-cooled or water-source factory-assemble DX-DOAS produce which includes reheat to condition 100% outdoor air to provide dry air at a dry-bulb temperature at or near the design room temperature, directly or indirectly to the conditioned space. The product may pre-condition outdoor air by containing an enthalpy wheel, sensible wheel, desiccant wheel, plate heat exchanger, heat pipes or other heat or mass transfer apparatus.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 198-2013R Revision project committee authorized February 1, 2017 (Las Vegas).
Method of Test for Rating DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems for Moisture Removal Capacity and Moisture Removal Efficiency
Standard 199-2016 Published Standard.
Method of Testing the Performance of Industrial Pulse Cleaned Dust Collectors
1. PURPOSE: The purpose is to provide a quantitative laboratory test method for determining the performance of Industrial Pulse Cleaned Dust Collectors using a test dust.
2. SCOPE: This method of test applies to bag, cartridge, or envelope industrial dust collectors that recondition the filter media by using a pulse of compressed air to discharge the dust cake from the filter media while the air cleaning device remains on line.
SPC 199-2016R – Revision committee authorized by Standards Committee on April 11, 2022 with same TPS.
Method of Testing the Performance of Industrial Pulse Cleaned Dust Collectors
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 200-2024 Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 200-2018.
Methods of Testing Chilled Beams
1. PURPOSE: To define laboratory methods of testing chilled beams to determine performance..
2. SCOPE:This standard specifies test instrumentation, facilities, installation methods and procedures for determining the performance of Chilled Beams.
ANSI/ASHRAE/NEMA Standard 201-2016 (RA2020) Published Standard. Reaffirmation of ANSI/ASHRAE/NEMA Standard 201-2016..
Facility Smart Grid Information Model
1. Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to define an abstract, object-oriented information model to enable appliances and control systems in homes, buildings, and industrial facilities to manage electrical loads and generation sources in response to communication with a “smart” electrical grid and to communicate information about those electrical loads to utility and other electrical service providers.
2. Scope: This model provides the basis for common information exchange between control systems and end use devices found in single- and multi-family homes, commercial and institutional buildings, and industrial facilities that is independent of the communication protocol in use. It provides a common basis for electrical energy consumers to describe, manage, and communicate about electrical energy consumption and forecasts.
The model defines a comprehensive set of data objects and actions that support a wide range of energy management applications and electrical service provider interactions including but not limited to:
(a) on-site generation,
(b) demand response,
(c) electrical storage,
(d) peak demand management,
(e) forward power usage estimation,
(f) load shedding capability estimation,
(g) end load monitoring (sub metering),
(h) power quality of service monitoring,
(i) utilization of historical energy consumption data, and
(j) direct load control.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202-2024. Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202-2018.
The Commissioning Process Requirements for New Buildings and New Systems
1. PURPOSE:The purpose of this standard is to identify the minimum acceptable Commissioning Process (Cx) for new buildings and new systems.
2.1 This standard applies to
a. New buildings and their systems
b. New portions of buildings and their systems
c. New systems and equipment in existing buildings
2.2 This provides procedures, methods, and documentation requirements for each activity for project delivery, from predesign through occupancy and operations, including
a. An overview of Commissioning Process (Cx) Activities
b. A description of each process step’s minimum activities
c. Minimum documentation requirements
d. Acceptance requirements
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for revision and maintenance of Standard 202 (approved June 2016). Standard 202 placed on continuous maintenance June 23, 2013.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 203-2018 (RA 2021) –Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 203-2018.
Method of Test for Determining Heat Gain of Office Equipment Used in Buildings
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes methods of test to determine the range and average operating heat gains of electrical equipment for use in cooling load calculations.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to plug load type electrical equipment used in buildings.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 204-2020 – Published Standard
Method of Test for Rating Micro Combined Heat and Power Devices
Purpose: This standard provides a test method for determining the net electrical generating performance and heat recovery performance of micro combined heat and power devices, sometimes referred to as micro-cogeneration devices. The standard specifies the equipment and instrumentation required, test methods, and calculation procedures.
Scope: This standard applies to combined heat and power devices whose maximum net electrical power output is less than 50 kW and whose maximum useful thermal output is less than 300 kW and whose maximum allowable ratio of thermal output (exclusive of any auxiliary heating equipment) to electrical power is 15. Covered devices are stationary systems that utilize natural gas, propane, or diesel as the fuel source.
