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Withdrawn and Discontinued Projects

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Withdrawn Standards and Guidelines (Updated June 2024)

Standard Number Title
Guideline 3-1996 Reducing Emission of Halogenated Refrigerants in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Systems (Withdrawn 7/1/2004. Superseded by Standard 147)
Guideline 2-2010(RA2014) Engineering Analysis of Experimental Data
Guideline 8-1994 Energy Cost Allocation for Multiple-Occupancy Residential Buildings. (Withdrawn January 2014. The Guideline is out of date.)
Guideline 24-2015 Guideline for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. (Withdrawn 10/23/20. Refer to: ASHRAE's Residential Indoor Air Quality Guide.)
Guideline 26-2012 Guideline for Field Testing of General Ventilation Filtration Devices and Systems for Removal Efficiency In-Situ by Particle Size and Resistance to Airflow
Standard 12-1975 Refrigeration Terms and Definitions (Withdrawn 7/02/1987. Refer to ASHRAE Terminology of HVAC & R)
Standard 13-1969 Methods of Testing for Household Refrigerators, Combination of Refrigerators-Freezers, and Household Freezers
Standard 14-1980 Methods of Testing for Rating Positive Displacement Condensing Units (Superseded by ASHRAE Standard 23-1993)
Standard 18-2008
(RA 2013)
Methods of Testing for Rating Drinking-Water Coolers with Self-Contained Mechanical Refrigeration (lost its ANSI Designation 1/30/2018.)
Standard 23-2005 Methods of Testing for Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units (Withdrawn 2/17/2012. Replaced by ANSI/ASHRAE Standards 23.1 and 23.2.)
 Standard 23.1-2019 Methods of Testing for Performance Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units that Operate at Subcritical Temperatures of the Refrigerant
Standard 23.2-2019 Methods of Test for Rating the Performance of Positive Displacement Compressors that Operate at Supercritical Pressures of the Refrigerant Published Standard
Standard 32-1986 (RA 90) Methods of Testing and Rating Bottled and Canned Beverage Vendors and Coolers (superseded by 32.1-1997)
Standard 36-1972 Method of Testing for Sound Rating Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Equipment (Refer to ASA 12-80 for MOT, ARI 270 for Certification)
Standard 41.5-1975 Standard Measurement Guide for Engineering Analysis of Experimental Data (Superseded by Guideline 2)
Standard 45-1986 Methods of Testing for Rating Non-Residential Warm Air Heaters (Withdrawn 1/30/1992 due to lack of industry support.)
Standard 47-1969 Methods of Testing for Rating Return-Line Low-Vacuum Heating Pumps
Standard 52.1-1992 Gravimetric and Dust-Spot Procedures for Testing Air-Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter (Withdrawn Jan. 2009) Material is now included in Standard 52.2
Standard 53.1-1946 Light and Ventilation
Standard 58-1986 (RA2014) Method of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioner and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Heating Capacity
Standard 63.1-1995 (RA 2001) Method of Testing Liquid-Line Refrigerant Driers
Standard 68-1997 (ANSI/AMCA 330-97) Laboratory Method of Testing to Determine the Sound Power in a Duct (Withdrawn by AMCA February 2016)
Standard 69-1990 Methods of Testing Discharge Line Refrigerant-Oil Separators (Published 1990- superseded 69-1971; Revision committee authorized 10/28/1994; Standard Committee voted to withdraw 10/17/1999)
Standard 71-1973 Methods of Testing for Rating Unit Ventilators
Standard 74-1988 Method of Measuring Solar-Optical Properties of Materials
Standard 83-1985 Capacity Measurement of Field-Erected Compression-Type Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems (Withdrawn 7/02/1997 due to lack of industry support.)
Standard 85-1978 Automatic Control Terminology for Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment (Withdrawn 7/02/1987. Refer to ASHRAE Terminology of HVAC & R)
Standard 87.1-1992  Method of Testing Fan Vibration - Blade Vibrations and Critical Speeds. (Failure to form a committee) 
Standard 87.2-2009  In-Situ Method of Testing Propeller Fans for Reliability (No longer a need for this standard as current practice is to use finite element analysis. Withdrawn January 30, 2013)
Standard 87.3-2001 (RA2010) Method of Testing Propeller Fan Vibration-Diagnostic Test Methods. This standard is being withdrawn because it is no longer needed. Withdrawn January, 2015.
Standard 91-1976 (RA 89) Methods of Testing Pre-Mix and Post-Mix Soft Drink Vending and Dispensing Equipment (superseded by Standard 32.2-1997)
Standard 93-2010 (RA 2014) Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors
Standard 94.1-2010 Method of Testing Active Latent-Heat Storage Devices Based on Thermal Performance. Withdrawn January 2014. This standard has minimal use
Standard 94.2-2010 Method of Testing Thermal Storage Devices with Electrical Input and Thermal Output Based on Thermal Performance. Withdrawn February 10, 2020. This standard has minimal use
Standard 94.3-2010 Method of Testing Active Sensible Thermal Energy Devices Based on Thermal Performance. Withdrawn January 2014. This standard has minimal use
ASHRAE 95-1981 (RA 87) Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems. Withdrawn December 2024.
ASHRAE Standard 96-1980 (RA 89) Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Unglazed Flat-Plate Liquid-Type Solar Collectors. Withdrawn December 2024.
Standard 99-2006 Refrigeration Oil Description
Standard 101-1981 Application of Infrared Sensing Devices to the Assessment of Building Heat Loss Characteristics (Withdrawn 6/1989 because ASTM standard is preferred)
Standard 102-1983(RA 89) Methods of Testing Non-Electric Non-Pneumatic Thermostatic Radiator Valves (Published 1983 – Reaffirmed 1989; Standards Committee voted to withdraw 10/17/1999 and on 10/06/2002, ASHRAE BOD approved the withdrawal on 1/30/2003)
Standard 106-1984 Method of Testing for Performance Rating of Woodburning Appliances (Withdrawn 2/22/1996 due to lack of industry support and no professional interest in revising. Canadian standard is available.)
Standard 109-1986 (RA 2003) Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance Collectors Containing A Boiling Liquid. Withdrawn January 2008
Standard 114-1986 Energy Management Control Systems Instrumentation
Standard 117-2002  Method of Testing Closed Refrigerators (This standard was withdrawn because the material is now included in Std 72-2005)
Standard 119-1988 (RA 2004) Air Leakage Performance for Detached Single-Family Residential Buildings (Withdrawn 2/17/2012) (119 requirements were placed in Std 62.2)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 134-2005 (RA 2014)