SPC 204-2020R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on October 19, 2021 with the same TPS.
Method of Test for Rating Micro Combined Heat and Power Devices
ANSI/ASHRAE/IBPSA 205-2023 Published Standard. Standard 205 was placed on continuous maintenance June 28, 2022. IBPSA is a cosponsor of this standard. Representation of Performance Data for HVAC&R and Other Facility Equipment
1. PURPOSE: To facilitate automated sharing of equipment performance characteristics by defining data models and data serialization formats.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to performance data for any HVAC&R or other facility system, equipment, or component.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 206-2024 Published standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 206-2013 RA 2017
Method of Testing for Rating of Multi-Purpose Heat Pumps for Residential Space Conditioning and Water Heating
1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to establish definitions, classifications and test requirements for the determination of the efficiency of multi-purpose, space conditioning and water heating equipment.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to electrically powered unitary heat pump equipment that provides both space conditioning and water heating functions, or that combines space conditioning and water heating with other functions, such as dehumidification and/or ventilation. The equipment to which this standard applies has the capability to heat water without requiring the simultaneous performance of space conditioning. It addresses air-source, water-source, ground water-source, ground-source closed loop, and direct geoexchange equipment. It applies to air-source equipment rated below 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W], and water-source, ground water-source, ground-source closed loop, and direct geoexchange equipment rated below 135,000 Btu/h [40,000 W].
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 207-2025, Published Standard. Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 207-2021
Laboratory Method of Test of Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Air Economizers
The purpose of this standard is to provide methods for laboratory testing of Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) systems to determine whether they perform as specified.
2.1 This standard applies to the FDD systems that are intended to detect or diagnose faults that affect the performance of the air economizers of air conditioning equipment.
2.2 This standard defines laboratory tests for faults in four categories of economizer functions: sensor communication, actuator communication, damper and actuator responsiveness, and damper position.
2.3 This standard only applies to those FDD systems designed to detect or diagnose faults by evaluating instantaneous or short-term conditions and parameters.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 209-2018, Published Standard
Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
PURPOSE: Define minimum requirements for providing energy design assistance using building energy simulation and analysis.
SCOPE: This standard applies to new buildings or major renovations of, or additions to, existing buildings utilizing energy simulation during the design process. This standard does not apply to single-family houses, multi-family structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes) and modular homes.
SSPC 209 to maintain and revise Standard 209. Standard approved for continuous maintenance April 2022. IBPSA is a co-sponsor to this standard. Revised TPS approved on September 27, 2023.
Building Performance Simulation Process
Purpose: To establish minimum requirements for the process of using simulation to evaluate building performance and inform decision making.
Scope: This standard applies to the use of building performance simulation, including energy modeling, during the design, construction and operation of new buildings or major renovations of, or additions to, existing buildings.
SPC 210P, Proposed Standard authorized (Chicago) January 25, 2012. Revised TPS approved January 23, 2016.
Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Walk-in Cooler and Freezer Equipment
PURPOSE: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe a uniform method of testing walk-in commercial cooler and freezer equipment for rating so that comparative evaluations can be made of energy and other performance factors.
SCOPE: This standard applies to commercial walk-in cooler and freezer equipment, not including equipment designed and marketed exclusively for medical, scientific, or research purposes. Equipment includes but is not limited to components and subsystems of the following:
- Envelope
- Refrigeration Equipment
- Lighting
- Auxiliary Equipment
ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 211-2018 (RA 2023) is being revised by SSPC 211. Standard 211-2018R - Revision project approved in June 2023 and will be placed on continuous maintenance. Revised TPS approved June 2024.
Standard for Commercial Building Energy Audits and Decarbonization Assessments
The purpose of this standard is to establish consistent practices for conducting and reporting energy audits and decarbonization assessments for commercial buildings.
This standard:
- defines the procedures required to perform all levels of energy audits and decarbonization assessments,
- provides a common scope of work for these audit levels for use by building owners and others,
- establishes consistent methodology and minimum required level of analytical rigor, and
- establishes minimum reporting requirements for the results from energy audits and decarbonization assessments
2.1 This standard applies to all buildings except single-family houses, multifamily structures of three stories or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile homes), and manufactured houses (modular).
2.2 Decarbonization assessments covered by this standard address Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and exclude Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 212-2019 – Published standard.
Method of Test for Determining Energy Performance and Water-Use Efficiency of Add-On Evaporative Pre-Coolers for Unitary Air Conditioning Equipment
PURPOSE: To provide test methods for gathering performance data for use in calculating the design and seasonal energy savings potential and water-use performance of add-on evaporative pre-coolers for condenser inlet air of air-cooled, direct expansion unitary air conditioning equipment.
SCOPE: This standard applies to add-on evaporative pre-cooling accessories applied to the condenser inlet air of air-cooled unitary direct-expansion cooling equipment with less than or equal to 240 KBtuh cooling capacity.
SPC 212-2019R - Revision project committee authorized October 18, 2024 with the same TPS.
SPC 213P, Proposed Standard authorized 6/26/2013. Revised TPS approved January 2021.
Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish a standardized method for calculating thermodynamic properties of moist air for use in analyzing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating applications.
2.1. This standard provides mathematical relationships for the following thermodynamic properties: pressure, dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific volume, specific enthalpy, specific heat capacity at constant pressure, and specific entropy.
2.2 This standard applies to thermodynamic properties of moist air within the following range of conditions:
2.2.1 Total pressure from 70 to 110 kPa (10 to 16 psi),
2.2.2 Dry-bulb temperature from –60 to 85 °C (–80 to 185 °F), and
2.2.3 Relative humidity from 0 to 100%.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 214-2017 (RA 2023) - Published Standard. (Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 214-2017)
Standard for Determining and Expressing Building Energy Performance in a Rating Program
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to provide a standardized approach and methodology for determining and expressing building energy performance in a rating program.
1.2 The purpose of this standard is to standardize the content of the label associated with the energy component of a rating program and establish minimum requirements for rating program documentation.
2.1 This standard applies to:
- New and existing buildings.
- The building site or campus on which the building(s) are located and all accessory and appurtenant structures, energy using systems, and equipment located on the building site.
2.2 This standard establishes requirements for:
- The disclosure of building energy use via a rating and supporting summary documentation.
- Modeling of buildings and building sites to estimate or predict building energy use for an asset rating.
- Determining energy use, with metered data, of buildings and building sites for an operational rating.
- Acceptable credentialing criteria for individuals applying this standard and reporting building energy use.
- The format and content of the rating disclosure, the label, and supporting documentation.
2.3 This standard is intended to be used with one or multiple energy performance metrics.
2.4 This standard applies to only the energy component of a rating program.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 215-2018 (RA2021)- Published Standard
Method of Test to Determine Leakage of Operating HVAC Air-Distribution Systems
This standard specifies a method of test to determine leakage airflow and fractional leakage of operating HVAC air-distribution systems, and determines the uncertainty of the test results.
2.1 This standard is for field application in both new and existing buildings.
2.2 This standard can be applied to determine whole-system or sectional leakage airflow.
2.3 This standard provides (1) test procedures and requirements for measuring inlet and outlet airflows during system operation, and methods for (2) calculating leakage airflows to/from system surroundings, (3) calculating leakage test uncertainties, (4) documenting the test plan, and (5) reporting test results.
2.4 The test procedures in this standard are limited to single-duct supply and independent exhaust air systems.
2.5 This standard is not for determining return air leakage.
2.6 This standard is not for determining leakage involving ceiling and floor plenums, systems serving pressure-controlled spaces, and air dispersion systems.
2.7 This standard does not replace ductwork pressurization leakage testing.
2.8 This standard does not specify leakage acceptance criteria.
This standard shall not be used to override any safety, health, or critical process requirements.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 216-2020
Methods of Test for Determining Application Data of Overhead Circulator Fans
The purpose of this standard is to specify the instrumentation, facilities, test installation methods, and procedures to determine circulator fan application data for occupant thermal comfort in a space.
2.1 This standard applies to overhead circulator ceiling fans.
Standard 217-2020 - Published document.
Non-Emergency Ventilation in Enclosed Road, Rail and Mass Transit Facilities
This standard provides minimum ventilation requirements for ventilation systems within enclosed transportation facilities during non-emergency operating conditions.
2.1 This standard applies to enclosed transportation facilities, which consist of road tunnels, railway tunnels, mass transit tunnels and mass transit stations.