Graphic Symbols for Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Systems. Withdrawn February 2018. Please reference the 2017 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter 38 “Abbreviations and Symbols” for content included in Standard 134.

Standard 136-1993 A Method of Determining Air Change Rates in Detached Dwellings (Contents have been incorporated into Standard 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Withdrawn January 30, 2013)
Standard 137-2013 (RA2017) Methods of Testing for Efficiency of Space-Conditioning/Water-Heating Appliances that Include a Desuperheater Water Heater
Standard 149-2013 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans Used to Exhaust Smoke in Smoke Management Systems. Withdrawn May 2018 due to lack of use.
Standard 151-2010 Practices for Measuring, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Shipboard HVAC&R Systems. This standard is being withdrawn due to a lack of use. Withdrawn January, 2015.
Standard 152-2014 Method of Test for Determining the Design and Seasonal Efficiencies of Residential Thermal Distribution Systems. This standard was withdrawn due to lack of use in January 2024.

Discontinued Projects (1992–Present)

Project Number Title
GPC 7P Capacity Measurement of Field-Erected Compression-Type Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems (Proposed guideline project authorized 6/09/1990 to replace ANSI/ASHRAE 83-1985. Discontinued 6/27/1992.)
GPC 9P Procedure for Estimating the Impact of the Choice of Fuels and Energy Sources Required for Building Systems (Proposed guideline project authorized 1/19/1991 to replaced SPC 112P that was revising 90C. Discontinued 6/27/1992.)
GPC 15P  Thermal and Air Intrusion Considerations in the Design of Roofs, Walls and Floors (Lack of interest in the project, no full committee, and no work done since 1994.) (Discontinued Jan. 2008)
GPC 17P Sampling of Airborne Particle Concentrations in Commercial and Residential Buildings (Proposed standard project authorized 10/29/1995. Discontinued June 2010, Albuquerque)
GPC 18P Design Guidance for Energy Efficient Buildings (Proposed guideline project authorized 6/19/1999 as a companion document to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1. Disbanded 7/2/2003, Kansas City)
GPC 19P Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality (Proposed guideline authorized 10/17/1999) Withdrawn because an advanced IAQ Guide is being written that will contain the same material that would have been placed in the guideline (Discontinued June 2007)
GPC 25P Method of Measuring Solar-Optical Properties of Materials. Proposed guideline authorized January 2004. Discontinued June 2014 due to lack of interest in developing the standard.
GPC 46P Design and Construction Practices for Controlling Humidity in Residential Buildings (Proposed guideline authorized November 2021. Discontinued July 2024 due to lack of committee membership)
Standard 41.12P Standard Methods for Uncertainty Analysis. Project authorized July 1, 2015 (Atlanta). Project discontinued June 2016. The 41.12 subcommittee recommended that ASME PTC 19.1 should be used and cited by all ASHRAE standards that include uncertainty analysis.
SPC 95P Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems (Proposed standard project authorized 10/21/1989. Discontinued June 2010, Albuquerque)
SPC 96P Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Unglazed Flat-Plate Liquid-Type Solar Collectors. Revision project committee authorized 1/26/1994 with same TPS.
SPC 109P  Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Flat-Plate Solar Collectors Containing a Boiling Liquid 
(Withdrawn NY 2008 for failure to form a project committee )
SPC 110.2P Method of Test for Bio Safety Cabinets. Discontinued project approved by Standards Committee 10/2/2005 for failure to form a committee.
SPC 131P Method of Testing Four-Way Heat Pump Reversing Valves (Returned to TC 8.8 for further research)
SSPC 141P Methods of Test for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers. (No project committee as all the member rolled off in 2003 and an ISO standard on the same subject is being drafted) (Discontinued Jan. 2008)
SPC 142P  Standard method for Determining and Expressing the Heat Transfer and Total Optical Properties of Fenestration Products (Proposed standard project authorized 1/28/1989.  Discontinued due to an ISO standard on the same topic and lack of support.  Discontinued and disbanded 9/29/2006.)
SPC 144P Redesignated as SPC 87.2P.
SPC 145.3 Field Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Systems: Installed Systems (Proposed standard project authorized 6/1/2002. Disbanded June 2010, Albuquerque.)
SPC 148P Method of Testing for Rating Movable, Single-Package Air Conditioners (Proposed standard project authorized 1/25/1992. SPC 148P discontinued 6/26/1993 for lack of industry support.)
SPC 156P Now SPC 41.10P. (Discontinued March 1999)
SPC 157P Methods of Testing for Rating Mechanical Transport Refrigeration Units (Proposed project committee authorized 2/01/1995; Standard Committee voted to disband 6/24/2000)
SPC 159P Methods of Testing for Rating Pressure Regulating Valves (Combined with SPC 158P, Methods of Testing for Rating Refrigerant Solenoid Valves, to prepare Standards 158.1P and 158.2P; 2/05/2000, Dallas) (Products covered by these methods of tests (MOTs) are similar and thus committee membership can be largely the same.)
SPC 162P Methods of Testing Dampers Used in Smoke Management Systems (Proposed project committee authorized 95/10/29; Standards Committee voted to disband 10/17/1999 and again 6/24/2000; It was the consensus of the project committee that the issues are adequately addressed in AMCA 500D, UL 555, and UL 555S.)
SPC 163P Methods of Testing the Performance of Non-Condensable Gas Purge Equipment for Use with Low Pressure Centrifugal Chillers (Proposed project committee authorized 10/29/1995; Standards Committee voted to discontinue project 10/16/2001; Very narrow topic. Difficult to form a project committee.)
SPC 165P Methods of Testing Ice Storage Bins (Proposed standard project committee authorized 10/29/1995. SPC 165P discontinued 1/17/1998 for lack of interest and support for manning project committee.)
SPC 166P Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Terminology (Proposed standard project authorized 2/21/1996) SPC 166P discontinued 6/23/2012. Project replaced with the publication of the ASHRAEWiki for terminology definitions.)
SPC 167P Model Safety Code for Mechanical Installations (Proposed project committee authorized 10/20/1996; Standards Committee voted to disband 10/17/1999; Lack of interest. No project committee formed)
SPC 168P SI Usage in Heating Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigerating (Proposed standard project authorized 1/29/1997. SPC 168P discontinued 1/17/1998 for lack of interest and support for manning project committee.)
SPC 175P Metal Pressure Vessel Method to Test Materials Used in Refrigeration Systems (Project discontinued as a standard and redesignated as Guideline 38P, June 2015.)
SPC 176P Method of Testing for Determination of Electrical Properties of Refrigerants (Discontinued March 2006 for failure to form a committee) - Content is to be included in Standard 172.
SPC 177P Method of Test for Measuring Fractionated Compositions of Refrigerant Blends (Project discontinued as a standard and redesignated as Guideline 39P, June 2015.)
SPC 178P  Method of  Test for Commercial and Industrial Humidifiers (This project is discontinued because the same subject is being covered in Standard 164.3P) 
SPC 179P Methods of Test for Life Testing Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors (Project authorized July 2003 and discontinued June 2013 for lack of interest in the proposed standard.)
SPC 186P Method of Test for Rating Positive Displacement Compressors that Operate at Supercritical Temperatures of the Refrigerants. (This was renumbered to SPC 23.2P. January 2010
SPC 187P Method of Test for Determination of Electrical Properties of Refrigerants (Project discontinued 7/3/2006 for failure to form a committee.)
SPC 189.2P Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Sustainable Low-Rise Residential Buildings. (Project notification withdrawn May 16, 2014.)
SPC 192P Method of Testing for Rating Desuperheater/Water Heaters(Project discontinued January 2010 for failure to form a committee.)
SPC 197P Measuring Air-Change Effectiveness (Project discontinued June 2015 to complete needed research.)
SPC 208P SPC 208P Method of Test for Determining Hydronic System Balance Valve Capacity (Project discontinued April 2022 due to lack of need for the standard.)