2.2 This standard provides criteria for non-emergency ventilation.
2.3 This standard addresses the design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance requirements of non-emergency ventilation systems and equipments.
SPC 217-2020R - Revision project committee authorized September 27, 2023 with same TPS.
Non-Emergency Ventilation in Enclosed Road, Rail and Mass Transit Facilities
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 218-2019 - Published Standard
Method of Test for Lubricant and Refrigerant Miscibility Determination
To establish a test procedure to determine the critical solution locus of miscibile properties of a lubricant and refrigerant mixture.
This standard applies to:
2.1 single component refrigerant and lubricant mixtures
2.2 multi-component refrigerant and lubricant mixtures.
SPC 218-2019R – Revision committee authorized by Standards Committee on April 11, 2022 with same TPS.
Method of Test for Lubricant and Refrigerant Miscibility Determination
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 219-2021, Published Standard
Method of Testing the Ability of Liquid Line Filter Driers or Adsorbents to Remove Organic Acid
1. PURPOSE: This standard establishes a suitable laboratory apparatus and test method for determining the ability of various adsorbents and refrigerant liquid line filter driers to remove specific organic acids from refrigerant-lubricant mixtures.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to the measurement of the mass of a specific organic acid removed from a refrigerant-lubricant mixture by a liquid line filter drier containing an adsorbent desiccant material or through a specific adsorbent material which can remove acid by adsorption and/or chemical reaction. The standard applies to methods associated with the extraction of both short and long chain carboxylic acids.
SPC 220P - Proposed Standard Authorized January 27, 2016 (Orlando)
Method of Testing for Rating Small Commercial Blast Chillers, Chiller-Freezers, and Freezers
1. PURPOSE: This standard prescribes a uniform method of testing small commercial blast chillers, chiller-freezers, and freezers to determine energy consumption, product temperature performance, and other performance factors.
This standard:
- establishes uniform methods of testing for determining laboratory performance of self-contained commercial blast chillers, chiller-freezers, and freezers of up to 500 ft3 (14 m3) product volume used for quick chilling or freezing of food products;
- lists and defines terms used in the method of testing;
- defines standard measurements for net usable volume; and
- establishes test conditions for rating.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 221-2020. Published Standard
Test Method to Field-Measure and Score the Cooling and Heating Performance of an Installed Unitary HVAC System
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to prescribe a field evaluation and test method to measure and score the performance, in terms of delivered cooling or heating capacity, or cooling efficiency, of an installed unitary HVAC system.
This standard:
- Defines performance scoring methods for cooling and heating system delivered capacity and cooling system efficiency;
- Establishes uniform methods of measurements and testing procedures for airflow, temperature, enthalpy, and power;
- Specifies test instruments, specifications and calibration requirements for performing such measurements and tests;
- Specifies data required and calculations to be used; and
- Applies to single-zone unitary split and packaged direct expansion (DX) cooling, air-source heat pump, and combustion furnace HVAC systems of any capacity, and with forced-air distribution systems.
SSPC 221 to maintain and revise Standard 221. Standard approved for continuous maintenance June 2020.
Standard 222-2018 - Published standard.
Standard Method of Test for Electrical Power Drive Systems
To determine the performance of power drive systems for rating the energy efficiency and electrical compatibility with the power grid and with motor insulation.
1. This standard is intended for HVACR applications that operate from low voltage (≤600 V ac).
2. This standard applies to adjustable speed electric AC power drive systems, which combine semiconductor power converters including means for their control, protection, monitoring, and measurement with connected electric motors. All electric rotary motor types are included.
3. This standard includes:
a) Power converters that are completely integrated in motor casings.
b) Remote power converters that are tested with motors defined in this standard.
SPC 222-2018R Revision committee approved by Standards Committee on 3/31/2021.
Standard Method of Test for Electrical Power Drive Systems
SPC 223P - Proposed Standard. Authorized February 1, 2017 (Las Vegas). This Standard is being developed by SSPC 135. Revised TPS approved June 26, 2020.
Semantic Data Model for Analytics and Automation Applications in Buildings
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to formally define knowledge concepts and a methodology to apply them to create interoperable, machine-readable semantic models for representing building system information for analytics, automation, and control.
Scope: This standard provides a way to apply Semantic Web standards to the creation of models that represent building system components, their relationships in various contexts, and associated data. Such models allow building analytics and enterprise knowledge tools to automatically find necessary information to implement applications including:
- automated fault detection and diagnostics,
- control system configuration,
- building system commissioning,
- digital twins,
- optimization of energy use,
- energy audits, and
- smart grid interactions.
ANSI/ASHRAE/NIBS 224-2023 Published Standard. This was approved for continuous maintenance in January 2024. NIBS is a co-sponsor to this standard.
Standard for the Application of Building Information Modeling
1. PURPOSE: This standard provides minimum requirements for the application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to the planning, design, construction and operation of buildings. This standard defines how to include BIM requirements in design, construction and operations services contracts.
2. SCOPE: This standard applies to new buildings or the renovation of, or additions to existing buildings using Building Information Modeling (BIM) for planning, design, construction and operations.
Standard 225-2020 – Published Standard.
Methods for Performance Testing Centrifugal Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units
This standard provides methods of testing for the performance rating of centrifugal refrigerant compressors and condensing units.
This standard applies to centrifugal refrigerant compressors and condensing units utilizing any refrigerants. This standard applies to single and multi-stage compressors with or without means of intermediate cooling.
SPC 226P- Designated as SPC 23P on November 14, 2010
SPC 227P, Proposed Standard authorized January 16, 2019. Revised TPS approved June 22, 2021
Passive Building Design Standard
PURPOSE: This standard provides requirements for the design of buildings that have exceptionally low energy usage and that are durable, resilient, comfortable, and healthy.
2.1 This standard is applicable to all new and existing buildings intended for human occupancy.
2.2 This standard provides requirements for the design, construction and plans for operation of the:
- building envelope,
- heating and cooling equipment and systems,
- ventilation systems,
- service hot water systems,
- interior and exterior lighting systems, and
- plug and appliance loads.
2.3 This standard does not provide requirements for the use of buildings.
2.4 This standard does not apply to process related systems or equipment.
2.5 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 228-2023 – Published Standard.
Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance
Purpose: This standard sets requirements for evaluating whether a building or group of buildings meets a definition of “zero net energy” and/or whether those buildings meet a definition of “zero net carbon”. It provides a consistent method of expressing qualifications for zero net energy and zero net carbon buildings associated with the design of new buildings and the operation of existing buildings.
2.1 This standard covers:
1. existing buildings, new buildings, groups of buildings, or portions of buildings;
2. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net energy status;
3. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net carbon status;
4. energy and carbon emissions associated with flows across the site boundary and off-site credited flows
2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:
1. establishment of building gross energy performance goals or limits
2. design guidance or design requirements
3. embodied energy or carbon of building materials and systems.
This standard was approved for continuous maintenance in January 2023.
SPC 229P - Proposed Standard Authorized November 15, 2019. Revised TPS approved June 2022.
Protocols for Evaluating Ruleset Application in Building Performance Models
Purpose: This standard establishes tests and acceptance criteria for application of rulesets and related reporting for building performance models.
This standard applies to evaluating the implementation of rulesets associated with new or existing buildings, their systems, controls, sites, and other aspects described by the ruleset. It establishes requirements for:
2.1 building performance modeling software
2.2 software that evaluates building performance models and associated information to check the application of a ruleset
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 230-2022 Published Standard.
The Commissioning Process Requirements for Existing Buildings and Systems
1. Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to identify the minimum acceptable Commissioning Process for existing buildings and systems.
2. Scope
2.1 This standard applies to existing buildings where modifications to the building systems are limited to existing infrastructure optimization, repair, or in-kind replacement.
2.2 This standard provides procedures, methods, and documentation requirements for each commissioning activity from planning and assessment, investigation, implementation to hand-off, including:
- overview of existing building commissioning process activities not requiring new design and construction activities
- description of minimum activities for each process step of this standard and specific incorporation of sections of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202, The Commissioning Process Requirements for New Buildings and New Systems for new design and construction activities performed to an existing building within this standard
- minimum documentation requirements for each process step
- identification of when portions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202 are applicable
2.3 The provisions of this standard do not apply to areas within or additions to an existing building, including removal of infrastructure requiring building system replacement that exceeds other than in-kind replacement. Modifications and additions that are outside the scope of this standard should follow appropriate portions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202, The Commissioning Process Requirements for New Buildings and New Systems.
SSPC 300 to be cognizant project committee for maintenance of Standard 230. Standard 230 on continuous maintenance.
SPC 231P, Proposed Standard authorized June 2020.
CDL - A Control Description Language for Building Environmental Control Sequences
The purpose of this standard is to define a declarative graphical programming language for building environmental control sequences that is both human and machine readable, designed for specification, implementation through machine-to-machine translation, documentation, and simulation.
This standard applies to building automation systems controlling environmental systems such as mechanical systems, active facades, and lighting.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IBPSA Standard 232-2024. Published Standard.
Common Content and Specifications for Building Data Schemas
PURPOSE: This standard defines metaschemas (such as data types, data elements, naming conventions, and formats) to specify and validate other standard schemas for data exchange among building performance and HVAC&R software.
SCOPE: This standard applies to data models and schemas specified in other standards for the design, operation, and performance of buildings.
SSPC 232 to maintain and revise Standard 232. Standard approved for continuous maintenance in 2024. IBPSA is a cosponsor to this standard.
SPC 233P – Proposed Standard authorized November 2021.
Testing, Evaluating, and Reporting of Phase Change Materials Performance
PURPOSE: To provide a test method to evaluate the performance of Phase Change Materials (PCMs). This standard also provides a method of reporting the performance of different phase change materials in a standardized way based on laboratory testing.
1. This standard covers the testing and evaluation of Phase Change Materials (PCM)
thermal and life-cycle performance.
2. This standard includes:
• Uniform method of testing
• Identification of testing equipment for performing such testing.
• Identification of data required and calculations to be used.
• Identification of reporting method to be used.
• Criteria for determining the life cycle performance.
• Definitions and Terminology
3. This standard does not cover thermal energy storage system-level evaluation.
SPC 240P – Proposed Standard authorized February 2022. ICC is a co-sponsor to this standard. Revised TPS approved via letter ballot November 2023.
Quantification of Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Buildings
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to provide a methodology to quantify and document greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, building systems, and building equipment, and their sites over their life cycle.
This standard provides minimum requirements for the quantification of embodied and operational greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, and their sites.
2.2 This standard provides minimum requirements for documentation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions.
2.3 This standard does not set benchmarks or establish levels of building performance.
2.4 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements.
ASHRAE Standard 241-2023 Published Standard.
Control of Infectious Aerosols
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements for control of infectious aerosols to reduce risk of disease transmission in the occupiable space in new buildings, existing buildings, and major renovations to existing buildings, including requirements for both outdoor air system and air cleaning system design, installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance.
1.2 This standard defines the amount of equivalent clean airflow necessary to substantially reduce the risk of disease transmission during infection risk management mode.
2. Scope
2.1 This standard
a. Does not address requirements for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality
b. May not substantially reduce transmission risk in all situations due to the diversity of infectious agents and personal susceptibility
c. Addresses only indoor long-range transmission resulting from inhalation of infectious aerosol emitted by an infector who is not in close proximity to a susceptible occupant
2.2 This standard does not determine the conditions under which infection risk management mode should be invoked.
2.3 No requirement in this standard shall be used to circumvent any health, safety or comfort regulations required by the authority having jurisdiction.
SSPC 241 to maintain and revise Standard 241. Standard approved for continuous maintenance June 2023.
SPC 242P, Standard Method for Calculation of Building Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions Proposed Standard authorized January 2024. ICC is a cosponsor to this standard (approved June 2024).
Purpose: This standard provides a common methodology for the calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon emissions of new and existing buildings. This standard provides a consistent procedure and data to be referenced by other standards that define methods of evaluation, verification, limitations, or targets for new and existing buildings.
2.1 This standard covers:
- calculation methodology for determination and expression of building(s) GHG and carbon emissions associated with building operations including energy use; and
- calculation methodology for determination and expression of the building(s) GHG and carbon emissions associated with flows across the site boundary and off-site credited flows.
2.2 This standard provides:
- Uniform method of calculation and minimum required level of rigor
- Identification of data required and calculations to be used
- Identification of reporting metrics to be used
- Definitions and Terminology
2.3 This standard does not establish methods of evaluation, verification, GHG or carbon
emission goals or limits, or provide design guidance or requirements for buildings.
SPC 243P, Safety Standard for Transportation Refrigerating Systems Proposed Standard authorized January 2024.
Purpose: This standard specifies safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigerating systems for use in transportation applications.
- This standard establishes safeguards for life, limb, health and property and prescribes safety requirements
- The design, construction, test, installation, operation, and inspection of mechanical refrigerating systems used in transportation applications
- Modifications, including replacement of parts or components if they are not identical in function and capacity
- Substitutions of refrigerants having a different designation
- This standard applies to refrigerating systems for the following applications
- On road transport of goods
- Refrigerated rail units and refrigerated boxcar
- Self-contained marine
- Intermodal transport
- Passenger buses and trains
- This standard does not apply to
- Mobile air conditioning (MAC) systems within the scope of SAE J639
- Refrigerating and air conditioning systems integral to ships within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 26
- Any refrigerating or air conditioning system designed to be operated during air travel
- Refrigerating and air conditioning systems within scope of ASHRAE Standard 15
- Residential refrigerating and air conditioning systems within scope of ASHRAE Standard 15.2
Standard 244P – Proposed Standard authorized June 2024.
Sustainability Assessment for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Products
1. Purpose: This standard specifies the process for developing a lifecycle assessment-based product claim for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing assemblies.
2. Scope:
2.1 This standard applies to product assemblies in which multiple raw materials are combined or processed into a single unit.
2.2 This standard is intended for use by manufacturers and by ANSI-accredited program operators and independent verifiers participating in the preparation of a lifecycle assessment-based product claim.
2.3 The process includes:
(a) creating or adopting the necessary product category rules (PCRs)
(b) performing a life-cycle assessment (LCA) in accordance with the PCRs
(c) reporting the LCA results in the product claim document
(d) registering the product claim document for public access
(e) updating PCRs and re-assessing products as needed
2.4 This document is intended to supplement ISO 14025 and related standards where an existing product claim is 1) unavailable for individual components or 2) incompatible with the documentation requirements of the final assembly.
Standard 245P - Proposed Standard authorized June 2024.
Acceptable Performance Standard for District Cooling Systems
1. To establish the minimum acceptable performance requirements of district cooling system, for siting, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of components including, plant systems, distribution systems and energy transfer stations.
2. To minimize emissions from district cooling plants and plant systems, conserve water resources, materials, and resources, and construction and plans for operation.
This standard provides:
2.1 minimum energy-efficient requirements for the design and construction, and a plan for operation and maintenance of
- new district cooling plants, equipment and their component systems,
- new portions of district cooling plants and their component systems,
- new equipment or component systems specifically identified in this standard that are part of a site, and
- new components, systems and equipment for existing district cooling plants.
2.2 criteria for determining compliance with these requirements.
2.3 establish minimum criteria for the design of critical components.
2.4 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:
a. low rise residential, single-family houses
b. district cooling plants that do not serve more than one building or are not defined as district cooling.
c. Industrial focused process cooling plants that are do not supply space cooling for human comfort applications.
2.5 Where specifically noted in this standard, certain other plants or elements of plants or sites shall be exempt.
2.6 This standard shall not be used to circumvent any safety, health, or environmental requirements of the final assembly.
SSPC 300 – formed July 1, 2017 to revise and maintain commissioning series standards and guidelines.
SSPC 300 to revise and maintain Standard 202, Standard 230P, Guideline 0, Guideline 0.2, Guideline 1.1, Guideline 1.2, Guideline 1.3, Guideline 1.4, Guideline 1.5,, Guideline 1.6P and Guideline 1.7P.
SSPC 400 – formed January 24, 2024 to revise and maintain building water systems risk management series standards and guidelines.
SSPC 400 to maintain Guideline 12, Standard 188, and Standard 514.
Risk Management for Building Water Systems
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 514-2023 Published Standard.
Risk Management for Building Water Systems: Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Hazards
Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements to reduce illness and injury from physical, chemical, and microbial hazards from water systems in buildings.
2.1. This standard applies to the design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and expansion of new and existing building water systems (potable and non-potable) and components.
2.2. This standard applies to human-occupied commercial, institutional, multiunit residential, assembly, educational, and industrial buildings. This standard does not include single-family residential buildings.
2.3. This standard is intended for owners, authorities having jurisdiction, and those involved in the design, construction, management, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and service of centralized building water systems and components.
SSPC 400 is the cognizant project committee for maintenance of Standard 514 (approved January 2024).